Nehemiah 8 Cross References - Wycliffe

1 And the seuenthe monethe `was comun vndur Esdras and Neemye; sotheli the sones of Israel weren in her cytees. And al the puple was gaderid togydere as o man, to the street which is bifor the yate of watris. And thei seiden to Esdras, the scribe, that he schulde brynge the book of the lawe of Moises, which the Lord hadde comaundid to Israel. 2 Therfor Esdras, the preest, brouyte the lawe bifor the multitude of men and of wymmen, and bifor alle that myyten vndurstonde, `in the firste day of the seuenth monethe. 3 And he redde in it opynli in the street that was bifor the yate of watris, fro the morewtid `til to myddai, in the siyt of men and of wymmen and of wise men; and the eeris of al the puple weren reisid to the book. 4 Forsothe Esdras the writere stood on the grees of tree, which he hadde maad to speke theron; and Mathatie, and Semma, and Ananye, and Vrie, and Elchie, and Maasie stoden bisidis hym at his riyt half; and Phadaie, Mysael, and Melchie, Assum, and Aseph, Dana, and Zacharie, and Mosollam stoden at the left half. 5 And Esdras openyde the book bifor al the puple; for he apperide ouer al the puple; and whanne he hadde openyd the book, al the puple stood. 6 And Esdras blesside the Lord God with greet vois; and al the puple answeride, Amen, Amen, reisynge her hondis. And thei weren bowid, and thei worschipiden God, lowli on the erthe. 7 Forsothe Josue, and Baany, and Serebie, Jamyn, Acub, Septhai, Odia, Maasie, Celitha, Ayarie, Jozabeth, Anan, Phallaie, dekenes, maden silence in the puple for to here the lawe. Sotheli the puple stood in her degree. 8 And thei redden in the book of Goddis lawe distinctli, `ether atreet, and opynli to vndurstonde; `and thei vndurstoden, whanne it was red. 9 Forsothe Neemye seide, he is Athersata, and Esdras, the preest and writere, and the dekenes, expownynge to al the puple, It is a dai halewid to `oure Lord God; nyle ye morne, and nyle ye wepe. For al the puple wepte, whanne it herde the wordis of the lawe. 10 And he seide to hem, Go ye, and `ete ye fatte thingis, and drynke ye wiyn `maad swete with hony, and sende ye partis to hem, that maden not redi to hem silf, for it is an hooli dai of the Lord; `nyle ye be sory, for the ioye of the Lord is youre strengthe. 11 Sotheli the dekenes maden silence in al the puple, and seiden, Be ye stille, for it is an hooli dai, and `nyle ye make sorewe. 12 Therfor al the puple yede for to ete, and drynke, and to sende partis, and `to make greet gladnesse; for thei vndurstoden the wordis, whiche he hadde tauyt hem. 13 And in the secound dai the princes of meynees, alle the puplis, prestis, and dekenes, weren gaderid togidere to Esdras, the writere, that he schulde expowne to hem the wordis of the lawe. 14 And thei foundun writun in the lawe, that the Lord comaundide `in the hond of Moyses, that the sones of Israel dwelle in tabernaclis in the solempne dai, in the seuenthe moneth; 15 and that thei preche, and pupplische a vois in alle her citees, and in Jerusalem; and seie, Go ye out in to the hil, and brynge ye bowis of olyue, and bowis of the faireste tree, the bowis of a myrte tree, and the braunchis of a palm tree, and the bowis of a `tree ful of wode, that tabernaclis be maad, as it is writun. 16 And al the puple yede out, and thei brouyten, and maden to hem silf tabernaclis, `ech man in `his hows roof, and in her stretis, `ether foryerdis, and in the large placis of Goddis hows, and in the street of the yate of watris, and in the street of the yate of Effraym. 17 Therfor al the chirche of hem, that camen ayen fro caytifte, made tabernaclis, and thei dwelliden in tabernaclis. For the sones of Israel hadden not do siche thingis fro the daies of Josue, sone of Nun, `til to that dai; and ful greet gladnesse was. 18 Forsothe Esdras radde in the book of Goddis lawe bi alle daies, fro the firste dai `til to the laste dai; and thei maden solempnytee bi seuene daies, and in the eiyte day thei maden a gaderyng of siluer, `bi the custom.

Genesis 8:11

11 and sche cam to hym at euentid, and bare in hir mouth a braunche of olyue tre with greene leeuys. Therfor Noe vndirstood that the watris hadden ceessid on erthe;

Genesis 14:22

22 And Abram answerde to hym, Y reyse myn hondis to the hiy Lord God,

Genesis 24:26

26 The man bowide hym silf,

Genesis 33:17

17 And Jacob cam in to Sochot, where whanne he hadde bildid an hows, and hadde set tentis, he clepide the name of that place Sochot, that is, tabernaclis.

Exodus 4:31

31 and the puple bileuede; and thei herden, that the Lord hadde visitid the sones of Israel, and that he hadde biholde the turment of hem; and thei worschipiden lowe.

Exodus 12:27

27 It is the sacrifice of the passyng of the Lord, whanne he passide ouer the housis of the sones of Israel in Egipt, and smoot Egipcians, and delyueride oure housis. And the puple was bowid, and worschipide.

Leviticus 9:24

24 And lo! fier yede out fro the Lord, and deuouride the brent sacrifice, and the ynnere fatnesses that weren on the auter; and whanne the cumpanyes hadden seyn this thing, thei preiseden the Lord, `and felden on her faces.

Leviticus 10:11

11 and that ye teche the sones of Israel alle my lawful thingis, whiche the Lord spak to hem bi the hond of Moyses.

Leviticus 23:4

4 These ben the hooli feries of the Lord, whiche ye owen to halewe in her tymes.

Leviticus 23:24

24 Speke thou to the sones of Israel, In the seuenthe monethe, in the firste day of the monethe, schal be sabat memorial to yow, sownynge with trumpis, and it schal be clepid hooli;

Leviticus 23:34

34 and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, Fro the fiftenthe day of this seuenthe monethe schulen be the feries of tabernaclis, in seuene daies to the Lord;

Leviticus 23:36

36 and in seuene daies ye schulen offre brent sacrifices to the Lord, and the eiythe dai schal be moost solempne and moost hooli; and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, for it is the day of cumpany, and of gaderyng; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne.

Leviticus 23:40-43

40 And ye schulen take to you in the firste day fruytis of the faireste tree, and braunchis of palm trees, and braunchis of a `tree of thicke boowis, and salewis of the rennynge streem, and ye schulen be glad bifor youre Lord God;

Leviticus 23:40

40 And ye schulen take to you in the firste day fruytis of the faireste tree, and braunchis of palm trees, and braunchis of a `tree of thicke boowis, and salewis of the rennynge streem, and ye schulen be glad bifor youre Lord God; 41 and ye schulen halewe his solempnyte seuene daies bi the yeer; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns. In the seuenthe monethe ye schulen halewe feestis, 42 and ye schulen dwelle in schadewynge placis seuene daies; ech man that is of the kyn of Israel, schal dwelle in tabernaclis, that youre aftercomers lerne, 43 that Y made the sones of Israel to dwelle in tabernaculis, whanne Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt; Y am youre Lord God.

