Mark 15:32 Cross References - WestSaxon990

32 Crïst israhela cyning astige nü of rode þt we ge-seon & ge-lyfon; And þa ðe him mid hangodon wæron him mid gebundene;

Matthew 1:17

17 Eornostlice ealle cneoressa fram abrahame oð dauid synd feowertyne cneoressa. & fram dauide oð babilonis geleorednysse feowertyne cneoressa. & fram babilonis geleorednesse oð crist. feowertyne cneoressa.

Matthew 27:44

44 Ge-lice þa sceaðan þe mid him ahangene wæron; Hyne hyspdun;

Mark 14:61-62

61 he suwode & naht ne &swarode; Eft hine axode se heah-sacerd. eart þu crist þæs gebletsodan godes sunu; 62 Ða sæde se hælend. ic eom. & ge geseoð mannes sunu on swyðran healfe sittan his mægenes. & cumende mid heofones genipum;

Mark 15:26

26 & ofer-gewrit his gyltes wæs awriten iudea cyning.

Luke 23:39-43

39 Án of þam sceaþum þe mid him hangode hine gremede & cwæþ; Gif þu crist eart gehæl þe sylfne & unc; 40 Ða &swarude se oþer & hine þreade & cwæþ; Ne þu god ne ondrætst þt ðu eart on þære ylcan genyðerunge. 41 & wyt witodlice be uncer ærdædum on-foð; Soðlice þes naht yfeles ne dyde 42 & he cwæþ to þam hælende; Drihten. gemun þu me þonne þu cymst on þin rïce; 43 Ða cwæþ se hælend to him; To-dæg þu bist mid me on paradiso;

John 1:49

49 Him &swarode þa nathanahel & ðus cwæð. rabbï. þu eart godes sunu. & þu eart israhela cing.

John 12:13

13 hi namon palm-trywa twïgu & eodon üt ongean hine & clypedon; Si israhela cing hal & gebletsod þe com on drihtnes naman;

John 19:12-15

12 & syððan sohte pilatus hu he hyne forlete; Ða iudeas clypodon. & cwædon; Gif þu hine forlætst ne eart ðu þæs caseres freond; Ælc þæra þe hyne to cynge deð. ys þæs caseres wiðer-saca; 13 Ða pilatus þas spræce gehyrde. þa lædde he ut þone hælend. & sæt æt-foran þam döm-setle on ðære stowe þe is genemned lithosträtös. & on ebreisc gabbatha; 14 Hit wæs þa eastra gegearcung-dæg & hyt wæs seo syxte tid ða cwæð he to ðam iudeon. her ys eower cyning. 15 Hi clypodon ealle & cwædon. nim hyne nim hyne. & höh; Ða cwæð pilatus. sceal ic hön eowerne cyning. him &swaredon þa bisceopas & cwædon. Næbbe we nanne cyning buton kasere;

John 20:25-29

25 Ða cwædon ða oðre leorning-cnihtas to him. we gesawon drihten; Ða cwæð he to him. ne gelyfe ic buton ic geseo þæra nægela fæstnunge on his handa & ic do minne finger on ðære nægela stede & do mine hand to his sidan; 26 & eft æfter eahta dagun his leorning-cnihtas wæron inne & þomäs mid him; Se hælend cöm belocenum duron & stod to-middes him & cwæð. sy eow sib; 27 Syððan he sæde þomë do ðinne finger hider & geseoh mine handa. & nim þine hand & do on mine sidan & ne beo þu unge[le]affull [ac geleafful]; 28 Ðomäs &swarode & cwæð to him; þu [eart] min god & min drihten; 29 Se hælend cwæð to him. þu gelyfdest forþam þu me gesawe. þa synt eadige þe ne ge-sawon & gelyfdon;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.