Ezekiel 42 Cross References - Wycliffe

1 And he ledde me out in to the outermere halle, bi the weie ledynge to the north; and he ledde me in to the treserie, that was ayens the bildyng departid, and ayens the hous goynge to the north; 2 in the face an hundrid cubitis of lengthe of the dore of the north, and fifti cubitis of breede, 3 ayens twenti cubitis of the ynnere halle, and ayens the pawment araied with stoon of the outermere halle, where a porche was ioyned to thre fold porche. 4 And bifor the tresories was a walkyng of ten cubitis of breede, biholdynge to the ynnere thingis of the weie of o cubit. And the doris of tho to the north, 5 where tresories weren lowere in the hiyere thingis; for tho baren vp the porchis that apperiden an hiy of tho fro the lowere thingis, and fro the myddil thingis of the bildyng. 6 For tho weren of thre stagis, and hadden not pileris, as weren the pilers of hallis; therfor tho stoden an hiy fro the lowere thingis, and fro the myddil thingis fro erthe, bi fifti cubitis. 7 And the outermore halle closynge the walkynge place was bi the treseries, that weren in the weie of the outermore halle, bifor the treseries; the lengthe therof was of fifti cubitis. 8 For the lengthe of the tresories of the outermore halle was of fifti cubitis, and the lengthe bifor the face of the temple was of an hundrid cubitis. 9 And vndur these tresories was an entring fro the eest, of men entringe in to tho, fro the outermere halle, 10 in the brede of the wal of the halle, that was ayens the eest weie in the face of the bilding departid. And treseries weren bifore the bilding, 11 and a weie was bifor the face of tho, bi the licnesse of treseries that weren in the weie of the north; bi the lengthe of tho, so was also the breede of tho. And al the entryng of tho, and the licnessis and doris of tho, 12 weren lijk the doris of treseries that weren in the weye biholdynge to the south; a dore was in the heed of the weye, which weie was bifor the porche departid to men entringe bi the eest weie. 13 And he seide to me, The treseries of the north, and the treseries of the south, that ben bifor the bildyng departid, these ben hooli treseries, in whiche the preestis ben clothid, that neiyen to the Lord in to the hooli of hooli thingis; there thei schulen putte the hooli of hooli thingis, and offryngis for synne, and for trespas; for it is an hooli place. 14 Sotheli whanne prestis han entrid, thei schulen go out of hooli thingis in to the outermore halle; and there thei schulen putte vp her clothis, in whiche thei mynystren, for tho ben hooli; and thei schulen be clothid in othere clothis, and so thei schulen go forth to the puple. 15 And whanne he hadde fillid the mesuris of the ynnere hous, he ledde me out bi the weie of the yate that biheelde to the eest weie; and he mat it on ech side bi cumpas. 16 Forsothe he mat ayens the eest wynd with the rehed of mesure bi cumpas fyue hundrid rehedis, in a rehed of mesure bi cumpas. 17 And he mat ayens the wynd of the north fiue hundred rehedis, in the rehed of mesure bi cumpas. 18 And at the south wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, with a rehed of mesure bi cumpas. 19 And at the west wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, with the rehed of mesure. 20 Bi foure wyndis he mat the wal therof on ech side bi cumpas, the lengthe of fyue hundrid, and the breede of fyue hundrid, departynge bitwixe the seyntuarie and the place of the comyn puple.

Exodus 28:40-43

40 Forsothe thou schalt make redi to `the sones of Aaron linnun cootis, and girdlis, and mytris, in to glorie and fairnesse. 41 And thou schalt clothe Aaron, thi brother, with alle these, and hise sones with hym. And thou schalt sacre the hondis of alle; and thou schalt halewe hem, that thei be set in preesthood to me. 42 Also thou schalt make lynnun brechis, that thei hile the fleisch of her filthe fro the reynes `til to the hipis. 43 And Aaron and hise sones schulen vse tho, whanne thei schulen entre in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, ether whanne thei neiyen to the auter, that thei mynystren in the seyntuarie, lest thei ben gilti of wickidnesse, and dien; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge to Aaron, and to his seed after hym.

