Matthew 1:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 Asa begat Iosaphat. Iosaphat begat Ioram: Ioram begat Hosias:

1 Kings 15:24

24 And Asa laid him to rest with his fathers, and was buryed with his fathers in the cytye of Dauid his father. And Iehosophat hys sonne raygned in his roume.

1 Kings 22:2-50

2 And the thyrd yeare Iehosaphat kynge of Iuda, came to the kyng of Israel. 3 Then sayd the king of Israel vnto his seruauntes: know ye not that Ramoth in Galaad is oures, and we syt stylle and take it not out of the handes of the kinge of Siria? 4 And he sayde vnto Iehosaphat: wylt thou go with me to batayle, to Ramoth in Galaad? And Iehosaphat sayde vnto the kynge of Israel: I will be as thou art, and my people shall be as thyne, and my horsses as thyne. 5 And Iehosaphat sayde vnto the kynge of Israel, aske counsel I pray the of the Lorde to daye. 6 And then the kynge of Israell gathered of the Prophetes together, vpon a foure hundred men, and sayde vnto them: shall I go to Ramoth in Galaad to battayle, or be stylle? And they saide: go, for the Lorde shall delyuer it into the handes of the kynge. 7 And Iehosaphat sayde: is there neuer a Prophet of the Lordes here more, that we myght enquyre of him? 8 And the kynge of Israell sayde to Iehosaphat: there is yet one, by whome we maye aske counsel of the Lorde, one Micheah the sonne of Iemlah. But I hate hym: for he neuer prophesyeth good vnto me, but euyl. And Iehosaphat sayde: let not the kinge saye so. 9 Then the kynge of Israel called vnto one of his chamberlaynes and sayde: fet Micheah the sonne of Iemlah hyther attonce. 10 And the kynge of Israell and Iehosaphat the kinge of Iuda sat eyther in his seate and their apparell on them, in a voyde place besyde the entrynge of the gate of Samaria, & all the Prophetes prophesyinge before them. 11 And Zedekiah the sonne of Canaanah made hornes of yron and sayde, thus sayth the lord: with these hornes thou shalt wynowe the Sirians vntyll thou haue made an ende of them. 12 And all the Prophetes prophesyed euen so sayinge: go to Ramoth in Galaad & prosper, for the Lorde shall delyuer it into the handes of the kinge. 13 And the messenger that was gone to call Micheah, said vnto him: se, the wordes of the Prophetes speake good vnto the kynge with one voyce: let thy wordes I praie the, be lyke the wordes of one of them, and speake that is good. 14 And Mycheah sayde: as surely as the Lorde lyueth, what the Lorde putteth in my mouthe, that wil I speake. 15 And when he was come to the kynge, the kynge sayde to hym: Micheah, shall we go to Ramoth in Galaad to batayle, or shall we be still? And he sayde vnto him: go and prosper, the Lorde deliuer it into the handes of the kinge. 16 And the kynge saide vnto him, how often shall I adiure the, that thou tel me nothinge but truthe, in the name of the Lorde. 17 Then he sayde: I sawe all Israell scattered vpon the hylles, as shepe that haue no shepardes. And the Lorde sayde: those haue no mayster, let them returne, euery man to hys house in peace. 18 Then sayde the kynge of Israel to Iehosaphat: dyd I not tell the, that he woulde prophesye no good vnto me, but euil? 19 And Micheah saide: heare therfore the worde of the Lorde. I sawe the Lorde sytte on hys seate and al the company of heauen standinge aboute him, on his right hand and on his left. 20 And the Lorde sayd: who shal deceiue Ahab that he maye go and be slaine at Ramoth in Galaad, and one sayde on this maner and another on that. 21 Then came forthe a spyryte & stode before the Lorde and sayde: I wyll deceyue him. 22 And the Lorde saide: wherwyth? And he saide: I wil go out and be a false spirit in the mouthes of all his Prophetes. And the Lord sayde: thou shalt deceyue hym, and also preuayle, go forth and do euen so. 23 Now therfore beholde, the Lord hath put a lyinge spirit in the mouth of all these thy Prophetes: when