Bible verses about "disbelief" | Bishops

2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therfore yf any man be in Christe, he is a newe creature. Olde thynges are passed awaye, beholde all thynges are become newe

2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

9 [Euen hym] whose commyng is after the workyng of Satan, in all power & signes, and wonders, of lying 10 And in all deceauablenesse of vnryghteousnesse, in them that peryshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued

Romans 10:17

17 So then fayth commeth by hearyng, and hearyng commeth by the worde of God

Ephesians 6:11

11 Put on all the armour of God, that ye may stande agaynst the assaultes of the deuyll

2 Timothy 3:1-4

1 This knowe also, that in the last dayes, perylous tymes shalbe at hande 2 For men shalbe louers of their owne selues, couetous, boasters, proude, blasphemers, disobedient to fathers and mothers, vnthankefull, vngodlye 3 Without naturall affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, riotous, fierce, despisers of them which are good 4 Traytours, headdy, hye mynded, louers of pleasures more then louers of God

Mark 9:24

24 And strayghtwaye the father of the childe cryed with teares, saying: Lorde I beleue, helpe thou mine vnbeliefe

Romans 8:7

7 Because that the fleshly mynde is enmitie agaynst God: For it is not obedient to the lawe of God, neither can be

2 Timothy 3:7

7 Euer learnyng, and neuer able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the tyme wyll come, when they shall not suffer wholsome doctrine: but after their owne lustes, shal they whose eares itche, get the an heape of teachers 4 And shall turne away their hearyng from the trueth, and shalbe turned vnto fables

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