Exodus 29:4-9

4 and twey rammes, and Aaron and his sones, at the dore of tabernacle of witnessyng; and whanne thou hast waische the fadir and the sones in watir, 5 thou schalt clothe Aaron with hise clothis, that is, the lynnen cloth, `and coote, and the cloth on the schuldris, `and the racional, which thou schalt bynde with a girdil. 6 And thou schalt sette the mytre on his heed, and the hooli plate on the mytre, 7 and thou schalt schede the oile of anoyntyng on his heed; and bi this custom he schal be sacrid. 8 Also thou schalt presente hise sones, and thou schalt clothe with lynnun cootis, 9 and thou schalt girde Aaron and hise sones with a girdil; and thou schalt sette mytris on hem; and thei schulen be my preestis bi euerlastynge religioun. After that thou hast halewid `the hondis of hem,

Exodus 29:31

31 Sotheli thou schalt take the ram of consecracioun, and thou schalt sethe hise fleischis in the hooli place,

Leviticus 2:3

3 Forsothe that that `is residue of the sacrifice schal be Aarons and hise sones, the hooli of hooli thingis of offryngis to the Lord.

Leviticus 2:10

10 Sotheli what euer thing `is residue, it schal be Aarons and hise sones, the hooly of hooli thingis of the offryngis to the Lord.

Leviticus 6:14-17

14 This is the lawe of sacrifice, and of fletynge offryngis, whiche `the sones of Aaron schulen offre bifore the Lord, and bifor the auter. 15 The preest schal take an handful of wheete flour, which is spreynd with oile, and al the encense which is put on the wheete flour, and he schal brenne it in the auter, in to mynde of swettist odour to the Lord. 16 Forsothe Aaron with hise sones schal ete the tother part of wheete flour, without sour dow; and he schal ete in the hooli place of the greet street of the tabernacle. 17 Sotheli herfor it schal not be `diyt with sour dow, for a part therof is offrid in to encense of the Lord; it schal be hooli `of the noumbre of holi thingis, as for synne and for trespas.

Leviticus 6:25-26

25 Spek thou to Aaron and to hise sones, This is the lawe of sacrifice for synne; it schal be offrid bifor the Lord, in the place where brent sacrifice is offrid; it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis. 26 The preest that offrith it, schal ete it in the hooli place, in the greet street of the tabernacle.

Leviticus 6:29

29 Ech male of preestis kyn schal ete of the fleischis therof; for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.

Leviticus 7:1

1 And this is the lawe of sacrifice for trespas; it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.

Leviticus 7:6

6 Ech male of the preestis kyn schal ete these fleischis in the hooli place, for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis.

Leviticus 8:7

7 he clothide the bischop with a lynnun schirte, `and girdide `the bischop with a girdil, and clothide with a coote of iacynt, and `puttide the cloth on the schuldris aboue,

Leviticus 8:13

13 And he clothide with lynnun cootis, and girdide with girdils `his sones offrid, and settide on mytris, as the Lord comaundide.

Leviticus 8:33-35

33 Also ye schulen not go out of the dore of the tabernacle in seuene daies, til to the day in which the tyme of youre halewyng schal be fillid; for the halewyng is endid in seuene dayes, 34 as it is doon in present tyme, that the riytfulnesse of sacrifice were fillid. 35 Ye schulen dwelle dai and nyyt in the tabernacle, and ye schulen kepe the kepyngis of the Lord, that ye die not; for so it is comaundid to me.

Leviticus 10:3

3 And Moises seide to Aaron, This thing it is which the Lord spak, Y schal be halewid in hem that neiyen to me, and Y schal be glorified in the siyt of al the puple; which thing Aaron herde, and was stille.

