Jeremiah 43:9 Cross References - Wycliffe

9 and seide, Take in thin hond grete stoonys, and hide thou tho in a denne, which is vndur the wal of tiil stoon, in the yate of the hous of Farao, in Taphnys, while alle Jewis seen.

Exodus 1:14

14 and brouyten her lijf to bitternesse bi hard werkis of cley and to tijl stoon, and bi al seruage, bi which thei weren oppressid in the werkis of erthe.

2 Samuel 12:31

31 Also he ledde forth the puple therof, and sawide, and `dide aboute hem `yrun instrumentis of turment, and departide with knyues, and `ledde ouer bi the licnesse of tijl stoonus; so he dide to alle the citees of the sones of Amon. And Dauid turnede ayen, and al his oost, in to Jerusalem.

1 Kings 11:29-31

29 Therfor it was doon in that tyme, that Jeroboam yede out of Jerusalem; and Ahias of Sylo, a profete, hilid with a newe mentil, foond hym in the weie; sotheli thei tweyne weren oneli in the feeld. 30 And Ahias took his newe mentil, with which he was hilid, and kittide in to twelue partis; 31 and seide to Jeroboam, Take to thee ten kyttyngis; for the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal kytte the rewme fro the hond of Salomon, and Y schal yyue to thee ten lynagis;

Isaiah 20:1-4

1 In the yeer wherynne Tharthan entride in to Azotus, whanne Sargon, the kyng of Assiriens, hadde sent hym, and he hadde fouyte ayens Azotus, and hadde take it; 2 in that tyme the Lord spak in the hond of Isaye, the sone of Amos, and seide, Go thou, and vnbynde the sak fro thi leendis, and take awei thi schoon fro thi feet. And he dide so, goynge nakid and vnschood. 3 And the Lord seide, As my seruaunt Ysaie yede nakid and vnschood, a signe and greet wondur of thre yeer schal be on Egipt, and on Ethiopie; 4 so the kyng of Assiriens schal dryue the caitifte of Egipt, and the passyng ouer of Ethiopie, a yong man and an eld man, nakid and vnschood, with the buttokis vnhilid, to the schenschipe of Egipt.

Jeremiah 13:1-11

1 The Lord seith these thingis to me, Go, and take in possessioun to thee a lynnun breigirdil; and thou schalt putte it on thi leendis, and thou schalt not bere it in to watir. 2 And Y took in possessioun a breigirdil, bi the word of the Lord; and Y puttide aboute my leendis. 3 And the word of the Lord was maad to me in the secounde tyme, 4 and seide, Take the brigirdil, which thou haddist in possessioun, which is aboute thi leendis; and rise thou, and go to Eufrates, and hide thou it there, in the hoole of a stoon. 5 And Y yede, and hidde it in Eufrates, as the Lord comaundide to me. 6 And it was don aftir ful many daies, the Lord seide to me, Rise thou, and go to Eufrates, and take fro thennus the brigirdil, whiche Y comaundide to thee, that thou schuldist hide it there. 7 And Y yede to Eufrates, and diggide out, and Y took the breigirdil fro the place, where Y hadde hidde it; and lo! the breigirdil was rotun, so that it was not able to ony vss. 8 And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 9 and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, So Y schal make rotun the pride of Juda, and the myche pride of Jerusalem, 10 and this worste puple, that nylen here my wordis, and goen in the schrewidnesse of her herte; and thei yeden aftir alien goddis, to serue hem, and to worschipe hem; and thei schulen be as this breigirdil, which is not able to ony vss. 11 For as a breigirdil cleueth to the leendis of a man, so Y ioynede faste to me al the hous of Israel, and al the hous of Juda, seith the Lord, that thei schulden be to me in to a puple, and in to name, and in to heriyng, and in to glorie; and thei herden not.

Jeremiah 18:2-12

2 and seide, Rise thou, and go doun in to the hous of a pottere, and there thou schalt here my wordis. 3 And Y yede doun in to the hous of a pottere, and lo! he made a werk on a wheel. 4 And the vessel was distried, which he made of clei with hise hondis; and he turnede it, and made it another vessel, as it pleside in hise iyen to make. 5 And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 6 and he seide, Whether as this pottere doith, Y mai not do to you, the hous of Israel? seith the Lord. Lo! as cley is in the hond of a pottere, so ye, the hous of Israel, ben in myn hond. 7 Sudenli Y schal speke ayens a folk, and ayens a rewme, that Y drawe out, and distrie, and leese it. 8 If thilke folk doith penaunce of his yuel, which Y spak ayens it, also Y schal do penaunce on the yuel, which Y thouyte to do to it. 9 And Y schal speke sudenli of a folk, and of a rewme, that Y bilde, and plaunte it. 10 If it doith yuel bifore myn iyen, that it here not my vois, Y schal do penaunce on the good which Y spak, that Y schulde do to it. 11 Now therfor seie thou to a man of Juda, and to the dwellere of Jerusalem, and seie, The Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y make yuel ayens you, and Y thenke a thouyte ayens you; ech man turne ayen fro his yuel weie, and dresse ye youre weies and youre studies. 12 Whiche seiden, We han dispeirid, for we schulen go after oure thouytis, and we schulen do ech man the schrewidnesse of his yuel herte.

