Bible verses about "supernatural" | AUV

Mark 2:12

12 So, he got up and immediately picked up his cot and walked out in front of them all, so that everyone was amazed and gave honor to God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this before.”

Matthew 28:18

18 Then Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.

Matthew 5:18

18 For it is true when I say, not one little letter or even a portion of a letter will be removed from the law of Moses until everything is accomplished [that is required by them]. [When that happens, then] heaven and earth will pass away [i.e., be destroyed. See II Peter 3:12].

Mark 10:46-52

46 Then they [i.e., Jesus and the twelve apostles] came to Jericho [Note: This was a town about 18 miles northeast of Jerusalem]. As He left there with His disciples and a large crowd, they met a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sitting along side the road. 47 When he heard that it was Jesus from Nazareth [passing by], he began shouting, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.” 48 Many people spoke harshly to the blind man, telling him to be quiet. But he shouted all the more [loudly], “Son of David, have pity on me.” 49 So, Jesus stopped and said, “Call that man [to me].” Then the crowd called the blind man, saying to him, “Cheer up, Jesus is calling you.” 50 So, he threw off his robe, jumped up, and [immediately] went to Jesus. 51 Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” And the blind man answered, “Rabboni [i.e., Teacher], I want to have my sight restored.” 52 And Jesus said to him, “Go on your way, your faith [in me] has made you well.” And immediately his sight was restored, and he began following Jesus along the road.

John 4:1-30

1 Therefore, when the Lord [Jesus] knew that the Pharisees were aware of Him making and immersing more disciples than John, 2 (OMITTED TEXT) 3 He left Judea and returned to Galilee. (Although it was actually His disciples who did the immersing and not Jesus Himself). 4 [Now to get to Galilee] it required that Jesus travel through Samaria [Note: Samaria was the next country north of Judea]. 5 So, He arrived at the Samaritan town called Sychar, which was near the piece of property that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob’s [spring-fed] well was there so Jesus, tired from His [long] journey, sat down beside the well just as He was [i.e., before doing anything else]. It was about six o’clock in the morning [Note: This would have been 12 noon if Jewish time were meant]. 7 [About then] a Samaritan woman came [to the well] to draw water. Jesus said to her, “[Please] give me a drink.” 8 (Now Jesus’ disciples had gone away to town to buy some food). 9 Therefore, the Samaritan woman asked Him, “Why is it that you, being a Jew, would ask a Samaritan woman [like me] for a drink?” (For Jews do not have any fellowship with Samaritans). [Note: The reason for this stemmed from longstanding religious, cultural and ethnic prejudices]. 10 Jesus answered her, “If you [only] knew the [real] gift of God, and who it is that said to you, ‘[Please], give me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” 11 The woman [then] said to Him, “Sir, you do not have anything to draw [water] with, and the well is deep. Where will you get that living water? 12 Are you greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us this well? He himself and his sons and cattle [all] drank from it.” 13 Jesus answered her, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give him will never get thirsty [again]. For the water I will give him will become in him [i.e., in his spirit] a spring of water, bubbling up and producing never ending life.” [See John 7:38]. 15 The woman [then] said to Him, “Sir, [please] give me [some of] that water, so that I do not get thirsty [again], or have to come all the way here to draw [water].” 16 Jesus replied to her, “Go call your husband and [then] come here.” 17 The woman said to Him, “I do not have a husband.” Jesus said to her, “You were right when you said, ‘I do not have a husband,’ 18 because you have had five husbands, and the man you are now living with is not [really] your husband. So, you have told the truth.” 19 [Then] the woman said to Jesus, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. 20 Our forefathers worshiped on this mountain [i.e., Mt. Gerizim, which was visible from where they were sitting]; but you say that Jerusalem is the place where people should worship [God].” 21 Jesus replied to her, “[My dear] woman, believe me [when I tell you], the time will come when you people will not worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. 22 You [Samaritans] do not [really] know what you worship; we [Jews] know what we worship because salvation is from the Jews [i.e., through Jewish prophets, Jewish Scriptures and a Jewish Messiah]. 23 But the time will come, and is now [actually] here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [i.e., from the heart] and truth [i.e., according to God’s revealed will], for these are the people whom the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” 25 [Then] the woman said to Jesus, “I know that Messiah is coming ([He is] the One who is called Christ). And when He does come, He will tell us everything.” 26 Jesus replied to her, “I, who am speaking to you, am [the Messiah].” 27 Just about then Jesus’ disciples returned [from town], and were surprised to find Him talking with a woman. [Note: It was not customary for a Jewish male to engage a woman in extended conversation in that day, much less a stranger, and certainly not a Samaritan], yet no one said [to Him], “What are you looking for?” or “Why are you talking to her?” 28 So, the woman left her water jar and went back into town and told the people [there], 29 “Come [and] see a man who told me everything I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” 30 [So], the people went out from the town and came to where Jesus was.

Ephesians 6:12

12 For our struggle is not [actually] against human beings, but against rulers and authorities and leaders of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. [Note: “Heavenly realms” here refers to the struggle against Satanic powers which permeates life around us].

Revelation 2:8

8 “And write [this] to the angel of the church at Smyrna: These things are the words of the First and the Last [i.e., Jesus], who was dead, but has come [back] to life:

John 17:17

17 Set them apart [i.e., for your service] through the truth; your word is truth.

John 3:16

16 For God loved the world [of sinners] so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that every person who believes in Him would not [have to] be destroyed, but have never ending life.

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve those people who will inherit salvation?

1 John 5:14

14 And this is [how we can express] boldness in our relationship with God: Whatever we ask [of God, in prayer], so long as it is in harmony with His will for us, [we know] He hears our request.

James 5:16

16 So, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another to be healed [from sin sickness]. The special request of a righteous person is empowered with [great] effectiveness.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For such men are false apostles; they are deceitful workers, who disguise themselves as [true] apostles of Christ. 14 And it is no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light [i.e., someone pure and righteous]. 15 Therefore, it should not be surprising for Satan’s ministers to disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Their [final] end will be what they deserve for such actions.

2 Timothy 3:16

16 All Scripture is inspired by God [Note: Literally, this word means “breathed out by God”] and is useful for teaching [truth], rebuking [wrongdoing], correcting [error] and for providing instruction [i.e., training] on how to live right,

Hebrews 4:12

12 For God’s word is alive and active and sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates [deep enough] even to divide [a person’s] soul [from his] spirit, and his joints [from his] bone marrow [Note: This is figurative language describing the penetrating effect of God’s word into a person’s spiritual, inner being] and is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of a person’s heart.

Topical data is from, retrieved November 11, 2013, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.