Leviticus 10:10

10 that ye haue kunnyng to make doom bytwixe hooli thing and vnhooli, bitwixe pollutid thing and cleene;

Leviticus 10:13-14

13 Sotheli ye schulen ete in the hooli place that that is youun to thee and to thi sones, of the offryngis of the Lord, as it is comaundid to me Also thou, 14 and thi sones, and thi douytris with thee, schulen ete in the clenneste place the brest which is offrid, and the schuldur which is departid; for tho ben kept to thee and to thi fre sones, of the heelful sacrifices of the sones of Israel;

Leviticus 10:17

17 And he seide, Whi eten not ye the sacrifice for synne in the hooli place, which sacrifice is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis, and is youun to you, that ye bere the wickydnesse of the multitude, and preye for it in the siyt of the Lord;

Leviticus 14:13

13 he schal offre the lomb, where the sacrifice for synne and the brent sacrifice is wont to be offrid, that is, in the hooli place; for as for synne so and for trespas the offryng perteyneth to the preest; it is hooli of the noumbre of hooli thingis.

Leviticus 21:22

22 netheles he schal ete the looues that ben offrid in the seyntuarie,

Leviticus 24:9

9 and tho schulen be Aarons and hise sones, that thei ete tho in the hooli place, for it is hooli of the noumbre of hooli thingis, of the sacrifices of the Lord, bi euerlastynge lawe.

Numbers 1:9-10

9 of Zabulon, Eliab, the sone of Elon; sotheli of the sones of Joseph, 10 of Effraym, Elisama, the sone of Amyud; of Manasses, Gamaliel the sone of Phadussur;

Numbers 16:5

5 And he spak to Chore, and to al the multitude; he seide, Eerli the Lord schal make knowun whiche perteynen to hym, and he schal applie to hym hooli men; and thei whiche he hath chose, schulen neiye to hym.

Numbers 16:40

40 that the sones of Israel schulden haue thingis aftirward, bi whiche thei schulden remembre, lest ony alien, and which is not of the seed of Aaron, neiy to offre encense to the Lord, lest he suffre, as Chore sufferide, and al his multitude, while the Lord spak to Moises.

Numbers 18:7

7 Forsothe thou and thi sones, kepe youre preesthod; and alle thingis that perteynen to the ournyng of the auter, and ben with ynne the veil, schulen be mynystrid bi preestis; if ony straunger neiyeth, he schal be slayn.

Numbers 18:9-10

9 Therfor thou schalt take these thingis of tho thingis that ben halewid, and ben offrid to the Lord; ech offryng, and sacrifice, and what euer thing is yoldun to me for synne and for trespas, and cometh in to hooli of hooli thingis, schal be thin and thi sones. 10 Thou schalt ete it in the seyntuarie; malis oneli schulen ete therof, for it is halewid to the Lord.

Deuteronomy 21:5

5 And the preestis, the sones of Leuy, schulen neiye, whiche thi Lord God chees, that thei mynystre to hym, and blesse in his name, and al the cause hange at `the word of hem; and what euer thing is cleene ethir vncleene, be demed.

1 Kings 6:8

8 The dore of the myddil side was in the wal of the riythalf hows; and bi a vijs thei stieden in to the myddil soler, and fro the myddil soler in to the thridde soler.

2 Chronicles 7:3

3 But also alle the sones of Israel sien fier comynge doun, and the glorie of the Lord on the hows, and thei felden down lowe to the erthe on the pawment araied with stoon, and thei worschipiden, and preisiden the Lord, For he is good, for his merci is in to al the world.

Nehemiah 13:5

5 Therfor he made to him a grete treserie, `that is, in the hows of God; and men kepynge yiftis, and encence, and vessels, and the tithe of wheete, of wyn, and of oile, the partis of dekenes, and of syngeris, and of porteris, and the firste fruytis of prestis, `weren there bifor him.

Song of Songs 2:9

9 My derlyng is lijk a capret, and a calf of hertis; lo! he stondith bihynde oure wal, and biholdith bi the wyndows, and lokith thorouy the latisis.

Song of Songs 7:5

5 Thin heed is as Carmele; and the heeres of thin heed ben as the kyngis purpur, ioyned to trowyis.

Isaiah 25:1

1 Lord, thou art my God, Y schal enhaunse thee, and Y schal knouleche to thi name; for thou hast do marueils, thin elde feithful thouytis.

Isaiah 26:1

1 In that dai this song schal be sungun in the lond of Juda. The citee of oure strengthe; the sauyour schal be set ther ynne, the wal and the `fore wal.

Isaiah 60:18

18 Wickidnesse schal no more be herd in thi lond, nether distriyng and defoulyng in thi coostis; and helthe schal ocupie thi wallis, and heriyng schal ocupie thi yatis.

