Search the Bible for H8684 in IHOT

Strong's H8684
Stem -Aphel See { [H8817]}
Mood -Perfect See { [H8816]}
Ezra 4:10 (IHOT)
  10 H7606 ושׁאר And the rest H524 אמיא of the nations H1768 די whom H1541 הגלי brought over, H620 אסנפר Asnappar H7229 רבא the great H3358 ויקירא and noble H3488 והותב and set H1994 המו   H7149 בקריה in the cities H1768 די of H8115 שׁמרין Samaria, H7606 ושׁאר and the rest H5675 עבר on this side H5103 נהרה the river, H3706 וכענת׃ and at such a time.
Ezra 4:14 (IHOT)
  14 H3705 כען Now H3606 כל because H6903 קבל   H1768 די   H4416 מלח we have maintenance H1965 היכלא from palace, H4415 מלחנא we have maintenance H6173 וערות dishonor, H4430 מלכא the king's H3809 לא and it was not H749 אריך meet H2370 לנא למחזא for us to see H5922 על therefore H1836 דנה therefore H7972 שׁלחנא have we sent H3046 והודענא and certified H4430 למלכא׃ the king;
Ezra 5:11 (IHOT)
  11 H3660 וכנמא And thus H6600 פתגמא us answer, H8421 התיבונא they returned H560 לממר saying, H586 אנחנא We H1994 המו   H5649 עבדוהי are the servants H1768 די of H426 אלה the God H8065 שׁמיא of heaven H772 וארעא and earth, H1124 ובנין and build H1005 ביתא the house H1768 די that H1934 הוא was H1124 בנה built H6928 מקדמת ago, H1836 דנה these H8140 שׁנין years H7690 שׂגיאן many H4430 ומלך king H3479 לישׂראל of Israel H7229 רב which a great H1124 בנהי built H3635 ושׁכללה׃ and set up.
Ezra 5:12 (IHOT)
  12 H3861 להן But H4481 מן after H1768 די that H7265 הרגזו   H2 אבהתנא our fathers H426 לאלה   H8065 שׁמיא   H3052 יהב he gave H1994 המו them H3028 ביד into the hand H5020 נבוכדנצר of Nebuchadnezzar H4430 מלך the king H895 בבל of Babylon, H3679 כסדיא the Chaldean, H1005 וביתה house, H1836 דנה this H5642 סתרה who destroyed H5972 ועמה and carried the people away H1541 הגלי and carried the people away H895 לבבל׃ into Babylon.
Ezra 5:14 (KJV_Strongs)
  14 H3984 And the vessels H638 also H1768 of H1722 gold H3702 and silver H1005 of the house H426 of God H5020 , which Nebuchadnezzar H5312 took [H8684]   H4481 out of H1965 the temple H3390 that was in Jerusalem H2987 , and brought [H8684]   H1965 them into the temple H895 of Babylon H1994 , those H3567 did Cyrus H4430 the king H5312 take [H8684]   H4481 out of H1965 the temple H895 of Babylon H3052 , and they were delivered [H8753]   H8036 unto one, whose name H8340 was Sheshbazzar H7761 , whom he had made [H8754]   H6347 governor;
Ezra 5:14 (IHOT)
  14 H638 ואף also H3984 מאניא And the vessels H1768 די of H1005 בית the house H426 אלהא of God, H1768 די of H1722 דהבה gold H3702 וכספא and silver H1768 די which H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H5312 הנפק took H4481 מן out of H1965 היכלא the temple H1768 די that H3390 בירושׁלם in Jerusalem, H2987 והיבל and brought H1994 המו them H1965 להיכלא into the temple H1768 די of H895 בבל Babylon, H5312 הנפק take H1994 המו those H3567 כורשׁ did Cyrus H4430 מלכא the king H4481 מן out of H1965 היכלא the temple H1768 די of H895 בבל Babylon, H3052 ויהיבו and they were delivered H8340 לשׁשׁבצר Sheshbazzar, H8036 שׁמה unto whose name H1768 די whom H6347 פחה governor; H7761 שׂמה׃ he had made
Ezra 6:5 (KJV_Strongs)
  5 H638 And also H1722 let the golden H3702 and silver H3984 vessels H1005 of the house H426 of God H5020 , which Nebuchadnezzar H5312 took forth [H8684]   H4481 out of H1965 the temple H3390 which is at Jerusalem H2987 , and brought [H8684]   H895 unto Babylon H8421 , be restored [H8681]   H1946 , and brought again [H8748]   H1965 unto the temple H3390 which is at Jerusalem H870 , every one to his place H5182 , and place [H8681]   H1005 them in the house H426 of God.