Numbers 13:30

30 Ethei, and Jebusei, and Amorey dwellen in the hilli placis; forsothe Cananey dwellith bisidis the see, and bisidis the floodis of Jordan.

Numbers 29:1

1 Forsothe the firste dai of the seuenthe monethe schal be hooli, and worschipful to you; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne, for it is the day of sownyng, and of trumpis.

Numbers 29:1-6

1 Forsothe the firste dai of the seuenthe monethe schal be hooli, and worschipful to you; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne, for it is the day of sownyng, and of trumpis. 2 And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice, in to swettest odour to the Lord, o calf of the droue, o ram, and seuene lambren of o yeer, with out wem; 3 and in the sacrificis of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oile, bi ech calfe, twey tenthe partis bi a ram, 4 o tenthe part bi a lomb, whiche togidere ben seuen lambren. 5 And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet, which is offrid for synne, in to the clensyng of the puple, 6 with out the brent sacrifice of kalendis, with hise sacrifices, and without euerlastynge brent sacrifice, with customable fletynge offryngis; and bi the same cerymonyes ye schulen offre encense in to swettiste odour to the Lord.

Numbers 29:35

35 In the eiythe dai, which is moost solempne `ether hooli; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk,

Deuteronomy 12:7

7 And ye and youre housis schulen ete there in the siyt of youre Lord God; and ye schulen be glad in alle thingis to whiche ye putten hond, in whiche youre Lord God blesside you.

Deuteronomy 12:12

12 Ther ye schulen ete bifor youre Lord God, ye, and youre sones and douytris, youre seruauntis, and seruauntessis, and the dekenes, that dwellen in youre citees; for thei han not other part and possessioun among you.

Deuteronomy 16:11

11 And thou schalt ete bifore thi Lord God, thou, and thi sone, and thi douytir, and thi seruaunt, and thin handmayde, and the dekene which is with ynne thi yatis, and the comelynge, and the fadirles ethir modirles child, and the widue, that dwellen with you, in the place `which thi Lord God chees that his name dwelle there.

Deuteronomy 16:13-15

13 And thou schalt halewe the solempnytee of tabernaclis bi seuene daies, whanne thou hast gaderid thi fruytis of the cornfloor, and pressour. 14 And thou schalt ete in thi feeste dai, thou, and thi sone, and douytir, and thi seruaunt, and handmayde, also the dekene, and comelyng, and the fadirles ether modirles child, and the widewe, that ben with ynne thi yatis, `schulen ete. 15 Bi seuene daies thou schalt halewe feestis to thi Lord God, in the place which the Lord chees; and thi Lord God schal blesse thee, in alle thi fruytis, and in al the werk of thin hondis, and thou schalt be in gladnesse. 16 In thre tymes bi the yeer al thi male kynde schal appere in the siyt of thi Lord, in the place which he chees, in the solempnyte of therf looues, and in the solempnyte of woukis, and in the solempnyte of tabernaclis. A man schal not appere voide bifor the Lord;

Deuteronomy 17:18

18 Forsothe after that he hath sete in the trone of his rewme, he schal write to himsilf the deuteronomy of this lawe in a `volym ether book, and he schal take `a saumpler at preestis of `the kyn of Leuy;

Deuteronomy 22:8

8 thou schalt make a wal of the roof bi cumpas, lest blood be sched out in thin hows, and thou be gilti, if another man slidith, and falle in to a dich.

Deuteronomy 26:11-13

11 thou schalt ete in alle the goodis whiche thi Lord God yaf to thee and to thin hows, thou, and the dekene, and the comelyng which is with thee. 12 Whanne thou hast fillid the tithe of alle thi fruytis, in the thridde yeer of tithis, thou schalt yyue to the dekene, and to the comelyng, and to the fadirles, ether modirles child, and to widewe, that thei ete with ynne thi yatis, and be fillid. 13 And thou schalt speke in the siyt of thi Lord God, Y haue take awai that that is halewid of myn hows, and Y yaf it to the dekene, and to the comelyng, to the fadirles, ethir modirles child, and to the widewe, as thou comaundidist to me; Y passide not thi comaundementis, Y foryat not thin heest. 14 Y ete not of tho thingis in my morenyng, nether Y departide tho in ony vnclennesse, nethir Y spendide of tho ony thing in biriyng of deed body, `that is, in makynge feestis therof in biryynge of deed men. Y obeiede to the vois of my Lord God, and Y dide alle thingis as thou comaundidist to me.

Deuteronomy 31:9-13

9 Therfor Moyses wroot this lawe, and bitook it to the preestis, sones of Leuy, that baren the arke of the bond of pees of the Lord, and to alle the eldere men of Israel. 10 And Moyses comaundide to hem, and seide, Aftir seuen yeer, in the yeer of remyssioun, in the solempnete of tabernaclis, 11 whanne alle men of Israel schulen come togidere, that thei appere in the siyt of her Lord God, in the place `which the Lord chees, thou schalt rede the wordis of this lawe bifor al Israel, 12 while thei heren, and while al the puple is gaderid to gidere, as wel to men, as to wymmen, to litle children, and comelyngis that ben with ynne thi yatis; that thei here, and lerne, and drede youre Lord God, and kepe and fille alle the wordis of this lawe; 13 also that the sones of hem, that now knowen not, moun here, and that thei drede her Lord God in alle daies in whiche thei lyuen in the lond to whiche ye schulen go to gete, whanne Jordan is passid.

Deuteronomy 33:10

10 Jacob, thei kepten thi domes, and `thou, Israel, thei kepten thi lawe; thei schulen putte encense in thi strong veniaunce, and brent sacrifice on thin auter.

Joshua 1:1

1 And it was doon aftir the deeth of Moyses, seruaunt of the Lord, that the Lord spak to Josue, sone of Nun, the mynystre of Moyses, and seide to hym, Moises, my seruaunt, is deed;

Judges 3:20

20 forsothe he sat aloone in a somer parlour. And Aioth seide, Y haue the word of God to thee.

Judges 9:48-49

48 and he stiede in to the hil Selmon with al his puple; and with an axe takun he kittide doun a boow of a tre, and he bar it, put on the schuldur, and seide to felowis, Do ye this thing, which ye seen me do. 49 Therfor with strijf thei kittiden doun bowis of the trees, and sueden the duyk; whiche cumpassiden and brenten `the tour; and so it was doon, that with smooke and fier a thousynde of men weren slayn, men togidere and wymmen, of the dwelleris of the tour of Sichem.

Judges 20:1

1 Therfor alle the sones of Israel yeden, and weren gaderid togidere as o man, fro Dan `til to Bersabee, and fro the lond of Galaad to the Lord in Maspha; and alle the `corneris of puplis;

Judges 20:8

8 And al the puple stood, and answeride as bi word of o man, `that is acordyngli, with out ayenseiyng and with out delay, We schulen not go awei in to oure tabernaclis, nethir ony man schal entre in to his hows;

2 Samuel 11:2

2 While these thingis weren doon, it befelde, that Dauid roos in a dai fro his bed after mydday, and walkide in the soler of the kyngis hows; and he siy a womman waischynge hir silf euen ayens on hir soler; sotheli the womman was ful fair.