Isaiah 61:10

10 I ioiynge schal haue ioie in the Lord, and my soule schal make ful out ioiyng in my God. For he hath clothid me with clothis of helthe, and he hath compassid me with clothis of riytfulnesse, as a spouse made feir with a coroun, and as a spousesse ourned with her brochis.

Ezekiel 22:26

26 Preestis therof dispisiden my lawe, and defouliden my seyntuaries; thei hadden not difference bitwixe hooli thing and vnhooli, thei vndurstoden not bitwixe defoulid thing and cleene thing; and thei turneden awei her iyen fro my sabatis, and Y was defoulid in the myddis of hem.

Ezekiel 40:2-3

2 And he brouyte me in to the lond of Israel, and he leet me doun on a ful hiy hil, on which was as the bildyng of a citee goynge to the south; 3 and he ledde me in thidur. And lo! a man, whos licnesse was as the licnesse of bras, and a coorde of flex was in his hond, and a reed of mesure in his hond; forsothe he stood in the yate.

Ezekiel 40:3

3 and he ledde me in thidur. And lo! a man, whos licnesse was as the licnesse of bras, and a coorde of flex was in his hond, and a reed of mesure in his hond; forsothe he stood in the yate.

Ezekiel 40:5

5 And lo! a wal withouteforth, in the cumpas of the hous on ech side; and in the hond of the man was a rehed of mesure of sixe cubitis and a spanne, that is, an handibreede; and he mat the breede of the bildyng with o rehed, and the hiynesse bi o rehed. 6 And he cam to the yate that bihelde the weie of the eest, and he stiede bi degrees of it; and he mat the lyntil of the yate bi o rehed the breede, that is, o lyntil bi o rehed in breede; 7 and he mat o chaumbre bi o rehed in lengthe, and bi o rehed in breed, and fyue cubitis bitwixe chaumbris; 8 and he mat the lyntil of the yate bisidis the porche of the yate with ynne, bi o rehed. 9 And he mat the porch of the yate of eiyte cubitis, and the frount therof bi twei cubitis; sotheli the porche of the yate was with ynne. 10 Certis the chaumbris of the yate at the weie of the eest weren thre on this side, and thre on that side; o mesure of thre, and o mesure of the frountis on euer ethir side. 11 And he mat the breede of the lyntel of the yate of ten cubitis, and the lengthe of the yate of threttene cubitis. 12 And he mat a margyn of a cubit bifor the chaumbris, and o cubit was the ende on ech side; forsothe the chaumbris weren of sixe cubitis on this side and on that side. 13 And he mat the yate fro the roof of the chaumbre til to the roof therof, the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis, a dore ayens a dore. 14 And he made frountes bi sixti cubitis, and at the frount an halle of the yate on ech side bi cumpas; 15 and bifor the face of the yate that stretchith forth til to the face of the porche of the ynner yate, he mat fifti cubitis. 16 And he mat wyndows naraw with out and large with ynne, in the chaumbris and frountis of tho, that weren with ynne the yate on ech side bi cumpas. Sotheli in lijk maner also wyndows weren in the porchis bi cumpas with ynne; and the peynture of palm trees was grauun bifor the frountis. 17 And he ledde me out to the outermere halle, and lo! tresories, and pawment arayed with stoon in the halle bi cumpas; thretti tresories in the cumpas of the pawment;

Ezekiel 40:17-18

17 And he ledde me out to the outermere halle, and lo! tresories, and pawment arayed with stoon in the halle bi cumpas; thretti tresories in the cumpas of the pawment; 18 and the pawment was bynethe in the front of the yatis, bi the lengthe of the yatis.

Ezekiel 40:20

20 And he mat bothe in lengthe and in breede the yate that bihelde the weie of the north, of the outermore halle.

Ezekiel 40:24

24 And he ledde me out to the weie of the south, and lo! the yate that bihelde to the south; and he mat the frount therof, and the porche therof, bi the formere mesuris;

Ezekiel 40:46

46 Sotheli the tresorye that biholdith to the weie of the north, schal be of the preestis that waken to the seruice of the auter; these ben the sones of Sadoch, whiche of the sones of Leuy neiyen to the Lord, for to mynystre to hym.

