Numbers 15:9 Cross References - Matthew

9 then thou shalt brynge vnto an oxe, a meatofferyng of .iij. tenth deales of floure mingled wt an hyn of oyle. And thou shalt brynge for a drynkeofferinge halfe an hyn of wyne,

Leviticus 6:14

14 This is the law of the meatofferyng: Aarons sonnes shall bryng it before the Lorde, vnto the alter:

Leviticus 7:37

37 This is the lawe of burntofferynges, of meateofferynges, of sinne offerynges, of trespace offerynges, of ful offerynges, of peace offeringes,

Leviticus 14:10

10 And when the .viij. day is come, let him take .ij. lambes without blemyshe & a yewe lambe of a yere olde without blemysh, and .iij. tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatoffring myngled wyth oyle, and logge of oyle.

Numbers 28:12

12 & .iij. tenthdeales of floure for a meateofferynge myngeled wyth oyle vnto one bullocke, & .ij. tenthdeales of floure for a meate offerynge myngled wyth oyle vnto one ram.

Numbers 28:14

14 And their drinkofferynges shal be halfe an Hin of wine vnto one bullocke, and the thyrde parte of an Hin of wyne vnto a ram & the fourthe parte of an hin vnto a lambe. This is the burntofferynge of euery moneth thorow out all the monethes of the yeare,

Numbers 29:6

6 besyde the burntofferyng of the moneth and his meatofferynge & besyde the dayly burntofferyng & his meatofferyng, and the drynkofferynges of the same: accordynge vnto the maner of them for a sauoure of swetnesse in the sacryfice of the Lord.

1 Chronicles 21:23

23 And Ornan sayde to Dauid, take it to the, and let my lord kynge do that semeth good in his eyes. Se, I geue the oxen for a burntsacryfice, & the thressynge sleades for wood, & wheate for meateofferynge. I geue it all.

Nehemiah 10:33

33 namelye to the shewebreade, to the daylye meateofferynge, to the daylye burntoffering of the Sabothes, of the newe mones & feaste dayes, and to the thynges that were sanctyfyed, and to the synofferynges, to reconcyle Israel wythall, and to all the busynes in the house of oure God.

Ezekiel 42:13

13 Then sayde he vnto me: The chambers towarde the north and the south whych stande before the backe buyldynge: those be holye habitatyons, wheryn the prestes that do seruyce before the Lorde, muste eate the most holy offeringes: and there must they laye the most holye offerynges: meatofferinges, synne offringes & trespace offerynges, for it is an holy place.

Ezekiel 46:5

5 and an Ephah for a meatoffrynge, wyth the ram. As for the lambes, he maye geue as many meatoffrynges to them, as he will, and an Hin of oyle to an Ephah.

Ezekiel 46:7

7 With the bullocke he shall geue an Ephah, and wyth the ram an Ephah also for a meatofferynge: but to the lambes, what he maye come by: And euer an Hin of oyle to an Ephah.

Ezekiel 46:11

11 Vpon the solempne and hye feaste dayes, this shalbe the meatofferinge: An Epha to a bullock and an Epha to a ram, & to the lambes: as many as he wyll, but euer an Hin of oyle to an Epha.

Ezekiel 46:15

15 and thus shall the lambe, the meatofferynge and oyle be geuen euerye mornynge, for a daylie burntofferinge.

Joel 1:9

9 For the meat and drinckofferyng shal be taken awaye from the house of the Lorde: and the priestes the Lordes mynysters shall mourne.

Joel 2:14

14 Then (no doute) he also shall turne, & forgeue: and after hys chasteninge, he shall let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynckeofferinges vnto the Lorde youre God?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.