Nehemiah 13:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 And what tyme as the boke of Moses was read in the eares of the people there was found wryten therein, that the Ammonytes and Moabites shulde neuer come into the congregacyn of God,

Deuteronomy 23:3-5

3 The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not come in to the congregacyon of the Lord, no not in the tenth generacion, no they shall neuer come in to the congregacyon of the Lorde, 4 because they met you not wyth bread and water in the waye when ye came out of Egypt, & because they hyred agenst the Balaam the sonne of Beor the interpreter of Mesopotamia, to curse the. 5 Neuerthelesse the Lorde thy God wolde not herken vnto Balaam, but turned the curse to a blessing vnto the, because the Lorde thy God loued the.

Deuteronomy 31:11-12

11 when all Israell is come to appeare before the Lord thy god, in the place which he hath chosen: se that thou read thys lawe before al Israel in theyr eares. 12 Gather the people togyther: both men, women, and children, & the straungers that are in thi cityes that they may heare, learne, & fear the Lord your God, & be diligent to kepe al the words of thys lawe,

2 Kings 23:2

2 And the Kyng went vp into the house of the Lorde, and all the men of Iuda and all the enhabytoures of Ierusalem wt hym, and the pryestes and the Prophetes and all the people bothe small and greate. And he read in the eares of them al the wordes of the boke of the couenaunt, whyche was founde in the house of the Lord.

Nehemiah 2:10

10 But when Sanabalat the Horonite and Tobiah the seruaunt of the Ammonites heard that, it greued them sore, that there was come a man which soughte the welth of the chyldren of Israel.

Nehemiah 2:19

19 But when Senabalat the Horonite, and Tobiah the seruaunte of the Ammonites, and Gesem the Arabian hearde it, they laughed vs to skorne, and despysed vs, & sayde: what is thys that ye do? Wyll ye fall away againe from the kynge?

Nehemiah 4:3

3 And Tobiah the Ammonite besyde him said: let them buyld on, yf a foxe go vp he shall breake doune theyr stonye wall.

Nehemiah 8:3-8

3 and red therein in the strete that is before the watergate, from the mornynge vntyll the noone daye before men and wemen, and suche as coulde vnderstand it: and the eares of all the people were inclined vnto the boke of the lawe. 4 And Esdras the scrybe stode vpon an hye pulpyte of woode, whiche they had made for the preachyng, and besyde hym stode Mathathiah, Sema, Ananiah, Vriah, Helkiah, and Maaseiah, on hys ryghte hande: and on hys lefte hande stode Phadaiah, Misael, Melchiah, Hasum, Hasebadanah, Zachary and Mosolam. 5 And Esdras opened the boke before all the people, for he stode aboue all the people. And when he opened it, all the people stode vp. 6 And Esdras praysed the Lorde the greate God. And all the people answered Amen, Amen, with theyr handes vp, & bowed them selues, & worshipped the Lorde with theyr faces to the grounde. 7 And Iesua, Baani, Serabiah, Iamin, Acuba, Sebathai, Hodaiah, Maasiah, Celita, Azariah, Iozabed, Hanan, Phalaiah, and the Leuites, caused the people to geue hede vnto the law, & the people stode in theyr place. 8 And they red in the boke of the lawe of God distinctly & planely, so the men vnderstode the thinge that was red.

Nehemiah 9:3

3 & stode vp in theyr place, & red in the boke of the lawe of the Lord theyr God foure tymes on the day, and they knowleged & worshypped the Lorde theyr God foure tymes on the daye.

Nehemiah 13:23

23 And at the same tyme sawe I Iewes, that maryed wyues of Asdod, Ammon & of Moab,

Psalms 83:7-9

7 Gebal, Ammom, and Amalech: the Philistines with them that dwell at Tyre. 8 Assur also is ioyned vnto them, and helpe the chyldren of Loth. Selah. 9 But do thou to them as vnto the Madianites, vnto Sisera, and vnto Iabin by the broke of Kyson.

Isaiah 15:1-9

1 This is the heauy burthen vpon Moab: Ar of Moab was destroyed (as me thought) in the night season: the walles of Moab perished in the night, and vanished awaye. 2 They wente to Baith and Dibon in the hie places, for to wepe: Moab dyd mourne from Nebo to Medba. All their heades were colled, and all their beardes shauen. 3 In their stretes were they girded aboute with sacke clothe. In al the toppes of their houses and stretes was there nothinge but mourninge and wepinge. 4 Hesebon and Eleale cryed, that their voyce was hearde vnto Iahaz. The worthyes also of Moab bleared and cryed for very sorowe of their mindes. 5 Wo is my herte for Moabs sake. They fled vnto the cyty of Zoar, whiche is lyke a faire frutefull bullocke, they went vp to Luhith, weping. The waye toward Horonaim was ful of lamentacion for the hurte. 6 The waters of Nimrim were dried vp, the grasse was withred, the herbes destroied, and what necessary grene thing there was beside. 7 In lyke maner the thing that was left them of their substaunce, they caryed it by water to Arabye. 8 The crye wente ouer the whole lande of Moab: from Eglaim vnto Beer was there nothinge but mournyng. 9 The waters of Dimon were full of bloude, for the enemye hath sent thyther a bonde of men, which as a lyon laye awayte for the remnaunt of the lande, and for them that were escaped.

