Romans 4:9 Cross References - Matthew

9 Came thys blessednes then vpon the circumcysed or vpon the vncircumcysed? We say verelye how that fayth was rekened to Abraham for ryghtuousnes.

Isaiah 49:6

6 Let it be but a smal thynge, that thou arte my seruaunte, to set vp the kynredes of Iacob, & to restore the destruccyon of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles. that thou mayest be my helthe vnto the ende of the worlde.

Luke 2:32

32 A lyght to lighten the gentils and the glorye of thy people Israel.

Romans 3:29-30

29 Is he the God of Iewes onely? Is he not also the God of the gentyls? Yes, euen of the gentyls also. 30 For it is God onelye which iustifyeth circumcysyon whiche is of fayth, and vncircumcysyon thorowe fayth.

Romans 4:3

3 For what sayth the scripture? Abraham beleued God, and it was counted vnto hym for ryghteousnes.

Romans 9:23-24

23 that he myght declare the riches of his glory on the vesseles of mercye, whiche he had prepared vnto glorye: 24 that is to saye, vs whom he called, not of the Iewes only, but also of the gentils.

Romans 10:12-13

12 There is no difference betwene the Iewe, & the gentyll. For one is Lorde of all whiche is ryche vnto all that call on hym. 13 For whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde, shalbe safe.

Romans 15:8-19

8 And I saye that Iesu Christ was a mynyster of the circumcysyon for the trueth of God is to confyrme the promyses made vnto the fathers. 9 And let the Gentyles prayse God for hys mercye, as it is written: For thys cause I wyll prayse the amonge the Gentyles, & sing in thy name. 10 And agayne he sayth: reioyse ye Gentyles with his people. 11 And agayn. Prayse the Lorde all ye gentyles, and laude hym all nacyons. 12 And in another place Esayas saith: there shalbe the rote of Iesse, and he that shall ryse to reygne ouer the Gentyles: in hym shal the Gentyles truste. 13 The God of hope fil you with all ioye, and peace in beleuynge, that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holye ghoste. 14 I my selfe am full certifyed of you my brethren. that ye your selues are full of goodnes and fylled with all knoweledge, and are able to exhorte one another. 15 Neuerthelesse brethren I haue some what boldelye wrytten vnto you, as one that putteth you in remembraunce thorowe the grace that is geuen me of God, 16 that I should be the minister of Iesu Christe amonge the Gentyles, and should minister the glad tydynges of God, that the gentils myghte be an acceptable offerynge, sanctifyed by the holye ghoste. 17 I haue therfore where of I maye reioyce in Christe Iesu, in those thynges which partayne to God. 18 For I dare not speake of anye of those thynges whiche Christe hath not wrought by me, to make the gentyls obedient, with worde and dede, 19 in myghty sygnes and wonders, by the power of the spirite of God: so that from Hierusalem and the coastes rounde about vnto Illiricum, I haue fylled al countreys with the glad tydynges of Christe.

Galatians 3:14

14 that the blessyng of Abraham myghte come on the Gentyles thorowe Iesus Christ and that we myght receyue the promes of the spyryte thorow fayth.

Galatians 3:26-28

26 For ye are al the sonnes of God, by the fayth whiche is in Christe Iesus. 27 For al ye that are baptysed, haue put on Christ. 28 Nowe is there no Iewe neyther gentyle, ther is neyther bonde nor free: there is neyther man nor woman, but ye are all one thyng in christ Iesu.

Ephesians 2:11-13

11 Wherfore remember that ye, beynge in tyme passed Gentyles in fleshe, and were called vncircumcision to them whiche are called circumcision in the fleshe, whiche circumcision is made by handes: 12 Remember I saye, that ye were at that tyme without Christe, and were reputed aliantes from the commen welth of Israel, and were straungers from the testamentes of promes, and had no hope and were wythout God in thys worlde. 13 But nowe in Christ Iesu, ye whych a whyle ago were farre of are made nygh by the bloud of Christe.

Ephesians 3:8

8 Vnto me the leaste of all sainctes is this grace geuen, that I shoulde preache amonge the Gentyls the vnsearcheable ryches of Christe,

Colossians 3:11

11 where is neyther Gentile nor Iew, circumcysion nor vncircumcision, Barbarous or Sythian, bond or fre: but Christ is all in al thinges.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.