Ezekiel 41:1

1 And he ledde me in to the temple, and he mat the frountis, sixe cubitis of breede on this side, and sixe cubitis of breede on that side, the breede of the tabernacle. 2 And the breede of the yate was of ten cubitis; and he mat the sidis of the yate bi fyue cubitis on this side, and bi fyue cubitis on that side; and he mat the lengthe therof of fourti cubitis, and the breede of twenti cubitis. 3 And he entride with ynne, and he mat in the frount of the yate twei cubitis; and he mat the yate of sixe cubitis, and the breede of the yate of seuene cubits. 4 And he mat the lengthe therof of twenti cubitis, and the breede of twenti cubitis, bifor the face of the temple. 5 And he seide to me, This is the hooli thing of hooli thingis. And he mat the wal of the hous of sixe cubitis, and the breede of the side of foure cubitis, on ech side bi cumpas of the hous. 6 Forsothe the sidis weren tweies thre and thretti, the side to the side; and tho weren stondynge an hiy, that entriden bi the wal of the hous, in the sidis bi cumpas, that tho helden togidere, and touchiden not the wal of the temple. 7 And a street was in round, and stiede vpward bi a vijs, and bar in to the soler of the temple bi cumpas; therfor the temple was braddere in the hiyere thingis; and so fro the lowere thingis me stiede to the hiyere thingis, and in to the myddis.

Ezekiel 41:9

9 and the breede by the wal of the side with outforth, of fyue cubitis; and the ynnere hous was in the sidis of the hous. 10 And bitwixe treseries Y siy the breede of twenti cubitis in the cumpas of the hous on ech side;

Ezekiel 41:12-15

12 And the bildyng that was ioyned to the place departid, and turned to the weie biholdynge to the see, of the breede of seuenti cubitis; sotheli the wal of the bildyng of fyue cubitis of breede bi cumpas, and the lengthe therof of nynti cubitis. 13 And he mat the lengthe of the hous, of an hundrid cubitis; and that that was departid, the bildyng and the wallis therof, of lengthe of an hundrid cubitis.

Ezekiel 41:13

13 And he mat the lengthe of the hous, of an hundrid cubitis; and that that was departid, the bildyng and the wallis therof, of lengthe of an hundrid cubitis.

Ezekiel 41:13-14

13 And he mat the lengthe of the hous, of an hundrid cubitis; and that that was departid, the bildyng and the wallis therof, of lengthe of an hundrid cubitis. 14 Forsothe the breede of the street bifor the face of the hous, and of that that was departid ayens the eest, was of an hundrid cubitis.

Ezekiel 41:14-14

14 Forsothe the breede of the street bifor the face of the hous, and of that that was departid ayens the eest, was of an hundrid cubitis. 15 And he mat the lengthe of the bildyng ayens the face of that, that was departid at the bak; he mat the boteraces on euer either side of an hundrid cubitis. And he mat the ynnere temple, and the porchis of the halle,

Ezekiel 41:15-16

15 And he mat the lengthe of the bildyng ayens the face of that, that was departid at the bak; he mat the boteraces on euer either side of an hundrid cubitis. And he mat the ynnere temple, and the porchis of the halle,

Ezekiel 41:15

15 And he mat the lengthe of the bildyng ayens the face of that, that was departid at the bak; he mat the boteraces on euer either side of an hundrid cubitis. And he mat the ynnere temple, and the porchis of the halle, 16 lyntels, and wyndows narowe withoutforth and broode with ynne; boteraces in cumpas bi thre partis, ayenst the lintel of ech, and araied with tree bi cumpas al aboute; sotheli fro the erthe til to the wyndows, and the wyndows weren closid on the doris,

Ezekiel 42:1

1 And he ledde me out in to the outermere halle, bi the weie ledynge to the north; and he ledde me in to the treserie, that was ayens the bildyng departid, and ayens the hous goynge to the north;

Ezekiel 42:4

4 And bifor the tresories was a walkyng of ten cubitis of breede, biholdynge to the ynnere thingis of the weie of o cubit. And the doris of tho to the north, 5 where tresories weren lowere in the hiyere thingis; for tho baren vp the porchis that apperiden an hiy of tho fro the lowere thingis, and fro the myddil thingis of the bildyng.

