ἀγαλλίασις agalliasis ag-al-lee'-as-is From G21; exultation; specifically welcomeKJV Usage: gladness, (exceeding) joy.
Luke 1:14 (KJV_Strongs) 14 G2532 And G4671 thou G2071 shalt have [G5704] G5479 joy G2532 and G20 gladness G2532 ; and G4183 many G5463 shall rejoice [G5690] G1909 at G846 his G1083 birth.
Luke 1:14 (IGNT) 14 G2532 και And G2071 (G5704) εσται He Shall Be G5479 χαρα Joy G4671 σοι To Thee G2532 και And G20 αγαλλιασις Exultation, G2532 και And G4183 πολλοι Many G1909 επι G3588 τη At G1083 γεννησει G846 αυτου His Birth G5463 (G5690) χαρησονται Shall Rejoice.
Luke 1:44 (KJV_Strongs) 44 G1063 For G2400 , lo [G5628] G5613 , as soon as G5456 the voice G4675 of thy G783 salutation G1096 sounded [G5633] G1519 in G3450 mine G3775 ears G1025 , the babe G4640 leaped [G5656] G1722 in G3450 my G2836 womb G1722 for G20 joy.
Luke 1:44 (IGNT) 44 G2400 (G5628) ιδου G1063 γαρ For Lo, G5613 ως As G1096 (G5633) εγενετο Came G3588 η The G5456 φωνη G3588 του Voice G783 ασπασμου G4675 σου Of Thy Salutation G1519 εις G3588 τα Into G3775 ωτα G3450 μου Mine Ears, G4640 (G5656) εσκιρτησεν Leaped G1722 εν In G20 αγαλλιασει Exultation G3588 το The G1025 βρεφος Babe G1722 εν G3588 τη In G2836 κοιλια G3450 μου My Womb;
Acts 2:46 (KJV_Strongs) 46 G5037 And G4342 they, continuing [G5723] G2596 daily G2250 G3661 with one accord G1722 in G2411 the temple G5037 , and G2806 breaking [G5723] G740 bread G2596 from G3624 house to house G3335 , did eat [G5707] G5160 their meat G1722 with G20 gladness G2532 and G858 singleness G2588 of heart,
Acts 2:46 (IGNT) 46 G2596 καθ And G2250 ημεραν G5037 τε Every Day G4342 (G5723) προσκαρτερουντες Steadfastly Continuing G3661 ομοθυμαδον With One Accord G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G2411 ιερω Temple, G2806 (G5723) κλωντες And Breaking G5037 τε In G2596 κατ "their" G3624 οικον Houses G740 αρτον Bread, G3335 (G5707) μετελαμβανον They Partook G5160 τροφης Of Food G1722 εν With G20 αγαλλιασει Gladness G2532 και And G858 αφελοτητι Simplicity G2588 καρδιας Of Heart,
Hebrews 1:9 (KJV_Strongs) 9 G25 Thou hast loved [G5656] G1343 righteousness G2532 , and G3404 hated [G5656] G458 iniquity G1223 ; therefore G5124 G2316 God G4675 , even thy G2316 God G5548 , hath anointed [G5656] G4571 thee G1637 with the oil G20 of gladness G3844 above G4675 thy G3353 fellows.
Hebrews 1:9 (IGNT) 9 G25 (G5656) ηγαπησας Thou Didst Love G1343 δικαιοσυνην Righteousness G2532 και And G3404 (G5656) εμισησας Didst Hate G458 ανομιαν Lawlessness; G1223 δια Because Of G5124 τουτο This G5548 (G5656) εχρισεν Anointed G4571 σε G3588 ο Thee G2316 θεος God G3588 ο G2316 θεος G4675 σου Thy God G1637 ελαιον With "the" Oil G20 αγαλλιασεως Of Exultation G3844 παρα G3588 τους Above G3353 μετοχους G4675 σου Thy Companions.
Jude 1:24 (KJV_Strongs) 24 G1161 Now G1410 unto him that is able [G5740] G5442 to keep [G5658] G5209 you [G5625] G846 G679 from falling G2532 , and G2476 to present [G5658] G299 you faultless G2714 before the presence G846 of his G1391 glory G1722 with G20 exceeding joy,
Jude 1:24 (IGNT) 24 G3588 τω G1161 δε But To Him Who G1410 (G5740) δυναμενω Is Able G5442 (G5658) φυλαξαι To Keep G846 αυτους Them G679 απταιστους Without Stumbling, G2532 και And G2476 (G5658) στησαι To Set "them" G2714 κατενωπιον Before G3588 της G1391 δοξης G846 αυτου His Glory G299 αμωμους Blameless G1722 εν With G20 αγαλλιασει Exultation,