Ezra 6:5 (IHOT)
  5 H638 ואף And also H3984 מאני vessels H1005 בית of the house H426 אלהא of God, H1768 די which H1722 דהבה let the golden H3702 וכספא and silver H1768 די which H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H5312 הנפק took forth H4481 מן out of H1965 היכלא the temple H1768 די which H3390 בירושׁלם at Jerusalem, H2987 והיבל and brought H895 לבבל unto Babylon, H8421 יהתיבון be restored, H1946 ויהך and brought again H1965 להיכלא unto the temple H1768 די   H3390 בירושׁלם at Jerusalem, H870 לאתרה to his place, H5182 ותחת and place H1005 בבית in the house H426 אלהא׃ of God.
Ezra 6:17 (IHOT)
  17 H7127 והקרבו And offered H2597 לחנכת at the dedication H1005 בית house H426 אלהא of God H1836 דנה of this H8450 תורין bullocks, H3969 מאה a hundred H1798 דכרין rams, H3969 מאתין two hundred H563 אמרין lambs; H703 ארבע four H3969 מאה hundred H6841 וצפירי he goats, H5796 עזין he goats, H2402 לחטיא   H5922 על for H3606 כל all H3479 ישׂראל Israel, H8648 תרי twelve H6236 עשׂר twelve H4510 למנין according to the number H7625 שׁבטי of the tribes H3479 ישׂראל׃ of Israel.
Ezra 6:18 (IHOT)
  18 H6966 והקימו And they set H3549 כהניא the priests H6392 בפלגתהון in their divisions, H3879 ולויא and the Levites H4255 במחלקתהון in their courses, H5922 על for H5673 עבידת the service H426 אלהא of God, H1768 די which H3390 בירושׁלם at Jerusalem; H3792 ככתב as it is written H5609 ספר in the book H4873 משׁה׃ of Moses.
Daniel 2:17 (IHOT)
  17 H116 אדין Then H1841 דניאל Daniel H1005 לביתה to his house, H236 אזל went H2608 ולחנניה to Hananiah, H4333 מישׁאל Mishael, H5839 ועזריה and Azariah, H2269 חברוהי his companions: H4406 מלתא and made the thing known H3046 הודע׃ and made the thing known
Daniel 2:23 (IHOT)
  23 H426 לך אלה thee, O thou God H2 אבהתי of my fathers, H3029 מהודא thank H7624 ומשׁבח thee, and praise H576 אנה I H1768 די who H2452 חכמתא me wisdom H1370 וגבורתא and might, H3052 יהבת hast given H3705 לי וכען unto me now H3046 הודעתני and hast made known H1768 די what H1156 בעינא we desired H4481 מנך of H1768 די thee: for H4406 מלת matter. H4430 מלכא unto us the king's H3046 הודעתנא׃ thou hast made known
Daniel 2:25 (IHOT)
  25 H116 אדין Then H746 אריוך Arioch H927 בהתבהלה in haste, H5954 הנעל brought in H1841 לדניאל Daniel H6925 קדם before H4430 מלכא the king H3652 וכן thus H560 אמר and said H1768 לה די of H7912 השׁכחת unto him, I have found H1400 גבר a man H4481 מן of H1123 בני the captives H1547 גלותא the captives H1768 די that H3061 יהוד Judah, H1768 די   H6591 פשׁרא the interpretation. H4430 למלכא unto the king H3046 יהודע׃ will make known
Daniel 2:28 (IHOT)