1 Kings 8:14

14 And the kyng turnede his face, and blesside al the chirche in Israel; for al the chirche of Israel stood.

2 Kings 14:13

13 Sotheli Joas, kyng of Israel, took in Bethsames Amasie, kyng of Juda, the sone of Joas, sone of Ocozie, and brouyte hym in to Jerusalem; and he brak the wal of Jerusalem, fro the yate of Effraym `til to the yate of the corner, bi foure hundrid cubitis.

2 Kings 22:11

11 and the kyng hadde herd the wordis of the book of the lawe of the Lord, he to-rente hise clothis.

2 Kings 22:19

19 and thin herte was aferd, and thou were maad meke bifor the Lord, whanne the wordis weren herd ayens this place and ayens the dwelleris therof, that is, that thei schulden be maad in to wondryng, and in to cursyng, and thou to-rentist thi clothis, and weptist bifor me, and Y herde, seith the Lord;

1 Chronicles 29:20

20 Forsothe Dauid comaundide to al the chirche, Blesse ye `oure Lord God. And al the chirche blesside the Lord God of her fadris, and thei bowiden hem silf, and worschipiden God, aftirward the kyng.

1 Chronicles 29:22

22 And thei eten and drunken bifor the Lord in that dai, with greet gladnesse. And thei anoyntiden the secounde tyme Salomon, the sone of Dauid; and thei anoyntiden hym in to prince to the Lord, and Sadoch in to bischop.

2 Chronicles 6:4

4 Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, for he fillide in werk that thing, that he spak to Dauid, my fadir, and seide,

2 Chronicles 7:8-10

8 Therfor Salomon made a solempnyte in that tyme in seuene dayes, and al Israel with hym, a ful greete chirche, fro the entryng of Emath `til to the stronde of Egipt. 9 And in the eiythe dai he made a gaderyng of money, `that is, for necessaries of the temple, for he hadde halewid the auter in seuene daies, and `hadde maad solempnytee in seuene daies. 10 Therfor in the thre and twentithe dai of the seuenthe monethe he lete the puplis go to her tabernaclis, ioiynge and gladynge on the good that God hadde do to Dauid, and to Salomon, and to his puple Israel.

2 Chronicles 8:13

13 that bi alle daies me schulde offre in it, bi the comaundement of Moises, in sabatis, and in kalendis, and in feeste daies, thries bi the yeer, that is, in the solempnyte of the therflooues, and in the solempnyte of woukis, and in the solempnyte of tabernaclis.

2 Chronicles 15:3

3 Forsothe many daies schulen passe in Israel with outen veri God, and without preest, and without techere, and without lawe.

2 Chronicles 17:7-9

7 Forsothe in the thridde yeer of his rewme he sente of hise princes Benail, and Abdie, and Zacarie, and Nathanael, and Mychee, that thei schulden teche in the citees of Juda; 8 and with hem he sente dekenes Semeye, and Nathanye, and Zabadie, and Azahel, and Semyramoth, and Jonathan, and Adonye, and Thobie, and Abadonye, dekenes; and with hem `he sente Elisama and Joram, preestis; 9 and thei tauyten the puple in Juda, and hadden the book of the lawe of the Lord; and thei cumpassiden alle the citees of Juda, and tauyten al the puple.

2 Chronicles 20:5

5 And whanne Josaphat hadde stonde in the myddis of the cumpeny of Juda and of Jerusalem, in the hows of the Lord, bifor the newe large place,

2 Chronicles 20:18

18 Therfor Josaphat, and Juda, and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem, felden lowli on the erthe bifor the Lord, and worschypiden hym.

2 Chronicles 29:30

30 And Ezechie and the princes comaundiden to the dekenes, that thei schulden preise the Lord with the wordis of Dauith, and of Asaph, the profete; whiche preisiden hym with greet gladnesse, and kneliden, and worschipiden.

2 Chronicles 30:21-23

21 And the sones of Israel, that weren founden in Jerusalem, maden solempnyte of therf looues seuene daies in greet gladnesse, and herieden the Lord bi ech dai; and dekenes and preestis `preisiden the Lord bi orguns, that acordiden to her offices. 22 And Ezechie spak to the herte of alle the dekenes, that hadden good vndurstondyng of the Lord; and thei eeten bi seuene daies of the solempnyte, offrynge sacrifices of pesible thingis, and heriynge the Lord God of her fadris.

2 Chronicles 30:22-23

22 And Ezechie spak to the herte of alle the dekenes, that hadden good vndurstondyng of the Lord; and thei eeten bi seuene daies of the solempnyte, offrynge sacrifices of pesible thingis, and heriynge the Lord God of her fadris. 23 And it pleside al the multitude to halewe also othere seuene daies; which thing also thei diden with greet ioye.

2 Chronicles 30:23-23

23 And it pleside al the multitude to halewe also othere seuene daies; which thing also thei diden with greet ioye.

2 Chronicles 30:26

26 And greet solempnytee was maad in Jerusalem, which maner solempnyte was not in that citee fro the daies of Salomon, sone of Dauid, kyng of Israel.

2 Chronicles 33:5

5 Sotheli he bildide tho auteris to al the knyythod of heuene in the twei large places of the hows of the Lord.

2 Chronicles 34:15

15 And he seide to Saphan, the writere, Y haue founde the book of the lawe in the hows of the Lord.

2 Chronicles 34:19

19 and he hadde herd the wordis of the lawe, he to-rente hise clothis; and he comaundide to Helchie,

2 Chronicles 34:21

21 and seide, Go ye, and preie the Lord for me, and for the resydue men of Israel and of Juda, on alle the wordis of this book, which is foundun. For greet veniaunce of the Lord hath droppid on vs, for oure fadris kepten not the wordis of the Lord, to do alle thingis that ben writun in this book.

2 Chronicles 35:3

3 And he spak to the dekenes, at whos techyng al Israel was halewid to the Lord, Sette ye the arke in the seyntuarie of the temple, which Salomon, kyng of Israel, the sone of Dauid, bildide; for ye schulen no more bere it. But now serue `youre Lord God and his puple Israel,

2 Chronicles 35:18

18 No pask was lijk this in Israel, fro the daies of Samuel, the prophete; but nethir ony of the kyngis of Israel made pask as Josie dide, to preestis and dekenes, and to al Juda and Israel, that was foundun, and to the dwelleris of Jerusalem.

Ezra 2:63

63 And Attersatha seide to hem, that thei schulden not ete of the hooli of hooli thingis, til a wijs preest and perfit roos.

Ezra 3:1-13

1 And thanne the seuenthe monethe was comun, and the sones of Israel weren in her citees. 2 Therfor the puple was gaderid as o man in to Jerusalem. And Josue, the sone of Josedech, roos, and hise britheren, prestis, and Zorobabel, the sone of Salatiel, and hise britheren, and thei bildiden the auter of God of Israel for to offre therynne brent sacrifices, as it is writun in the lawe of Moises, the man of God. 3 Forsothe thei settiden the auter on his foundementis, while the puplis of londis bi cumpas maden hem aferd, and thei offriden on that auter brent sacrifice to the Lord in the morewtid and euentid. 4 And thei maden solempnytee of tabernaclis, as it is writun, and brent sacrifice ech dai bi ordre, `bi the werk of the dai comaundid in his dai.

