Nehemiah 6 Cross References - Wycliffe

1 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Sanaballath hadde herd, and Tobie, and Gosem of Arabie, and oure other enemyes, that Y hadde bildide the wal, and nomore brekyng was therynne; sotheli `til to that tyme Y hadde not set leeuys of schittyng in the yatis; 2 Sanaballath, and Tobie, and Gosem of Arabie senten to me, and seiden, Come thou, and smyte we boond of pees in calues, `in o feeld; forsothe thei thouyten for to do yuel to me. 3 Therfor Y sente messangeris to hem, and Y seide, Y make a greet werk, and Y mai not go doun, lest perauenture it be doon retchelesli, whanne Y come, and go doun to you. 4 Sotheli thei senten to me `bi this word bi foure tymes, and Y answeride to hem by the formere word. 5 And Sanaballath sente to me the fyuethe tyme bi the formere word his child; and he hadde in his hond a pistle writun in this maner; 6 It is herd among hethene men, and Gosem seide, that thou and the Jewis thenken for to rebelle, and therfor ye bilden, and thou wolt `reise thee king on hem; 7 for which cause also thou hast set profetis, that prechen of thee in Jerusalem, and seien, A king is in Jerusalem; the king schal here these wordis; therfor come thou now, that we take counsel togidere. 8 And Y sente to hem, and seide, It is not doon bi these wordis whiche thou spekist; for of thin herte thou makist these thingis. 9 Alle these men maden vs aferd, and thouyten that oure hondis schulden ceesse fro werkis, that we schulden reste; for which cause Y coumfortide more myn hond. 10 And Y entride priueli in to the hows of Samaie, sone of Dalie, the sone of Methabehel, which seide, Trete we with vs silf in the hows of God, in the myddis of the temple, and close we the yatis of the hows; for thei schulen come to sle thee, `and thei schulen come `bi niyt to sle thee. 11 And Y seide, Whether ony man lijk me fledde, and who as Y schal entre in to the temple, and schal lyue? 12 Y schal not entre. And Y vndurstood that God `hadde not sent hym, but `he spak as profesiynge to me; and Tobie and Sanaballath `hadden hirid hym for meede. 13 For he hadde take prijs, that Y schulde be aferd, and do, and that Y schulde do synne; and thei schulden haue yuel, which thei schulden putte to me with schenschip. 14 Lord, haue mynde of me, for Tobye and Sanaballath, bi siche werkis `of hem; but also of Noadie, the profete, and of othere profetis, that maden me aferd. 15 Forsothe the wal was fillid in the fyue and twentithe dai of the monethe Ebul, in two and fifti daies. 16 Sotheli it was doon, whanne alle oure enemyes hadden herd, that alle hethene men dredden, that weren in oure cumpas, and thei felden doun with ynne hem silf, and wiste, that this work was maad of God. 17 But also in tho daies many pistlis of the principal men of Jewis weren sent to Tobie, and camen fro Tobie to hem. 18 For many men weren in Judee, and hadden his ooth; for he hadde weddid the douyter of Sechenye, the sone of Rotel; and Johannam, his sone, hadde take the douyter of Mosallam, sone of Barachie. 19 But also thei preisiden hym bifor me, and telden my wordis to hym; and Tobie sente lettris, for to make me aferd.

Exodus 14:25

25 and tho weren borun in to the depthe. Therfor Egipcians seiden, Fle we Israel; for the Lord fiytith for hem ayenus vs.

Numbers 23:23

23 fals tellyng bi chiteryng of bryddis, `ethir idolatrie, is not in Jacob, nethir fals dyuynyng is in Israel. In his tymes it schal be seide to Jacob and Israel, What the Lord hath wrought!

Numbers 32:7-9

7 Whi peruerten ye the soulis of Israel, that thei doren not passe in to the place, which the Lord schal yyue to hem? 8 Whether youre fadris diden not so, whanne Y sente fro Cades Barne to aspie the lond, 9 and whanne thei camen to the valey of Clustre, whanne al the cuntrey was cumpassid, thei peruertiden the herte of the sones of Israel, that thei entriden not in to the coostis, whiche the Lord yaf to hem.

Joshua 5:1

1 Therfor aftir that alle kyngis of Ammorreys herden, that dwelliden ouer Jordan at the west coost, and alle the kyngis of Canaan, that weldiden nyy places of the greet see, that the Lord hadden dried the flowyngis of Jordan bifor the sones of Israel, til thei passiden, the herte of hem was failid, and spirit dwellide not in hem, dredynge the entring of the sones of Israel.

Judges 16:6

6 Therfor Dalida spak to Sampson, Y biseche, seie thou to me, wher ynne is thi gretteste strengthe, and what is that thing, with which thou boundun maist not breke?

Judges 16:10

10 And Dalida seide to hym, Lo! thou hast scorned me, and thou hast spok fals; nameli now schewe thou to me, with what thing thou schuldist be boundun.

Judges 16:15-20

15 And Dalida seide to hym, Hou seist thou, that thou louest me, sithen thi soule is not with me? Bi thre tymes thou liedist to me, and noldist seie to me, wher ynne is thi moost strengthe. 16 And whanne sche was diseseful to hym, and cleuyde to hym contynueli bi many daies, and yaf not space to reste, his lijf failide, and was maad wery `til to deeth. 17 Thanne he openyde the treuthe of the thing, and seide to hir, Yrun stiede neuere on myn heed, for Y am a Nazarei, that is, halewid to the Lord, fro `the wombe of my modir; if myn heed be schauun, my strengthe schal go awei fro me, and Y schal faile, and Y schal be as othere men. 18 And sche siy that he knowlechide to hir al his wille, `ether herte; and sche sente to the princes of Filisteis, and comaundide, Stie ye yit onys, for now he openyde his herte to me. Whiche stieden, with the money takun which thei bihiyten. 19 And sche made hym slepe on hir knees, and `bowe the heed in hir bosum; and sche clepide a barbour, and schauede seuene heeris of hym; and sche bigan to caste hym awei, and to put fro hir; for anoon the strengthe yede awei fro him. 20 And sche seide, Sampson, Filisteis ben on thee! And he roos fro sleep, and seide to his soule, Y schal go out, as and Y dide bifore, and Y schal schake me fro boondis; and he wiste not, that the Lord hadde goon awei fro hym.

1 Samuel 19:5

5 and he puttide his lijf in his hond, and he killide the Filistei. And the Lord made greet heelthe to al Israel; thou siy, and were glad; whi therfor synnest thou in giltles blood, and sleest Dauid, which is with out gilt?

1 Samuel 30:6

6 And Dauid was ful sori; forsothe al the puple wold stone hym, for the soule of ech man was bittir on her sones and douytris. Forsothe Dauid was coumfortid in his Lord God.

2 Samuel 3:27

27 And whanne Abner hadde come ayen in to Ebron, Joab ledde hym asidis half to `the myddil of the yate, that he schulde speke to hym in gile; and he smoot Abner there in the schar, and he was deed, in to the veniaunce of the blood of his brother Asahel.

2 Samuel 15:10-12

10 Forsothe Absolon sente aspieris in to al the lynage of Israel, and seide, Anoon as ye heren the sown of clarioun, seye ye, Absolon schal regne in Ebron. 11 Forsothe twei hundrid men clepid of Jerusalem yeden with Absolon, and yede with symple herte, and outirli thei knewen not the cause. 12 Also Absolon clepide Achitofel of Gilo, the councelour of Dauid, fro his citee Gilo. And whanne he offride sacrifices a strong swerynge togidere was maad, and the puple rennynge togidere was encreessid with Absolon.

