Bible verses about "astrology" | Bishops

Leviticus 19:26

26 Ye shall not eate vpon blood, neither shall ye vse witchcraft, nor obserue tymes

Leviticus 20:6

6 If a soule turne hym selfe after suche as worke with spirites, and after soothsayers, to go a whoring after them, I wyll put my face agaynst that soule, and wyll cut hym of fro among his people

Deuteronomy 17:2-5

2 If there be founde among you within any of thy gates which the Lorde thy God geueth thee, man or woman that hath wrought wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde thy God, in transgressyng his couenaunt 3 And gone and serued straunge gods, and worshipped them, as the sunne or moone, or any of the hoast of heauen, which I haue not commaunded 4 And it is tolde thee, & thou hast hearde of it, then shalt thou enquire diligently: and if it be true, & the thyng of a suretie that such abhomination is wrought in Israel 5 Then shalt thou bryng foorth that man or that woman (which haue committed that wicked thyng) vnto the gates, and shalt stone them with stones tyll they dye

Isaiah 47:13

13 Thou hast hitherto had many counsayles of them: So let the heauen gasers, and the beholders of starres, and moone prophetes, come on now and deliuer thee, yea and let them shew when these new thinges shal come vpon thee

Isaiah 47:12-15

12 Nowe go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches with whom thou hast weeryed thy selfe from thy youth, if thei may helpe thee or strength thee 13 Thou hast hitherto had many counsayles of them: So let the heauen gasers, and the beholders of starres, and moone prophetes, come on now and deliuer thee, yea and let them shew when these new thinges shal come vpon thee 14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whiche if it be kindeled with fire, no man may rid it for the vehemencie of the flambe, and yet it geueth no finders to warme a man by, nor cleare fire to sit by 15 Thus are they with whom thou hast weeried thy self, and thus are thy marchauntes that haue ben with thee from thy youth: euery one hath taken his owne way, and none of them shall defende thee

Isaiah 8:19

19 And if they say vnto you, Aske counsayle at the Soothsayers, Witches, Charmers, and Coniurers: [then make them this aunswere,] Is there a people any where that asketh not counsayle at his God? shoulde men runne vnto the dead for the liuing

Jeremiah 10:2

2 Thus saith the Lord: ye shal not learne after the maner of the heathen, and ye shall not be afraide for the tokens of heauen: for the heathen are afraide of suche

Jeremiah 10:2-3

2 Thus saith the Lord: ye shal not learne after the maner of the heathen, and ye shall not be afraide for the tokens of heauen: for the heathen are afraide of suche 3 Yea all the customes and lawes of the gentiles are nothing but vanitie: They hewe downe a tree in the wood with the handes of the workeman, and fashion it with the axe

Daniel 1:20

20 In all matters of wysdome and vnderstanding that the king enquired of them, he founde them ten times better then all the wyse men and soothsayers that were in all his realme

Micah 5:12

12 All witchcraftes wyll I roote out of thyne hande, there shall no mo soothsayinges be within thee

Galatians 5:20-21

20 Worshippyng of images, witchcrafte, hatred, variaunce, zeale, wrath, strife, seditions, sectes 21 Enuyinges, murthers, drunkennesse, gluttonies, and such lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which do suche thinges, shall not inherite the kingdome of God

Genesis 1:14

14 And God sayde: let there be lyghtes in the firmament of the heauen, that they may deuide the day and the nyght, and let them be for signes, & seasons, and for dayes, and yeres

Daniel 2:27

27 Daniel aunswered in the presence of the king, and sayd: As for this secrete for the whiche the king maketh inquisition, there can neither the men of vnderstanding, nor soothsayers, nor the wyse men, nor readers of destinies declare it vnto the king

Daniel 2:27-28

27 Daniel aunswered in the presence of the king, and sayd: As for this secrete for the whiche the king maketh inquisition, there can neither the men of vnderstanding, nor soothsayers, nor the wyse men, nor readers of destinies declare it vnto the king 28 But there is a God in heauen that reuealeth secretes, & sheweth the king Nabuchodonozor what is for to come in the latter dayes. Thy dreame and that whiche thou hast seene in thyne head vpon thy bed, is this

Leviticus 19:31

31 Ye shall not regarde them that worke with spirites, neither seeke after soothsayers to be defiled by them: I am the Lorde your God

Isaiah 47:13-14

13 Thou hast hitherto had many counsayles of them: So let the heauen gasers, and the beholders of starres, and moone prophetes, come on now and deliuer thee, yea and let them shew when these new thinges shal come vpon thee 14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whiche if it be kindeled with fire, no man may rid it for the vehemencie of the flambe, and yet it geueth no finders to warme a man by, nor cleare fire to sit by

Daniel 4:7

7 So came the wyse men, the soothsayers, the Chaldeans, and wisardes: to whom I tolde the dreame, but they coulde not shewe me the interpretation therof

Deuteronomy 4:19

19 Yea, and lest thou lift vp thyne eyes vnto heauen, and when thou seest the sunne, the moone, and the starres, with all the hoast of heauen, shouldest be driuen to worship them, & serue them, and shouldest worship and serue the thynges, which the Lorde thy God hath made to serue all nations vnder the whole heauen

Deuteronomy 18:9-12

9 When thou art come into the lande which the Lorde thy God geueth thee, thou shalt not learne to do after the abhominations of those nations 10 Let there not be founde among you any one that maketh his sonne or his daughter to go through the fire, or that vseth witchcraft, or a regarder of tymes, or that regardeth the fleeyng of fowles 11 Or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or that coucelleth with spirites, or a soothsayer, or that asketh counsayle of the dead 12 For all that do such thynges, are abhomination vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominations, the Lorde thy God doth cast them out before thee

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