Exodus 23:16 Cross References - Wycliffe

16 And thou schalt kepe the solempnete of the monethe of the firste thingis of thi werk, what euer thingis thou hast sowe in the feeld. Also thou schalt kepe the solempnyte in the goyng out of the yeer, whanne thou hast gaderid all thi fruytis of the feeld.

Exodus 22:29

29 Thou schalt not tarye to offre to the Lord thi tithis, and firste fruytis. Thou schalt yyue to me the firste gendrid of thi sones;

Exodus 34:22

22 Thou schalt make to thee the solempnyte of woukis in the firste thingis of fruytis of thi ripe corn of wheete, and the solempnyte, whanne alle thingis ben gadrid in to bernes, whanne the tyme `of yeer cometh ayen.

Leviticus 23:9-21

9 And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, 10 Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seye to hem, Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond which Y schal yyue to you, and han rope corn, ye schulen bere handfuls of eeris of corn, the firste fruytis of youre rype corn, to the preest; 11 and the preest schal reise a bundel bifor the Lord, that it be acceptable for you, in the tother dai of sabat, that is, of pask; and the preest schal halewe that bundel; 12 and in the same dai, wher ynne the handful is halewid, a lomb of o yeer without wem schal be slayn in to brent sacrifice of the Lord; 13 and fletynge offryngis schulen be offrid ther with, twei tenthe partis of wheete flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to encense of the Lord, and swettist odour, and fletynge offryngis of wyn, the fourthe part of hyn. 14 Ye schulen not ete a loof, nether a cake, nether podagis of the corn, `til to the dai in which ye schulen offre therof to youre God; it is a comaundement euerlastynge in youre generaciouns, and alle dwellyng placis. 15 Therfor ye schulen noumbre fro the tother dai of sabat, in which ye offriden handfullis of firste fruytis, 16 seuene fulle woukis, til to the tothir day of fillyng of the seuenthe wouk, that is, fifti dayes; and so ye schulen 17 offre newe sacrifice to the Lord of alle youre dwelling placis, twei looues of the firste fruytis, of twei tenthe partis of flour, `diyt with soure dow, whiche looues ye schulen bake in to the firste fruytis to the Lord. 18 And ye schulen offre with the looues seuene lambren of o yeer with out wem, and o calf of the droue, and twey rammes, and these schulen be in brent sacrifice, with her fletynge offryngis, in to swettest odour to the Lord. 19 Ye schulen make also a buk of geet for synne, and twey lambren of o yeer, sacrificis of pesible thingis. 20 And whanne the preest hath reisid tho, with the looues of firste fruytys bifor the Lord, tho schulen falle in to his vss. 21 And ye schulen clepe this dai most solempne, and moost hooli; ye schulen not do ther ynne ony seruyle werk; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in alle youre dwellyngis, and generaciouns.

Leviticus 23:34-44

34 and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, Fro the fiftenthe day of this seuenthe monethe schulen be the feries of tabernaclis, in seuene daies to the Lord; 35 the firste dai schal be clepid moost solempne and moost hooli, ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne; 36 and in seuene daies ye schulen offre brent sacrifices to the Lord, and the eiythe dai schal be moost solempne and moost hooli; and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, for it is the day of cumpany, and of gaderyng; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne. 37 These ben the feries of the Lord, whiche ye schulen clepe moost solempne and moost hooli; and in tho ye schulen offre offryngis to the Lord, brent sacrifices, and fletynge offeryngis, bi the custom of ech day, 38 outakun the sabatis of the Lord, and youre yiftys, and whiche ye offren bi avow, ether whiche ye yyuen bi fre wille to the Lord. 39 Therfor fro the fiftenthe day of the seuenthe monethe, whanne ye han gaderid alle the fruytis of youre lond, ye schulen halewe the feries of the Lord seuene daies; in the firste day and the eiyte schal be sabat, that is, reste. 40 And ye schulen take to you in the firste day fruytis of the faireste tree, and braunchis of palm trees, and braunchis of a `tree of thicke boowis, and salewis of the rennynge streem, and ye schulen be glad bifor youre Lord God; 41 and ye schulen halewe his solempnyte seuene daies bi the yeer; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns. In the seuenthe monethe ye schulen halewe feestis, 42 and ye schulen dwelle in schadewynge placis seuene daies; ech man that is of the kyn of Israel, schal dwelle in tabernaclis, that youre aftercomers lerne, 43 that Y made the sones of Israel to dwelle in tabernaculis, whanne Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt; Y am youre Lord God. 44 And Moises spak of the solempnytees of the Lord to the sones of Israel.

Numbers 28:26-31

26 Also the dai of the firste fruytis, whanne ye schulen offre newe fruitis to the Lord, whanne the wokis schulen be fillyd, schal be worschipful and hooli; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne. 27 And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, in to `swettiste odour; twey calues of the droue, o ram, and seuene lambren of o yeer, with out wem; 28 and in the sacrifices of tho ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oile, bi ech calf, twei tenthe partis bi rammes, 29 the tenthe parte of `a dyme bi the lambren, whiche ben to gidere, seuene lambren. `And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet, which is offrid for clensyng, outakun brent sacrifice euerlastynge, and the moiste sacrifices therof;

Numbers 28:31-31

31 ye schulen offre alle thingis with out wem, with her moyste sacrifices.