2 Samuel 20:9

9 Heil, my brother! And he helde with the riyt hond the chyn of Amasa, as kissinge him.

1 Kings 1:7

7 sone of Saruye, and with `Abiathar, preest, that helpiden the partis of Adonye.

1 Kings 1:18

18 and lo! Adonye hath regnede now, `while thou, my lord the kyng, knowist not;

1 Kings 1:25

25 For he cam doun to dai, and offride oxis, and fatte thingis, and ful many wetheris; and he clepide alle the sones of the kyng, also Abiathar, preest; and whanne thei eten, and drunken bifor hym, and seiden, Kyng Adonye lyue;

1 Kings 1:34

34 And Sadoch, the preest, and Nathan, the profete, anoynte hym in to kyng on Israel and Juda; and ye schulen synge with a clarioun, and ye schulen seie, Lyue kyng Salomon!

1 Kings 6:5

5 And he bildide on the wal of the temple bildyngis of tablis bi cumpas, in the wallis of the hows, `bi cumpas of the temple, and of Goddis answeryng place; and he made sidis in the cumpas.

1 Kings 22:22-24

22 And he seide, Y schal go out, and Y schal be a spirit of leesyng in the mouth of alle hise prophetis. And the Lord seide, Thou schalt disseyue, and schalt haue the maystry; go thou out, and do so. 23 Now therfor, lo! the Lord yaf a spirit of leesyng in the mouth of alle prophetis that ben here; and the Lord spak yuel ayens thee. 24 Forsothe Sedechie, sone of Canaan, neiyede, and smoot Mychee on the cheke, and seide, Whether the Spirit of the Lord forsook me, and spak to thee?

2 Kings 9:8

8 And Y schal lese al the hows of Achab, and Y schal sle of the hows of Achab a pissere to the wal, and closid, and the laste in Israel.

2 Kings 11:3

3 And he was with hir in the hows of the Lord priueli sixe yeer. Forsothe Athalia regnede on the lond sixe yeer.

2 Kings 18:26-28

26 Forsothe Eliachym, sone of Elchie, and Sobna, and Joahe, seiden to Rabsaces, We preien, that thou speke bi the langage of Sirie to vs, thi seruauntis; for we vndirstondun this langage; and that thou speke not to vs bi the langage of Juwis, while the puple herith, which is on the wal. 27 And Rabsaces answeride, `and seide, Whethir my lord sente me to thi lord and to thee, that Y schulde speke these wordis, and not rather to the men `that sitten on the wal, that thei ete her toordis, and drynke her pisse with you? 28 Therfor Rabsaces stood, and criede with greet vois bi langage of Jewis, and seide, Here ye the wordis of the greet kyng, the kyng of Assiriens.

1 Chronicles 8:12

12 Sotheli the sones of Elphaal weren Heber, and Musaam, and Samaath; he bildide Ono, and Lod, and hise villagis;

2 Chronicles 15:7

7 but be ye coumfortid, and youre hondis be not slakid; for mede schal be to youre werk.

2 Chronicles 28:24

24 Therfor aftir that Achaz hadde take awei, and broke alle the vessels of the hows of God, he closide the yatis of Goddis temple, and made auteris to hym silf in alle the corneris of Jerusalem.

2 Chronicles 29:3

3 In that yeer and the firste monethe of his rewme he openyde the yatis of the hows of the Lord, and restoride tho;

2 Chronicles 29:7

7 Thei closiden the doris that weren in the porche, and quenchiden the lanternes; and thei brenten not encense, and thei offriden not brent sacrifices in the seyntuarie of God of Israel.

2 Chronicles 32:18

18 Ferthermore and with greet cry in the langage of Jewis he sownede ayens the puple, that sat on the wallis of Jerusalem, to make hem aferd, and to take the citee.

Ezra 2:5

5 the sones of Area, seuene hundrid and fyue and seuenti;

Ezra 4:1-24

1 Forsothe the enemyes of Juda and of Beniamyn herden, that the sones of caitifte bildiden a temple to the Lord God of Israel; 2 and thei neiyeden to Zorobabel, and to the princes of fadris, and seiden to hem, Bilde we with you, for so as ye, we seken youre God; lo! we han offrid sacrificis fro the daies of Assoraddon, kyng of Assur, that brouyte vs hidur. 3 And Zorobabel, and Josue, and the othere princes of the fadris of Israel, seiden to hem, It is not to vs and to you, that we bilde an hows to oure God; but we vs silf aloone schulen bilde to `oure Lord God, as Cirus, the kyng of Persis, comaundide to vs. 4 Forsothe it was doon, that the puple of the lond lettide the hondis of the puple of Juda, and trobliden hem in bildyng. 5 And thei hiriden counselouris ayens the Jewis, that thei schulden destrie the counseil of the Jewis, in alle the daies of Cirus, king of Persis, and `til to the rewme of Darius, king of Persis. 6 Forsothe in the rewme of Assueris, he is Artaxersis, in the bigynnyng of his rewme, thei writiden accusing ayens the dwellers of Juda and of Jerusalem; 7 and in the daies of Artaxarses, Besellam wroot, Mytridates, and Thabel, and othere, that weren in the counsel of hem, to Artaxarses, kyng of Persis. For the pistle of accusyng was writun in langage of Sirie, and was red in word of Sirie. 8 Reum, Beel, Theem, and Samsai, the scryuen, writen sich oon epistle fro Jerusalem to the kyng Artaxerses; Reum, 9 Beel, Theem, and Samsai, the writere, and othere counselouris of hem, Dyney, Pharsathei, and Therphalei, Arphasei, Harthuei, men of Babiloyne, Susanne, Thanei, Dacei, men of Helam, 10 and othere of hethene men, whiche the grete and gloriouse Asennaphar translatide, and made hem to dwelle in the citees of Samarie, and in othere cuntrees biyonde the flood, `in pees. 11 This is the saumplere of the pistle, which thei senten to the kyng. `To Artaxerses, king, thi seruauntis, men `that ben biyende the flood, seyn helthe. 12 Be it knowun to the kyng, that the Jewis, that stieden fro thee, ben comun to vs `in to Jerusalem, the rebel and worste citee, which thei bilden, and thei maken the ground wallis therof, and arayen the wallis aboue.

Ezra 4:12-24

12 Be it knowun to the kyng, that the Jewis, that stieden fro thee, ben comun to vs `in to Jerusalem, the rebel and worste citee, which thei bilden, and thei maken the ground wallis therof, and arayen the wallis aboue. 13 Nou therfor be it knowun to the kyng, that if thilke citee be bildid, and the wallis therof be restorid, thei schulen not yyue tribut, and tol, and annuel rentis, and this trespas schal come `til to the kyng. 14 Therfor we ben myndeful of the salt, which we eeten in the paleis, and for we holden it vnleueful to se the harmes of the kyng, therfor we han sent and teld to the kyng; 15 that thou acounte in the bokis of stories of thi fadris, and thou schalt fynde writun in cronyclis, and thou schalt wite, that thilke citee is a rebel citee, and that it anoieth kyngis and prouynces, and batels ben reisid therynne of elde daies; wherfor also thilke citee was distried.

