Bible verses about "dust" | Bishops

Matthew 10:14

14 And whosoeuer shal not receaue you, nor wyll heare your preachyng: when ye depart out of that house, or that citie, shake of the dust of your feete

Psalms 139:13-16

13 For thou hast my reynes in thy possession: thou didst couer me in my mothers wombe 14 I wyll confesse it vnto thee, for that thy [doynges] are to be dreaded, I am made after a marueylous sort: thy workes be marueylous, and that my soule knoweth ryght well 15 The substaunce of my [body] was not hyd from thee: when I was made in secrete and fashioned with distinct members in my mothers wombe 16 Thyne eyes dyd see me when I was most imperfect: and in thy booke were written euery day of them [wherin the partes of my body] were shaped, and no one of them were knowen vnto thee

Luke 9:5

5 And whosoeuer wyll not receaue you, when ye go out of that citie, shake of the very dust from your feete, for a testimonie agaynst them

Romans 9:21

21 Hath not the potter power ouer the clay, euen of the same lumpe to make one vessel vnto honour, and another vnto dishonour

Psalms 103:14

14 For he knoweth wherof we be made: he remembreth that we are but dust

Psalms 103:13-14

13 Yea lyke as a father pitieth [his owne] children: euen so is God mercifull vnto them that feare hym 14 For he knoweth wherof we be made: he remembreth that we are but dust

Ecclesiastes 12:7

7 Then shall the dust be turned agayne vnto earth from whence it came, and the spirite shall returne vnto God who gaue it

Genesis 2:7

7 The Lorde God also dyd shape man, [euen] dust fro of the grounde, & breathed into his nosethrylles the breath of lyfe, and man was a lyuyng soule

Genesis 3:19

19 In the sweatte of thy face shalt thou eate thy breade, tyll thou be turned agayne into the ground, for out of it wast thou taken: For dust thou art, and into dust shalt thou be turned agayne

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