Psalms 57:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 To the Chaunter destroy not Michtam of Dauid, when he fledde from Saull into the caue. Be mercyfull vnto me, O God, be mercyfull vnto me, for my soule trusteth in the: and vnder the shadow of thy winges shal be my refuge, vntyll wyckednes be ouer past.

Ruth 2:12

12 The Lord quite thy worck, & a full reward be geuen the of the Lord God of Israel vnto whom thou art come, to truste vnder hys winges.

1 Samuel 22:1

1 And Dauid departed thence and escaped, and came vnto the caue Odollam. When hys bretheren and all his fathers house hearde it, they went thyther to hym.

1 Samuel 24:3

3 And he came to the flockes of shepe by a wayes side, where was a caue. And Saul went in to couer his feete. And Dauid and his men sat a longe by the sides of the caue.

1 Samuel 24:8

8 Dauid arose and went out of the caue, and cryed after Saul sayinge: My Lorde Kinge. And Saul loked behinde hym. And Dauid stouped to the earth and bowed him selfe,

Psalms 2:12

12 Kysse the sonne, lest the Lorde be angrye and so ye peryshe from the ryght way. For his wrath shalbe kindled shortly: blessed are all they that put their trust in hym.

Psalms 9:10

10 Therfore they that know thy name, putte their trust in the: for thou (Lorde) neuer faylest them that seke the.

Psalms 13:5

5 But my trust is in thy mercy, & my herte is ioyfull in thy sauynge health.

Psalms 17:7-8

7 Shewe thy maruelous louing kindnesse, thou that sauest them whiche put their trust in the, from suche as resist thy right hande. 8 Kepe me as the apple of an eye, defende me vnder the shadow of thy wynges.

Psalms 36:7

7 How precious is thy mercy, O God, that the chyldren of men maye put their trust vnder the shadowe of thy wynges?

Psalms 56:1

1 To the chaunter, vpon the domme stock doue: whiche flyeth ferre of, Michtam of Dauid, when the Phylystynes toke hym in Geth. Be mercifull vnto me (O God) for men will treade me doune: they are dayly fightynge and troublynge me.

Psalms 58:1

1 To the chaunter Destroye not Michtam of Dauid. If youre myndes be vpon righteousnes in deede, then iudge the thyng that is ryght, O ye sonnes of men,

Psalms 59:1

1 To the chaunter destroye not Michtam of Dauid, when Saull sende to watche the house, to thintent to kyll hym. Delyuer me fro myne enemyes (O my God) and defende me from them that rise vp against me.

Psalms 61:4

4 I wyll dwell in thy tabernacle for euer, that I maye be safe vnder the couerynge of thy wynges. Selah.

Psalms 63:7

7 For thou hast bene my helper, and vnder the shadow of thy wynges wyl I reioyse.

Psalms 69:13-16

13 But Lorde I made my prayer vnto the in an acceptable tyme. Heare me, O God, with thy great mercy and sure helpe. 14 Take me out of the myre, that I sinke not Oh let me be deliuered from them that hate me, and out of the depe waters. 15 Lest the water floud drowne me, that the depe swalowe me not vp, and that the pytte shut not her mouth vpon me. 16 Heare me, O Lord, for thy louyng kyndnesse is comfortable: turne the vnto me according vnto thy great mercy.

Psalms 91:1

1 Who so dwelleth vnder the defence of the most hyest, & abydeth vnder the shadowe of the almightye.

Psalms 91:4

4 He shall couer the vnder hys wynges, that thou mayest be safe vnder his fethers: his faythfulnesse & trueth shalbe thy shylde and buckler.

Psalms 91:9

9 For thou Lorde art my hope, thou hast set thyne house of defence very hye.

Psalms 119:76-77

76 O let thy mercyful kyndnesse be my comforte, accordynge to the promes that thou hast made vnto thy seruaunt. 77 O let thy louyng mercies come vnto me, that I may lyue, for thy law is my delite.

Psalms 125:1

1 The song of the steares. They that put their truste in the Lord, are euen as the mounte Syon, which may not be remoued, but standeth fast for euer.

Psalms 142:1

1 The instruccion of Dauid, a prayer when he was in the caue. I crye vnto the Lorde with my voyce, yea, euen vnto the Lord do I make my supplicacion.

Isaiah 10:25

25 But soone after, shal my wrathe and mine indignacion be fulfilled agaynst their blasphemies.

Isaiah 26:20

20 So go now my people into thy chambre, & shut the dore to the, and suffre now the twincklynge of an eye, tyll the wrathe be ouerpaste.

Isaiah 50:10

10 Therfore who so feareth the Lorde among you let hym heare the voyce of hys seruaunt, Who so walketh in darcknesse, and no lyghte shyneth vpon hym, let hym hope in the Lord, and holde hym by his God.

Matthew 24:22

22 yea, and except those dayes should be shortened, there shoulde no fleshe be saued: but for the chosens sake, those daies shalbe shortened.

Luke 13:34

34 O Hierusalem, Hierusalem, whiche killest Prophetes, and stonest them that are sent to the: howe often woulde I haue gathered thy chyldren together, as the hen gathered her neste vnder her wynges, but ye would not.

John 16:20

20 Verely verely I say vnto you: ye shall wepe and lament, & the world shall reioyce. Ye shall sorowe, but your sorow shalbe turned into ioye.

James 5:10-11

10 Take (my brethren) the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferyng aduersitye, & of longe pacience, whiche spake in the name of the Lorde. 11 Beholde we count them happye whiche endure. Ye haue hearde of the pacience of Iob, & haue knowen what ende the Lorde made. For the Lorde is verye pytyfull and mercyfull.

Revelation 7:14

14 And I sayd vnto hym: Lorde thou wotest. And he said vnto me: these are they which came out of great tribulacion, and made their garmentes large and made them white, in the bloude of the lambe,

Revelation 21:4

4 And god shal wipe away al teares from their eyes. And there shalbe no more death, neyther sorow neither criyng, neither shal there be any more paine, for the olde thinges are gone.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.