Ezra 4:15-24

15 that thou acounte in the bokis of stories of thi fadris, and thou schalt fynde writun in cronyclis, and thou schalt wite, that thilke citee is a rebel citee, and that it anoieth kyngis and prouynces, and batels ben reisid therynne of elde daies; wherfor also thilke citee was distried. 16 We tellen to the kyng, that if thilke citee be bildid, and the wallis therof be restorid, thou schalt not haue possessioun biyende the flood. 17 The kyng sente word to Reum, Beel, Theem, and to Samsai, the scryuen, and to othere that weren in the counsel of hem, to the dwelleris of Samarie, and to othere biyendis the flood, and seide, Helthe and pees. 18 The accusyng, which ye senten to vs, was red opynli bifor me; 19 and it was comaundid of me, and thei rekenyden, and thei foundun, that thilke citee rebellith of elde daies ayens kyngis, and dissenciouns and batels ben reisid therynne; 20 for whi `and ful stronge kyngis weren in Jerusalem, which also weren lordis of al the cuntrei which is biyende the flood; also thei token tribut, and tol, and rentis. 21 Now therfor here ye the sentence, that ye forbede tho men, and that thilke citee be not bildid, til if perauenture it be comaundid of me. 22 Se ye, that this be not fillid necgligentli, and yuel encreesse litil `and litil ayens kyngis. 23 Therfor the saumple of the comaundement of kyng Artaxarses was red bifor Reum, Beel, Theem, and Samsai, the scryueyn, and her counseleris; and thei yeden hastili in to Jerusalem to the Jewis, and forbediden hem with arm and myyt. 24 Thanne the werk of Goddis hows in Jerusalem was left, and it was not maad til to the secounde yeer of Darius, king of Persis.

Ezra 6:15

15 and thei performyden this hows of God `til to the thridde dai of the monethe Adar, which is the sixte yeer of the rewme of king Darius.

Ezra 8:16

16 Therfor Y sente Eliezer, and Ariehel, and Semeam, and Helnathan, and Jaubeth, and an other Helnathan, and Nathan, and Zacharie, and Mesollam, princes; and Joarib, and Elnathan, wise men;

Ezra 10:31

31 And of the sones of Erem; Elieer, Jesue, Melchie, Semeye, Symeon, Beniamyn, Maloth, Samarie.

Nehemiah 2:10

10 And Sanaballath Oronythes, and Tobie, the seruaunt Amanytes, herden, and thei weren soreuful bi greet turment, for a man was comun, that souyte prosperite of the sones of Israel.

Nehemiah 2:19

19 Forsothe Sanballath Oronytes, and Tobie, the seruaunt Amanytes, and Gosem Arabs, herden, and scorneden vs, and dispisiden; and seiden, What is this thing, which ye doon? whether ye rebellen ayens the kyng?

Nehemiah 3:1

1 And Eliasiph, the greet preest, roos, and hise britheren, and prestis, and thei bildiden the yate of the floc; thei maden it stidfast; and settiden the yatis therof, and `til to the tour of an hundrid cubitis, thei maden it stidfast, `til to the tour of Ananehel.

Nehemiah 3:3

3 Forsothe the sones of Asamaa bildiden the yatis of fischis; thei hiliden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris. And Marymuth, sone of Vrye, the sone of Accus, bildide bisidis hem. 4 And Mosolla, sone of Barachie, the sone of Meseze, bildide bisidis hym. And Sadoch, the sone of Baana, bildide bisidis him. 5 And men of Thecue bildiden bisidis hym; but the principal men of hem puttiden not her neckis vndur in the werk of her Lord God. 6 And Joiada, the sone of Phasea, and Mosollam, the sone of Besoyda, bildiden the elde yate; thei hiliden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris.

Nehemiah 3:30

30 Ananye, the sone of Selemye, and Anon, the sixte sone of Selon, bildide aftir hym the secounde mesure. Mosallam, the sone of Barachie, bildide ayenus his tresorie after hym. Melchie, the sone of a goldsmiyt, bildide aftir hym `til to the hows of Nathynneis, and of men sillynge scheldis ayens the yate of iugis, and `til to the soler of the corner.

Nehemiah 4:1

1 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Sanaballath hadde herd, that we bildiden the wal, he was ful wrooth, and he was stirid greetli, and scornede the Jewis.

Nehemiah 4:1-2

1 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Sanaballath hadde herd, that we bildiden the wal, he was ful wrooth, and he was stirid greetli, and scornede the Jewis. 2 And he seide bifor hise britheren, and the multitude of Samaritans, What doen the feble Jewis? Whether hethene men schulen suffre hem? Whether thei schulen fille, and make sacrifice in o dai? Whether thei moun bilde stonys of the heepis of the dust, that ben brent?

Nehemiah 4:4-5

4 And Neemye seide, Oure God, here thou, for we ben maad dispising; turne thou the schenschip on her heed, and yyue thou hem in to dispisyng in the lond of caytifte; 5 hile thou not the wickidnesse of hem, and her synnes be not doon awei bifor thi face; for thei scorneden bilderis. 6 Therfor we bildiden the wal, and ioyneden togidere al `til to the half part, and the herte of the puple was exitid to worche. 7 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Sanaballat `hadde herd, and Tobie, and Arabiens, and Amanytys, and men of Azotus hadden herd, that the brekyng of the wal of Jerusalem was stoppid, and that the crasyngis hadden bigunne to be closid togidere, thei weren ful wrothe.

Nehemiah 4:7

7 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Sanaballat `hadde herd, and Tobie, and Arabiens, and Amanytys, and men of Azotus hadden herd, that the brekyng of the wal of Jerusalem was stoppid, and that the crasyngis hadden bigunne to be closid togidere, thei weren ful wrothe.

Nehemiah 4:10-14

10 Forsothe Juda seide, The strengthe of the berere is maad feble, and the erthe is ful myche, and we moun not bilde the wal. 11 And oure enemyes seiden, Wite thei not, and knowe thei not, til we comen in to the myddil of hem, and sleen hem, and maken the werk to ceesse. 12 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Jewis came, that dwelliden bisidis hem, and seiden to vs `bi ten tymes, fro alle places fro whiche thei camen to vs, 13 Y ordeynede the puple in ordre, with her swerdis, and speris, and bouwis, in a place bihynde the wal bi cumpas. 14 Y bihelde, and roos, and seide to the principal men, and magistratis, and to `the tother part of the comyn puple, Nyle ye drede of her face; haue ye mynde of the greet Lord, and ferdful, and fiyte ye for youre britheren, and youre sones, and youre douytris, for youre wyues, and housis.

Nehemiah 5:7

7 And myn herte thouyte with me, and Y blamede the principal men and magistratis; and Y seide to hem, Axe ye not vsuris, `ech man of youre britheren. And Y gaderide togidire a greet cumpeny ayens hem,

Nehemiah 5:19

19 My God, haue thou mynde of me in to good, bi alle thingis whiche Y dide to this puple.

Nehemiah 6:1-2

1 Forsothe it was doon, whanne Sanaballath hadde herd, and Tobie, and Gosem of Arabie, and oure other enemyes, that Y hadde bildide the wal, and nomore brekyng was therynne; sotheli `til to that tyme Y hadde not set leeuys of schittyng in the yatis; 2 Sanaballath, and Tobie, and Gosem of Arabie senten to me, and seiden, Come thou, and smyte we boond of pees in calues, `in o feeld; forsothe thei thouyten for to do yuel to me. 3 Therfor Y sente messangeris to hem, and Y seide, Y make a greet werk, and Y mai not go doun, lest perauenture it be doon retchelesli, whanne Y come, and go doun to you.

