Mark 14:55 Cross References - Matthew

55 And the hye priestes, and al the counsell soughte for witnes againste Iesu to put him to death, & founde none.

1 Kings 21:10

10 and set two vnthriftes before him: and let them testifye agaynst hym sayinge: thou dyddest curse bothe God and the king: & vpon that carie him out & stone hym to death.

1 Kings 21:13

13 and there came in two vnthriftye persones and sate before him. And the two vnthriftye persones wytnesseth agaynst Naboth before the people sayinge: Naboth dyd curse God and the kinge. And vpon the they caryed him out of the cytye and stoned him wyth stones to death.

Psalms 27:12

12 Delyuer me not into the wyles of myne aduersaryes, for there are false wytnesses risen vp against me, and they ymagyne myschyefe.

Psalms 35:11

11 False witnesses are rysen vp, and laye to my charge thinges that I know not.

Daniel 6:4

4 Wherfore the Prynces and Lordes soughte, to pycke oute in Danyel some quarell agaynst the kyngdom: yet coulde they fynde none occasyon nor faute vpon hym. For why? he was so faythful, that there was no blame nor dyshonestye founde in hym.

Matthew 5:22

22 but I sai vnto yow, whosoeuer is angre wt his brother without a cause shal be in daunger of iudgement. Whosoeuer saieth to his brother Racha, shalbe in daunger of a counsel. But whosoeuer saieth thou fole, shalbe in daunger of hel fire

Matthew 26:59-60

59 The chiefe priestes and the elders, and all the counsell, sought false wytnes agaynst Iesus, for to put hym to death, 60 but founde none in so muche that when manye false wytnesses came yet founde they none. At the laste came two false wytnesses,

Acts 6:11-13

11 Then sent they in men, whiche said: we haue heard him speake blasphemous wordes against Moyses and against God. 12 And they moued the people and the elders and the scribes: and came vpon him and caught hym, 13 and brought him to the counsell and brought forth false witnesses whiche sayde. This man ceaseth not to speake blaspemous wordes against thys holy place, and the lawe,

Acts 24:1-13

1 After fyue dayes Ananias the hye prieste descended wt the elders and with a certayne oratour named Tertullus, and enformed the rular of Paul. 2 When Paule was called forth. Tartullus began to accuse hym, saiynge: Seynge that we lyue in a great quietnes by the meanes of the: & that manye good thynges are done vnto thys nacyon throughe thy prouidence: 3 that alowe we euer and in all places, most myghty Felix, wt all thankes. 4 Notwithstandyng that I be not tedyous vnto the. I praye the that thou wouldest heare vs of thy curtesy a fewe wordes. 5 We haue founde thys man a pestylent felowe, and a mouer of debate vnto all the Iewes thoroughout the world, and a mayntayner of the secte of the Nazarites, 6 and hath also enforsed to pollute the temple. Whome we toke, and woulde haue iudged accordynge to our law, 7 but the hye captayne Lysyas came vpon vs, and with great violence toke hym awaye out of our hande, 8 commaundyng hys accusars to come vnto the. Of whome thou mayest (yf thou wilt enquyre) knowe the certaintye of al these thynges, wherof we accuse hym. 9 The Iewes lykewyse affirmed, saiyng: that it was euen so. 10 Then Paule (after that the ruler him selfe had beckened vnto hym that he should speake) aunswered I shall with a more quyet mynde aunswere for my selfe, for as muche as I vnderstande that thou haste bene of manye yeares a iudge vnto thys people, 11 because that thou mayest know that there are yet but .xij. dayes sence I wente vp to Ierusalem for to praye, 12 & that they neyther founde me in the temple disputynge with anye man, eyther raysynge vp the people neither in the synagoges, nor in the citie. 13 Neyther can they proue the thynges wherof they accuse me.

1 Peter 3:16-18

16 hauinge a good conscience, that when they backbyte you as euyl doers, they maye be ashamed, for as muche as they haue falsely accused your good conuersation in Christ. 17 It is better (yf the wyll of God be so) that ye suffre for wel doyng, then for euil doinge. 18 For as much as Christ hath ones suffered for sinners, the iuste for the vniuste, for to bringe vs to God, and was kylled, as perteininge to the fleshe: but was quickened in the spirite.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.