Ezra 3:4

4 And thei maden solempnytee of tabernaclis, as it is writun, and brent sacrifice ech dai bi ordre, `bi the werk of the dai comaundid in his dai. 5 And after this thei offriden contynuel brent sacrifice, bothe in calendis and in alle solempnytees of the Lord, that weren halewid, and in alle solempnytees, in which yifte was offrid to the Lord bi fre wille. 6 In the firste dai of the seuenthe monethe thei bigunnen to offre brent sacrifice to the Lord; certis the temple of God was not foundid yit. 7 But thei yauen monei to heweris of stoon, and to liggeris of stoon, and thei yauen mete, and drynke, and oile, to men of Sidon, and `to men of Tire, that thei schulden brynge cedre trees fro the Liban to the see of Joppe, bi that that Cirus, kyng of Persis, hadde comaundid to hem. 8 Forsothe in the secounde yeer of her comyng to the temple of God in Jerusalem, in the secounde monethe, Zorobabel, the sone of Salatiel, and Josue, 9 the sone of Josedech, and othere of her britheren, preestis and dekenes, and alle that camen fro the caitifte in to Jerusalem, bigunnen; and thei ordeyneden dekenes, fro twenti yeer and aboue, for to haste the werk of the Lord; and Josue stood, and hise sones, and hise britheren, Cedynyel and hise sones, and the sones of Juda, as o man, to be bisi ouer hem that maden the werk in the temple of God; the sones of Benadab, her sones and her britheren, dekenes, `weren bisy. 10 Therfor whanne the temple `of the Lord was foundid of stoon leggeris, prestis stoden in her ournement with trumpis, and dekenes, the sones of Asaph, in cymbalis, for to herie God bi the hond of Dauid, kyng of Israel. 11 And thei sungen togidere in ympnes and knoulechyng to the Lord, For he is good, for his merci is with outen ende on Israel. And al the puple criede with greet cry, in preisynge the Lord, for the temple of the Lord was foundid. 12 Also ful manye of the preestis, and of the dekenes, and the princes of fadris, and the eldre men, that hadden seyn the formere temple, whanne it was foundid, and this temple bifor her iyen, wepten with greet vois, and many men criynge in gladnesse reisiden the vois; 13 and no man myyte knowe the vois of cry of men beynge glad, and the vois of wepyng of the puple; for the puple criede togidere with greet cry, and the vois was herd afer.

Ezra 7:6

6 and he was a swift writere in the lawe of Moises, which the Lord God of Israel yaf; and the kyng yaf to hym al his axyng, by the goode hoond of his Lord God on hym.

Ezra 7:11

11 Sotheli this is the saumpler of the pistle of the comaundement, which the kyng Artaxerses yaf to Esdras, preest, writere lerud in the wordis and comaundementis of the Lord, and in hise cerymonyes in Israel.

Ezra 8:18

18 And `thei brouyten to vs, bi the good hoond of oure God on vs, a ful wijs man of the sones of Mooli, the sone of Leuy, sone of Israel; and Sarabie, and his sones twenti, and his britheren eiytene;

Ezra 10:22-23

22 And of the sones of Phessur; Helioneai, Maasie, Hismael, Nathanael, and Jozabet, and Elasa. 23 And of the sones of dekenes; Josabeth, and Semey, and Elaie; he is Calithaphataie; Juda, and Elezer.

Ezra 10:29

29 And of the sones of Beny; Mosallam, and Melue, and Azaie, Jasub, and Saal, and Ramoth.

Ezra 10:33

33 Zabeth, Eliphelech, Jermai, Manasse, Semei.

Nehemiah 3:17

17 Dekenes bildiden after hym; and Reum, the sone of Beny, bildide aftir hem. Asebie, the prince of half part of the street of Cheile, bildide in his street aftir hym.

Nehemiah 3:19

19 And Aser, the sone of Josue, prince of Maspha, bildide bisidis hym the secounde mesure ayens the stiyng of the `moost stidefast corner.

Nehemiah 3:23

23 Beniamyn and Asub bildiden after hem ayens her hows; and Azarie, the sone of Maasie, sone of Ananye, bildide aftir hym ayens his owne hows.

Nehemiah 3:26

26 Forsothe Nathynneis dwelliden in Ophel til ayens the yate of watris at the eest, and the tour that apperide.

Nehemiah 5:13

13 Ferthermore Y schook my bosum, and Y seide, So God schake awei ech man, `that fillith not this word fro his hows, and hise trauels; and be he schakun awei, and be he maad voide. And al the multitude seide, Amen; and thei herieden God. Therfor the puple dide, as it was seid.

Nehemiah 7:65

65 And Athersata seide to hem, that thei schulden not eete of the hooli thingis of hooli men, til a wijs prest `and lerud roos.

Nehemiah 7:70

70 Forsothe summe of the princes of meynees yauen costis in to the werk of God; Athersata yaf in to the tresour, a thousynde dragmes of gold, fifti viols, fyue hundrid and thritti cootis of prestis.

Nehemiah 8:1

1 And the seuenthe monethe `was comun vndur Esdras and Neemye; sotheli the sones of Israel weren in her cytees. And al the puple was gaderid togydere as o man, to the street which is bifor the yate of watris. And thei seiden to Esdras, the scribe, that he schulde brynge the book of the lawe of Moises, which the Lord hadde comaundid to Israel. 2 Therfor Esdras, the preest, brouyte the lawe bifor the multitude of men and of wymmen, and bifor alle that myyten vndurstonde, `in the firste day of the seuenth monethe. 3 And he redde in it opynli in the street that was bifor the yate of watris, fro the morewtid `til to myddai, in the siyt of men and of wymmen and of wise men; and the eeris of al the puple weren reisid to the book. 4 Forsothe Esdras the writere stood on the grees of tree, which he hadde maad to speke theron; and Mathatie, and Semma, and Ananye, and Vrie, and Elchie, and Maasie stoden bisidis hym at his riyt half; and Phadaie, Mysael, and Melchie, Assum, and Aseph, Dana, and Zacharie, and Mosollam stoden at the left half.

Nehemiah 8:4

4 Forsothe Esdras the writere stood on the grees of tree, which he hadde maad to speke theron; and Mathatie, and Semma, and Ananye, and Vrie, and Elchie, and Maasie stoden bisidis hym at his riyt half; and Phadaie, Mysael, and Melchie, Assum, and Aseph, Dana, and Zacharie, and Mosollam stoden at the left half. 5 And Esdras openyde the book bifor al the puple; for he apperide ouer al the puple; and whanne he hadde openyd the book, al the puple stood. 6 And Esdras blesside the Lord God with greet vois; and al the puple answeride, Amen, Amen, reisynge her hondis. And thei weren bowid, and thei worschipiden God, lowli on the erthe. 7 Forsothe Josue, and Baany, and Serebie, Jamyn, Acub, Septhai, Odia, Maasie, Celitha, Ayarie, Jozabeth, Anan, Phallaie, dekenes, maden silence in the puple for to here the lawe. Sotheli the puple stood in her degree.