Nehemiah 6:6

6 It is herd among hethene men, and Gosem seide, that thou and the Jewis thenken for to rebelle, and therfor ye bilden, and thou wolt `reise thee king on hem;

Nehemiah 6:9

9 Alle these men maden vs aferd, and thouyten that oure hondis schulden ceesse fro werkis, that we schulden reste; for which cause Y coumfortide more myn hond.

Nehemiah 6:12-13

12 Y schal not entre. And Y vndurstood that God `hadde not sent hym, but `he spak as profesiynge to me; and Tobie and Sanaballath `hadden hirid hym for meede.

Nehemiah 6:12

12 Y schal not entre. And Y vndurstood that God `hadde not sent hym, but `he spak as profesiynge to me; and Tobie and Sanaballath `hadden hirid hym for meede. 13 For he hadde take prijs, that Y schulde be aferd, and do, and that Y schulde do synne; and thei schulden haue yuel, which thei schulden putte to me with schenschip.

Nehemiah 6:13

13 For he hadde take prijs, that Y schulde be aferd, and do, and that Y schulde do synne; and thei schulden haue yuel, which thei schulden putte to me with schenschip. 14 Lord, haue mynde of me, for Tobye and Sanaballath, bi siche werkis `of hem; but also of Noadie, the profete, and of othere profetis, that maden me aferd.

Nehemiah 7:10

10 the sones of Area, sixe hundrid and two and fifti; the sones of Phaeth Moab,

Nehemiah 11:35

35 Nebollaloth, and in Onam, the valei of crafti men.

Nehemiah 13:28

28 Forsothe Sanabalath Horonyte hadde weddid a douyter of the sones of Joiada, sone of Eliasib, the grete prest, which Sanaballath Y droof awei fro me. 29 My Lord God, haue mynde ayens hem, that defoulen presthod, and the riyt of prestis and of dekenes. Therfor I clenside hem fro alle aliens, and I ordeynede ordris of prestis and of dekenes,

Job 4:3-6

3 Lo! thou hast tauyt ful many men, and thou hast strengthid hondis maad feynt. 4 Thi wordis confermyden men doutynge, and thou coumfortidist knees tremblynge. 5 But now a wounde is comun on thee, and thou hast failid; it touchide thee, and thou art disturblid. 6 Where is thi drede, thi strengthe, and thi pacience, and the perfeccioun of thi weies?

Job 13:4

4 and firste Y schewe you makeris of leesyng, and louyeris of weyward techyngis.

Job 24:13-17

13 Thei weren rebel to liyt; thei knewen not the weyes therof, nether thei turneden ayen bi the pathis therof. 14 A mansleere risith ful eerli, and sleeth a nedi man, and a pore man; sotheli bi nyyt he schal be as a nyyt theef. 15 The iye of avouter kepith derknesse, and seith, An yye schal not se me; and he schal hile his face. 16 Thei mynen housis in derknessis, as thei seiden togidere to hem silf in the dai; and thei knewen not liyt. 17 If the morewtid apperith sudeynli, thei demen the schadewe of deth; and so thei goon in derknessis as in liyt.

Psalms 1:3

3 And he schal be as a tree, which is plauntid bisidis the rennyngis of watris; which tre schal yyue his fruyt in his tyme. And his leef schal not falle doun; and alle thingis which euere he schal do schulen haue prosperite.

Psalms 11:1-2

1 The title of the eleuenthe salm. To the victorie on the eiyte, the song of Dauid. 2 Lord, make thou me saaf, for the hooli failide; for treuthis ben maad litle fro the sones of men.

Psalms 12:2

2 Hou long schal Y sette counsels in my soule; sorewe in my herte bi dai?

Psalms 22:1

1 The title of the two and twentithe salm. `The salm, ether the song of Dauid. The Lord gouerneth me, and no thing schal faile to me;

Psalms 36:3

3 Hope thou in the Lord, and do thou goodnesse; and enhabite thou the lond, and thou schalt be fed with hise richessis.

Psalms 36:11-12

11 But mylde men schulen enerite the lond; and schulen delite in the multitude of pees. 12 A synnere schal aspie a riytful man; and he schal gnaste with hise teeth on hym.

Psalms 37:12

12 My frendis and my neiyboris neiyiden; and stoden ayens me. And thei that weren bisidis me stoden afer;

Psalms 38:12

12 Fro the strengthe of thin hond Y failide in blamyngis; for wickidnesse thou hast chastisid man. And thou madist his lijf to faile as an yreyne; netheles ech man is disturblid in veyn.

Psalms 52:2

2 Thei ben `corrupt, and maad abhomynable in her wickidnessis; noon is that doith good.

Psalms 56:3

3 I schal crye to God altherhiyeste; to God that dide wel to me.

Psalms 63:1

1 The titil of the thre and sixtithe salm. `In Ebrewe thus, To the victorie, the salm of Dauid. `In Jerom `thus, To the ouercomer, the song of Dauid.

Psalms 68:35

35 Heuenes and erthe, herye hym; the se, and alle crepynge bestis in tho, herye hym.

Psalms 71:1

1 The title of the oon and seuentithe salm. `To Salomon.

Psalms 112:6

6 and biholdith meke thingis in heuene and in erthe?

Psalms 112:8

8 That he sette hym with princes; with the princes of his puple.

Psalms 120:2-3

2 Myn help is of the Lord; that made heuene and erthe. 3 The Lord yyue not thi foot in to mouyng; nether he nappe, that kepith thee.

Psalms 126:2

2 It is veyn to you to rise bifore the liyt; rise ye after that ye han sete, that eten the breed of sorewe. Whanne he schal yyue sleep to his loued; lo!

Psalms 138:3

3 Thou hast vndirstonde my thouytis fro fer; thou hast enquerid my path and my corde.

Psalms 140:5-11

5 A iust man schal repreue me in mersi, and schal blame me; but the oile of a synner make not fat myn heed. For whi and yit my preier is in the wel plesaunt thingis of hem; 6 for the domesmen of hem ioyned to the stoon weren sopun vp. Here thei my wordis, 7 for tho weren myyti. As fatnesse is brokun out on the erthe; oure bonys ben scatered niy helle. Lord, Lord, 8 for myn iyen ben to thee, Y hopide in thee; take thou not awei my soule. 9 Kepe thou me fro the snare which thei ordeyneden to me; and fro the sclaundris of hem that worchen wickidnesse. Synneris schulen falle in the nett therof; 10 Y am aloone til Y passe.

Proverbs 7:21

21 Sche boonde hym with many wordis; and sche drow forth hym with flateryngis of lippis.

Proverbs 11:9

9 A feynere bi mouth disseyueth his freend; but iust men schulen be deliuered bi kunnyng.

Proverbs 14:15

15 An innocent man bileueth to eche word; a felle man biholdith hise goyngis.

Proverbs 22:1

1 Betere is a good name, than many richessis; for good grace is aboue siluer and gold.

Proverbs 26:24-26

24 An enemy is vndirstondun bi hise lippis, whanne he tretith giles in the herte. 25 Whanne he `makith low his vois, bileue thou not to hym; for seuene wickidnessis ben in his herte. 26 The malice of hym that hilith hatrede gilefuli, schal be schewid in a counsel.

