Numbers 1:2 Cross References - Wycliffe

2 and seide, Take ye `the summe of al the congregacioun of the sones of Israel, bi her kynredis, and howsis, and `the names of alle bi hem silf, what

Genesis 49:1-3

1 Forsothe Jacob clepide hise sones, and seide to hem, Be ye gaderid that Y telle what thingis schulen come to you in the laste daies; 2 be ye gaderid, `and here, ye sones of Jacob, here ye Israel youre fadir. 3 Ruben, my firste gendrid sone, thou art my strengthe and the bigynnyng of my sorewe; thou ouytist to be the former in yiftis, the more in lordschip;

Exodus 1:1-5

1 These ben the names of the sones of Israel, that entriden into Egipt with Jacob; alle entriden with her housis; 2 Ruben, Symeon, 3 Leuy, Judas, Isachar, Zabulon, and Benjamin, 4 Dan, and Neptalim, Gad, and Aser. 5 Therfor alle the soules of hem that yeden out of `the hipe of Jacob weren seuenti and fyue.

Exodus 6:14-19

14 These ben the princis of housis bi her meynees. The sones of Ruben, the firste gendrid of Israel, Enoch, and Fallu, Esrom, and Charmy; these ben the kynredis of Ruben. 15 The sones of Symeon, Jamuel, and Jamyn, and Aod, and Jachym, and Soer, and Saul, the sone of a womman of Canaan; these ben the kynretis of Symeon. 16 And these ben the names of the sones of Leuy by her kynredis, Gerson, and Caath, and Merary. Forsothe the yeeris of lijf of Leuy weren an hundrid and seuene and thretti. 17 The sones of Gerson, Lobny and Semei, bi her kynredis. 18 The sones of Caath, Amram, and Isuar, and Hebron, and Oziel; and the yeeris of lijf of Caath weren an hundrid and thre and thretti. 19 The sones of Merari weren Mooli and Musi. These weren the kynredis of Leuy bi her meynees.

Exodus 30:12

12 and seide, Whanne thou schalt take the summe of the sones of Israel, alle bi hem silf schulen yyue `bi the noumbre prijs for her soulis to the Lord, and veniaunce schal not be in hem, whanne thei ben noumbrid.

Exodus 38:26

26 Ferthermore, an hundrid talentis of siluer weren, of whiche the foundementis of the seyntuarie weren yotun togidere, and of the entryng, where the veil hangith;

Numbers 1:18

18 And thei gaderiden in the firste dai of the secounde monethe, and telden hem bi kynredis, and housis, and meynees, and heedis, and names of alle by hem silf, fro the twentithe yeer and aboue,

Numbers 1:22

22 Of the sones of Symeon, bi her generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kyneredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names and heedis of alle, al that is of male kynde, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, of men goynge forth to batel,

Numbers 1:26-54

26 Of the sones of Juda, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, by the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that miyten go to batels, 27 weren noumbrid foure and seuenti thousand and sixe hundrid. 28 Of the sones of Ysacar, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that yeden forth to batels, 29 weren noumbrid foure and fifti thousande and foure hundrid. 30 Of the sones of Zabulon, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 31 seuene and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid. 32 Of the sones of Joseph, of the sones of Effraym, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 33 fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid. 34 Forsothe of the sones of Manasses, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 35 two and thretti thousynd and two hundrid. 36 Of the sones of Beniamyn, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro twenti yeer and aboue, alle men that miyten go forth to batels, 37 fyue and thretti thousinde and foure hundrid. 38 Of the sones of Dan, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yere and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 39 two and sixti thousynde and seuene hundrid. 40 Of the sones of Aser, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 41 fourti thousynde and a thousynde and fyue hundrid. 42 Of the sones of Neptalym, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 43 thre and fifty thousynde and foure hundrid. 44 These men it ben, whiche Moises and Aaron and the twelue princes of Israel noumbriden, alle bi the housis `of her kynredis. 45 And alle men of the sones of Israel bi her housis, and meynees, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, that myyten go forth to batels, weren togidere 46 sixe hundrid thousynde and thre thousynde of men, fyue hundred and fifti. 47 Sotheli the dekenes in the lynage of her meynes weren not noumbrid with hem. 48 And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, `Nyle thou noumbre the lynage of Leuy, 49 nether sette thou the summe of hem with the sones of Israel; 50 but thou schalt ordeyne hem on the tabernacle of witnessing, and on alle the vessels therof, and what euer thing perteyneth to cerymonyes ether sacrifices. Thei schulen bere the tabernacle, and alle purtenaunces therof, and thei schulen be in seruyce, and schulen sette tentis bi the cumpas of the tabernacle. 51 Whanne me schal go, the dekenes schulen do doun the tabernacle; whanne the tentis schulen be sette, thei schulen `reise the tabernacle. Who euer of straungeris neiyeth, he schal be slayn. 52 Sotheli the sones of Israel schulen sette tentis, ech man bi cumpenyes, and gaderyngis, and his oost; 53 forsothe the dekenes schulen sette tentis bi the cumpas of the tabernacle, lest indignacioun be maad on the multitude of the sones of Israel; and thei schulen wake in the kepyngis of the `tabernacle of witnessyng. 54 Therfor the sones of Israel diden bi alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises.