Nehemiah 8:7-8

7 Forsothe Josue, and Baany, and Serebie, Jamyn, Acub, Septhai, Odia, Maasie, Celitha, Ayarie, Jozabeth, Anan, Phallaie, dekenes, maden silence in the puple for to here the lawe. Sotheli the puple stood in her degree. 8 And thei redden in the book of Goddis lawe distinctli, `ether atreet, and opynli to vndurstonde; `and thei vndurstoden, whanne it was red.

Nehemiah 8:8-8

8 And thei redden in the book of Goddis lawe distinctli, `ether atreet, and opynli to vndurstonde; `and thei vndurstoden, whanne it was red. 9 Forsothe Neemye seide, he is Athersata, and Esdras, the preest and writere, and the dekenes, expownynge to al the puple, It is a dai halewid to `oure Lord God; nyle ye morne, and nyle ye wepe. For al the puple wepte, whanne it herde the wordis of the lawe.

Nehemiah 8:16

16 And al the puple yede out, and thei brouyten, and maden to hem silf tabernaclis, `ech man in `his hows roof, and in her stretis, `ether foryerdis, and in the large placis of Goddis hows, and in the street of the yate of watris, and in the street of the yate of Effraym.

Nehemiah 9:4

4 Forsothe `thei risiden on the degree, of dekenes, Jesuy, and Bany, Cedynyel, Remmy, Abany, Sarabie, Bany, and Chanany.

Nehemiah 10:1

1 Forsothe the seeleris weren Neemye, Athersata, the sone of Achilai, 2 and Sedechie, Saraie, Azarie, Jeremye, Phasur, 3 Amarie, Melchie,

Nehemiah 10:7

7 Mianymy, Mazie, Belga, and Semeie;

Nehemiah 10:9-10

9 Forsothe dekenes weren Josue, the sone of Azarie, Bennuy, of the sones of Ennadab, 10 Cedinyel, and hise britheren, Sethenye, Odenmye, Telita, Phalaie, Anam,

Nehemiah 10:12-13

12 Zaccur, Serebie, Sabanye, 13 Odias, Bany, Hamyn.

Nehemiah 10:18

18 Odenye, Assuyn, Bessaie,

Nehemiah 10:20

20 Methpie, Mosollam, Azir,

Nehemiah 10:25

25 Reu, Asebyne, Mathsie,

Nehemiah 11:5

5 of the sones of Phares, Amasie, the sone of Baruch, the sone of Colozay, the sone of Azie, the sone of Adaie, the sone of Jozarib, the sone of Zacarie, the sone of Salonytes; alle the sones of Phares,

Nehemiah 11:7

7 Sotheli these ben the sones of Beniamyn; Sellum, the sone of Mosollam, the sone of Joedi, the sone of Sadaie, the sone of Colaie, the sone of Masie, the sone of Ethel, the sone of Saie;

Nehemiah 11:16

16 and Jozabed was ordened of the princes of dekenes, on alle the werkis that weren with out forth in Goddis hows.

Nehemiah 11:19

19 And the porteris, Accub, Thelmon, and the britheren of hem, that kepten the doris, weren an hundrid `and two and seuenti.

Nehemiah 12:13

13 Mosollam, Amarie, Johannam,

Nehemiah 12:24-25

24 `And the princes of dekenes weren Asebie, Serebie, and Jesue, the sone of Cedynyel; and the britheren of hem bi her whiles, that thei schulden herie and knowleche bi the comaundement of kyng Dauid, the man of God, and thei schulden kepe euenli bi ordre. 25 Mathanye, and Bethbecie, and Obedie, Mosollam, Thelmon, Accub, weren keperis of the yatis, and of the porchis bifor the yatis. 26 These weren in the daies of Joachym, sone of Josue, sone of Josedech, and in the daies of Neemye, duyk, and of Esdras, the prest and writere.

Nehemiah 12:33

33 and Azarie, Esdras, and Mosollam, Juda, and Beniamyn, and Semeye, and Jeremye `yeden aftir hem.

Nehemiah 12:37

37 And the secounde queer of men tellynge thankyngis yede euene ayens, and Y aftir hym; and the half part of the puple was on the wal, and on the tour of ouenys, and `til to the broddeste wal;

Nehemiah 12:39

39 and thei stoden in the yate of kepyng. And twei queeris of men heriynge stoden in the hows of God, and Y and the half part of magistratis with me.

Nehemiah 12:41-42

41 and Maasie, and Senea, and Eleazar, and Azi, and Johannan, and Melchia, and Elam, and Ezer; and the syngeris sungen clereli, and Jezraie, the souereyn. 42 And thei offriden in that dai grete sacrifices, and weren glad; `for God `hadde maad hem glad with grete gladnesse. But also her wyues and lawful childre weren ioiful, and the gladnesse of Jerusalem was herd fer.

Esther 9:19

19 Forsothe these Jewis, that dwelliden in borow townes not wallid and vilagis, demeden the fourtenthe dai of the monethe Adar of feestis, and of ioie, so that thei be ioiful therynne, and sende ech to other partis of feestis and of metis.

Esther 9:22

22 for in tho daies the Jewis vengiden hem silf of her enemyes, and morenyng and sorewe weren turned in to gladnesse and ioie; and these daies schulden be daies of feestis, and of gladnesse, and `that thei schulden sende ech to other partis of metis, and `yyue litle yiftis to pore men.

Job 23:12

12 Y yede not awei fro the comaundementis of hise lippis; and Y hidde in my bosum the wordis of his mouth.

Job 31:16-18

16 If Y denyede to pore men that, that thei wolden, and if Y made the iyen of a wydewe to abide; 17 if Y aloone eet my mussel, and a faderles child eet not therof; 18 for merciful doyng encreesside with me fro my yong childhed, and yede out of my modris wombe with me;

Psalms 19:8-11

8 Thes in charis, and these in horsis; but we schulen inwardli clepe in the name of oure Lord God. 9 Thei ben boundun, and felden doun; but we han rise, and ben reisid. 10 Lord, make thou saaf the kyng; and here thou vs in the dai in which we inwardli clepen thee.

Psalms 28:2

2 Brynge ye to the Lord glorie and onour; brynge ye to the Lord glorie to his name; herie ye the Lord in his hooli large place.

Psalms 28:7-8

7 The vois of the Lord departynge the flawme of fier; 8 the vois of the Lord schakynge desert; and the Lord schal stire togidere the desert of Cades.

Psalms 63:4

4 For thei scharpiden her tungis as a swerd, thei benten a bowe, a bittir thing;

Psalms 72:18-19

18 Netheles for gilis thou hast put to hem; thou castidist hem doun, while thei weren reisid. 19 Hou ben thei maad into desolacioun; thei failiden sodeynli, thei perischiden for her wickidnesse.

Psalms 126:1-3

1 The `title of the hundrid and sixe and twentithe `salm. The song of greces of Salomon. `No but the Lord bilde the hous; thei that bilden it han trauelid in veyn. No but the Lord kepith the citee; he wakith in veyn that kepith it. 2 It is veyn to you to rise bifore the liyt; rise ye after that ye han sete, that eten the breed of sorewe. Whanne he schal yyue sleep to his loued; lo! 3 the eritage of the Lord `is sones, the mede is the fruyt of wombe.

