Matthew 23:34 Cross References - Tyndale

34 Wherfore beholde I sende vnto you prophetes wyse men and scribes and of the ye shall kyll and crucifie: and of the ye shall scourge in youre synagoges and persecute from cyte to cyte

Matthew 10:16-17

16 Beware of men for they shall deliver you vp to ye cousels and shall scourge you in their synagoges. 17 And ye shall be brought to the heed rulers and kynges for my sake in witnes to them and to the gentyls.

Matthew 10:23

23 The disciple ys not above hys master: nor yet ye servaut above his lorde.

Matthew 13:52

52 The sayde he vnto them: Therfore every scribe which is taught vnto the kyngdome of heve is lyke an housholder which bryngeth forth out of hys treasure thynges bothe new and olde.

Matthew 23:34-36

34 Wherfore beholde I sende vnto you prophetes wyse men and scribes and of the ye shall kyll and crucifie: and of the ye shall scourge in youre synagoges and persecute from cyte to cyte 35 that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude that was sheed vpon the erth fro the bloud of righteous Abell vnto ye bloud of zacharias the sonne of Barachias who ye slewe betwene the teple and ye altre. 36 Verely I say vnto you all these thinges shall light vpon this generacion.

Matthew 28:19-20

19 Go therfore and teache all nacions baptysinge them in the name of the father and the sonne and the holy goost: 20 Teachinge them to observe all thynges what soever I comcommaunded you. And lo I am with you all waye even vntyll the ende of the worlde.

Luke 11:49-51

49 Therfore sayde ye wisdome of God: I will send them Prophetes and Apostles and of them they shall slee and persecute: 50 that the bloude of all Prophetes which was sheed fro the beginninge of the worlde maye be requyred of this generacion 51 from the bloud of Abell vnto the bloud of zachary which perisshed bitwene the aulter and the temple. Verely I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this nacion.

Luke 24:47

47 and that repentaunce and remission of synnes shuld be preached in his name amonge all nacions and must beginne at Ierusalem.

John 16:2

2 They shall excomunicat you: ye ye tyme shall come that whosoever killeth you will thinke that he doth God service.

John 20:21

21 Then sayde Iesus to them agayne: peace be with you. As my father sent me even so sende I you.

Acts 1:8

8 but ye shall receave power of the holy goost which shall come on you. And ye shall be witnesses vnto me in Ierusalem and in all Iewrye and in Samary and even vnto the worldes ende.

Acts 5:40

40 And to him they agreed and called the Apostles and bet them and comaunded that they shuld not speake in ye name of Iesu and let them goo.

Acts 7:51-52

51 Ye stiffenecked and of vncircumcised hertes and eares: ye have all wayes resisted the holy goost: as youre fathers dyd so do ye. 52 Which of the prophetes have not youre fathers persecuted? And they have slayne them which shewed before of the commynge of that iust whom ye have now betrayed and mordred.

Acts 7:58-59

58 and caste him out of the cite and stoned him. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes at a yonge mannes fete named Saul. 59 And they stoned Steven callynge on and sayinge: Lorde Iesu receave my sprete.

Acts 9:1-2

1 And Saul yet brethynge oute threatnynges and slaughter agaynst ye disciples of the lorde went vnto ye hye preste 2 and desyred of him letters to Damasco to ye synagoges: that yf he founde eny of this waye whether they were men or wemen he myght bringe them bounde vnto Ierusalem.

Acts 11:27

27 In those dayes came Prophetes fro Ierusalem vnto Antioche.

Acts 12:2

2 And he kylled Iames the brother of Iohn with the swerde:

Acts 13:1

1 There were at Antioche in the congregacion certayne Prophetes and teachers: as Barnabas and Simon called Niger and Lucius of Cerene and Manahen Herode the Tetrarkes norsfelowe and Saul.

Acts 14:19

19 Thither came certayne Iewes fro Antioche and Iconium and optayned the peoples consent and stoned Paul and drewe him oute of the cyte supposynge he had bene deed.

Acts 15:32

32 And Iudas and Sylas beinge prophetes exhorted the brethren with moche preachynge and strengthed them.

Acts 22:19-20

19 And I sayde: Lorde they knowe that I presoned and bet in every synagoge them that beleved on the. 20 And when the bloud of thy witnes Steven was sheed I also stode by and consented vnto his deeth and kept the rayment of them that slewe him.

1 Corinthians 2:6

6 That we speake of is wysdome amonge them that are perfecte: not the wysdome of this worlde nether of the rulars of this worlde (which go to nought)

1 Corinthians 3:10

10 Accordynge to the grace of god geven vnto me as a wyse bylder have I layde the foundacio And another bylt thero But let every ma take hede how he bildeth apo.

1 Corinthians 12:3-11

3 Wherfore I declare vnto you that no man speakynge in the sprete of god defieth Iesus. Also no man can saye that Iesus is the lorde: but by the holy goost. 4 Ther are diversities of gyftes verely yet but one sprete. 5 And ther are differences of administracions and yet but one lorde. 6 And ther are divers maners of operacions and yet but one God which worketh all thinges that are wrought in all creatures. 7 The gyftes of ye sprete are geven to every man to proffit ye congregacion. 8 To one is geven thorow the spirite the vtteraunce of wisdome? To another is geven the vtteraunce of knowledge by ye same sprete. 9 To another is geuen fayth by ye same sprete. To another ye gyftes of healynge by the same sprete. 10 To another power to do myracles. To another prophesie? To another iudgement of spretes. To another divers tonges. To another the interpretacion of toges. 11 And these all worketh eve ye silfe same sprete devydynge to every man severall gyftes even as he will.

2 Corinthians 11:24-25

24 Of the Iewes five tymes receaved I every tyme .xl. strypes saue one. 25 Thryse was I beten with roddes. I was once stoned. I suffered thryse shipwracke. Nyght and daye have I bene in the depe of the see.

Ephesians 4:8-12

8 Wherfore he sayth: He is gone vp an hye and hath ledde captivitie captive and hath geven gyftes vnto men. 9 That he ascended: what meaneth it but that he also descended fyrst into the lowest parties of the erth? 10 He that descended is even the same also that ascended vp even above all hevens to fulfill all thinges. 11 And the very same made some Apostles some prophetes some Evangelistes some Sheperdes some Teachers: 12 yt the sainctes might have all thinges necessarie to worke and minister with all to the edifyinge of the body of christ

Colossians 1:28

28 whom we preach warnynge all men and teachinge all men in all wisdome to make all men parfect in Christ Iesu.

1 Thessalonians 2:16

16 and forbid vs to preache vnto the gentyls that they myght be saved to fulfill their synnes all waye. For the wrath of God is come on them even to the vtmost.

Hebrews 11:37

37 were stoned were hewen a sunder were tepted were slayne with sweardes walked vppe and doune in shepes skynnes in gotes skynnes in nede tribulacio and vexacio

Revelation 11:10

10 And they of the people and kynredes and tonges and they of the nacions shall se their bodyes .iii. dayes and an halfe and shall not suffre their boddyes to be put in graves.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.