1 Chronicles 6:48 Cross References - Wycliffe

48 And dekenes, the britheren of hem, that weren ordeyned in to al the seruyce of the tabernacle of the hows of the Lord.

Numbers 3:1-4

1 These ben the generaciouns of Aaron and of Moises, in the dai in which the Lord spak to Moises, in the hil of Synay. 2 And these ben the names of `the sones of Aaron; his first gendrid, Nadab; aftirward, Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ythamar; these ben the names of `Aarons sones, 3 preestis, that weren anoyntid, and whos hondis weren fillid and halewid, that thei schulden `be set in preesthod. 4 Nadab and Abyu, whanne thei offeriden alien fier in the `siyt of the Lord, in the deseert of Synay, weren deed without fre children; and Eleazar and Ythamar `weren set in preesthod bifor Aaron hir fadir.

Numbers 8:5-26

5 And the Lord spak to Moises, 6 and seide, Take thou Leuytis fro the myddis of the sones of Israel; 7 and thou schalt clense hem bi this custom. Be thei spreynt with watir of clensyng, and schaue thei alle the heeris of her fleisch. And whanne thei han waische her clothis and ben clensid, take thei an oxe of drooues, 8 and the fletyng sacrifice therof, flour spreynt to gidere with oile; forsothe thou schalt take another oxe of the drooue for synne; 9 and thou schalt present the Leuytis bifor the tabernacle of boond of pees, whanne al the multitude of the sones of Israel is clepid togidere. 10 And whanne the Leuytis ben bifor the Lord, the sones of Israel schulen sette her hondis on hem; 11 and Aaron schal offre the Leuytis in the siyt of the Lord, a yifte of the sones of Israel, that thei serue in the seruice `of hym. 12 Also the Leuytis schulen sette her hondis on the heedis of the oxun, of whiche oxun thou schalt make oon for synne, and the tother in to brent sacrifice of the Lord, that thou preye for hem. 13 And thou schalt ordeyne the Leuytis in the siyt of Aaron, and of hise sones, and thou schalt sacre hem offrid to the Lord; 14 and thou schalt departe hem fro the myddis of the sones of Israel, that thei be myne. 15 And aftirward entre thei in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, that thei serue me; and so thou schalt clense and schalt halewe hem, in to an offryng of the Lord, for bi fre yifte thei ben youun to me of the sones of Israel. 16 Y haue take hem for the firste gendrid thingis that openen ech wombe in Israel; 17 for alle the firste gendrid thingis of the sones of Israel ben myne, as wel of men as of beestis, fro the dai in which Y smoot ech firste gendrid thing in the loond of Egipt, Y halewide hem to me. 18 And Y took the Leuytis for alle the firste gendrid children of the sones of Israel; 19 and Y yaf hem bi fre yifte to Aaron and hise sones, fro the myddis of the puple, that thei serue me for Israel, in the tabernacle of boond of pees, and that thei preie for hem, lest veniaunce be in the puple, if thei ben hardi to neiye to the seyntuarye. 20 And Moises and Aaron, and al the multitude of the sones of Israel, diden on the Leuitis tho thingis that the Lord comaundide to Moyses. 21 And thei weren clensid, and thei waischiden her clothis; and Aaron reiside hem in the siyt of the Lord, and preiede for hem, 22 that thei schulen be clensid, and schulden entre to her offices in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, bifor Aaron and hise sones; as the Lord comaundide to Moises of the Leuytis, so it was don. 23 And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, This is lawe of Leuytis; 24 fro fyue and twentithe yeer and aboue thei schulen entre, for to mynystre in the tabernacle of boond of pees; 25 and whanne thei han fillid the fiftithe yeer of age, thei schulen ceesse to serue. 26 And thei schulen be the mynystris of her bretheren in the tabernacle of boond of pees, that thei kepe tho thingis that ben bitakun to hem; sothely thei schulen not do tho werkis; thus thou schalt dispose Leuytis in her kepyngis.