Jeremiah 19:1-15

1 The Lord seith these thingis, Go thou, and take an erthene potel of a pottere, of the eldre men of the puple, and of the eldre men of preestis. 2 And go thou out to the valei of the sones of Ennon, which is bisidis the entring of the erthene yate; and there thou schalt preche the wordis whiche Y schal speke to thee; 3 and thou schalt seie, Kyngis of Juda, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, here ye the word of the Lord. The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal bringe in turment on this place, so that ech man that herith it, hise eeris tyngle. 4 For thei han forsake me, and maad alien this place, and offriden sacrifices to alien goddis ther ynne, whiche thei, and the fadris of hem, and the kingis of Juda, knewen not; and thei filliden this place with the blood of innocentis, 5 and bildiden hiy thingis to Baalym, to brenne her sones in fier, in to brent sacrifice to Baalym; whiche thingis Y comaundide not, nether spak, nether tho stieden in to myn herte. 6 Therfor the Lord seith, Lo! daies comen, and this place schal no more be clepid Tophet, and the valei of the sone of Ennon, but the valei of sleyng. 7 And Y schal distrie the councel of Juda and of Jerusalem in this place, and Y schal distrie hem bi swerd, in the siyt of her enemyes, and in the hond of men sekynge the lyues of hem; and Y schal yyue her deed bodies mete to the briddis of the eir, and to beestis of erthe. 8 And Y schal sette this citee in to wondring, and in to hissing; ech that passith bi it, schal wondre, and hisse on al the veniaunce therof. 9 And Y schal feede hem with the fleischis of her sones, and with the fleischis of her douytris; and ech man schal ete the fleischis of his frend in the bisegyng and angwisch, in which the enemyes of hem, and thei that seken the lyues of hem, schulen close hem togidere. 10 And thou schalt al to-breke the potel bifore the iyen of the men, that schulen go with thee. 11 And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, So Y schal al to-breke this puple, and this citee, as the vessel of a pottere is al to-brokun, which mai no more be restorid; and thei schulen be biried in Tophet, for noon other place is to birie. 12 So Y schal do to this place, seith the Lord, and to dwelleris therof, that Y sette this citee as Tophet. 13 And the housis of Jerusalem, and the housis of the kingis of Juda, schulen be as the place of Tophet; alle the vncleene housis, in whose roouys thei sacrifieden to al the chyualrie of heuene, and offriden moist sacrifices to alien goddis. 14 Forsothe Jeremye cam fro Tophet, whidur the Lord hadde sente hym for to profesie; and he stood in the porche of the hous of the Lord, 15 and seide to al the puple, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal bringe in on this citee, and on alle the citees therof, alle the yuelis whiche Y spak ayens it; for thei maden hard her nol, that thei herden not my wordis.

Jeremiah 51:63-64

63 And whanne thou hast fillid to rede this book, thou schalt bynde to it a stoon, and thou schalt caste it forth in to the myddis of Eufrates; and thou schalt seie, 64 So Babiloyne schal be drenchid, and it schal not rise fro the face of turment, which Y brynge on it, and it schal be distried. Hidurto ben the wordis of Jeremye.