  28 H1297 ברם But H383 איתי there is H426 אלה a God H8065 בשׁמיא in heaven H1541 גלא that revealeth H7328 רזין secrets, H3046 והודע and maketh known H4430 למלכא to the king H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H4101 מה what H1768 די what H1934 להוא shall be H320 באחרית in the latter H3118 יומיא days. H2493 חלמך Thy dream, H2376 וחזוי and the visions H7217 ראשׁך of thy head H5922 על upon H4903 משׁכבך thy bed, H1836 דנה are these; H1932 הוא׃  
Daniel 2:45 (KJV_Strongs)
  45 H3606 Forasmuch as H6903   H2370 thou sawest [H8754]   H69 that the stone H1505 was cut out [H8728]   H2906 of the mountain H3809 without H3028 hands H1855 , and that it brake in pieces [H8684]   H6523 the iron H5174 , the brass H2635 , the clay H3702 , the silver H1722 , and the gold H7229 ; the great H426 God H3046 hath made known [H8684]   H4430 to the king H4101 what H1934 shall come to pass [H8748]   H311 hereafter H1836   H2493 : and the dream H3330 is certain H6591 , and the interpretation H540 thereof sure [H8683]  .
Daniel 2:45 (IHOT)
  45 H3606 כל   H6903 קבל   H1768 די that H2370 חזית thou sawest H1768 די without H2906 מטורא of the mountain H1505 אתגזרת was cut out H69 אבן the stone H1768 די what H3809 לא without H3028 בידין hands, H1855 והדקת and that it broke in pieces H6523 פרזלא the iron, H5174 נחשׁא the brass, H2635 חספא the clay, H3702 כספא the silver, H1722 ודהבא and the gold; H426 אלה God H7229 רב the great H3046 הודע hath made known H4430 למלכא to the king H4101 מה what H1768 די   H1934 להוא shall come to pass H311 אחרי hereafter: H1836 דנה hereafter: H3330 ויציב certain, H2493 חלמא and the dream H540 ומהימן thereof sure. H6591 פשׁרה׃ and the interpretation
Daniel 3:2 (IHOT)
  2 H5020 ונבוכדנצר Then Nebuchadnezzar H4430 מלכא the king H7972 שׁלח sent H3673 למכנשׁ to gather together H324 לאחשׁדרפניא the princes, H5460 סגניא the governors, H6347 ופחותא and the captains, H148 אדרגזריא the judges, H1411 גדבריא the treasurers, H1884 דתבריא the counselors, H8614 תפתיא the sheriffs, H3606 וכל and all H7984 שׁלטני the rulers H4083 מדינתא of the provinces, H858 למתא to come H2597 לחנכת to the dedication H6755 צלמא of the image H1768 די which H6966 הקים had set up. H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H4430 מלכא׃ the king
Daniel 3:3 (KJV_Strongs)
  3 H116 Then H324 the princes H5460 , the governors H6347 , and captains H148 , the judges H1411 , the treasurers H1884 , the counsellors H8614 , the sheriffs H3606 , and all H7984 the rulers H4083 of the provinces H3673 , were gathered together [H8723]   H2597 unto the dedication H6755 of the image H5020 that Nebuchadnezzar H4430 the king H6966 had set up [H8684]   H6966 ; and they stood [H8750]   H6903 before H6755 the image H5020 that Nebuchadnezzar H6966 had set up [H8684]  .