Psalms 134:2

2 Ye that stonden in the hous of the Lord; in the hallis of `the hous of oure God.

Psalms 141:2

2 With my vois Y criede to the Lord; with my vois Y preiede hertli to the Lord.

Psalms 149:2

2 Israel be glad in hym that made hym; and the douytris of Syon make ful out ioye in her king.

Proverbs 2:1-6

1 Mi sone, if thou resseyuest my wordis, `and hidist myn heestis anentis thee; 2 that thin eere here wisdom, bowe thin herte to knowe prudence. 3 For if thou inwardli clepist wisdom, and bowist thin herte to prudence; 4 if thou sekist it as money, and diggist it out as tresours; 5 thanne thou schalt vndirstonde the drede of the Lord, and schalt fynde the kunnyng of God. 6 For the Lord yyueth wisdom; and prudence and kunnyng is of his mouth.

Proverbs 2:10-11

10 If wysdom entrith in to thin herte, and kunnyng plesith thi soule, 11 good councel schal kepe thee, and prudence schal kepe thee; that thou be delyuered fro an yuel weie,

Proverbs 8:33-34

33 Here ye teching, and be ye wise men; and nile ye caste it awei. 34 Blessid is the man that herith me, and that wakith at my yatis al dai; and kepith at the postis of my dore.

Proverbs 12:1

1 He that loueth chastisyng, loueth kunnyng; but he that hatith blamyngis, is vnwijs.

Proverbs 17:22

22 A ioiful soule makith likinge age; a sorewful spirit makith drie boonys.

Proverbs 24:13-14

13 Mi sone, ete thou hony, for it is good; and an honycomb ful swete to thi throte. 14 `So and the techyng of wisdom is good to thi soule; and whanne thou hast founde it, thou schalt haue hope in the laste thingis, and thin hope schal not perische.

Ecclesiastes 2:24

24 Whether it is not betere to ete and drynke, and to schewe to hise soule goodis of hise trauels? and this thing is of the hond of God.

Ecclesiastes 3:4

4 Tyme to wepe, and tyme to leiye; tyme to biweile, and tyme to daunse.

Ecclesiastes 3:13

13 For whi ech man that etith and drinkith, and seeth good of his trauel; this is the yifte of God.

Ecclesiastes 5:18

18 And to ech man, to whom God yaf richessis, and catel, and yaf power to hym to ete of tho, and to vse his part, and to be glad of his trauel; this is the yifte of God.

Ecclesiastes 9:7

7 Therfor go thou, iust man, and ete thi breed in gladnesse, and drynke thi wiyn with ioie; for thi werkis plesen God.

Ecclesiastes 11:2

2 Yyue thou partis seuene, and also eiyte; for thou woost not, what yuel schal come on erthe.

Song of Songs 5:1

1 Mi derlyng, come in to his gardyn, to ete the fruyt of hise applis. Mi sister spousesse, come thou in to my gardyn. Y have rope my myrre, with my swete smellynge spices; Y haue ete an hony combe, with myn hony; Y haue drunke my wyn, with my mylk. Frendis, ete ye, and drynke; and derewortheste frendis, be ye fillid greetli.

Isaiah 6:7-8

7 And he touchide my mouth, and seide, Lo! Y haue touchid thi lippis with this cole, and thi wickidnesse schal be don awei, and thi synne schal be clensid. 8 And Y herde the vois of the Lord, seiynge, Whom schal Y sende, and who schal go to you? And Y seide, Lo! Y; sende thou me.

Isaiah 8:20

20 It is to go to the lawe more and to the witnessyng, that if thei seien not after this word, morewtide liyt schal not be to hem.

Isaiah 12:1-3

1 And thou schalt seie in that dai, Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee, for thou were wrooth to me; thi strong venieaunce is turned, and thou hast coumfortid me. 2 Lo! God is my sauyour, Y schal do feithfuli, and Y schal not drede. For whi the Lord is my strengthe and my preysyng, and he is maad to me in to helthe. 3 Ye schulen drawe watris with ioie of the wellis of the sauyour.

Isaiah 28:9

9 Whom schal he teche kunnyng, and whom schal he make to vndurstonde heryng? Men wenyd fro mylk, men drawun awei fro tetis.

Isaiah 35:1-4

1 The forsakun Judee and with outen weie schal be glad, and wildirnesse schal make ful out ioye, and schal floure as a lilie. 2 It buriownynge schal buriowne, and it glad and preisynge schal make ful out ioie. The glorie of Liban is youun to it, the fairnesse of Carmele and of Saron; thei schulen se the glorie of the Lord, and the fairnesse of oure God. 3 Coumforte ye comelid hondis, and make ye strong feble knees. 4 Seie ye, Men of litil coumfort, be ye coumfortid, and nyle ye drede; lo! oure God schal brynge the veniaunce of yeldyng, God hym silf schal come, and schal saue vs.

Isaiah 61:3

3 that Y schulde sette coumfort to the moureneris of Sion, and that Y schulde yyue to them a coroun for aische, oile of ioie for mourenyng, a mentil of preysyng for the spirit of weilyng. And stronge men of riytfulnesse schulen be clepid ther ynne, the plauntyng of the Lord for to glorifie.

Isaiah 61:10

10 I ioiynge schal haue ioie in the Lord, and my soule schal make ful out ioiyng in my God. For he hath clothid me with clothis of helthe, and he hath compassid me with clothis of riytfulnesse, as a spouse made feir with a coroun, and as a spousesse ourned with her brochis.

Jeremiah 8:8-9

8 Hou seien ye, We ben wise men, and the lawe of the Lord is with vs? Verili the fals writyng of scribis wrouyte leesyng. 9 Wise men ben schent, ben maad aferd and takun. For thei castiden awei the word of the Lord, and no wisdom is in hem.

Jeremiah 15:16

16 Thi wordis ben foundun, and Y eet tho; and thi word was maad to me in to ioye, and in to gladnesse of myn herte; for thi name, Lord God of oostis, is clepid to help on me.

Jeremiah 19:13

13 And the housis of Jerusalem, and the housis of the kingis of Juda, schulen be as the place of Tophet; alle the vncleene housis, in whose roouys thei sacrifieden to al the chyualrie of heuene, and offriden moist sacrifices to alien goddis.

Jeremiah 28:6

6 And Jeremye, the profete, seide to Ananye, Amen! so do the Lord; the Lord reise thi wordis whiche thou profesiedist, that the vessels be brouyt ayen in to the hous of the Lord, and al the passyng ouer fro Babiloyne, to this place.

Jeremiah 32:29

29 And Caldeis schulen come, and fiyte ayens this citee, and thei schulen brenne it with fier, and thei schulen brenne it, and housis, in whose rooues thei sacrifieden to Baal, and offriden moist sacrifices to alien goddis, to terre me to wraththe.

Lamentations 3:41

41 Nun. Reise we oure hertis with hondis, to the Lord in to heuenes.

Hosea 4:6

6 My puple was stille, for it hadde not kunnyng; for thou hast putte awei kunnyng, Y schal putte thee awei, that thou vse not presthod to me; and for thou hast foryete the lawe of thi God, also Y schal foryete thi sones.