Numbers 29:12-39

12 Forsothe in the fiftenthe dai of this seuenthe monethe, that schal be hooli and worschipful to you, ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk, but ye schulen halewe solempnyte to the Lord in seuene daies; and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice, 13 in to swetiste odour to the Lord, threttene calues of the droue, twey rammes, fouretene lambren of o yeer, with out wem. 14 And in the moiste sacrifices of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt to gidere with oile bi ech calf, that ben togidere threttene calues, and ye schulen offre twei tenthe partis to twei rammes togidere, that is, o tenthe part to o ram, and `ye schulen offre the tenthe part of `a 15 dyme to ech lomb, whiche ben to gidere fourteene lambren. 16 And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 17 In the tother dai ye schulen offre twelue calues of the droue, twei rammes, fouretene lambren of o yeer without wem. 18 And ye schulen halewe riytfuli sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi calues, and rammes, and lambren. 19 And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moist offryng therof. 20 In the thridde dai ye schulen offre euleuen calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer, without wem. 21 And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi the caluys, and rammes, and lambren. 22 And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 23 In the fourthe day ye schulen offre ten calues, twey rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer with oute wem. 24 And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 25 And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 26 In the fyuethe dai ye schulen offre nyne calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer, with oute wem. 27 And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 28 And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 29 In the sixte dai ye schulen offre eiyt calues, and twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer with out wem. 30 And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 31 And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 32 In the seuenthe dai ye schulen offre seuene calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren `of o yeer with out wem. 33 And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 34 And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 35 In the eiythe dai, which is moost solempne `ether hooli; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk, 36 and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice in to swettest odour to the Lord, o calf, o ram, seuene lambren of o yeer with out wem. 37 And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 38 `And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice, and moiste offryng therof. 39 Ye schulen offre these thingis to the Lord, in youre solempnytees, with out avowis, and wilful offryngis, in brent sacrifice, in sacrifice, in moist offryng, and in peesible sacrifices.

Deuteronomy 16:9-15

9 Thou schalt noumbre to thee seuene woukis, fro that dai in which thou settidist a sikil in to the corn; 10 and thou schalt halewe the feeste dai of woukis to thi Lord God, a wilful offryng of thyn hond, which thou schalt offre by the blessing of thi Lord God. 11 And thou schalt ete bifore thi Lord God, thou, and thi sone, and thi douytir, and thi seruaunt, and thin handmayde, and the dekene which is with ynne thi yatis, and the comelynge, and the fadirles ethir modirles child, and the widue, that dwellen with you, in the place `which thi Lord God chees that his name dwelle there. 12 And thou schalt haue mynde for thou were seruaunt in Egipt, and thou schalt kepe and do tho thingis that ben comaundid. 13 And thou schalt halewe the solempnytee of tabernaclis bi seuene daies, whanne thou hast gaderid thi fruytis of the cornfloor, and pressour. 14 And thou schalt ete in thi feeste dai, thou, and thi sone, and douytir, and thi seruaunt, and handmayde, also the dekene, and comelyng, and the fadirles ether modirles child, and the widewe, that ben with ynne thi yatis, `schulen ete. 15 Bi seuene daies thou schalt halewe feestis to thi Lord God, in the place which the Lord chees; and thi Lord God schal blesse thee, in alle thi fruytis, and in al the werk of thin hondis, and thou schalt be in gladnesse.

Nehemiah 8:14-18

14 And thei foundun writun in the lawe, that the Lord comaundide `in the hond of Moyses, that the sones of Israel dwelle in tabernaclis in the solempne dai, in the seuenthe moneth; 15 and that thei preche, and pupplische a vois in alle her citees, and in Jerusalem; and seie, Go ye out in to the hil, and brynge ye bowis of olyue, and bowis of the faireste tree, the bowis of a myrte tree, and the braunchis of a palm tree, and the bowis of a `tree ful of wode, that tabernaclis be maad, as it is writun. 16 And al the puple yede out, and thei brouyten, and maden to hem silf tabernaclis, `ech man in `his hows roof, and in her stretis, `ether foryerdis, and in the large placis of Goddis hows, and in the street of the yate of watris, and in the street of the yate of Effraym. 17 Therfor al the chirche of hem, that camen ayen fro caytifte, made tabernaclis, and thei dwelliden in tabernaclis. For the sones of Israel hadden not do siche thingis fro the daies of Josue, sone of Nun, `til to that dai; and ful greet gladnesse was. 18 Forsothe Esdras radde in the book of Goddis lawe bi alle daies, fro the firste dai `til to the laste dai; and thei maden solempnytee bi seuene daies, and in the eiyte day thei maden a gaderyng of siluer, `bi the custom.

Zechariah 14:16-19

16 And alle that schulen be residue of alle folkis, that camen ayens Jerusalem, schulen stie vp fro yeer in to yeer, that thei worschipe the kyng, Lord of oostis, and halewe the feeste of tabernaclis. 17 And it schal be, reyn schal not be on hem that schulen not stie vp of the meyneis of erthe to Jerusalem, `that thei worschipe the king, Lord of oostis. 18 `That and if the meynee of Egipt schal not stie vp, and schal not come, nether on hem schal be reyn; but fallyng schal be, bi which the Lord schal smyte alle folkis, whiche stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis. 19 This schal be the synne of Egipt, and this the synne of alle folkis, that stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis.

John 7:2

2 And ther was neiy a feeste dai of the Jewis, Senofegia.

John 7:37

37 But in the laste dai of the greet feeste, Jhesus stood, and criede, and seide, If ony man thirstith, come he to me, and drynke.

Acts 2:1

1 And whanne the daies of Pentecost weren fillid, alle the disciplis weren togidre in the same place.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.