Isaiah 34:16

16 Seke thorow the scrypture of the Lorde & rede it. There shall none of these thynges be left out, there shall not one (ner soche lyke) fayle. For what his mouth commaundeth, that same doth hys sprete gather together (or fulfylleth.)

Jeremiah 48:1-49:6

1 Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel agaynste Moab: wo be to the cytie of Nabo, for it shal be layed waste, broughte to confusyon & taken. Yea thy stronge cytye of Kariathiarim shalbe brought to shame, and afrayd: 2 Moab shall no more be had in honoure: Wycked councell shalbe taken vpon Hesebon. Come (shall they saye) let vs rote them oute, that they maye be no more amonge the nombre of the Gentyles, yea that they maye no more be thought vpon: Thus the swearde shall persecute the: 3 A voyce shall crye from Horonaim: Wyth greate wastynge and destruccyon, 4 is Moab made desolate. And this crye shalbe hearde in all her cytyes. 5 At the goynge vp vnto Luithe there shall aryse a lamentacyon: & doune towarde Horonaim, there shall be hearde a cruell & a deadly crye: 6 Get you away, saue youre lyues, and be lyke vnto the heath in the wyldernes.

Jeremiah 49:1-6

1 As concernynge the Ammonites thus the Lorde sayeth: Hath Israell no chyldren, or is he withoute an heyre? Why hath your kynge then taken Gad in? wherfore both hys people dwel in hys cities? 2 Beholde therfore, the tyme commeth (sayeth the Lorde) that I wyll brynge a noyse of warre into Rabah of the Ammonites. Lahell shalbe desolate, and her cytyes brente vp: and the Israelytes shall be Lordes ouer those that had them in possession afore, sayeth the Lord. 3 Hesebon shall mourne, for it shall be roted out of the grounde, sayeth the Lorde. The cytyes of Rabah shall crye oute, and gyrde them selues wyth sacke clothe: they shall mourne, and runne aboute the walles: for theyr kynge shal be led awaye presonner: yea hys priestes and princes wyth hym. 4 Wherfore trustest thou in the water streames that flowe to and fro, O thou fearre doughter: and thinckest thou arte so safe (by reason of thy treasure) that no man shal come to the? 5 Beholde, I wyll bring a feare vpon the, sayeth the Lord God of Hostes, from al those that be aboute the: so that ye shall be scatered euerye man from another, and no man shall gather them together agayne that be fled. 6 But after that, I wyll brynge the Ammonytes also oute of captyuite agayne.

Ezekiel 25:1-11

1 The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2 Thou sonne of man, set thy face againste the Ammonites, prophecy vpon them, 3 & say vnto the Ammonites: hear the worde of the Lorde God. Thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so muche as thou speakest ouer my Sanctuarye. A ha, I trow it be now suspended: and ouer the lande of Israel, I trowe it be nowe desolate: ye and ouer the house of Iuda, I trow they be now led away presoners: 4 Beholde, I will deliuer the to the people of the east, that they maye haue the in possession, these shal set their castels and houses in the. They shall eate thy frute, & drincke vp thy milcke. 5 As for Rabath. I will make of it a stall for camels, and of Ammon a shepefolde: & ye shal knowe, that I am the Lord. 6 For thus sayeth the lord God: In so much as thou hast clapped with thine handes, and stamped with thy fete, yea reioysed in thyne herte ouer the lande of Israell with despyte: 7 beholde, I will stretche out myne hand ouer the also, and delyuer the, to be spoyled of the Heathen, and rote the out from amonge the people, and cause the to be destroyed out of al landes: yea, I will make the be layed waste, that thou mayest know, that I am the Lorde. 8 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so much as Moab and Seir do say: As for the house of Iuda, it is but lyke as all other Gentyles be. 9 Therfore beholde, I will make the cytyes of Moab weapenlesse, and take awaye their strength: thir cyties and chefe coastes of their lande, whiche are the pleasures of the countrey. As namelye: Bethiesimoth, Baalmeon and Cariathaim: 10 these will I open vnto them of the East, that they maye fall vpon the Ammonites: and wil geue it them in possession, so that the Ammonites shall no more be had in remembraunce amonge the Heathen. 11 Euen thus will I punishe Moab also, that they may knowe, how that I am the Lorde.

Amos 1:13-2:3

13 Thus sayeth the Lorde: For thre and foure wyckednesses of the children of Ammon I wil not spare them, because they rypte vp the wemen greate with childe in Galaad, to make the borders of theyr landes the wyder.

Luke 4:16-19

16 And he came to Nazareth wher he was nourished: and as his custome was, went into the synagoge on the. Sabboth dayes, & stode vp to reade. 17 And there was delyuered vnto hym the boke of the prophete Esayas. And when he had opened the boke, he founde the place wher it was written: 18 The spyryte of the Lorde vpon me, because he hath anointed me: to preache the gospell to the poore he hath sent me, and to heale the broken herted, to preache deliueraunce to the captiue, and syght to the blynde, and frely to set at lyberte them that are brused, 19 and to preache the acceptable yeare of the Lorde.

Luke 10:26

26 He sayed vnto him: What is writen in the law? how redest thou?

Acts 13:15

15 And after the law and the prophetes we read, the rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them, saiyng: Ye men and brethren, yf ye haue anye sermon to exhort the people, saye on.

Acts 15:21

21 For Moses of olde tyme hath in euerye cytie that preache hym, and he is reade in the synagoges euerye saboth daye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.