Psalms 19:7 Cross References - Matthew

7 The lawe of the Lorde is a perfecte lawe it quickeneth the soule. The testimonye of the Lorde is true, and geueth wisdome euen vnto babes.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9

6 And these wordes which I commande the thys daye, shall be in thyne hert 7 & thou shalt whett theim on thy children. & shalt talke of theim when thou arte at home in thyne house, and as thou walkeste by the way, and when thou lyest downe and when thou rysest vp: 8 and thou shalt bynd them for a sygne vpon thyne hande. And they shall be papers of remembraunce betwene thyne eyes and 9 shalt write them vpon the postes of thy house & vpon thy gates.

Deuteronomy 17:18-20

18 And when he is sett vpon the seate of hys kyngedome, he shal write hym oute thys seconde lawe in a boke takynge a copye of the priestes the Leuites. 19 And it shalbe wyth him and he shall read therin all dayes of hys life that he may learne to feare the lord his God for to kepe al the wordes of this lawe & these ordinaunces for to do them: 20 that his hert arise not aboue his brethren and that he turne not from the commaundement: either to the right hand or to the left, that both he & his children mai prolong their daies in his kingdom in Israel.

Deuteronomy 32:4

4 He is a rocke and perfect are his dedes for al hys wayes are with descrecion. God is faythful, & without wyckednes, both ryghtuouse and iust is he.

Joshua 1:8

8 let not the boke of thys lawe departe out of thy mouthe: But recorde therein daye & night that thou mayest be circumspect to do accordyng to all that is wrytten therein. For then shalt thou make thy waye prosperouse, & then thou shalt haue vnderstandyng.

2 Samuel 23:5

5 And is not myne house so with God? in that he hath made wyth me an euerlastyng couenaunt perfecte in all poyntes: and in that he shall fulfyll all that is healthe some vnto me, and all my desyres therto.

Job 23:12

12 I haue not forsaken the commaundemente of hys lippes, but loke what he charged me wt his mouth, that haue I shut vp in my herte.

Psalms 18:30

30 The waye of God is a perfecte waye: the wordes of the Lorde are tryed in the fire: he is a shylde of defence, for all them that truste in hym.

Psalms 23:3

3 He quickeneth my soule, and bryngeth me forth in the waye of righteousnes for his names sake.

Psalms 78:1-7

1 An instruccyon of Asaph. Heare my lawe, O my people, enclyne your eares vnto the wordes of my mouth. 2 I wyll open my mouth in parables, and speake of thynges of olde. 3 Whych we haue herde and knowne, and such as our fathers haue told vs. 4 That we shoulde not hyde them from the chyldren of the generations to come: but to shewe the honoure of the Lorde, hys myghte and wonderfull worckes that he hath done. 5 He made a couenaunte wyth Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe, whiche he commaunded oure forefathers to teache their chyldren. 6 That their posterytye myghte knowe it, and the chyldren whych were yet vnborne. To thintent that when they came vp they myghte shewe their chyldren the same. 7 That they also myghte put their truste in God, & not to forget what he had done, but to kepe his commaundementes,

Psalms 93:5

5 Thy testimonies, O LORD, are very sure, holynesse becommeth thyne house for euer.

Psalms 111:7

7 The worckes of his hands are veryte and iudgment, all hys commaundementes are true.

Psalms 119:9

9 Beth. Where withall shall a yonge man clense his waye? Euen by rulynge hym selfe after thy worde.

Psalms 119:14

14 I haue as greate delyte in the way of thy the testimonies, as in al maner of ryches.

Psalms 119:24

24 In thy testomonyes is my delite, they are my councelers.

Psalms 119:72

72 The law of thy mouth is dearer vnto me, then thousandes of golde and siluer.

Psalms 119:96-100

96 I se that all thynges come to an ende, but thy commaundement is exeeadyng broade. 97 Mem. O what loue haue I vnto thy law? all the daye longe is my talkyng of it. 98 Thou thorow thy commaundement hast made me wyser then myne enemyes, for it is euer by me. 99 I haue more vnderstandyng then all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my studye. 100 Yea, I am wyser then the aged, for I kepe thy commaundementes.

Psalms 119:105

105 Nun. Thy woorde is a lanterne vnto my fete and a light vnto my pathes.

Psalms 119:111

111 Thy testimonyes haue I claymed as myne heritage for euer: and why? thei are the very ioye of my herte.

Psalms 119:127-128

127 For I loue thy commaundementes aboue golde and precious stone. 128 Therfore holde I streyght all thy commaundementes, and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre.