Proverbs 28:1

1 A wickid man fleeth, whanne no man pursueth; but a iust man as a lioun tristynge schal be with out ferdfulnesse.

Proverbs 28:4

4 Thei that forsaken the lawe, preisen a wickid man; thei that kepen `the lawe, ben kyndlid ayens hym.

Proverbs 29:5

5 A man that spekith bi flaterynge and feyned wordis to his frend; spredith abrood a net to hise steppis.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Eft Y bihelde alle the trauelis of men, and bisynesses; and Y perseyuede that tho ben opyn to the enuye of neiybore; and therfor in this is vanyte, and superflu bisynesse.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 and it is myche betere to make not a vowe, than aftir a vowe to yelde not biheestis.

Ecclesiastes 7:1

1 The wisdom of a man schyneth in his cheer; and the myytieste schal chaunge his face.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 Worche thou bisili, what euer thing thin hond mai do; for nether werk, nether resoun, nethir kunnyng, nether wisdom schulen be at hellis, whidir thou haastist.

Ecclesiastes 10:1

1 Flies `that dien, leesen the swetnesse of oynement. Litil foli at a tyme is preciousere than wisdom and glorie.

Isaiah 9:14-15

14 And the Lord schal leese fro Israel the heed and the tail; crokynge and bischrewynge, ether refreynynge, in o dai. 15 An elde man and onourable, he is the heed, and a profete techynge a leesyng, he is the tail.

Isaiah 10:18

18 And the glorie of his forest and of his Carmele schal be wastid, fro the soule `til to fleisch; and he schal be fleynge awei for drede.

Isaiah 35:3-4

3 Coumforte ye comelid hondis, and make ye strong feble knees. 4 Seie ye, Men of litil coumfort, be ye coumfortid, and nyle ye drede; lo! oure God schal brynge the veniaunce of yeldyng, God hym silf schal come, and schal saue vs.

Isaiah 37:10-14

10 spekynge these thingis to Ezechye, kyng of Juda, Thi God disseyue not thee, in whom thou tristist, and seist, Jerusalem schal not be youun in to the hond of the kyng of Assiriens. 11 Lo! thou herdist alle thingis whiche the kynges of Assiriens diden to alle londis whiche thei distrieden; and maist thou be delyuered? 12 Whethir the goddis of folkis delyuereden hem, whiche my fadris distrieden; Gosan, and Aran, and Reseph, and the sones of Eden, that weren in Thalasar? 13 Where is the kyng of Emath, and the kyng of Arphath, and the kyng of the citee of Sepharuaym, and of Ana, and of Aua? 14 And Ezechie took the bookis fro the hond of messangeris, and redde tho; and he stiede in to the hous of the Lord, and spredde abrood tho bifore the Lord;

Isaiah 41:10

10 Drede thou not, for Y am with thee; boowe thou not awei, for Y am thi God. Y coumfortide thee, and helpide thee; and the riythond of my iust man vp took thee.

Isaiah 51:7

7 Ye puple, that knowen the iust man, here me, my lawe is in the herte of hem; nyle ye drede the schenschipe of men, and drede ye not the blasfemyes of hem.

Isaiah 51:12-13

12 `Y my silf schal coumforte you; what art thou, that thou drede of a deedli man, and of the sone of man, that schal wexe drie so as hei? 13 And thou hast foryete `the Lord, thi creatour, that stretchide abrood heuenes, and foundide the erthe; and thou dreddist contynueli al dai of the face of his woodnesse, that dide tribulacioun to thee, and made redi for to leese. Where is now the woodnesse of the troblere?

Isaiah 56:11

11 and moost vnschamefast doggis knewen not fulnesse. Tho scheepherdis knewen not vndurstondyng; alle thei bowyden in to her weie, ech man to his aueryce, fro the hiyeste `til to the laste.

Isaiah 57:11

11 therfor thou preiedist not. For what thing dreddist thou bisy, for thou liedist, and thouytist not on me? And thou thouytist not in thin herte, that Y am stille, and as not seynge; and thou hast foryete me.

Isaiah 59:4

4 Noon is, that clepith riytfulnesse to help, and noon is, that demeth verili; but thei tristen in nouyt, and speken vanytees; thei conseyueden trauel, and childiden wickidnesse.

Jeremiah 1:17

17 Therfor girde thou thi leendis, and rise thou, and speke to hem alle thingis whiche Y comaunde to thee; drede thou not of the face of hem, for Y schal not make thee for to drede the cheer of hem.

Jeremiah 9:3-6

3 and thei helden forth her tunge as a bouwe of leesyng, and not of treuthe Thei ben coumfortid in erthe, for thei yeden out fro yuel to yuel, and thei knewen not me, seith the Lord. 4 Ech man kepe hym fro his neiybore, and haue no trist in ony brother of hym; for whi ech brother disseyuyng schal disseyue, and ech frend schal go gilefuli. 5 And a man schal scorne his brother, and schal not speke treuthe; for thei tauyten her tunge to speke leesyng; thei traueliden to do wickidli. 6 Thi dwellyng is in the myddis of gile; in gile thei forsoken to knowe me, seith the Lord.

Jeremiah 11:20-23

20 But thou, Lord of oostis, that demest iustli, and preuest reynes and hertis, se Y thi veniaunce of hem; for to thee Y schewide my cause. 21 Therfor the Lord seith these thingis to the men of Anathot, that seken thi lijf, and seien, Thou schalt not prophesie in the name of the Lord, and thou schalt not die in oure hondis. 22 Therfor the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal visite on hem; the yonge men of hem schulen die bi swerd, the sones of hem and the douytris of hem schulen die for hungur; 23 and no relifs, ether children abidynge, schulen be of hem; for Y schal bringe ynne yuel on the men of Anathot, the yeer of the visitacioun of hem.

Jeremiah 14:14

14 And the Lord seide to me, The profetis profesien falsli in my name; Y sente not hem, and Y comaundide not to hem, nether Y spak to hem; thei profesien to you a fals reuelacioun, and a gileful dyuynyng, and the disseyuyng of her herte. 15 Therfor the Lord seith these thingis of the profetis that profesien in my name, whiche Y sente not, and seien, Swerd and hungur schal not be in this lond; Tho profetis schulen be wastid bi swerd and hungur.

Jeremiah 14:18

18 If Y go out to feeldis, lo! men ben slayn bi swerd; and if Y entre in to the citee, lo! men ben maad leene for hungur; also a profete and a prest yeden in to the lond which thei knewen not.

Jeremiah 18:18

18 And thei seiden, Come ye, and thenke we thouytis ayens Jeremye; for whi the lawe schal not perische fro a preest, nether councel schal perische fro a wijs man, nether word schal perische fro a profete; come ye, and smyte we hym with tunge, and take we noon heede to alle the wordis of hym.