Numbers 16:9-10

9 Whether it is litil to you, that God of Israel departide you fro al the puple, and ioynede you to hym silf, that ye schulden serue hym in the seruyce of tabernacle, and that ye schulden stonde bifor the multitude of puple, and schulden serue hym? 10 Made he therfor thee and alle thi bretheren the sones of Leuy to neiy to hym silf, that ye chalenge to you also preesthod,

Numbers 18:1-32

1 And the Lord seide to Aaron, Thou, and thi sones, and the hows of thi fadir with thee, schulen bere the wickidnesse of the seyntuarie; and thou and thi sones togidere schulen suffre the synnes of youre preesthod. 2 But also take thou with thee thi britheren of the lynage of Leuy, and the power of thi fadir, and be thei redi, that thei mynystre to thee. Forsothe thou and thi sones schulen mynystre in the tabernacle of witnessyng; 3 and the dekenes schulen wake at thi comaundementis, and at alle werkis of the tabernacle; so oneli that thei neiye not to the vessels of seyntuarie, and to the autir, lest bothe thei dien, and ye perischen togidere. 4 Forsothe be thei with thee, and wake thei in the kepyngis of the tabernacle, and in alle the cerymonyes therof. An alien schal not be meddlid with you. 5 Wake ye in the kepyng of the seyntuarie, and in the seruyce of the auter, lest indignacioun rise on the sones of Israel. 6 Lo! Y haue youun `to you youre britheren, dekenes, fro the myddis of the sones of Israel, and Y haue youe a fre yifte to the Lord, that thei serue in the seruyces of his tabernacle. 7 Forsothe thou and thi sones, kepe youre preesthod; and alle thingis that perteynen to the ournyng of the auter, and ben with ynne the veil, schulen be mynystrid bi preestis; if ony straunger neiyeth, he schal be slayn. 8 The Lord spak to Aaron, Lo! Y haue youe to thee the kepyng of my firste fruytis; Y haue youe to thee and to thi sones alle thingis, that ben halewid of the sones of Israel, for preestis office euerlastynge lawful thingis. 9 Therfor thou schalt take these thingis of tho thingis that ben halewid, and ben offrid to the Lord; ech offryng, and sacrifice, and what euer thing is yoldun to me for synne and for trespas, and cometh in to hooli of hooli thingis, schal be thin and thi sones. 10 Thou schalt ete it in the seyntuarie; malis oneli schulen ete therof, for it is halewid to the Lord. 11 Forsothe Y haue youe to thee, and to thi sones and douytris, bi euerlastynge riyt, the firste fruytis whiche the sones of Israel a vowen and offren; he that is clene in thin hous, schal ete tho. 12 Y yaf to thee al the merowe of oile, and of wyn, and of wheete, what euer thing of the firste fruytis thei schulen offre to the Lord. 13 Alle the bigynnyngis of fruytis whiche the erthe bryngith forth, and ben brouyt to the Lord, schulen falle in to thin vsis; he that is cleene in thin hous, schal ete of tho. 14 Al thing which the sones of Israel yelden bi avow, schal be thin. 15 What euer thing `schal breke out first of the wombe of al fleisch, which fleisch thei offren to the Lord, whether it is of men, ethir of beestis, it schal be of thi riyt; so oneli that thou take prijs for the firste gendrid child of man, and that thou make ech beeste which is vncleene to be bouyt ayen; 16 whos ayenbiyng schal be aftir o monethe, for fyue siclis of siluer, bi the weiyte of seyntuarie; a sicle hath xx. halpens. 17 Forsothe thou schalt not make the firste gendrid of oxe, and of scheep, and of goet, to be ayen bouyt, for tho ben halewid to the Lord; oneli thou schalt schede the blood of tho on the auter, and thou schalt brenne the ynnere fatnesse in to swettist odour to the Lord. 18 Forsothe the fleischis schulen falle in to thin vss, as the brest halewid and the riyt schuldur, schulen be thine. 19 Y yaf to the and to thi sones and douytris, bi euerlastynge riyt, alle the firste fruytis of seyntuarie, whiche the sones of Israel offren to the Lord; it is euerlastynge couenant of salt bifor the Lord, to thee, and to thi sones. 20 And the Lord seide to Aaron, Ye schulen not welde ony thing in the lond of hem, nether ye schulen haue part among hem; Y am thi part and erytage, in the myddis of the sones of Israel. 21 Forsothe Y yaf to the sones of Leuy alle the tithis of Israel in to possessioun, for the seruyce bi whyche thei seruen me in the tabernacle of boond of pees; 22 that the sones of Israel neiye no more to the `tabernacle of boond of pees, nether do dedli synne. 23 To the sones aloone of Leuy, seruynge me in the tabernacle, and berynge the `synnes of the puple, it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns. 24 Thei schulen welde noon other thing, and thei schulen be apeied with the offryng of tithis, whiche Y departide in to vsis and necessaries of hem. 25 And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, 26 Comaunde thou, and denounse to the dekenes, Whanne ye han take tithis of the sones of Israel, whiche Y yaf to you, offre ye the firste fruytis of tho to the Lord, that is, the tenthe part of the dyme, 27 that it be arettid to you in to offryng of the firste fruytis, as wel of corn flooris as of pressis; 28 and of alle thingis of whiche ye taken tithis, offre ye the firste fruytis to the Lord, and yyue ye to Aaron, preest. 29 Alle thingis whiche ye schulen offre of tithis, and schulen departe in to the yiftis of the Lord, schulen be the beste, and alle chosun thingis. 30 And thou schalt seye to hem, If ye offren to the Lord alle the clere and betere thingis of tithis, it schal be arettid to you, as if ye yauen the firste fruitis of the corn floor and presse. 31 And ye schulen ete tho tithis in alle youre placis, as wel ye as youre meynees, for it is the prijs for the seruyce, in whiche ye seruen in the tabernacle of witnessyng. 32 And ye schulen not do synne on this thing, `and resserue noble thingis and fat to you, lest ye defoulen the offryngis of the sones of Israel, and ye dien.

