Bible verses about "excuses" | Bishops

Exodus 4:1

1 Moyses aunswered, and said: See, they wyll not beleue me, nor harken vnto my voyce: but wyll saye, The Lorde hath not appeared vnto thee

2 Kings 5:10-14

10 And Elisa sent a messenger vnto him, saying: Go, and washe thee in Iordane seuen tymes, and thy fleshe shall come againe to thee, and thou shalt be cleansed 11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and saide: Beholde, I thought with my selfe, he would surely come out, and stande and call on the name of the Lord his god, & put his hand on the place, that he may heale the leprosie 12 Are not Abana and Pharphar riuers of Damasco, better then all the waters of Israel? If I washe me also in them, shal I not be cleansed? And so he turned him, and departed with displeasure 13 And his seruauntes came, and communed with him, and saide: Father, if the prophet had byd thee do some great thing, oughtest thou not to haue done it? How much rather then when he saith to thee, washe, and be cleane 14 Then went he downe, & washed him selfe seuen tymes in Iordane, according to the saying of the man of God, and his fleshe came againe lyke vnto the fleshe of a litle childe, and he was cleansed

Jeremiah 1:7-8

7 And the Lorde aunswered me thus: Say not so, I am to young: for thou shalt go to all that I shall sende thee vnto, and whatsoeuer I commaunde thee, that shalt thou speake 8 Be not afrayde of their faces: for I am with thee to deliuer thee, saith the Lorde

2 Peter 3:9

9 The Lorde that hath promised, is not slacke, as some men count slacknesse, but is pacient to vswarde [forasmuch] as he woulde haue no man lost, but wyll receaue all men to repentaunce

Genesis 3:12

12 And Adam said: The woman whom thou gauest [to be] with me, she gaue me of the tree, and I dyd eate

Judges 6:12-17

12 And the angel of the Lorde appeared vnto him, and said vnto him: The Lord is with thee, thou mightie man 13 And Gedeon aunswered him: Oh my Lord, if the Lorde be with vs, why is all this come vpon vs? Yea, & where be all his miracles which our fathers tolde vs of, and sayd: Dyd not the Lord bryng vs out of Egypt? But nowe the Lord hath forsaken vs, and deliuered vs into the handes of the Madianites 14 And the Lord loked vpon him, and sayde: Go hence in this thy might, and thou shalt deliuer Israel out of the handes of the Madianites: Haue not I sent thee 15 And he aunswered him: Oh Lorde, wherwith shall I saue Israel? Behold my kinred is poore in Manasses, and I am litle in my fathers house 16 The Lord sayd vnto him: I will be with thee, & thou shalt smyte the Madianites, as they were but one man 17 And he aunswered him: Oh, yf I haue founde grace in thy syght, than shew me a a signe, that it is thou that talkest with me

Matthew 8:21

21 And another, of the number of his disciples, sayde vnto hym: Lorde, suffer me first to go and bury my father

Romans 2:1-29

1 Therefore art thou inexcusable, O ma, whosoeuer thou be that iudgest. For in that same wherin thou iudgest another, thou condempnest thy self. For thou that iudgest, doest euen ye selfe same thynges 2 But we are sure that the iudgement of god is according to the trueth, against them which commit such thynges 3 Thinkest thou this, O thou man that iudgest them whiche do such thynges, and doest the same [thy selfe] that thou shalt escape the iudgement of God 4 Eyther despisest thou the rychesse of his goodnes, & pacience, and long sufferaunce, not knowyng that the kyndnesse of god leadeth thee to repentauce 5 But thou after thy stubbernnesse and heart that can not repent, heapest vnto thy selfe wrath, agaynst the daye of wrath and declaration of the righteous iudgement of God 6 Which wyl rewarde euery man accordyng to his deedes 7 To them, whiche by continuyng in well doyng seke for glorie, and honour, and immortalitie, eternall lyfe 8 But vnto them that are contentious, & that do not obey the trueth, but obey vnrighteousnes [shall come] indignation, and wrath 9 Tribulation, and anguishe, vpon euery soule of man that doeth euyll, of the Iewe first, and also of the Greke 10 But glorie, and honour, and peace to euery man that doeth good, to ye Iewe first, and also to the Greke 11 For there is no respect of persos with God 12 For whosoeuer hath sinned without lawe, shall also perishe without lawe: And as many as haue sinned in ye lawe, shalbe iudged by the lawe 13 (For in the sight of God, they are not righteous whiche heare the lawe: but the doers of the lawe shalbe iustified 14 For when the Gentiles, which haue not the lawe, do of nature the thynges conteyned in the lawe: they hauing not the lawe, are a lawe vnto them selues 15 Which shewe the workes of the lawe written in their heartes, their conscience bearing them witnesse, & their thoughtes, accusyng one another, or excusyng, 16 At the day when God shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christe, accordyng to my Gospell 17 Behold, thou art called a Iewe, and restest in the lawe, and makest thy boast of God 18 And knowest his wyll, and alowest the thinges that be excellent, infourmed by the lawe 19 And beleuest that thou thy selfe art a guyde of the blynde, a lyght of them which are in darknesse 20 An infourmer of them whiche lacke discretion, a teacher of the vnlearned: which hast the fourme of knowledge, & of the trueth in the lawe 21 Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest not thy selfe? Thou preachest a man shoulde not steale, yet thou stealest 22 Thou that sayest a man shoulde not commit adulterie, breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest idoles, and yet robbest God of his honour 23 Thou that makest thy boast of ye lawe, through breakyng the lawe dishonorest God 24 For the name of God is euyll spoken of among the Gentiles, through you: As it is written 25 For circumcision veryly auayleth, yf thou kepe the lawe: But yf thou be a breaker of the lawe, thy circumcision is made vncircumcision 26 Therefore if the vncircumcisio kepe the ordinaunces of the law, shall not his vncircumcisio be counted for circumcisio 27 And shall not vncircumcision which is by nature, if it kepe the law, iudge thee, which beyng vnder the letter & circumcision, doest transgresse the lawe 28 For he is not a Iewe, whiche is a Iewe outwarde. Neither is that circucision which is outwarde in the fleshe 29 But he is a Iewe whiche is one inwardly, and the circumcisio of ye heart, which consisteth in the spirite, and not in the letter [is circumcision] whose prayse is not of men, but of God