Jeremiah 18:20-23

20 Whether yuel is yoldun for good, for thei han diggid a pit to my soule; haue thou mynde, that Y stoode in thi siyt, to speke good for hem, and to turne awei thin indignacioun fro hem. 21 Therfor yyue thou the sones of hem in to hungur, and lede forth hem in to the hondis of swerd; the wyues of hem be maad with out children, and be maad widewis, and the hosebondis of hem be slayn bi deth; the yonge men of hem be persid togidere bi swerd in batel. 22 Cry be herd of the housis of hem, for thou schalt bringe sudenli a theef on hem; for thei diggiden a pit to take me, and hidden snaris to my feet. 23 But thou, Lord, knowist al the councel of hem ayens me in to deth; do thou not merci to the wickidnesse of hem, and the synne of hem be not doon awei fro thi face; be thei maad fallynge doun in thi siyt, in the tyme of thi stronge veniaunce; vse thou hem to othir thing than thei weren ordeyned.

Jeremiah 20:10

10 For Y herde dispisyngis of many men, and drede in cumpas, Pursue ye, and pursue we hym, of alle men that weren pesible to me, and kepynge my side; if in ony maner he be disseyued, and we haue the maistrie ayens hym, and gete veniaunce of hym.

Jeremiah 23:16

16 The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Nyle ye here the wordis of profetis, that profesien to you, and disseyuen you; thei speken the visioun of her herte, not of the mouth of the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:25

25 Y herde what thingis the profetis seiden, profesiynge a leesyng in my name, and seiynge, Y dremede dremes.

Jeremiah 28:1

1 And it was don in that yeer, in the bigynnyng of the rewme of Sedechie, kyng of Juda, in the fourthe yeer, in the fyuethe monethe, Ananye, the sone of Azur, a profete of Gabaon, seide to me in the hous of the Lord, bifor the preestis, and al the puple,

Jeremiah 28:10

10 And Ananye, the profete, took the chayne fro the necke of Jeremye, the profete, and brak it.

Jeremiah 28:15

15 And Jeremye, the profete, seide to Ananye, the profete, Ananye, here thou; the Lord sente not thee, and thou madist this puple for to triste in a leesyng.

Jeremiah 36:5

5 And Jeremye comaundide to Baruk, and seide, Y am closid, and Y may not entre in to the hous of the Lord.

Jeremiah 38:4

4 And the princes seiden to the kyng, We preien, that this man be slayn; for of bifore castyng he discoumfortith the hondis of men werriours, that dwelliden in this citee, and the hondis of al the puple, and spekith to hem bi alle these wordis. For whi this man sekith not pees to this puple, but yuel.

Jeremiah 41:2

2 Forsothe Ismael, the sone of Nathanye, and the ten men that weren with hym, risiden vp, and killiden bi swerd Godolie, the sone of Aicham, sone of Saphan; and thei killiden hym, whom the kyng of Babiloyne hadde maad souereyn of the lond.

Ezekiel 2:6

6 Therfore thou, sone of man, drede not hem, nether drede thou the wordis of hem; for vnbileueful men and distrieris ben with thee, and thou dwellist with scorpiouns. Drede thou not the wordis of hem, and drede thou not the faces of hem, for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe.

Ezekiel 3:24

24 And the spirit entride in to me, and settide me on my feet. And he spak to me, and seide to me, Entre thou, and be thou closid in the myddis of thin hous.

Ezekiel 13:7

7 Whether ye seen not a veyn visioun, and spaken fals diuynyng, and seiden, The Lord seith, whanne Y spak not?

Ezekiel 13:16-17

16 that pargeten it, the profetis of Israel, that profesien to Jerusalem, and seen to it the visioun of pees, and pees is not, seith the Lord God. 17 And thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens the douytris of thi puple, that profesien of her herte; and profesie thou on hem,

Ezekiel 13:17-17

17 And thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens the douytris of thi puple, that profesien of her herte; and profesie thou on hem, 18 and seie thou, The Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to hem that sowen togidere cuschens vndur ech cubit of hond, and maken pilewis vndur the heed of ech age, to take soulis; and whanne thei disseyueden the soulis of my puple, thei quykenyden the soulis of hem. 19 And thei defouliden me to my puple, for an handful of barli, and for a gobet of breed, that thei schulden sle soulis that dien not, and quykene soulis that lyuen not; and thei lieden to my puple, bileuynge to leesyngis.

Ezekiel 13:19-23

19 And thei defouliden me to my puple, for an handful of barli, and for a gobet of breed, that thei schulden sle soulis that dien not, and quykene soulis that lyuen not; and thei lieden to my puple, bileuynge to leesyngis. 20 For this thing the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to youre cuschens, bi whiche ye disseyuen soulis fliynge; and Y schal al to-breke tho fro youre armes, and Y schal delyuere soulis which ye disseyuen, soulis to fle. 21 And Y schal al to-breke youre pilewis, and Y schal delyuere my puple fro youre hond; and thei schulen no more be in youre hondis, to be robbid; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 22 For that that ye maden falsli the herte of a iust man to morene, whom Y made not sori; and ye coumfortiden the hondis of a wickid man, that he schulde not turne ayen fro his yuel weie, and lyue.

Ezekiel 13:22-23

22 For that that ye maden falsli the herte of a iust man to morene, whom Y made not sori; and ye coumfortiden the hondis of a wickid man, that he schulde not turne ayen fro his yuel weie, and lyue. 23 Therfor ye schulen not se veyn thingis, and ye schulen no more dyuyne false dyuynyngis; and Y schal delyuere my puple fro youre hond, and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.

Ezekiel 33:31

31 and thei comen to thee, as if my puple entrith, and my puple sitten bifore thee, and thei heren thi wordis, and doon not tho; for thei turnen tho in to the song of her mouth, and her herte sueth her auerice;

Daniel 6:4-5

4 Certis the kyng thouyte to ordeyne hym on al the rewme. Wherfor princes and duikis souyten to fynde occasioun to Danyel, of the side of the kyng; and thei miyten fynde no cause and suspicioun, for he was feithful, and no blame and suspicioun was foundun in hym. 5 Therfor tho men seiden, We schulen not fynde ony occasioun to this Danyel, no but in hap in the lawe of his God.

Daniel 9:25

25 Therfor wite thou, and perseyue; fro the goyng out of the word, that Jerusalem be bildid eft, til to Crist, the duyk, schulen be seuene woukis of yeeris and two and sixti woukis of yeeris; and eft the street schal be bildid, and wallis, in the angwisch of tymes.

Daniel 11:27

27 And the herte of twei kyngis schal be, that thei do yuel, and at o boord thei schulen speke leesyng, and thei schulen not profite; for yit the ende schal be in to an other tyme.

Micah 3:11

11 Princes therof demyden for yiftis, and prestis therof tauyten for hire, and profetis therof dyuyneden for money; and on the Lord thei restiden, and seiden, Whether the Lord is not in the myddil of us? yuelis schulen not come on vs.

Micah 7:1-6

1 Wo to me, for Y am maad as he that gaderith in heruest rasyns of grapis; there is no clustre for to ete; my soule desiride figis ripe bifore othere. 2 The hooli perischide fro erthe, and riytful is not in men; alle aspien, ether setten tresoun, in blood, a man huntith his brother to deth. 3 The yuel of her hondis thei seien good; the prince axith, and the domesman is in yeldyng; and a greet man spak the desir of his soule, and thei sturbliden togidere it. 4 He that is best in hem, is as a paluyre; and he that is riytful, is as a thorn of hegge. The dai of thi biholdyng, thi visityng cometh, now schal be distriyng of hem.