Ezekiel 4:1-5:17

1 And thou, sone of man, take to thee a tijl stoon; and thou schalt sette it bifore thee, and thou schalt discriue ther ynne the citee of Jerusalem. 2 And thou schalt ordeyne bisegyng ayenus that Jerusalem; and thou schalt bilde strengthis, and thou schalt bere togidere erthe, and thou shalt yyue oostis of batel ayens it, and thou schalt sette engynes in cumpas. 3 And take thou to thee an irone friynge panne; and thou schalt sette it in to an irone wal bitwixe thee and bitwixe the cite; and thou schalt sette stidfastli thi face to it, and it schal be in to bisegyng, and thou schalt cumpasse it; it is a signe to the hous of Israel. 4 And thou schalt slepe on thi left side, and thou schalt putte the wickidnessis of the hous of Israel on that side, in the noumbre of daies in which thou shalt slepe on that side, and thou schalt take the wickidnesse of hem. 5 Forsothe Y yaf to thee the yeeris of the wickidnesse of hem bi noumbre of daies, thre hundrid and nynti daies; and thou schalt bere the wickidnesse of the hous of Israel. 6 And whanne thou hast fillid these thingis, thou schalt slepe the secounde tyme on thi riytside. And thou schalt take the wickidnesse of the hous of Juda bi fourti daies; Y yaf to thee a dai for a yeer, a dai sotheli for a yeer. 7 And thou schalt turne thi face to the biseging of Jerusalem; and thin arm schal be stretchid forth, and thou schalt profesie ayens it. 8 Lo! Y haue cumpassid thee with boondis, and thou schalt not turne thee fro thi side in `to other side, tille thou fille the daies of thi bisegyng. 9 And take thou to thee wheete, and barli, and beenys, and tillis, and mylie, and vetchis; and thou schalt putte tho in to o vesselle. And thou schalt make to thee looues for the noumbre of daies, bi whiche thou schalt slepe on thi side; bi three hundrid and nynti daies thou schalt ete it. 10 Forsothe thi mete, which thou schalt ete, schal be in weiyte twenti staters in a dai; fro tyme til to tyme thou schalt ete it. 11 And thou schalt drynke watir in mesure, the sixte part of hyn; fro tyme til to tyme thou schalt drynke it. 12 And thou schalt ete it as barli breed bakun vndur the aischis; and with `a toord that goith out of a man thou schalt hile, it bifore the iyen of hem. 13 The Lord seith these thingis, So the sones of Israel schulen ete her breed defoulid among hethene men, to whiche Y schal caste hem out. 14 And Y seide, A! A! A! Lord God, lo! my soule is not defoulid, and fro my yong childhed til to now Y eet not a thing deed bi it silf, and to-rent of beestis; and al vnclene fleisch entride not in to my mouth. 15 And he seide to me, Lo! Y haue youe to thee the dung of oxis for mennus toordis; and thou schalt make thi breed with it. 16 And he seide to me, Sone of man, lo! Y schal al to-breke the staf of breed in Jerusalem, and thei schulen ete her breed in weiyte and in bisynesse, and thei schulen drynke water in mesure and in angwisch; 17 that whanne breed and watir failen, eche man falle doun to his brother, and thei faile in her wickidnessis.

Ezekiel 5:1-17

1 And thou, sone of man, take to thee a scharp swerd, schauynge heeris; and thou schalt take it, and schalt leede it bi thin heed, and bi thi berd. And thou schalt take to thee a balaunce of weiyte, and thou schalt departe tho. 2 Thou schalt brenne the thridde part with fier in the myddis of the citee, bi the fillyng of daies of bisegyng. And thou schalt take the thridde part, and schalt kitte bi swerd in the cumpas therof. But thou schalt scatere `the tother thridde part in to the wynd; and Y schal make nakid a swerd aftir hem. 3 And thou schalt take therof a litil noumbre, and thou schalt bynde tho in the hiynesse of thi mentil. 4 And eft thou schalt take of hem, and thou schalt caste forth hem in to the myddis of the fier. And thou schalt brenne hem in fier; and fier schal go out of that in to al the hous of Israel. 5 The Lord God seith these thingis, This is Jerusalem; Y haue sette it in the myddis of hethene men, and londis in the cumpas therof. 6 And it dispiside my domes, that it was more wickid than hethene men; and it dispiside my comaundementis more than londis that ben in the cumpas therof. For thei han cast awei my domes, and thei yeden not in my comaundementis. 7 Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For ye `han passid hethene men that ben in youre cumpas, and ye yeden not in my comaundementis, and ye diden not my domes, and ye wrouyten not bi the domes of hethene men that ben in youre cumpas; 8 therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to thee, and Y my silf schal make domes in the myddis of thee, bifor the iyen of hethene men; and Y schal do thingis in thee, 9 whiche Y dide not, and to whiche Y schal no more make lijk thingis, for alle thin abhomynaciouns. 10 Therfor fadris schulen ete sones in the myddis of thee, and sones schulen ete her fadris; and Y schal make domes in thee, and Y schal wyndewe alle thin remenauntis in to ech wynd. 11 Therfor Y lyue, seith the Lord God, no but for that that thou defoulidist myn hooli thing in alle thin offenciouns, and in alle thin abhomynaciouns; and Y schal breke, and myn iye schal not spare, and Y schal not do merci. 12 The thridde part of thee schal die bi pestilence, and schal be wastid bi hungur in the middis of thee; and the thridde part of thee schal falle doun bi swerd in thi cumpas; forsothe Y schal scatere thi thridde part in to ech wynd, and Y schal drawe out a swerd after hem. 13 And Y schal fille my stronge veniaunce, and Y schal make myn indignacioun to reste in hem, and Y schal be coumfortid. And thei schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak in my feruent loue, whanne Y schal fille al myn indignacioun in hem. 14 And Y schal yyue thee in to desert, in to schenschipe to hethene men that ben in thi cumpas, in the siyt of ech that passith forth. 15 And thou schalt be schenschipe `and blasfemye, ensaumple and wondryng, among hethene men that ben in thi cumpas, whanne Y schal make domes in thee, in strong veniaunce, and indignacioun, and in blamyngis of ire. 16 Y the Lord haue spoke, whanne Y schal sende in to hem the worste arowis of hungur, that schulen bere deth; and whiche Y schal sende, that Y leese you. And Y schal gadere hungur on you, and Y schal al to-breke in you the sadnesse of breed. 17 And Y schal sende in to you hungur, and worste beestis, til to the deth; and pestilence and blood schulen passe bi thee, and Y schal bringe in swerd on thee; Y the Lord spak.