in very deade the Lorde hath spoken euyll towarde the. 24 Then Zedechiah the sonne of Canaanah went to and smote Micheah on the cheke, and said: how is the spyryte of the Lorde gone from me, to speake in the? 25 And Micheah sayd: behold thou shalt se in that daye, when thou shalt go from chambre to chambre to hyde the. 26 And the kynge of Israel sayde: take Micheah, and carie him backe agayne vnto Amon the gouerner of the citie, and vnto Ioab the kynges sonne, 27 and saye: thus sayth the kinge. Put ye this felow in the preson house, and fede hym with breade and water straytlye, vntill I returne in peace. 28 Then Micheah sayde: yf thou come safe agayne, the Lorde hath not spoken in me. And he sayde moreouer, herken to ye people euery one of you. 29 And so the kynge of Israel and Iehosaphat the kinge of Iuda went vp to Ramoth in Galaad. 30 And the kinge of Israel sayde to Iehosaphat: chaunce the and get the to warre: but put on thyne own apparel. And the kyng of Israel chaunged hym selfe, and went to battel also. 31 But the Kynge of Siria had commaunded the capitaynes of hys charettes of whych he had .xxxij. sayinge: fight neyther with smal nor greate, saue wyth the kinge of Israel onlye. 32 And when the captaynes of the charettes sawe Iehosaphat, they thought he had bene the kinge of Israel, and therfore turned to him to fyght. But Iehosaphat cryed out. 33 And when the captaines of the charettes sawe that he was not the kinge of Israel, they turned backe from him. 34 And a certayne man drew a bow ignorantly and smote the kinge of Israel betwene the ribbes of his harnesse. Wherfore the kinge sayde vnto the dryuer of his charet, turne thy hande and carye me out of the host, for I am hurte. 35 And the battel encreased that daye, and the kynge continued in hys charet before the Sirians and dyed at euen. And the bloude ranne out of the wounde into the botome of the charet. 36 And there went a proclamacyon thorowe oute the Hoste, after the sunne was doune sayinge: euery man to his cytye and to hys own countreye. 37 And when the kynge of Israel was dead, they came to Samaria and buryed hym there. 38 And whyle they wasshed the charet in the pole of Samaria, the dogges licked vp hys bloude, and harlottes wasshed him accordynge vnto the worde of the Lorde whych he spake. 39 The rest of the deades of Ahab, and all he dyd, and the yuorye house whyche he made, and the cyties that he buylt, are written in the boke of the chronicles of the kinges of Israel. 40 And when Ahab was sayde to rest with hys fathers, Ohoziah hys soune raygned in hys steade. 41 Iehosaphat the sonne of Asa beganne to raygne vpon Iuda, the fourth yeare of Ahab kyng of Israel, 42 and was .xxxv. yeare old when he beganne to raygne, and raygned .xxv. year in Ierusalem. And his mothers name was Azubah the doughter of Salahi. 43 And he walked in all the wayes of Asa hys father & bowed not therfrom. But dyd that was right in the eyes of the Lorde. Onlye he dyd not put the hilaulters out of the waye: for the people offered, and burnt their sacryfices yet in the hylaulters. 44 And he had peace wyth the kynge of Israel. 45 And the rest of the deades of Iehosaphat, and the myght that he vsed, and how he warred, are wrytten in the boke of the chronicles of the kinges of Iuda. 46 And the remnaunt of the stues of the males, whyche remayned in the dayes of his father, he put cleane oute of the lande. 47 There was then no kynge in Edom, the kynge was but a debite. 48 And Iehosaphat made shyppes in the sea, to go to Ophir for gould, but they went not: for the shippes brake at Azion Gaber. 49 Then sayde Ohoziah the sonne of Ahab vnto Iehosaphat: let my seruauntes go with thine in the shyppes. But Iehosaphat woulde not. 50 And Iehosaphat layde him to slepe with hys fathers and was buryed with his fathers in the citie of Dauid his father. And Iehoram hys sonne raygned in hys roume.