Micah 7:4-6

4 He that is best in hem, is as a paluyre; and he that is riytful, is as a thorn of hegge. The dai of thi biholdyng, thi visityng cometh, now schal be distriyng of hem. 5 Nyle ye bileue to a frend, and nyle ye truste in a duyk; fro hir that slepith in thi bosum, kepe thou closyngis of thi mouth.

Micah 7:5-6

5 Nyle ye bileue to a frend, and nyle ye truste in a duyk; fro hir that slepith in thi bosum, kepe thou closyngis of thi mouth. 6 For the sone doith wrong to the fadir, and the douyter schal rise ayens hir modir, and the wijf of the sone ayens the modir of hir hosebonde; the enemyes of a man ben the homeli, ether houshold meynee, of hym.

Zechariah 10:12

12 Y schal coumforte hem in the Lord, and thei schulen walke in the name of hym, seith the Lord.

Malachi 1:10

10 Who is `in you that closith doris, and brenneth myn auter `of his owne wille, ethir freli? Wille is not to me in you, seith the Lord of oostis; and Y schal not resseyue a yifte of youre hond.

Matthew 5:11

11 `Ye schulen be blessid, whanne men schulen curse you, and schulen pursue you, and shulen seie al yuel ayens you liynge, for me.

Matthew 7:15

15 Be ye war of fals prophetis, that comen to you in clothingis of scheep, but withynneforth thei ben as wolues of raueyn;

Matthew 10:16

16 Lo! Y sende you as scheep in the myddil of wolues; therfor be ye sliy as serpentis, and symple as dowues.

Matthew 10:28

28 And nyle ye drede hem that sleen the bodi; for thei moun not sle the soule; but rather drede ye hym, that mai lese bothe soule and bodi in to helle.

Matthew 12:34

34 Ye generacioun of eddris, hou moun ye speke goode thingis, whanne ye ben yuele? For the mouth spekith of plente of the herte.

Matthew 22:15

15 Thanne Farisees yeden awei, and token a counsel to take Jhesu in word.

Matthew 24:10-12

10 And thanne many schulen be sclaundrid, and bitraye ech other, and thei schulen hate ech other. 11 And many false prophetis schulen rise, and disseyue manye.

Matthew 24:11-12

11 And many false prophetis schulen rise, and disseyue manye. 12 And for wickidnesse schal `be plenteuouse, the charite of manye schal wexe coold;

Matthew 24:24

24 For false Cristis and false prophetis schulen rise, and thei schulen yyue grete tokenes and wondrys; so that also the chosun be led in to erroure, if it may be done.

Matthew 26:59

59 And the prince of prestis, and al the counsel souyten fals witnessing ayens Jhesu, that thei schulden take hym to deeth;

Luke 13:31-33

31 In that day sum of the Farisees camen nyy, and seiden to hym, Go out, and go fro hennus, for Eroude wole sle thee. 32 And he seide to hem, Go ye, and seie to that foxe, Lo! Y caste out feendis, and Y make perfitli heelthis, to dai and to morew, and the thridde dai Y am endid. 33 Netheles it bihoueth me to dai, and to morewe, and the dai that sueth, to walke; for it fallith not a profete to perische out of Jerusalem.

Luke 14:30

30 and myyte not make an ende.

Luke 18:5

5 netheles for this widewe is heuy to me, Y schal venge hir; lest at the laste sche comynge condempne me.

Luke 20:19-21

19 And the princis of prestis, and scribis, souyten to leye on hym hoondis in that our, and thei dredden the puple; for thei knewen that to hem he seide this liknesse. 20 And thei aspieden, and senten aspieris, that feyneden hem iust, that thei schulden take hym in word, and bitaak hym to the `power of the prince, and to the power of the iustice. 21 And thei axiden hym, and seiden, Maister, we witen, that riytli thou seist and techist; and thou takist not the persoone of man, but thou techist in treuthe the weie of God.

Luke 23:2

2 And thei bigunnen to accuse hym, and seiden, We han foundun this turnynge vpsodoun oure folk, and forbedynge tributis to be youun to the emperour, and seiynge that hym silf is Crist and kyng.

John 3:20

20 For ech man that doith yuele, hatith the liyt; and he cometh not to the liyt, that hise werkis be not repreued.

John 7:7

7 The world may not hate you, sothely it hatith me; for Y bere witnessyng therof, that the werkis of it ben yuele.

John 8:44

44 Ye ben of the fadir, the deuel, and ye wolen do the desyris of youre fadir. He was a mansleere fro the bigynnyng, and he stood not in treuthe; for treuthe is not in hym. Whanne he spekith lesyng, he spekith of his owne; for he is a liere, and fadir of it.

John 9:4

4 It bihoueth me to worche the werkis of hym that sente me, as longe as the dai is; the nyyt schal come, whanne no man may worche.

John 15:19

19 If ye hadden be of the world, the world schulde loue that thing that was his; but for ye ben not of the world, but Y chees you fro the world, therfor the world hatith you.

John 19:13

13 And Pilat, whanne he hadde herd these wordis, ledde Jhesu forth, and sat for domesman in a place, that is seid Licostratos, but in Ebrew Golgatha.

Acts 4:18-21

18 And thei clepiden hem, and denounsiden to hem, that on no maner thei schulden speke, nether teche, in the name of Jhesu. 19 But Petre and Joon answeriden, and seiden to hem, If it be riytful in the siyt of God to here you rather than God, deme ye. 20 For we moten nedis speke tho thingis, that we han sayn and herd. 21 And thei manassiden, and leften hem, and foundun not hou thei schulden punische hem, for the puple; for alle men clarifieden that thing that was don in that that was bifalle.

Acts 5:38

38 And now therfor Y seie to you, departe ye fro these men, and suffre ye hem; for if this counsel ether werk is of men, it schal be vndon;

Acts 6:13

13 And thei ordeyneden false witnessis, that seiden, This man ceessith not to speke wordis ayens the hooli place, and the lawe.

Acts 8:1

1 But Saul was consentynge to his deth. And greet persecucioun was maad that dai in the chirche, that was in Jerusalem. And alle men weren scatered bi the cuntrees of Judee and Samarie, outakun the apostlis.

Acts 20:24

24 But Y drede no thing of these, nether Y make my lijf preciousere than my silf, so that Y end my cours, and the mynysterie of the word, which Y resseyuede of the Lord Jhesu, to witnesse the gospel of the grace of God.

Acts 20:33

33 And of no man Y coueitide siluer, and gold, ether cloth, as you silf witen;

Acts 21:13

13 Thanne Poul answeride, and seide, What doen ye, wepinge and turmentinge myn herte? For Y am redi, not oonli to be boundun, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jhesu.

Acts 21:30

30 And al the citee was moued, and a rennyng togider of the puple was maad. And thei token Poul, and drowen him out of the temple; and anoon the yatis weren closid.

Acts 23:15

15 Now therfor make ye knowun to the tribune, with the counsel, that he bringe hym forth to you, as if ye schulden knowe sum thing more certeynli of hym; and we ben redi to sle hym, bifor that he come.

Acts 24:12-13

12 and nether in the temple thei founden me disputinge with ony man, nether makynge concours of puple, nether in synagogis, nether in citee; 13 nether thei moun preue to thee, of the whiche thingis thei now accusen me.

