Revelation 20:2 Cross References - Matthew

2 And he toke the dragon that olde serpent which is the deuyl and Satanas, & he bound him a thousand yeares:

Genesis 3:15

15 Moreouer, I wyll put hatred betwene the & the woman, & betwene thy seed and her seed. And that seed shall tread the on thy heed, and thou shalt treade it on the hele.

Job 1:7

7 And the Lorde sayde vnto Sathan: From whence commest thou? Sathan answered the Lorde, and sayd: I haue gone aboute the lande and walcked thorow it.

Job 2:1-2

1 It happened also vpon a tyme, that when the seruauntes of God came & stode before the Lorde, Sathan came amonge them, and stode before hym. 2 And the Lorde sayde vnto Sathan: From whence commest thou? Sathan answered & sayde: I haue gone aboute the lande, & walked thorow it.

Isaiah 27:1

1 Then the Lorde with his heauye, great, & longe swerd shall vyset Leuyathan that inuyncible serpent: euen Leuiathan that croked serpent & shall slaye the whalfysh in the sea.

Isaiah 49:24-25

24 Who spoyleth the gyaunte of hys praye? or who taketh the presoner from the mightye? 25 And therefore thus sayeth the Lorde: The prysoners shalbe taken from the gyaunte, & the spoyle delyuered from the vyoleute: for I wil maintayne thy cause agaynste thyne aduersaryes, and saue thy sonnes.

Matthew 8:29

29 And behold they cried out saying: O Iesu the sonne of God, what haue we to do with the? Art thou come hither to torment vs before the tyme be come?

Matthew 19:29

29 And whosoeuer forsaketh houses, or brethren, or systers, other father or mother, or wyfe or chyldren, or landes, for my names sake, the same shal receyue an .C. folde, & shal enherite euerlasting life.

Mark 5:7

7 and cryed with a loude voyce, and sayde: what haue I to do with a loude voyce, and sayde: what haue I to do with the Iesus the sonne of the most hyest God? I requyre the in the name of God that thou torment me not.

Luke 11:20-22

20 But yf I with the finger of God caste oute deuyls, no doubte the kyngedome of God is come. 21 When a strong man armed, watched hys house, that he possesseth is in peace. 22 But when a stronger then he cometh vpon hym & ouercommeth hym: he taketh from hym his harnes, wherin he trusted and deuydeth hys goodes.

John 12:31

31 Now is the iudgement of thys world: now shall the prince of thys worlde be caste oute.

John 16:11

11 and of iudgement, because the chiefe ruler of this worlde is iudged already.

Romans 16:20

20 The God of peace treade Sathan vnder your fete shortelye. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christe be with you.

Hebrews 2:14

14 For as muche then as the children were partetakers of fleshe and bloude, he also him selfe lyke wyse toke part wyth them, for to put doune thorowe death, that is to saye the deuyll,

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for your aduersary the deuyll as a roringe Lyon walketh aboute, sekinge whom he may deuour,

2 Peter 2:4

4 For yf God spared not the aungels that sinned but cast them downe into hell, and deliuered them into chayns of darckenes, to be kept vnto iudgement,

Jude 1:6

6 The aungels also whiche kepte not theyr fyrste estate: but lefte theyr habytacyon, he hath reserued in euerlastyng chaynes vnder darkenes vnto the iudgement of the greate daye:

Revelation 9:11

11 And they had a kynge ouer them, whych is the angel of the bottomlesse pyt, whose name in the Hebrue tonge, is Abodon, but in the Greke tonge, Appollion.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpente called the deuyll and Sathanas was caste out. Whiche deceyueth al the worlde. And he was cast into the earth, and his angelles were cast out also.

Revelation 12:13

13 And when the dragon sawe, that he was caste vnto the earth, he persecuted the woman, which broughte forth the man chyld.

Revelation 12:15

15 And the dragon cast out of his mouth water after the woman as it had bene a riuer, because she should haue be caught of the floud.

Revelation 12:17

17 And the dragon was wroth wyth the woman, and went and made warre wyth the remnaunt of her seede, whiche kepe the commaundementes of God, and haue the testimonye of Iesus Christe. And I stode on the sea sande.

Revelation 13:2

2 And the beaste whych I sawe, was lyke a cat of the mountayne, and hys fete were as the fete of a beare, and his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon. And the dragon gaue him hys power and hys seale, and great authorytye,

Revelation 13:4

4 & they worshipped the dragon, which gaue power vnto the beaste, and they worshipped the beast saiynge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with him?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.