2 Kings 3:1

1 Iehoram the sonne of Ahab beganne to raygne vpon Israell in Samaria the .xviij. yeare of Iehosaphat kyng of Iuda, and continued twelue yeare.

2 Kings 8:16

16 The fyfte yeare of Iehoram sonne of Ahab kynge of Israel, Iehosaphat beynge yet king of Iuda, Iehoram the sonne of Iehosaphat, kynge of Iuda,

2 Kings 14:21

21 And al the people of Iuda toke Azariah, which was .xvi. yeare old, & made hym kyng for his father Amaziah.

2 Kings 15:1-6

1 The .xxvij. yeare of Ieroboam king of Israel, Azariah sonne of Amaziah kynge of Iuda beganne to raygne. 2 Sixtene yeare olde was he when he was made kynge, & he raygned .lij. yeare in Ierusalem, hys mothers name was Iecheliah, & was of Ierusalem. 3 And he dyd that pleased the Lorde in all thynges as dyd hys father Amaziah: 4 saue that they put not the hyllaulters awaye: for the people offered & burned fat styll in the hylaultares. 5 And the Lorde smote the kynge, that he was a leper vnto the daye of hys death, and dwelte in an house at lybertye, and Iotham the kynges sonne gouerned the house and iudged the people of the lande. 6 The reste of the deades of Azariah & all he dyd, are wrytten in the chronicles of the kynges of Iuda.

1 Chronicles 3:11

11 whose sonne was Ioram: and hys sonne was Ohoziah, and Ioas was sonne to hym.

2 Chronicles 17:1-19

1 And Iehosaphat his sonne raigned in his stead, and was mightyer then Israel. 2 And he put souldioures in all the stronge cities of Iuda, and set rulers bothe in the lande of Iuda, and also in the cytyes of Ephraim, whyche Asa his father had wonne. 3 And the Lorde was wyth Iehosaphat, because he walked in the olde wayes of his father Dauid, & sought not Baals, 4 but sought the Lorde God of his father, and walked in hys commaundementes, and not after doynges of Israel. 5 Therfore the Lorde stablyshed the kyngedome in his hande, and all Iuda brought him presentes, that he became exceadinge ryche and gloriouse. 6 And his herte was corageous in the wayes of the Lorde, & he put doune yet more of the hilalaulters and groued out of Iuda. 7 And the thirde yeare of hys raigne he sent of his Lordes: Benhail, Abdiah, Zachariah, Nathanael and Michaah to teache in the cyties of Iuda: 8 and with them, Semeiah, Nathaniah, Zabadiah, Asahel. Semiramoth, Iehonathan, Adoniah, Thobiah, and Thobodoniah Leuites: and with them Elisama & Ioram priestes. 9 And they taught in Iuda, and had the boke of the law with them, & went aboute thorowout all the cytyes of Iuda and taught the people. 10 And the feare of the Lorde fel vpon al the kyngedomes of the landes that were rounde aboute Iuda, that they durst not warre with Iehosaphat. 11 And the Philistines brought Iehosaphat gyftes and tribute siluer. And therto the Arabians brought hym of shepe, seuen thousand and seuen hundred rammes, & seuen thousande & seuen hundred he gottes. 12 And so Iehosaphat he prospered and grue vpon hye. And he buylt in Iuda, castels and store cities. 13 And he had great substaunce in the cyties of Iuda, & fyghtynge men and men of myghte in Ierusalem. 14 And this is the order in the houses of their fathers, of the capitaynes ouer thousandes in Iuda: Ednah the captayne, and with hym of fyghthynge men thre hundred thousande. 15 And nexte to him Iehohanan a captayne and with him two hundreth & .lxxx. thousand. 16 And by his side Amaziah the sonne of Zechri willynge vnto the Lord, & with him two hundred thousand myghty men. 17 And of the children of Beniamin, Eliada was a man of might, and had with hym armed with bowes & shyldes two hundred thousande. 18 And by his syde Iehosabad wyth whome were an hundred & .lxxx. thousande trimmed for warre. 19 These waited on the kynge, besydes those whyche the kinge had put in stronge cities thorowout al Iuda.

