HELPS-HINDRANCES - Thompson Chain Reference Topic

  (A) DIVINE HELPER, God as helper of his people
Deuteronomy 33:29; 2 Chronicles 25:8; Psalms 27:9; Psalms 28:7; Psalms 40:17; Psalms 54:4; Psalms 116:6
Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 50:9; Hebrews 13:6
Divine Presence, FELLOWSHIP
Divine Refuge, BATTLE OF LIFE
(1) Through the Difficulties of Life's Journey
Exodus 14:16; Exodus 15:19; Joshua 3:17; Proverbs 15:19; Isaiah 30:21; Isaiah 42:16
Isaiah 43:16; Isaiah 49:11
(2) Obstacles Removed from the Pathway
Isaiah 40:4; Isaiah 45:2; Isaiah 49:11; Zechariah 4:7; Matthew 21:21; John 11:41
(3) A Spiritual Highway
Proverbs 16:17; Isaiah 35:8; Isaiah 43:19; Isaiah 62:10; Jeremiah 31:21
--SEE Right Paths, PATHS, RIGHT
Right Way, WAY, RIGHT
(C) HINDRANCES to spiritual progress
Worldly allurements prevented the escape of Lot's wife
Genesis 19:26
The attempt to use the equipment of Saul delayed David
1 Samuel 17:39
Discouraged men opposed the building of the wall of Jerusalem
Nehemiah 4:10
Unbelief hindered Christ's work in Nazareth
Matthew 13:58
Worldly possessions kept back the rich young man from discipleship
Matthew 19:22
Imaginary hindrances loom up before the Christian worker
Mark 16:3; Mark 16:4
Family ties prevent a man from following Christ
Luke 9:59
Weights, as well as sins, impede progress
Hebrews 12:1
(D) STUMBLING-BLOCKS in the way of men
Should be Removed
Isaiah 57:14
Unfaithful Leaders become
Malachi 2:7; Malachi 2:8; Matthew 16:23
Hypocrites in the Church Declared to be
Matthew 23:13; Luke 11:52
All need to Watch against becoming
Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 8:9
Love the Preventive of
1 John 2:10
--SEE Evil Influence, EVIL
(E) OFFENCES (causes of stumbling)
Matthew 18:7; Mark 9:43; Romans 14:21; 1 Corinthians 10:32; 2 Corinthians 6:3
--SEE Evil Influence, EVIL
(F) OPPOSERS, hinder Religious work
(1) Examples of
Ezra 4:4; Nehemiah 4:8; Zechariah 3:1; Acts 13:8; Acts 18:6; 1 Corinthians 16:9
2 Timothy 3:8; 2 Timothy 4:15
(2) Seek to Silence the Prophets and Religious Leaders
Isaiah 30:10; Jeremiah 11:21; Amos 2:12; Amos 7:13; Micah 2:6
--SEE Persecution,3480-3484, 3480

Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible Topics