Joel 2:23

23 And the sones of Sion, make ye ful out ioie, and be ye glad in youre Lord God, for he yaf to you a techere of riytfulnesse, and he schal make morewtid reyn and euentid reyn to come doun to you, as in the bigynnyng.

Habakkuk 2:2

2 And the Lord answeride to me, and seide, Write thou the reuelacioun, and make it pleyn on tablis, that he renne, that schal rede it.

Zechariah 14:16-19

16 And alle that schulen be residue of alle folkis, that camen ayens Jerusalem, schulen stie vp fro yeer in to yeer, that thei worschipe the kyng, Lord of oostis, and halewe the feeste of tabernaclis. 17 And it schal be, reyn schal not be on hem that schulen not stie vp of the meyneis of erthe to Jerusalem, `that thei worschipe the king, Lord of oostis. 18 `That and if the meynee of Egipt schal not stie vp, and schal not come, nether on hem schal be reyn; but fallyng schal be, bi which the Lord schal smyte alle folkis, whiche stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis. 19 This schal be the synne of Egipt, and this the synne of alle folkis, that stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis.

Malachi 2:7

7 For the lippis of a prest kepen science, and thei schulen ayen seke the lawe of `the mouth of hym, for he is an aungel of the Lord of oostes.

Malachi 2:13

13 And eftsoone ye diden this thing; ye hiliden with teeris the auter of the Lord, with wepyng and mourenyng; so that Y biholde no more to sacrifice, nether resseyue ony thing plesaunt of youre hond.

Malachi 4:4

4 Bithenke ye on the lawe of my seruaunt Moises, which Y comaundide to hym in Oreb, to al Israel comaundementis and domes.

Matthew 5:21-22

21 Ye han herd that it was seid to elde men, Thou schalt not slee; and he that sleeth, schal be gilti to doom. 22 But Y seie to you, that ech man that is wrooth to his brothir, schal be gilti to doom; and he that seith to his brother, Fy! schal be gilti to the counseil; but he that seith, Fool, schal be gilti to the fier of helle.

Matthew 5:27-28

27 Ye han herd that it was seid to elde men, Thou schalt `do no letcherie. 28 But Y seie to you, that euery man that seeth a womman for to coueite hir, hath now do letcherie bi hir in his herte.

Matthew 6:13

13 but delyuere vs fro yuel.

Matthew 7:28-29

28 And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid these wordis, the puple wondride on his techyng; 29 for he tauyte hem, as he that hadde power, and not as the scribis `of hem, and the Farisees.

Matthew 13:52

52 He seith to hem, Therfor euery wise man of lawe in the kyngdom of heuenes, is lijk to an hosebonde man, that bryngith forth of his tresoure newe thingis and elde.

Matthew 21:1

1 And whanne Jhesus cam nyy to Jerusalem, and cam to Bethfage, at the mount of Olyuete, thanne sente he his twei disciplis, and seide to hem,

Matthew 23:2

2 and seide, On the chayere of Moises, scribis and Farisees han sete.

Matthew 23:13

13 But wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that closen the kyngdom of heuenes bifore men; and ye entren not, nether suffren men entrynge to entre.

Matthew 23:34

34 Therfor lo! Y sende to you profetis, and wise men, and scribis; and of hem ye schulen sle and crucifie, and of hem ye schulen scourge in youre sinagogis, and schulen pursue fro cite in to citee;

Matthew 26:39

39 And he yede forth a litil, and felde doun on his face, preiynge, and seiynge, My fader, if it is possible, passe this cuppe fro me; netheles not as Y wole, but as thou wolt.

Mark 6:33-34

33 And thei sayn hem go awei, and many knewen, and thei wenten afoote fro alle citees, and runnen thidur, and camen bifor hem. 34 And Jhesus yede out, and saiy myche puple, and hadde reuth on hem, for thei weren as scheep not hauynge a scheepherd. And he bigan to teche hem many thingis.

Mark 12:37

37 Thanne Dauid hym silf clepith him lord, hou thanne is he his sone? And myche puple gladli herde hym.

Luke 4:16-20

16 And he cam to Nazareth, where he was norisschid, and entride aftir his custom in the sabat dai in to a synagoge, and roos to reed.

Luke 4:16-17

16 And he cam to Nazareth, where he was norisschid, and entride aftir his custom in the sabat dai in to a synagoge, and roos to reed. 17 And the book of Ysaye, the prophete, was takun to hym; and as he turnede the book, he foond a place, where it was wrytun,

Luke 4:17-17

17 And the book of Ysaye, the prophete, was takun to hym; and as he turnede the book, he foond a place, where it was wrytun, 18 The Spirit of the Lord on me, for which thing he anoyntide me; he sente me to preche to pore men, to hele contrite men in herte, 19 and to preche remyssioun to prisoneris, and siyt to blynde men, and to delyuere brokun men in to remissioun; to preche the yeer of the Lord plesaunt, and the dai of yeldyng ayen. 20 And whanne he hadde closid the book, he yaf ayen to the mynystre, and sat; and the iyen of alle men in the synagoge were biholdynge in to hym.

Luke 8:18

18 Therfor se ye, hou ye heren; for it schal be youun to hym that hath, and who euer hath not, also that that he weneth that he haue, schal be takun awei fro hym.

Luke 11:41

41 Netheles that that is ouer plus, yyue ye almes, and lo! alle thingis ben cleene to you.

Luke 19:47-48

47 And he was techynge euerydai in the temple. And the princis of prestis, and the scribis, and the princis of the puple souyten to lese hym; 48 and thei founden not, what thei schulden do to hym, for al the puple was ocupied, and herde hym.

Luke 19:48-48

48 and thei founden not, what thei schulden do to hym, for al the puple was ocupied, and herde hym.

Luke 24:27

27 And he bigan at Moises and at alle the prophetis, and declaride to hem in alle scripturis, that weren of hym.

Luke 24:32

32 And thei seiden togidir, Whether oure herte was not brennynge in vs, while he spak in the weie, and openyde to vs scripturis?

Luke 24:45

45 Thanne he openyde to hem wit, that thei schulden vnderstonde scripturis.

John 1:14

14 And the word was maad man, and dwellyde among vs, and we han seyn the glorie of hym, as the glorie of the `oon bigetun sone of the fadir, ful of grace and of treuthe.

John 7:2

2 And ther was neiy a feeste dai of the Jewis, Senofegia.

John 7:37

37 But in the laste dai of the greet feeste, Jhesus stood, and criede, and seide, If ony man thirstith, come he to me, and drynke.

John 12:13

13 token braunchis of palmes, and camen forth ayens hym, and crieden, Osanna, blessid is the kyng of Israel, that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Acts 4:1

1 And while thei spaken to the puple, the preestis and magistratis of the temple, and the Saduceis camen vpon hem, and soreweden,

Acts 8:30-35

30 And Filip `ran to, and herde hym redynge Ysaie, the prophete. And he seide, Gessist thou, whether thou vndirstondist, what thingis thou redist? 31 And he seide, How may Y, if no man schewe to me? And he preiede Filip, that he schulde come vp, and sitte with hym. 32 And the place of the scripture that he redde, was this, As a scheep he was led to sleyng, and as a lomb bifor a man that scherith him is doumb with out vois, so he openyde not his mouth. 33 In mekenesse his dom was takun vp; who schal telle out the generacioun of hym? For his lijf schal be takun awei fro the erthe. 34 And the gelding answeride to Filip, and seide, Y biseche thee, of `what profete seith he this thing? of him silf, ethir of ony othere? 35 And Filip openyde his mouth, and bigan at this scripture, and prechide to him Jhesu.