Acts 25:7

7 And whanne he was brouyt forth, Jewis stoden aboute hym, whiche camen doun fro Jerusalem, puttynge ayens hym many and greuouse causis, whiche thei miyten not preue.

Acts 25:10

10 And Poul seide, At the domplace of the emperour Y stonde, where it bihoueth me to be demed. Y haue not noied the Jewis, as thou knowist wel.

Romans 3:8

8 And not as we ben blasfemed, and as summen seien that we seien, Do we yuele thingis, that gode thingis come. Whos dampnacioun is iust.

1 Corinthians 2:15

15 But a spiritual man demeth alle thingis, and he is demed of no man.

1 Corinthians 12:10

10 to another, the worchyng of vertues; to another, profecie; to another, very knowyng of spiritis; to another, kyndis of langagis; to another, expownyng of wordis.

1 Corinthians 15:58

58 Therfore, my dereworthe britheren, be ye stidefast, and vnmouable, beynge plenteuouse in werk of the Lord, euere more witynge that youre trauel is not idel in the Lord.

2 Corinthians 2:11

11 that we be not disseyued of Sathanas; for we knowen hise thouytis.

2 Corinthians 6:8

8 bi glorie and vnnoblei; bi yuel fame and good fame; as disseyueris, and trewe men; as thei that ben vnknowun, and knowun;

2 Corinthians 11:12

12 God woot. For that that Y do, and that Y schal do, is that Y kitte awei the occasioun of hem that wolen occasioun, that in the thing, in which thei glorien, thei be foundun as we. 13 For siche false apostlis ben trecherouse werk men, and transfiguren hem in to apostlis of Crist. 14 And no wondur, for Sathanas hym silf transfigurith hym in to an aungel of light. 15 Therfor it is not greet, if hise mynystris ben transfigurid as the mynystris of riytwisnesse, whos ende schal be aftir her werkis.

2 Corinthians 12:9

9 And he seide to me, My grace suffisith to thee; for vertu is parfitli maad in infirmyte. Therfor gladli Y schal glorie in myn infirmytees, that the vertu of Crist dwelle in me.

Galatians 2:5

5 But we yyue no place to subieccioun, that the treuthe of the gospel schulde dwelle with you.

Ephesians 3:16

16 that he yyue to you, aftir the richessis of his glorie, vertu to be strengthid bi his spirit in the ynnere man,

Ephesians 6:10

10 Her aftirward, britheren, be ye coumfortid in the Lord, and in the miyt of his vertu. 11 Clothe you with the armere of God, that ye moun stonde ayens aspiynges of the deuel.

Philippians 2:17

17 But thouy Y be offrid or slayn on the sacrifice and seruyce of youre feith, Y haue ioye, and Y thanke you alle.

Philippians 2:30

30 For the werk of Crist he wente to deth, yyuynge his lijf, that he schulde fulfille that that failide of you anentis my seruyce.

Philippians 4:13

13 Y may alle thingis in hym that coumfortith me.

2 Thessalonians 2:10

10 and grete wondris, false, and in al disseit of wickidnesse, to hem that perischen. For that thei resseyueden not the charite of treuthe, that thei schulden be maad saaf. And therfor God schal sende to hem a worching of errour, that thei bileue to leesing,

1 Timothy 3:3

3 not youun myche to wyn, not a smytere, but temperat, not ful of chiding, not coueitouse, wel reulinge his hous,

1 Timothy 4:15-16

15 Thenke thou these thingis, in these be thou, that thi profiting be schewid to alle men. 16 Take tent to thi silf and to doctryn; be bisi in hem. For thou doynge these thingis, schalt `make bothe thi silf saaf, and hem that heren thee.

1 Timothy 5:14

14 Therfor Y wole, that yongere widewis be weddid, and bringe forth children, and ben hosewyues, to yyue noon occasioun to the aduersarie, bi cause of cursid thing.

2 Timothy 1:7

7 For whi God yaf not to vs the spirit of drede, but of vertu, and of loue, and of sobrenesse.

2 Timothy 3:8

8 And as Jannes and Mambres ayenstoden Moises, so these ayenstonden treuthe, men corrupt in vndirstonding, repreuyd aboute the feith.

2 Timothy 4:14-15

14 Alisaundre, the tresorer, schewide to me myche yuele; `the Lord schal yelde to hym aftir his werkis. 15 Whom also thou eschewe; for he ayenstood ful greetli oure wordis.

Titus 1:7

7 For it bihoueth a bischop to be without cryme, a dispendour of God, not proud, not wrathful, not drunkelew, not smytere, not coueytouse of foul wynnyng;

Titus 2:8

8 An hoolsum word, and vnrepreuable; that he that is of the contrarie side, be aschamed, hauynge noon yuel thing to seie of you.

Hebrews 11:27

27 Bi feith he forsook Egipt, and dredde not the hardynesse of the king; for he abood, as seinge hym that was vnuysible.

Hebrews 12:12

12 For whiche thing reise ye slowe hondis,

James 4:17

17 Therfor it is synne to hym, that kan do good, and doith not.

1 Peter 2:12-13

12 and haue ye youre conuersacioun good among hethene men, that in that thing that thei bacbite of you, as of mysdoeris, thei biholden you of good werkis, and glorifie God in the dai of visitacioun. 13 Be ye suget to ech creature, for God; ethir to the kyng, as to hym that is hiyer in state,

1 Peter 3:16

16 but with myldenesse and drede, hauynge good conscience; that in that thing that thei bacbiten of you, thei ben confoundid, whiche chalengen falsly youre good conuersacioun in Crist.

1 Peter 5:2

2 that ben among you, fede ye the flok of God, that is among you, and puruey ye, not as constreyned, but wilfulli, bi God; not for loue of foule wynnyng,

1 Peter 5:10

10 And God of al grace, that clepide you in to his euerlastinge glorie, you suffrynge a litil, he schal performe, and schal conferme, and schal make sad.

2 Peter 2:3

3 and thei schulen make marchaundie of you in coueytise bi feyned wordis. To whiche doom now a while ago ceessith not, and the perdicioun of hem nappith not.

1 John 4:1

1 Moost dere britheren, nyle ye bileue to ech spirit, but preue ye spiritis, if thei ben of God; for many false prophetis wenten out in to the world.

1 John 4:5

5 Thei ben of the world, therfor thei speken of the world, and the world herith hem.

1 John 5:16

16 He that woot that his brother synneth a synne not to deth, axe he, and lijf schal be youun to hym that synneth not to deth. Ther is a synne to deth; `not for it Y seie, that ony man preie.

Revelation 18:13

13 and canel, and amonye, and of swete smellinge thingis, and oynementis, and encense, and of wyn, and of oyle, and of flour, and of whete, and of werk beestis, and of scheep, and of horsis, and of cartis, and of seruauntis, and other lyues of men.

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beeste was cauyt, and with hir the false prophete, that made signes bifor hir; in whiche he disseyuede hem that token the carect of the beeste, and that worschipiden the ymage of it. These tweyne weren sent quyke in to the pool of fier, brennynge with brymstoon.

Revelation 21:8

8 But to ferdful men, and vnbileueful, and cursid, and manquelleris, and fornycatouris, and to witchis, and worschiperis of idols, and to alle lieris, the part of hem shal be in the pool brennynge with fier and brymstoon, that is the secounde deth.

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