1 Chronicles 23:2

2 And he gaderide togidere alle the princes of Israel, and the preestis, and dekenes;

1 Chronicles 25:1-26

1 Therfor Dauid, and the magestratis of the oost, departiden in to the seruyce the sones of Asaph, and of Eman, and of Idithum, whiche schulden profecye in harpis, and sawtrees, and cymbalis, bi her noumbre, and serue the office halewid to hem. 2 Of the sones of Asaph; Zaccur, and Joseph, and Nathania, and Asarela; sotheli the sones of Asaph vndir the hond of Asaph profesieden bisidis the kyng. 3 Forsothe the sones of Idithum weren these; Idithum, Godolie, Sori, Jesie, and Sabaie, and Mathatie, sixe; vndur the hond of hir fadir Idithum, that profesiede in an harpe on men knoulechynge and preysynge the Lord. 4 Also the sones of Heman weren Heman, Boccia, Mathanya, Oziel, Subuhel, and Jerymoth, Ananye, Anan, Elyatha, Gaeldothi, and Romenthi, Ezer, and Jesbacasi, Melothy, Othir, Mazioth; 5 alle these sones of Heman weren profetis of the kyng in the wordis of God, that he schulde enhaunse the horn. And God yaf to Heman fourtene sones, and thre douytris. 6 Alle vndur the hond of her fadir weren `delid, ethir asigned, to synge in the temple of the Lord, in cymbalis, and sawtrees, and harpis, in to the seruyces of the hows of the Lord nyy the kyng, that is to seie, Asaph, and Idithum, and Heman. 7 Sotheli the noumbre of hem with her britheren, that tauyten the songe of the Lord, alle the techeris, was twey hundrid `foure scoor and eiyte. 8 And thei senten lottis bi her whiles euenli, as wel the gretter as the lesse, also a wijs man and vnwijs. 9 And the firste lot yede out to Joseph, that was of Asaph; the secounde to Godolie, to hym, and hise sones and hise britheren twelue; 10 the thridde to Zaccur, to hise sones and hise bretheren twelue; 11 the fourthe to Isary, to hise sones and hise britheren twelue; the fyuethe to Nathanye, 12 to hise sones and hise britheren twelue; 13 the sixte to Boccian, to hise sones and hise britheren twelue; 14 the seuenthe to Israhela, to hise sones and britheren twelue; 15 the eiythe to Isaie, to his sones and britheren twelue; 16 the nynthe to Mathany, to his sones and britheren twelue; 17 the tenthe to Semei, to his sones and britheren twelue; 18 the elleuenthe to Ezrahel, to hise sones and britheren twelue; 19 the tweluethe to Asabie, to his sones and britheren twelue; 20 the thrittenthe to Subahel, to hise sones and britheren twelue; 21 the fourtenthe to Mathathatie, to hise sones and britheren twelue; the fiftenthe to Jerymoth, 22 to hise sones and britheren twelue; 23 the sixtenthe to Ananye, to hise sones and britheren twelue; 24 the seuententhe to Jesbocase, to hise sones and britheren twelue; 25 the eiytenthe to Annam, to hise sones and britheren twelue; 26 the nyntenthe to Mollothi, to hise sones and britheren twelue; the twentithe to Eliatha,

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