Psalms 119:130

130 When thy woorde goeth forthe, it geueth light & vnderstandyng, euen vnto babes.

Psalms 119:152

152 As concernynge thy testimonies, I haue knowen euer sens the beginnuing, that thou hast grounded them for euer.

Psalms 147:19-20

19 He sheweth hys woorde vnto Iacob, hys statutes and ordinaunces vnto Israel. 20 He hath not dealte so with all the Heathen, neither haue they knowlege of hys lawes. Prayse the euerlastyng.

Proverbs 1:4

4 That the very babes might haue wit, and that yongmen might haue knowlege & vnderstanding.

Proverbs 1:22-23

22 O ye chyldren, how longe will ye loue chyldyshnesse? how long wil the, scorners delite in scorning & the vnwise be enemies vnto knowlege? 23 O turne you vnto my correccion: lo. I wil expres my mynde vnto you, & make you vnderstande my wordes.

Isaiah 8:16

16 Now laye the witnesses together (said the Lorde) and seale the lawe with my discyples.

Isaiah 8:20

20 Yf any man want lyght, let hym loke vpon the lawe and the testimony, whether they speake not after thys meaninge.

John 3:32-33

32 and what he hath sene and hearde: that he testifyeth: but no man receiueth his testimony. 33 Howbeit he that hath receiueth his testimony hath set to his seale that God is true.

John 5:39

39 Searche the sciptures, for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall lyfe: and they are they which testifye of me.

Acts 10:43

43 To hym geue all the Prophetes witnes, that thorowe hys name, all that beleue in hym, shall receyue remission of sinnes.

Romans 3:2

2 Surelye verye muche. Fyrste vnto them was commytted the word of God.

Romans 12:2

2 And fashyon not youre selues lyke vnto thys worlde. But be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuynge of youre wyttes, that ye may fele what thynge that good, that acceptable, and perfect wyll of God is.

Romans 15:4

4 Whatsoeuer thynges are wrytten afore tyme, are wrytten for oure learnyng, that we thorowe pacyence and comforte of the scrypture myght haue hope.

Colossians 3:16

16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you plenteouslye in all wysdome. Teache and exhorte youre owne selues, in psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songes, whiche haue fauoure with them, singinge in your hertes to the Lorde.

2 Timothy 1:8

8 Be not ashamed to testifye oure Lorde, neyther be ashamed of me, whiche am bounde for hys sake: but suffre aduersitye also wyth the Gospell thorowe the power of God,

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But the sure grounde of God remayneth, and hath thys seale: the Lord knoweth them that are his, & let euerye man that calleth on the name of Christe departe from iniquitie.

2 Timothy 3:15-17

15 and for as muche also as thou haste knowen holy scrypture of a chyld, whiche is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which is in Christ Iesu. 16 For al scripture geuen by inspyracion of God, is profytable to teache, to improue, to amende and to instruct in ryghtuousnes, 17 that the man of God maye be perfecte and prepared vnto all good workes.

Hebrews 6:18-19

18 that by two immutable thynges (in which it was vnpossyble that GOD shaulde lye) we myghte haue perfecte consolacyon, whiche haue fled, for to holde faste the hope that is set before vs, 19 whiche hope we haue an ancre of the soule both sure and stedfast. Whiche hope also entreth in, into those thynges that are wythin the vayle,

James 1:17

17 Euery good gyfte, and euerye perfecte gyfte, is from aboue and commeth doune from the father of lyght wyth whome is no varyablenes, neyther is he chaunged vnto darkenes.

James 1:21-25

21 Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes, all superfluytye of malycyousnes, and receyue wyth mekenes the worde that is grafted in you, whiche is able to saue your soules. 22 And se that ye be doars of the worde & not hearers onely, deceyuyng your owne selues wyth sophystrye. 23 For yf any heare the word, and do it not, he is lyke vnto a man that beholdeth his bodly face in a glasse. 24 For assone as he hath loked on hym selfe, he goeth hys waye, and forgetteth immediatly what hys fashyon was. 25 But who so loketh in the perfecte lawe of lybertye, and contynueth therin (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shall be happye in hys dede.

1 John 5:9-12

9 If we receyue the wytnes of men, the wytnes of God is greater. For thys is the wytnes of God, whiche he testified of his sonne. 10 He that beleueth on the sonne of God, hath the wytnes in him selfe. He that beleued not God, hath made hym a lyar, because he beleued not the recorde, that God gaue of hys sonne. 11 And thys is that recorde, howe that God hath geuen vnto vs eternal lyfe, and this lyfe is in his sonne. 12 He that hath the sonne, hath lyfe: and he that hath not the sonne of God, hath not lyfe.

Revelation 19:10

10 And I fell at his feete, to worshippe him. And he sayed vnto me, se thou do it not. For I am thy felowe seruaunt, & one of thy brethren, & of them that haue the testimony of Iesus. Worshippe God. For the testimony of Iesus is the spirit of prophesye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.