Psalms 127:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 The song of the steares. Except the Lord buylde the house, their laboure is but loste that buylde it. Except the Lord kepe the cytye, the watchman waketh but in vayne.

1 Chronicles 22:10-11

10 He shall buylde an house for my name & he shalbe my sonne, and I wil be his father, and wyl stablyshe the seate of his kingedom vpon Israel for euer. 11 Now my sonne, the lord be with the, that thou mayst prospere & buyld the house of the Lorde thy God, as he hathe sayde of the.

1 Chronicles 28:10

10 Take hede now, for the Lord hath chosen the, to buylde an house of thy sanctuarye. Be stronge, and do it.

1 Chronicles 28:20

20 And Dauid sayde to Salomon hys sonne: harden thy self, and be strong, and do it, feare not, nor let thyne herte dyscourage the. For the Lorde God my God is wyth the, & shall not leaue the nor forsake the, vntyll thou haste fynyshed all the worcke that must serue for the house of the Lorde.

1 Chronicles 29:19

19 And geue vnto Salomon my sonne, a pure herte to kepe thy commaundementes, thy testimonyes & thyne ordinaunces, and to do all, and to buylde the house whiche I entended.

Psalms 33:16-18

16 A kynge is not helped by hys owne great hoost, neyther is a giaunte saued thorow the myght of hys owne strength. 17 A horse is but a vayne thing to saue a man, it is not the power of hys strengthe that can delyuer hym. 18 Beholde, the eye of the Lorde loketh vnto them that feare hym, & put their trust in hys mercy.

Psalms 72:1

1 Of Salomon. Geue the king thy iudgement, O God, and thy righteousnesse vnto the kynges sonne.

Psalms 78:69

69 And there he buylded hys temple on hye, and layd the foundation of it like the ground that it myght perpetually endure.

Psalms 120:1

1 The song of the steares When I am in trouble, I cal vpon the Lorde, and he answereth me.

Psalms 121:1

1 The song of the steares. I lyft vp myne eyes vnto the hylles, from whence commeth my helpe.

Psalms 121:3-5

3 He wyll not suffer thy fote to be moued, and he that kepeth the slepeth not. 4 Beholde, he that kepeth Israell, doth nether slomber nor slepe. 5 The Lorde him selfe is thy keper, the Lorde is thy defence vpon thy ryght hande.

Psalms 122:1

1 The songe of the steares. I was glad, when they sayed vnto me: we wyll go into the house of the Lorde.

Psalms 123:1

1 The songe of the steares. Vnto the lyft I vp mine eies, thou that dwelleste in the heauens.

Psalms 124:1

1 The songe of the steares. If the Lord had not bene of oure side (now may Israel say)

Psalms 125:1

1 The song of the steares. They that put their truste in the Lord, are euen as the mounte Syon, which may not be remoued, but standeth fast for euer.

Psalms 126:1

1 The songe of the steares. When the Lorde turneth agayn the captiuitie of Syon, then shall we be lyke vnto them that dreame.

Proverbs 16:9

9 A man deuyseth awaye in his herte, but it is the Lorde that ordreth hys goynges.

Proverbs 21:30-31

30 There is no wysdome ther is no vnderstandyng, there is no councell agaynste the Lorde. 31 The horse is prepared against the day of battail, but the Lord geueth the victory.

Ecclesiastes 9:11

11 So I turned me vnto other thynges vnder the Sonne, and I sawe, that in runnyng, it helpeth not to be swift: in battayll, it helpeth not to be stronge, to fedynge, it helpeth not to be wyse: to ryches, it helpeth not to be suttell: to be had in fauoure, it helpeth not to be cunnynge: but that all lyeth in tyme and fortune.

Song of Songs 3:3

3 The watchemen that go aboute the citie, founde me. Sawe ye not him whom my soule loueth?

Song of Songs 5:7

7 So the watchmen that wente aboute the cytye, founde me, smote me, & wounded me: Yea, they that kept the walles, toke awaye my garment fro me.

