Psalms 147:19 Cross References - Matthew

19 He sheweth hys woorde vnto Iacob, hys statutes and ordinaunces vnto Israel.

Exodus 20:1-21

1 And God spake all these woordes & sayd: 2 I am the Lorde thy God, which haue brought the out of the lande of Egipte and out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt haue none other Goddes in my sight. 4 Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage neyther any similitude that is in heauen aboue either in the earth beneth, or in the water that is beneth the earth. 5 Se that thou neither bowe thy self vnto them neither serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a gelouse God, & viset the synne of the fathers vppon the chyldren vnto the thyrd and fourth generacion of them that hate me: 6 and yet shew mercy vnto thousandes among them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayne, for the Lord wil not hold him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne. 8 Remembre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes mayst thou laboure and do all that thou hast to do: 10 but the seuenth day is the Sabbath daye of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt do no maner worke: nether thou nor thy sonne, nor thy doughter, neither thy man seruaunte nor thy mayde seruaunt, neither thy cattel neither yet the straunger that is within thy gates. 11 For in sixe dayes the Lord made both heauen & earth & the sea & all that in them is and rested the seuenth day: wherfore the Lord blessed the Sabbath daye and halowed it. 12 Honour thy father & thy mother, that thy dayes may be longe in the lande which the Lorde thy God geueth the. 13 Thou shalt not kyll. 14 Thou shalt not breake wedlocke. 15 Thou shalt not steale. 16 Thou shalte beare no false witnesse agaynst thy neyghboure. 17 Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house neither shalt couet thy neighbours wyfe, his man seruaunt, his mayde, his oxe, his asse or oughte that is hys. 18 And all the people sawe the thunder & the lighteninge & the noyse of the horne, & howe the mountayne smoked. And when the people sawe it, they remoued & stode a ferre of 19 and sayde vnto Moyses: talke thou with vs & we wil heare but let not God talke with vs lest we dye. 20 And Moses sayd vnto the people fear not, for God is come to proue you, & that his feare maye be among you that ye sinne not. 21 And the people stode a farre of, & Moses went into the thicke cloude where God was

Exodus 21:1-23

1 These are the lawes whyche thou shalt set before the. 2 If thou bye a seruaunt that is an Hebrue, sixe yeres he shall serue, & the seuenth he shal go out fre payng nothing. 3 If he came alone, he shal go out alone: If he came maried, his wyfe shal goo out with him. 4 And if his master haue geuen him a wyfe & she haue born him sonnes or doughters: then the wife & her children shalbe her masters & he shall goo out alone. 5 But & if the seruaunt say I loue my master & my wife & my children, I wil not go out fre. 6 Then let his master bring him vnto the Goddes and sette hym to the doore or the dorepost & bore his eare thorow with a naule and let hym be his seruaunte for euer. 7 If a man sell his doughter to be a seruaunt she shal not go out as the men seruauntes doo. 8 If she please not her master, so that he hath geue her to no man to wife, then shal he let her go fre: to sell her vnto a straunge nacion shall he haue no power, because he despysed her. 9 If he haue promised her vnto his son to wife, he shal deale with her as men do with their doughters. 10 If he take him another wife yet her fode, rayment and dutye of mariage shall he not mynyshe. 11 If he do not these thre vnto her, then shal she goo oute fre and paye no money. 12 He that smiteth a man that he dye shalbe slain for it. 13 If a man laie not awayt but God delyuer him into his hand, then I wyll poynte the a place whether he shall fle. 14 If a man come presumpteously vpon his neyghboure and slea him with gile, thou shalt take him fro myne aulter that he dye. 15 And he that smyteth hys father or his mother, shall dye for it. 16 He that stealeth a man & selleth him (if it be proued vpon hym) shalbe slayne for it, 17 And he that curseth his father or mother, shalbe put to death for it. 18 If men striue together and one smyte another with a stone or with hys fyste, so that he dye not, but lieth in bedde: 19 if he ryse agayne and walke withoute vpon hys staffe then shall he that smote hym go quyte: saue only he shall bere his charges whyle he laie in bedde & pay for his healing. 20 If a man smyte his seruaunt or hys mayde with a staffe that they dye vnder his hand, it shalbe auenged. 21 But & if they continue a daye or two, it shall not be auenged for they are his money. 22 When men stryue & smyte a woman with chylde so that her frute departe from her and yet no misfortune foloweth: then shal he be mersed, according as the womans husband will laye to his charge, & he shall paye as the dayes men appoynte hym. 23 But and if any misfortune folow, then shall he pay lyfe for lyfe,

Deuteronomy 4:1

1 And now herken Israel vnto the ordinaunces & lawes which I teach you, for to do them, that ye maye lyue & go and conquere the lande whych the Lorde God of youre fathers geueth you.

Deuteronomy 4:8

8 Yea, & what nation is so greate that hathe ordinaunces, and lawes so ryghtuouse, as all thys lawe which I set before you thys day.

Deuteronomy 4:12-13

12 And the Lorde spake vnto you out of the fyre and ye heard the voyce of his wordes: but sawe no ymage, saue heard a voyce onely. 13 And he declared vnto you his couenaunt which he commaunded you to do, euen .x. verses & wrote them in two tables of stone.

Deuteronomy 4:45

45 and these are the witnesses, ordinaunces & statutes whych Moses tolde the chyldren of Israel after they came out of Egypt

Deuteronomy 5:22

22 These wordes the Lord spake vnto al youre multitude in the mount out of the fyre, cloud and darckenes, with a loude voyce & added no more therto, and wrote them in .ij. tables of stone and deliuered them vnto me.

Deuteronomy 5:31

31 but stande thou here before me and I wyl tell the al the commaundementes, ordinaunces & lawes which thou shalt teache them, that they may do them in the lande whiche I gyue them to possesse.

Deuteronomy 6:1

1 These are the commaundementes, ordinaunces & lawes whyche the Lorde youre God commaunded to teache you, that ye myghte do theym in the Lande whyther ye go to possesse it:

Deuteronomy 33:2-4

2 sayinge: The Lorde came frome Sinai, & shewed hys beames from Seir vnto them, & appered gloriously from mount Pharan, and he came wyth thousandes of saintes & in his right hand a lawe of fyre for them. 3 How loued he the people? Al his saintes are in hys hande. They ioyned theym selues vnto thy fote, and receyued thy wordes. 4 Moses gaue vs a lawe whiche is the enheritaunce of the congregation of Iacob.

Psalms 76:1

1 To the chaunter, in Neginoth, a Psalm and songe of Asaph. In Iuda is God knowne, hys name is great in Israel.

Psalms 78:5

5 He made a couenaunte wyth Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe, whiche he commaunded oure forefathers to teache their chyldren.

Psalms 103:7

7 He shewed his wayes vnto Moses, & his workes vnto the chyldren of Israel.

Malachi 4:4

4 Remembre the lawe of Moses my seruaunt whyche I commytted vnto hym in Oreb for al Israel, with the stratutes and ordynaunces.

Romans 3:2

2 Surelye verye muche. Fyrste vnto them was commytted the word of God.

Romans 9:4

4 whiche are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenauntes, & the lawe that was geuen, & the seruice of God, & the promises:

2 Timothy 3:15-17

15 and for as muche also as thou haste knowen holy scrypture of a chyld, whiche is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which is in Christ Iesu. 16 For al scripture geuen by inspyracion of God, is profytable to teache, to improue, to amende and to instruct in ryghtuousnes, 17 that the man of God maye be perfecte and prepared vnto all good workes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.