Ezekiel 12:3-16

3 Therfor thou, sone of man, make to thee vessels of passing ouer, and thou schalt passe ouer bi dai bifor hem; forsothe thou schalt passe ouer fro thi place to another place, in the siyt of hem, if perauenture thei biholden, for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. 4 And thou schalt bere withoutforth thi vessels, as the vessels of a man passynge ouer bi dai, in the siyt of hem; sotheli thou schalt go out in the euentid bifore hem, as a man passynge forth goith out. 5 Bifore the iyen of hem digge the wal to thee, and thou 6 schalt go out thorouy it in the siyt of hem. Thou schalt be borun on schuldris, thou schalt be borun out in derknesse; thou schalt hile thi face, and thou schalt not se the erthe, for Y haue youe thee a signe 7 of thing to comynge to the hous of Israel. Therfor Y dide as the Lord comaundide to me; Y brouyte forth my vessels, as the vessels of a man passynge ouer bi dai, and in the euentid Y diggide a wal to me with hond; Y yede out in derknesse, and Y was borun on schuldris, 8 in the siyt of hem. And the word of the Lord was maad eerli to me, 9 and he seide, Sone of man, whether the hous of Israel, the hous terrynge to wraththe, seiden not to thee, What doist thou? 10 Seie thou to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, This birthun is on the duyk, which is in Jerusalem, and on al the hous of Israel, which is in the myddis of hem. 11 Seie thou, Y am youre signe of thing to comynge; as Y dide, so it schal be don to hem; thei schulen go in to passynge ouer, and in to caitifte. 12 And the duyk which is in the myddis of hem, schal be borun out on schuldris, and he schal go out in derknesse; thei schulen digge the wal, and lede hym out; his face schal be hilid, that he se not with iye the erthe. 13 And Y schal stretche forth my net on hym, and he schal be takun in my net; and Y schal lede hym in to Babiloyne, in to the lond of Caldeis, and he schal not se that lond, and he schal die there. 14 And Y schal scatere in to ech wynd alle men that ben aboute hym, his help, and hise cumpenyes; and Y schal draw out the swerd aftir hem. 15 And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal scatere hem among hethene men, and schal sowe hem abrood in londis. 16 And Y schal leue of hem a fewe men fro swerd, and hungur, and pestilence, that thei telle out alle the grete trespassis of hem among hethene men, to which thei schulen entre; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.

Hosea 12:10

10 And Y spak bi profetis, and Y multiplied profesie, and Y was licned in the hond of profetis.

Nahum 3:14

14 Drawe vp to thee water for asegyng, bilde thi strengthis; entre in fen, and trede, thou vndurgoynge holde a tiel stoon.

Acts 21:11

11 This whanne he cam to vs, took the girdil of Poul, and boond togidere hise feet and hoondis, and seide, The Hooli Goost seith these thingis, Thus Jewis schulen bynde in Jerusalem the man, whos is this girdil; and thei schulen bytake into hethene mennys hoondis.

Revelation 18:21

21 And o stronge aungel took vp a stoon, as a greet mylne stoon, and keste in to the see, and seide, In this bire thilke greet citee Babiloyn schal be sent, and now it schal no more be foundun.

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