Isaiah 21:5-12

5 Yea sone make ready the table (sayde this voyce) kepe the watch, eate & dryncke. Vp ye Captaynes, take you to youre shild, 6 for thus the Lorde hath charged me: go thy waye, and set a watche man, that he may tel what he seith. 7 And when he had wayted dylygentlye, he sawe two horsemen: the one rydynge vpon an Asse, the other vpon a Camel. 8 And the lyon cryed: Lorde, I haue stande waytynge all the whole daye, and haue kepte my watch all the night. 9 Wyth that came there one rydinge vpon a charet, whyche answered, and sayde: Babilon is fallen, she is turned vp syde doune and al the ymages of her Godes are smytten to the grounde. 10 This (O my felowe thresshers and fanners) haue I hearde of the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel, to shewe it vnto you. 11 The heauy burthen of Duma. One of Seir cryed vnto me: Watche man what hast thou espyed by nyght, whatcheman what hast thou espyed by nyght. 12 The watchman answered: The daye breaketh on, and the nyght is commyng: Yf youre request be earnest, then aske and come agayne.

Isaiah 27:3

3 I the Lorde kepe it, and water in it due ceason. I watche daye and nyght, that no man breake into it. I beare no euil wil in my mynd.

Isaiah 56:10

10 For hys watch men are al blind, they haue altogether no vnderstandyng, they are al domme dogges, not beyng able to barcke, they are slepery: slogish are they, & lye snortynge:

Isaiah 62:6

6 I wyll set watchmen vpon thy walles (O Ierusalem) whiche shall neyther ceasse daye nor night to preache the Lorde. And ye also shal not kepe him close,

Jeremiah 51:12

12 Set vp tokens vpon the walles of Babylon, make youre watche stronge, set youre watche men in araye, yea holde preuye watches, & yet for all that shall the Lorde go forth with the deuyce, whiche he hath taken vpon them that dwell in Babylon.

Jeremiah 51:31

31 One purseuaunte shal mete another, yea one poste shall come by another, to bring the king of Babylon tydynges: that his citie is taken in on euerye syde,

Ezekiel 33:2-9

2 Thou sonne of man, Speake to the children of thy people, & tell them: When I sende a swearde vpon a lande, yf the people of the lande take a man of their countre, & set him to be their watchman, 3 the same man (whan he seyth the sweard come vpon the lande) shal blowe the trompet, and warne the people. 4 If a man now heare the noyse of the trompet, and wil not be warned, and the swearde come and take him awaye: his bloude shall be vpon hys owne head: 5 for he hearde the sound of the trompet, and wolde not take hede: therfore hys bloude be vpon hym. But yf he wyll receyue warninge, he shall saue hys lyfe. 6 Agayne, yf the watch man se the swearde come and shewe it not wyth the trompet, so that the people is not warned: yf the sweard come then and take any man from amonge them, the same shall be taken awaye in hys owne sinne but hys bloude wyll I requyre of the watchemans hande. 7 And now (O thou sonne of man) I haue made the a watcheman vnto the house of Israell: that where as thou hearest anye thynge oute of my mouthe, thou mayest warne them on my behalfe. 8 If I say vnto the wicked thou wycked, thou shalte surelye dye: & thou geuest hym not warnynge, that he maye bewarre of his vngodly waye: then shall the wicked dye in hys owne synne, but hys bloude wyll I requyre of thy hand. 9 Neuertheles yf thou warne the wycked of hys waye, to turne from it, where as he yet will not be turned from it, then shall he dye because of hys synne, but thou haste delyuered thy soule.

Zechariah 2:4-5

4 and sayde vnto hym: Runne, speake to thys younge man, and saye: Ierusalem shall be inhabyted wythoute anye wall, for the verye multytude of people and catell, that shal be therein 5 Yea I my selfe (sayeth the Lorde) wil be vnto her a wall of fyre rounde aboute, and wilbe honoured in her.

1 Corinthians 3:7

7 So then neyther is he that planteth anye thinge neyther he that watreth: but God that gaue the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:9-15

9 We are Goddes labourer, ye are Goddes husbandrye ye are Goddes buyldinge. 10 According to the grace of God geuen vnto me, as a wyse buylder haue I layde the foundation. And another buylte theron. But let euery man take hede how he buildeth vpon. 11 For other foundation can no man laie, then that whiche is layde, whiche is Iesus Christ. 12 Yf any man buylde on this foundacion, golde, syluer, precyous stones timber, haye or stobble: 13 euerye mans worke shall appeare. For the daye shal declare it, & it shalbe shewed in fyre. And the fyre shall trye euery mannes worke, what it is. 14 Yf any mannes worke that he hath buylt vpon, byde: he shall receiue a rewarde. 15 If any mannes worke burne, he shall suffer losse: but he shalbe safe him selfe: neuerthelesse yet as it were thorow fyre.

1 Corinthians 15:14

14 If Christ be not rysen, then is our preachinge vayne, and your faith is also in vaine.

Galatians 4:11

11 I am in feare of you lest I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.