Bible verses about "afterlife" | Bishops

Ecclesiastes 9:5-6

5 For they that be liuing knowe that they shall dye: but they that be dead knowe nothing, neither deserue they any more, for their memoriall is forgotten 6 Also their loue, and their hatred, and their enuie is nowe perished, neither haue they any more part in the worlde in all that is done vnder the sunne

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shall he saye vnto them on the left hande: Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire, which is prepared for the deuyll and his angels

Revelation 6:9-11

9 And when he had opened the fift seale, I sawe vnder the aulter the soules of them that were kylled for the worde of God, and for the testimonie which they had 10 And they cryed with a loude voyce, saying: Howe long taryest thou Lorde, holy and true, to iudge and to auenge our blood on the that dwell on ye earth 11 And long whyte garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them: and it was sayde vnto them, that they should reste yet for a litle season, vntyll the number of their felowes, and brethren, and of them that shoulde be kylled as they were, were fulfylled

Revelation 20:6

6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: For on such shal the seconde death haue no power, but they shalbe the priestes of God and of Christe, and shall raigne with hym a thousande yeres

Revelation 1:1-20

1 The reuelation of Iesus Christ, which God gaue vnto hym, for to shewe vnto his seruautes thyngs which must shortlye come to passe: And when he had sent, he shewed by his Angel, vnto his seruaunt Iohn 2 Which bare recorde of the worde of God, and of the testimonie of Iesus Christe, and of all thinges that he sawe 3 Happy is he that readeth, and they that heare the wordes of this prophesie, and kepe those thynges which are written therin, for the tyme is at hande 4 Iohn to the seuen Churches in Asia: Grace be vnto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come: and from the seuen spirites which are before his throne 5 And from Iesus Christe, which is a faythfull witnesse, and first begotten of the dead, and Lorde ouer the kynges of the earth: Unto hym that loued vs, and wasshed vs from our sinnes in his owne blood 6 And made vs kynges and priestes vnto God his father, be glorie and dominion for euermore. Amen 7 Beholde, he commeth with cloudes, and all eyes shall see hym, and they also which pearsed hym: And all kinredes of the earth shall wayle before hym. Euen so. Amen 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endyng, sayth the Lorde almyghtie, which is, and which was, and which is to come 9 I Iohn, your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdome and patience of Iesus Christe, was in the Ile that is called Pathmos, for ye worde of God, and for the witnessyng of Iesus Christe 10 I was in the spirite on the Lordes day, and hearde behynde me a great voyce, as it had ben of a trumpe 11 Saying: I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: That thou seest, write in a booke, and sende it vnto the seuen Churches which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus, and vnto Smyrna, and vnto Pergamos, and vnto Thyatira, and vnto Sardis, and vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicea 12 And I turned backe to see the voyce that spake to me: And whe I was turned, I sawe seuen golden candlestickes 13 And in ye middes of the candlestickes, one lyke vnto the sonne of man, clothed with a garment downe to the feete, and girde about the pappes with a golden girdle 14 His head, and his heeres were whyte as whyte wooll, and as snowe, and his eyes were as a flambe of fyre 15 And his feete lyke vnto fine brasse, as though they brent in a furnace, and his voyce as the sounde of many waters 16 And he had in his ryght hande, seuen starres: And out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sworde: And his face shone, euen as the sunne in his strength 17 And when I sawe hym, I fell at his feete euen as dead: And he layde his ryght hande vpon me, saying vnto me, feare not, I am the first and the last 18 And am alyue, and was dead: And beholde, I am alyue for euermore, Amen, and haue the keyes of hell and of death 19 Write therfore the thinges which thou hast seene, and the thynges which are, and the thinges which must be fulfilled hereafter 20 The misterie of the seuen starres which thou sawest in my ryght hande, and the seuen golde candlestickes. The seuen starres, are the Angels of the seue Churches: And the seuen candlestickes whiche thou sawest, are the seuen Churches

Luke 16:19-31

19 Ther was a certaine riche man, whiche was clothed in purple & fine whyte, and fared very deliciously euery day 20 And there was a certayne begger, named Lazarus, which was layde at his gate full of sores 21 And desiring to be refresshed with the crumbes which fell from ye riche mans boorde [And no man gaue vnto hym]: but the dogges came and licked his sores 22 And it came to passe, that the begger dyed, and was caryed by the Angels into Abrahams bosome. The riche man also dyed, and was buryed 23 And beyng in hell in tormentes, he lyft vp his eyes, and sawe Abraham a farre of, and Lazarus in his bosome 24 And he cryed and sayde: father Abraham, haue mercie on me, and sende Lazarus that he may dippe the tippe of his fynger in water, and coole my tongue: for I am tormented in this flambe 25 But Abraham sayde: Sonne, remember that thou in thy lyfe tyme, receauedst thy pleasure, and lykewyse Lazarus paynes: But nowe is he comforted, and thou art tormented 26 Beyonde all this, betweene vs & you there is a great gulfe set, so that they which woulde go from hence to you, can not, neither may come from thence to vs 27 Then he sayde: I pray thee therfore father, sende hym to my fathers house 28 For I haue fyue brethren, that he may witnesse vnto them, lest they also come into this place of torment 29 Abraham sayde vnto hym: they haue Moyses and the prophetes, let them heare them 30 And he sayde, nay father Abraham: but yf one come vnto them from the dead, they wyll repent 31 He sayde vnto hym: If they heare not Moyses & the prophetes, neither wyll they beleue, though one rose from death agayne

Matthew 10:28

28 And feare ye not them, which kyll the body, but are not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare hym, which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell

John 14:2

2 In my fathers house, are many dwellyng places: If it were not so, I woulde haue tolde you. I go to prepare a place for you

Luke 23:43

43 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Ueryly I say vnto thee, to day shalt thou be with me in paradise

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuing, and the abhominable, and murtherers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, & all lyers, shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brymstone: which is the seconde death

Matthew 25:46

46 And these shall go into euerlastyng payne: the ryghteous into lyfe eternall

John 3:16

16 For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his only begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleueth in hym, shoulde not perishe, but haue euerlastyng lyfe

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