Ezekiel 42:7

7 And the outermore halle closynge the walkynge place was bi the treseries, that weren in the weie of the outermore halle, bifor the treseries; the lengthe therof was of fifti cubitis.

Ezekiel 42:10

10 in the brede of the wal of the halle, that was ayens the eest weie in the face of the bilding departid. And treseries weren bifore the bilding,

Ezekiel 42:12

12 weren lijk the doris of treseries that weren in the weye biholdynge to the south; a dore was in the heed of the weye, which weie was bifor the porche departid to men entringe bi the eest weie. 13 And he seide to me, The treseries of the north, and the treseries of the south, that ben bifor the bildyng departid, these ben hooli treseries, in whiche the preestis ben clothid, that neiyen to the Lord in to the hooli of hooli thingis; there thei schulen putte the hooli of hooli thingis, and offryngis for synne, and for trespas; for it is an hooli place.

Ezekiel 43:1

1 And he ledde me out to the yate, that bihelde to the eest weie.

Ezekiel 44:5

5 And the Lord seide to me, Thou, sone of man, sette thin herte, and se with thin iyen, and here with thin eeris alle thingis whiche Y speke to thee, of al the ceremonyes of the hous of the Lord, and of alle the lawis therof; and thou schalt sette thin herte in the weies of the temple, bi alle the goyngis out of the seyntuarie.

Ezekiel 44:19

19 And whanne thei schulen go out at the outermere halle to the puple, thei schulen dispuyle hem of her clothis, in whiche thei mynystriden, and thei schulen leie tho vp in the treserie of seyntuarie; and thei schulen clothe hem silf in othere clothis, and thei schulen not halewe my puple in her clothis.

Ezekiel 44:23

23 And thei schulen teche my puple, what is bitwixe hooli thing and defoulid; and thei schulen schewe to hem, what is bitwixe cleene thing and vncleene.

Ezekiel 45:2

2 And it schal be halewid on ech part in fyue hundrid rehedis bi fyue hundrid, in foure sidis bi cumpas, and in fifti cubitis in to the subarbis therof bi cumpas.

Ezekiel 46:19

19 And he ledde me in bi the entryng, that was on the side of the yate, in to the treseries of the seyntuarie to the preestis, whiche treseries bihelden to the north; and there was a place goynge to the west.

Ezekiel 48:15

15 Sotheli the fyue thousynde, that ben left ouer in breede, bi fyue and twenti thousynde, schulen be the vnhooli thingis, ether comyn thingis, of the citee, in to dwellyng place, and in to subarbis; and the citee schal be in the myddis therof.

Ezekiel 48:20

20 Alle the firste fruitis of fyue and twenti thousynde, bi fyue and twenti thousynde in square, schulen be departid in to the firste fruytis of seyntuarie, and in to possessioun of the citee.

Micah 7:11

11 Dai schal come, that thi wallis be bildid; in that dai lawe schal be maad afer.

Zechariah 2:1

1 And Y reiside myn iyen, and siy, and lo! a man, and lo! in his hoond a litil coorde of meteris.

Zechariah 2:5

5 And Y schal be to it, seith the Lord, a wal of fier in cumpas; and Y schal be in glorie in myddil therof.

Zechariah 3:4-5

4 Which answeride, and seide to hem that stoden bifor hym, and he seide, Do ye awei foule clothis fro him. And he seide to hym, Lo! Y haue don awei fro thee thi wickidnesse, and Y haue clothid thee with chaungynge clothis. 5 And he seide, Putte ye a clene mytre on his heed. And thei puttiden a cleene mytre on his heed, and clothide him with clothis. And the aungel of the Lord stood,

Matthew 7:14

14 Hou streit is the yate, and narwy the weye, that ledith to lijf, and ther ben fewe that fynden it.

Luke 9:62

62 And Jhesus seide to hym, No man that puttith his hoond to the plouy, and biholdynge bacward, is able to the rewme of God.