Acts 13:15

15 And after the redyng of the lawe and of the prophetis, the princis of the synagoge senten to hem, and seiden, Britheren, if ony word of exortacioun to the puple is in you, seie ye.

Acts 13:27

27 For thei that dwelliden at Jerusalem, and princis of it, that knewen not this Jhesu, and the voicis of prophetis, that by euery sabat ben red, demyden, and filliden;

Acts 13:42

42 And whanne thei yeden out, thei preieden, that in the sabat suynge thei schulden speke to hem these wordis.

Acts 15:21

21 For Moyses of elde tymes hath in alle citees hem that prechen him in synagogis, where bi ech sabat he is red.

Acts 16:14

14 And a womman, Lidda bi name, a purpuresse of the cite of Tiatirens, worschipinge God, herde; whos herte the Lord openyde to yyue tente to these thingis, that weren seid of Poul.

Acts 17:2-3

2 And bi custom Poul entride to hem, and bi thre sabatis he declaride to hem of scripturis, 3 and openyde, and schewide that it bihofte Crist to suffre, and rise ayen fro deth, and that this is Jhesus Crist, whom Y telle to you.

Acts 17:11

11 But these weren the worthier of hem that ben at Thessolonik, whiche resseyueden the word with al desire, eche dai sekinge scripturis, if these thingis hadden hem so.

Acts 20:7

7 And in the first dai of the woke, whanne we camen to breke breed, Poul disputide with hem, and schulde go forth in the morew;

Acts 20:11

11 And he wente vp, and brak breed, and eete, and spak ynowy vnto the dai; and so he wente forth.

Acts 28:23

23 And whanne thei hadden ordeined a dai to hym, many men camen to hym in to the in. To whiche he expownede, witnessinge the kyngdom `of God, and counseilide hem of Jhesu, of the lawe of Moyses, and profetis, for the morewe til to euentid.

Romans 3:20

20 For of the werkis of the lawe ech fleisch schal not be iustified bifor hym; for bi the lawe ther is knowyng of synne.

Romans 7:9

9 And Y lyuede withouten the lawe sumtyme; but whanne the comaundement was comun, synne lyuede ayen.

Romans 7:18

18 But and Y woot, that in me, that is, in my fleisch, dwellith no good; for wille lieth to me, but Y fynde not to performe good thing.

1 Corinthians 14:16

16 For if thou blessist in spirit, who fillith the place of an ydiot, hou schal he seie Amen on thi blessyng, for he woot not, what thou seist?

2 Corinthians 7:9-11

9 not for ye weren maad soreuful, but for ye weren maad soreuful to penaunce. For whi ye ben maad sori aftir God, that in no thing ye suffre peirement of vs. 10 For the sorewe that is aftir God, worchith penaunce in to stidfast heelthe; but sorewe of the world worchith deth. 11 For lo! this same thing, that ye ben soreuful aftir God, hou myche bisynesse it worchith in you; but defendyng, but indignacioun, but drede, but desire, but loue, but veniaunce. In alle thingis ye han youun you silf to be vndefoulid in the cause.

2 Corinthians 8:2

2 that in myche asaiyng of tribulacioun, the plente of the ioye of hem was, and the hiyeste pouert of hem was plenteuouse `in to the richessis of the symplenesse of hem.

2 Corinthians 12:8-9

8 For whiche thing thries Y preiede the Lord, that it schulde go awei fro me. 9 And he seide to me, My grace suffisith to thee; for vertu is parfitli maad in infirmyte. Therfor gladli Y schal glorie in myn infirmytees, that the vertu of Crist dwelle in me.

Ephesians 1:3

3 Blessid be God and the fadir of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, that hath blessid vs in al spiritual blessing in heuenli thingis in Crist,

Philippians 3:4

4 thouy Y haue trust, yhe, in the fleisch. If ony othere man is seyn to triste in the fleisch,

1 Thessalonians 2:13

13 Therfor we doon thankingis to God with outen ceessyng. For whanne ye hadden take of vs the word `of the heryng of God, ye token it not as the word of men, but as `it is verili, the word of God, that worchith in you that han bileued.

1 Timothy 2:8

8 Therfor Y wole, that men preye in al place, liftinge vp clene hondis with outen wraththe and strijf.

1 Timothy 6:17-18

17 Amen. Comaunde thou to the riche men of this world, that thei vndurstonde not hiyli, nether that thei hope in vncerteynte of richessis, but in the lyuynge God, that yyueth to vs alle thingis plenteuously to vse; 18 to do wel, to be maad riche in good werkis, liytli to yyue,

2 Timothy 2:24-25

24 But it bihoueth the seruaunt of the Lord to chide not; but to be mylde to alle men, able to teche, 25 paciente, with temperaunce repreuynge hem that ayenstonden the treuthe, that sum tyme God yyue to hem forthenkyng, that thei knowen the treuthe,

Hebrews 2:1-3

1 Therfor more plenteuousli it bihoueth vs to kepe tho thingis, that we han herd, lest perauenture we fleten awei. 2 For if the ilke word that was seid bi aungels, was maad sad, and ech brekyng of the lawe and vnobedience took iust retribucioun of meede, 3 hou schulen we ascape, if we despisen so greet an heelthe? Which, whanne it hadde takun bigynnyng to be teld out by the Lord, of hem that herden is confermyd in to vs.

Hebrews 4:8

8 For if Jhesus hadde youun reste to hem, he schulde neuere speke of othere aftir this dai.

Hebrews 11:9

9 Bi feith he dwelte in the loond of biheest, as in an alien loond, dwellynge in litle housis with Ysaac and Jacob, euene heiris of the same biheest.

Hebrews 11:13

13 Bi feith alle these ben deed, whanne the biheestis weren not takun, but thei bihelden hem afer, and gretynge hem wel, and knoulechide that thei weren pilgryms, and herboryd men on the erthe.

1 Peter 1:3

3 Blessid be God, and the fadir of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, which bi his greet merci bigat vs ayen in to lyuynge hope, bi the ayen risyng of Jhesu Crist fro deth,

Revelation 2:29

29 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.

Revelation 3:22

22 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.

Revelation 7:9

9 Aftir these thingis Y sai a greet puple, whom no man myyte noumbre, of alle folkis, and lynagis, and puplis, and langagis, stondinge bifore the trone, in the siyt of the lomb; and thei weren clothid with white stoolis, and palmes weren in the hondis of hem.

Revelation 7:11

11 And alle aungels `stoden al aboute the trone, and the eldre men, and the foure beestis. And thei fellen doun in the siyt of the trone, on her faces, and worschipiden God, and seiden, Amen!

Revelation 11:10

10 And men enhabitynge the erthe schulen haue ioye on hem; and thei schulen make myrie, and schulen sende yiftis togidere, for these twei prophetis turmentiden hem that dwellen on the erthe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.