Daniel 3:3 (IHOT)
  3 H116 באדין Then H3673 מתכנשׁין were gathered together H324 אחשׁדרפניא the princes, H5460 סגניא the governors, H6347 ופחותא and captains, H148 אדרגזריא the judges, H1411 גדבריא the treasurers, H1884 דתבריא the counselors, H8614 תפתיא the sheriffs, H3606 וכל and all H7984 שׁלטני the rulers H4083 מדינתא of the provinces, H2597 לחנכת unto the dedication H6755 צלמא of the image H1768 די that H6966 הקים had set up; H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H4430 מלכא the king H6966 וקאמין and they stood H6903 לקבל before H6755 צלמא the image H1768 די that H6966 הקים had set up. H5020 נבוכדנצר׃ Nebuchadnezzar
Daniel 3:5 (IHOT)
  5 H5732 בעדנא time H1768 די at what H8086 תשׁמעון ye hear H7032 קל the sound H7162 קרנא of the cornet, H4953 משׁרוקיתא flute, H7030 קיתרוס harp, H5443 סבכא sackbut, H6460 פסנתרין psaltery, H5481 סומפניה dulcimer, H3606 וכל and all H2178 זני kinds H2170 זמרא of music, H5308 תפלון ye fall down H5457 ותסגדון and worship H6755 לצלם image H1722 דהבא the golden H1768 די that H6966 הקים hath set up: H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H4430 מלכא׃ the king
Daniel 3:7 (KJV_Strongs)
  7 H6903 Therefore H1836   H2166 at that time H1768 , when H3606 all H5972 the people H8086 heard [H8750]   H7032 the sound H7162 of the cornet H4953 , flute H7030 , harp [H8675]   H7030   H5443 , sackbut H6460 , psaltery H3606 , and all H2178 kinds H2170 of musick H3606 , all H5972 the people H524 , the nations H3961 , and the languages H5308 , fell down [H8750]   H5457 and worshipped [H8750]   H1722 the golden H6755 image H5020 that Nebuchadnezzar H4430 the king H6966 had set up [H8684]  .
Daniel 3:7 (IHOT)
  7 H3606 כל all H6903 קבל   H1836 דנה   H2166 בה זמנא at that time, H1768 כדי when H8086 שׁמעין heard H3606 כל and all H5972 עממיא the people H7032 קל the sound H7162 קרנא of the cornet, H4953 משׁרוקיתא flute, H7030 קיתרס harp, H5443 שׂבכא sackbut, H6460 פסנטרין psaltery, H3606 וכל all H2178 זני kinds H2170 זמרא of music, H5308 נפלין fell down H3606 כל   H5972 עממיא the people, H524 אמיא the nations, H3961 ולשׁניא and the languages, H5457 סגדין worshiped H6755 לצלם image H1722 דהבא the golden H1768 די that H6966 הקים had set up. H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar H4430 מלכא׃ the king
Daniel 3:12 (IHOT)
  12 H383 איתי There are H1400 גברין certain H3062 יהודאין Jews H1768 די whom H4483 מנית thou hast set H3487 יתהון   H5922 על over H5673 עבידת the affairs H4083 מדינת of the province H895 בבל of Babylon, H7715 שׁדרך Shadrach, H4336 מישׁך Meshach, H5665 ועבד נגו and Abed-nego; H1400 גבריא men, H479 אלך these H3809 לא have not H7761 שׂמו regarded H5921 עליך   H4430 מלכא O king, H2942 טעם   H426 לאלהיך thy gods, H3809 לא not H6399 פלחין thee: they serve H6755 ולצלם image H1722 דהבא the golden H1768 די which H6966 הקימת thou hast set up. H3809 לא nor H5457 סגדין׃ worship
Daniel 3:22 (IHOT)
  22 H3606 כל   H6903 קבל   H1836 דנה   H4481 מן because H1768 די because H4406 מלת commandment H4430 מלכא the king's H2685 מחצפה was urgent, H861 ואתונא and the furnace H228 אזה hot, H3493 יתירא exceeding H1400 גבריא men H479 אלך those H1768 די of H5267 הסקו took up H7715 לשׁדרך Shadrach, H4336 מישׁך Meshach, H5665 ועבד נגו and Abed-nego. H6992 קטל slew H1994 המון   H7631 שׁביבא the flame H1768 די that H5135 נורא׃ the fire
Daniel 3:30 (IHOT)
  30 H116 באדין Then H4430 מלכא the king H6744 הצלח promoted H7715 לשׁדרך Shadrach, H4336 מישׁך Meshach, H5665 ועבד נגו and Abed-nego, H4083 במדינת in the province H895 בבל׃ of Babylon.