Luke 13:24

24 Stryue ye to entre bi the streite yate; for Y seie to you, many seken to entre, and thei schulen not mowe.

Luke 16:26

26 And in alle these thingis a greet derk place is stablischid betwixe vs and you; that thei that wolen fro hennus passe to you, moun not, nethir fro thennus passe ouer hidur.

Romans 3:22

22 And the riytwisnesse of God is bi the feith of Jhesu Crist in to alle men and on alle men that bileuen in hym; for ther is no departyng.

Romans 13:14

14 but be ye clothid in the Lord Jhesu Crist, and do ye not the bisynesse of fleisch in desiris.

2 Corinthians 6:17

17 For which thing go ye out of the myddil of hem, and be ye departid, seith the Lord, and touche ye not vnclene thing;

Galatians 3:27

27 For alle ye that ben baptisid, ben clothid with Crist.

1 Peter 5:5

5 Also, ye yonge men, be ye suget to eldre men, and alle schewe ye togidere mekenesse; for the Lord withstondith proude men, but he yyueth grace to meke men.

Revelation 11:1-2

1 And a reed lijk a yerde was youun to me, and it was seid to me, Rise thou, and meete the temple of God, and the auter, and men that worschipen in it. 2 But caste thou out the foryerd, that is with out the temple, and mete not it; for it is youun to hethene men, and thei schulen defoule the hooli citee bi fourti monethis and tweyne.

Revelation 11:2-2

2 But caste thou out the foryerd, that is with out the temple, and mete not it; for it is youun to hethene men, and thei schulen defoule the hooli citee bi fourti monethis and tweyne.

Revelation 21:10-27

10 And he took me vp in spirit in to a greet hille and hiy; and he schewide to me the hooli citee Jerusalem, comynge doun fro heuene of God, 11 hauynge the clerete of God; and the liyt of it lijk a preciouse stoon, as the stoon iaspis, as cristal. 12 And it hadde a walle greet and hiy, hauynge twelue yatis, and in the yatis of it twelue aungels, and names writun in, that ben the names of twelue lynagis of the sones of Israel; fro the east thre yatis, 13 and fro the north thre yatis, and fro the south thre yatis, and fro the west thre yatis. 14 And the wal of the citee hadde twelue foundementis, and in hem the twelue names of twelue apostlis, and of the lomb. 15 And he that spak with me, hadde a goldun mesure of a rehed, that he schulde mete the citee, and the yatis of it, and the wal. 16 And the citee was set in square; and the lengthe of it is so miche, `as miche as is the breede. And he mat the citee with the rehed, bi furlongis twelue thousyndis. And the heiythe, and the lengthe and breede of it, ben euene. 17 And he mat the wallis of it, of an hundrid and `foure and fourti cubitis, bi mesure of man, that is, of an aungel. 18 And the bildyng of the wal therof was of the stoon iaspis. And the citee it silf was clene gold, lijk clene glas. 19 And the foundementis of the wal of the citee weren ourned with al preciouse stoon. The firste foundement, iaspis; the secounde, safiris; the thridde, calcedonyus; the fourthe, smaragdus; 20 the fyuethe, sardony; the sixte, sardius; the seuenthe, crisolitus; the eiytthe, berillus; the nynthe, topacius; the tenthe, crisopassus; the eleuenthe, iacinctus; the tweluethe, ametistus. 21 And twelue yatis ben twelue margaritis, bi ech; `and ech yate was of ech margarete. And the stretis of the citee weren clene gold, as of glas ful schynynge. 22 And Y say no temple in it, for the Lord God almyyti and the lomb, is temple of it. 23 And the citee hath no nede of sunne, nethir moone, that thei schyne in it; for the clerete of God schal liytne it; and the lomb is the lanterne of it. 24 And folkis schulen walke in liyt of it; and the kyngis of the erthe schulen brynge her glorie and onour in to it. 25 And the yatis of it schulen not be closid bi dai; and niyt schal not be there. 26 And thei schulen brynge the glorie and onour of folkis in to it. 27 Nether ony man defoulid, and doynge abhominacioun and leesyng, schal entre in to it; but thei that ben writun in the book of lijf and of the lomb.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.