Romans 1:20

20 For his inuisible thinges, being vnderstanded by his workes, through the creation of the worlde, are seene, that is, both his eternall power and godhead: So that they are without excuse

Romans 2:1

1 Therefore art thou inexcusable, O ma, whosoeuer thou be that iudgest. For in that same wherin thou iudgest another, thou condempnest thy self. For thou that iudgest, doest euen ye selfe same thynges

Genesis 3:13

13 And the Lord God sayd vnto the woman: Why hast thou done this? And the woman sayde: the serpent begyled me, and I dyd eate

Jeremiah 1:4-10

4 The worde of the Lorde spake thus vnto me 5 Before I fashioned thee in thy mothers wombe, I dyd knowe thee: and or euer thou wast borne, I sanctified thee, and ordeyned thee to be a prophete vnto the people 6 Then sayde I: O Lorde God, I can not speake, for I am yet but young 7 And the Lorde aunswered me thus: Say not so, I am to young: for thou shalt go to all that I shall sende thee vnto, and whatsoeuer I commaunde thee, that shalt thou speake 8 Be not afrayde of their faces: for I am with thee to deliuer thee, saith the Lorde 9 And with that the Lorde stretched out his hande and touched my mouth: and the same Lorde sayde vnto me, Beholde, I put my wordes in thy mouth 10 And beholde, this day do I set thee ouer the people and kyngdomes, that thou mayest roote out, breake of, destroy, and make waste, and that thou mayest builde vp and plant

Luke 9:59-62

59 And he sayde vnto another, folowe me. And the same sayde: Lorde, suffer me first to go and burie my father 60 Iesus sayde vnto hym, Let the dead burie their dead: but go thou & preache the kyngdome of God 61 And another sayde: Lorde I wyll folowe thee, but let me first go byd them farewell, which are at home at my house 62 Iesus sayde vnto hym: No man that putteth his hande to the plowe, and loketh backe, is apt to the kyngdome of God

Exodus 4:10-14

10 Moyses sayd vnto the Lorde: Oh my Lord, I am neither yesterday nor yer yesterday a man eloquet, neither sence thou hast spoken vnto thy seruaunt: but I am slowe mouthed, & slowe tounged 11 And the Lorde sayd vnto hym: who hath made mans mouth? or who maketh the dumbe, or deafe, the seyng, or the blynde? Haue not I the Lorde 12 And nowe go, and I wyll be with thy mouth, and teache thee what thou shalt say 13 He said: oh my Lorde, sende I pray thee, by the hande of hym whom thou wylt sende 14 And the Lorde was angry with Moyses, and sayde: Do not I knowe Aaron thy brother the Leuite, that he can speake? For lo, he commeth foorth to meete thee: and when he seeth thee, he wyll be glad in his heart

Luke 14:18-20

18 And they all at once began to make excuse. The first sayde vnto hym: I haue bought a farme, & I must needes go & see it, I pray thee haue me excused 19 And another sayde: I haue bought fiue yoke of oxen, and I go to proue them, I pray thee haue me excused 20 And another sayde: I haue maryed a wyfe, and therfore I can not come

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