2 Chronicles 21:1

1 Iehosaphat layd him to reste wt hys fathers, and was buryed with his fathers in the cytie of Dauid, and Iehoram his sonne raygned in hys roume:

2 Chronicles 26:1-23

1 Then all the people of Iuda toke Oziah whiche was .xvi. yere olde, and made hym Kynge in the rowme of hys father Amaziah. 2 And he buylt Eloth and brought it agayne to Iuda after the kynge was layde to rest with his fathers. 3 Sixtene yere olde was Oziah when he began to raigne and he raigned .lij. yeare in Ierusalem. Hys mothers name was Iecaliah of Ierusalem. 4 And he dyd that pleased the Lord, in al pointes as dyd hys father Amaziah. 5 And he soughte God, whyle Zachariah the teacher to se God lyued: and as longe as he sought the Lorde, God made him prospere. 6 And he went to battel agaynst the Philistines and brake doune the walles of Geth, and the walles of Iabneh and the walles of Asdod, and buylt cities about Asdod & among the Philistines. 7 And God holpe him against the Philistines & againste the Arabiens that dwelt in Gurbaal, & against the Meunites. 8 And the Ammonites gaue tribute to Oziah, & his name sprede abroade euen to Egipt: for he played the man exceaded. 9 Moreouer Oziah buylte toures in Ierusalem ouer the corner gate, & ouer the valeye gate, and ouer other corners, and made them stronge. 10 And he built toures in the wildernesse & digged many welles. For he had much catel, both in the valey and also in the playne: and plowmen and vinedressers in the mountaynes and in Charmel, for he loued husbandrye. 11 And Oziah had an host of fyghtyng men that went out to warre in the armye & were tolde & numbred by Ieiel the scrybe & Maasiah an officer, vnder the hand of Hananiah one of the kynges Lordes. 12 And the hoale numbre of the auncient heades of the men of might were .ij. thousande & syxe hundred 13 and vnder the handes of them was the armie of the hoste, thre hundred & seuen thousand, & fyue hundred that made warre wyth myght & strength, to helpe the kynge againste hys enemyes. 14 And Oziah prouyded them thorow oute al the host shildes, speares, helmettes, habergynnes, bowes & slinges for stones. 15 And he made engynes in Ierusalem by the crafte of artifycers to be on the towres & corners, to shote arowes & great stones with al. And his name spreade farre abroade, for he was wonderflye holpe, vntyl he was become myghtye. 16 And in his greatnesse hys hert arose, that he was marred: & transgressed against the Lord his God. For he went into the temple of the Lorde to burne cense vpon the aulter of incense. 17 But Asariah the prieste went in after him with foure skore priestes of the Lorde that were bolde men. 18 And they stepte to Oziah the kynge & sayde to him: it pertayneth not to the Oziah to burne cense vnto the Lorde, but to the priestes the children of Aaron that are consecrate for to burne incense. Come out of the sanctuarye, for thou hast trespaced, and it shalbe no worshepe to the before the Lorde God. 19 And Oziah was wroth and had cense in hys hande to offer, and in hys indignacyon agaynste the prieste, the leprosye sprange in his forhead the priestes in the house of the Lorde, euen besyde the incense aulter. 20 And Asariah the chefe priest with al the other priestes loked vpon him: and beholde he was a leper in his forhead, & they vexed him thence. And therto he was fayne to go oute, because the Lord had plaged him. 21 And Oziah the kynge continued a lepre vnto the daye of his death & dwelte in an house at lybertie: howe be it, he was cast out of the house of the Lord. And Ionatham his sonne had the gouernaunce of the kynges house & iudged the people of the lande. 22 The rest of the actes of Oziah both fyrste and last, did Isaiah the prophete the sonne of Amos write. 23 And when Oziah was layde to rest with his fathers, they buryed him wt his fathers in the felde of the burial of the kinges. For they sayde: he is a leper. And Ioatham his sonne raygned in his steade.

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