Romans 3:31 Cross References - Matthew

31 Do we then destroye the lawe thorowe fayth? God forbyd. But we rather mayntayne the lawe.

Psalms 40:8

8 that I shoulde fulfyl thy wyl O my God, and that am I content to do: yea thy lawe is wythin my hert.

Psalms 119:126

126 It is tyme for the (O Lord) to lay to thine hande, for they haue destroyed thy lawe.

Isaiah 42:21

21 The Lord be mercyfull vnto them for his rightuousnesse sake, that his worde myght be magnyfyed & praysed.

Jeremiah 8:8-9

8 Howe darre ye saye then: we are wyse, we haue the lawe of the Lorde amonge vs. Beholde, the disceytfull penne of the scrybes, setteth forth lyes: 9 therfore shall the wyse be confounded, they shalbe afrayed and taken: for lo, they haue caste oute the worde of the Lorde: what wysdom can then be among them?

Jeremiah 31:33-34

33 But thys shall be the couenaunte that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes, sayeth the Lorde: I wyll plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, & wryte it in theyr hertes, and wilbe theyr God, and they shalbe my people. 34 And from thence forth shall no man teache his neyghboure or his brother, and say know the Lorde: But they shall all knowe me, from the loweste vnto the hyeste, sayeth the Lorde. For I wyll forgeue theyr mysdedes, and wil neuer remembre theyr sinnes any more.

Matthew 3:15

15 Iesus answered and sayd to hym: Let it be so nowe. For thus it becometh vs to fulfyll al righteousnes. Then he suffred him.

Matthew 5:17

17 Thinke not that I am come to destroy the lawe, or the prophetes: no I am not come to destroy them, but to fulfil them.

Matthew 5:20

20 For I say vnto you except your rightuousnes excede, the rightuousnes of the scribes & phariseis, ye can not entre into the kingdom of heauen.

Matthew 15:6

6 and so shall he not honour hys father or mother. And thus haue ye made, that the commaundement of God is without effecte, thorow your tradicions.

Romans 3:4

4 God forbyd. Let God be true and all men lyars, as it is wrytten: That thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy saiynge, and shouldest ouercome when thou art iudged.

Romans 4:14

14 For yf they whiche are of the lawe, be heyres, then is fayth but vayne, and the promes of none effecte.

Romans 7:7-14

7 What shall we saye then? Is the lawe synne? God forbid: but I knewe not what synne meante but by the law. For I had not knowne what luste had meant, except the lawe had sayed, thou shalte, not lust. 8 But synne toke an occasion by the meanes of the commaundement, and wrought in me al maner of concupiscence. For without the lawe, synne was dead. 9 I ones liued without lawe. But when the commaundemente came, synne reuyued, & I was deade. 10 And the verye same commaundemente which was ordeyned vnto lyfe, was founde to be vnto me an occasion of death, 11 for synne toke occasion by the meanes of the commaundement and so disceyued me, and by the selfe commaundemente slewe me. 12 Wherfore the lawe is holye and the commaundement holy, iuste and good. 13 Was that then whiche is good, made death vnto me? God forbid. Naye, synne was death vnto me, that yt might appere, howe that synne by the meanes of that which is good, had wrought death in me: that sinne which is vnder the commaundemente, myghte be out of measure synfull. 14 For we knowe that the lawe is spirituall but I am carnal, sold vnder synne,

Romans 7:22

22 I delite the lawe of God, concernynge the inner man.

Romans 7:25

25 I thanke God thorowe Iesus Christe oure Lorde. So then I my selfe in my mynde serue the law of God, & in my flesh the lawe of synne.

Romans 8:4

4 and by synne dampned synne in the fleshe: that the ryghtuousnes requyred of the law myghte be fulfylled in vs, which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite.

Romans 10:4

4 For Christe is the ende of the lawe, to iustifye all that beleue.

Romans 13:8-10

8 Owe nothynge to anye man: but to loue one another. For he that loueth another, fulfylleth the lawe. 9 For these commaundementes Thou shalte not commyt aduoutrye: Thou shalte not kyll: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalte not beare false wytnesse: Thou shalte not desyre: and so forth (yf there be anye other commaundente) they are all comprehended in thys saiynge: Loue thyne neyghboure as thy selfe. 10 Loue hurteth not hys neyghbour. Therfore is loue the fulfyllynge of the lawe.

1 Corinthians 9:21

21 To them that were without lawe, became I as though I had ben without the lawe (when I was not without lawe as perteyninge to God, but vnder a lawe as concerninge Christe) to wynne them that were without lawe.

Galatians 2:19

19 But I thorowe the lawe, am dead to the law: that I myght lyue vnto God

Galatians 2:21

21 I despyse not the grace of God. For yf ryghteousnes come of the lawe, then Christ dyed in vayne

Galatians 3:17-19

17 Thys I saye, that the lawe which beganne afterward beyonde: .iiij.C. and .xxx. yeares doth not disanull the testament, that was confyrmed afore of God vnto Christe warde, to make the promes of none effecte. 18 For yf the inherytaunce come of the lawe, it commeth not of promes. But God gaue it vnto Abraham by promes 19 Wherfore then serueth the lawe? The law was added because of transgressyon (tyll the sede came to whiche the promes was made) & it was ordeyned by angels in the hande of a mediator,

Galatians 5:18-23

18 But and yf ye be led of the spyryte, then are ye not vnder the lawe. 19 The dedes of the flesh are manyfeste, which are these aduoutrye, fornicacyon, vncleannes, wantonnes, 20 Idolatrye wytchecrafte, hatred, varyaunce, zele, wrathe stryfe, sedityon, sectes, 21 enuiynge, murther, drounkennes, glottonye, and suche lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tymes past, that they whiche commytte suche thynges shall not enheryte the kingdome of God. 22 But the frute of the spiryte, is loue, ioye peace, longe sufferynge, gentylnes, goodnes, faithfulnes, 23 mekenes, temperauncye. Against suche there is no lawe.

Hebrews 10:15-16

15 And the holy ghost also beareth vs record of thys, euen when he told before: 16 Thys is the testamente that I wyl make to them: after those dayes sayth the Lorde. I wyll put my lawes in theyr hertes and in theyr mynde I wyll wryte them

James 2:8-12

8 Yf ye fulfyll the royall lawe accordynge to the scripture whiche sayeth. Thou shalte loue thyne neyghboure as thy self, ye do wel. 9 But yf ye regarde one personne more then another, ye commytte sinne, and are rebuked of the lawe as transgressours. 10 Whosoeuer shall kepe the whole lawe, and yet fayle in one point he is gyltye in all. 11 For he that sayde: Thou shalte not committe adultery, sayed also, thou shalte not kyll. Thoughe thou do none adulterye: yet yf thou kyll, thou arte a transgresser of the lawe. 12 So speake ye, and so do, as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of lybertye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.