Numbers 26:2-4

2 preest, sone of Aaron, Noumbre ye al the summe of the sones of Israel, fro twenti yeer and aboue, bi her housis, and kynredis, alle men that mowen go forth to batels. 3 And so Moises and Eleasar, preest, spaken in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayens Jerico, to hem that weren of twenti yeer and aboue, 4 as the Lord comaundide; of whiche this is the noumbre.

Numbers 26:63-64

63 This is the noumbre of the sones of Israel, that weren discryued of Moises and Eleasar, preest, in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayen Jerico; 64 among whiche noon of hem was that weren noumbrid bifor of Moises and Aaron, in the deseert of Synay;

2 Samuel 24:1-3

1 And the strong veniaunce of the Lord addide to be wrooth ayens Israel [Note: of this that the Lord wolde punysche the puple, he suffride Dauyth to be reisid bi pride to the noumbring of the puple; wherfor the gloss of Gregre on this place seith thus, The dedis of gouernours ben disposid for the maneris of sugetis, that ofte for the yuel of the floc, the liyf yhe of a good schepparde trespassith, for Dauyth was preisid bi God witnesse, and he was blowun with the bolnyng of sudeyn pride, and synnede in noumbringe puple, and the puple resseyuede peyne; for the hertis of gouernours ben disposid, vp the meritis of the puplis. The synne of the puple for which it was punyschid, is not expressid in the text, but in the book of Ebreu questiouns it is seid, that this was herfor, for the puple ayen stood not Dauyth as it ouyte, in the dede of Vrie, but for this dede was priuy til it was al doon; the puple myyte not withstonde Dauyth in the synne to be lettid, and aftir that this synne cam in to the knowing of the puple, the puple ouyte not to punysche it, for the peyne was determynd thanne of God, as it is opin in xii. co. bi the wordis of Nathan, therfor it is seid betere, that the synne of the puple, was the rebelte therof ayenus Dauyth in suynge Siba, sone of Bothry, that was the worste man and ful of dissencioun, and Siba aloone was punyschid for this rebelte. ], and he stiride in hem Dauid, seiynge to Joab, Go thou, and noumbre thou Israel and Juda. 2 And the kyng seide to Joab, the prince of his oost, Go thou bi alle lynagis of Israel fro Dan `til to Bersabee, and noumbre thou the puple, that Y wite the noumbre therof. 3 And Joab seide to the kyng, Thi Lord God encresse to this puple, `hou greet it is now, and eft multiplie he an hundrid fold in the siyt of my lord the kyng; but what wole my lord the kyng to hym silf in sich a thing?

1 Chronicles 21:1-2

1 Sotheli Sathan roos ayens Israel, and stiride Dauid for to noumbre Israel. 2 And Dauid seide to Joab, and to the princes of the puple, Go ye, and noumbre Israel fro Bersabe til to Dan, and brynge ye the noumbre to me, that Y wite.

1 Chronicles 27:23-24

23 Forsothe Dauid nolde noumbre hem with ynne twenti yeer, for the Lord seide, that he wolde multiplie Israel as the sterris of heuene. 24 Joab, the sone of Saruye, bigan for to noumbre, and he fillide not; for ire fel on Israel for this thing, and therfor the noumbre of hem, that weren noumbrid, was not teld in to the bookis of cronyclis of kyng Dauid.

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