Mark 11:30 Cross References - Matthew

30 The baptisme of Iohn was it from heauen, or of menne? Aunswere me.

Matthew 3:1-17

1 In those dayes Iohn the Baptist came and preached in the wyldernes of Iury 2 saying: Repent the kingdome of heauen is at hande. 3 This is he of whom it is spoken by the prophete Esaye which sayeth: The voice of a cryer in wildernes prepare the Lordes way and make his pathes, strayt. 4 This Ihon had his garmente of Camels hear & a girdel of a skinne about his loynes. His meate was locustes, & wilde honye. 5 Then went out to him Ierusalem & all Iurye, & all the region rounde about Iordan, 6 & were baptised of him in Iorden, confessing their sinnes. 7 When he sawe many of the Phariseis & of the Saduces come to his baptisme, he sayd vnto them: O generacion of vipers, who hath taught you to fle from the vengaunce to come? 8 Bringe forth therfore the frutes belonging to repentaunce. 9 And se that ye once thinke not to saye in your selues, we haue Abraham to our father. For I say vnto you, that God is able of these stones rayse vp children vnto Abraham. 10 Euen now is the axe put vnto the rote of the trees: so that euerye tre which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen doun & cast into the fire. 11 I baptise you in water in token of repentaunce, but he that cometh after me is mightyer then I, whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shal baptise you with the holy ghost and with fyre: 12 which hath also his fan in hys hande, and will purge his floure gather the wheat into his garner, & wyl burne the chaffe with vnquenciable fyre. 13 Then came Iesus from Galylee to Iordane, vnto Ihon to be baptysed of him. 14 But Ihon forbad him sayinge: I oughte to be baptysed of the: and commest thou to me? 15 Iesus answered and sayd to hym: Let it be so nowe. For thus it becometh vs to fulfyll al righteousnes. Then he suffred him. 16 And Iesus as sone as he was baptysed came straight out of the water. And lo heauen was open ouer him: and Ihon sawe the spirite of God descende like a doue, and light vpon him. 17 And lo ther came a voice from heauen sayinge. This is my beloued sonne in whom is my delyte.

Mark 1:1-11

1 The begynning of the gospell of Iesu Christ, the sonne of God, 2 as it is written in the prophetes. Beholde, I send my messenger before thy face which shal prepare thy waye before the 3 The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes prepare the waye of the Lord: make hys pathes strayghte. 4 Iohn dyd baptyse in the wyldernes, and preache the baptisme of repentaunce: for the remissyon of synnes. 5 And all the lande of Iury and they of Ierusalem wente out vnto him, & were all baptysed of hym in the riuer Iordan: confessyng theyr synnes. 6 Iohn was clothed with camylles heare, & with a gerdyll of a skyn about hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes, and wilde honey, 7 & preached saiynge: a stronger then I commeth after me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune, and vnlose. 8 I haue baptysed you with water: but he shal baptyse you with the holye ghost. 9 And it came to passe in those dayes, that Iesus came from Nazareth, a citye of Galile: and was baptysed of Iohn in Iordan. 10 And assone as he was come out of the water Iohn saw heauen open, and the holy ghost descendynge vpon him lyke a doue. 11 And there came a voyce from heauen: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte.

Mark 9:13

13 Moreouer I saye vnto you that Helyas is come, and they haue done vnto hym whatsoeuer pleased theym, as it is written of hym.

Luke 3:1-20

1 And in the .xv. yeare of the raygne of Tiberius the Emperoure, Pontius Pilate beiynge lieftenaunte of Iury, and Herode beyinge Tethrarch of Galyle, and hys brother Philippe Tethrarchin Iturea & in the region of Traconytes, and Lysanyas the Tetrarche of Abilene, 2 when Anna and Cayphas were the hye pryestes: the word of God came vuto Iohn the sonne of Zacharias in the wildernes. 3 And he came into all the costes about Iordan, preaching the baptisme of repentaunce for the remissyon of synnes, 4 as it is written in the boke of the sayinges of Esaias the prophete which sayeth. The voyce of a cryer in wildernes, prepare the waye of the Lorde, make hys pathes strayght. 5 Euerye valley shall be fylled, and euerye mountayne and hyll shall be brought lowe. And croked thinges shalbe made straight: and the rough wayes shalbe made smoth: 6 and all fleshe shall se the sauioure sent of God. 7 Then sayde he to the people that were come to be baptysed of him. O generacion of vipers, who hath taught you to flye from the wrath to come? 8 Bringe forth due frutes of repentaunce, and begin not to saye in your selues, we haue Abraham to our father: For I say vnto you God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham. 9 Now also is the axe lyed vnto the rote of the trees, so that euery tree which bringeth not forth good frute shall be hewen doune, and cast into the fyre. 10 And the people axed him sayinge: What shall we do then? 11 He aunswered and sayd vnto theim: He that hath two cotes, let him parte with him that hath none, & he that hath meate let him do lykewyse. 12 Then came there publicans to be baptysed, and sayde vnto hym: Maister, what shall we do? 13 And he sayde vnto them: require nomore then that which is appointed vnto you. 14 The souldioures lykewyse demaunded of him saiynge: and what shall we do? And he sayde to them: Do violence to no man: neither trouble any man wrongfullye: but be content with your wages. 15 As the people were in a doubte, and all men disputed in their hertes of Iohn, whither he were very Christ, 16 Iohn aunswered and sayde to them all: I baptyse you with water, but a stronger then I cometh after me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to vnlouse: he wyll baptyse you with the holye ghost, and with fyre. 17 Which hath his fanne in his hande, and wyll purge his floore, and wyll gather the corne into his barne, but the chaffe wil he burne with fyre that neuer shalbe quenched. 18 And many other thinges in his exhortacion preached he vnto the people. 19 Then Herode the Tetrarche (when he was rebuked of him for Herodias his brothers wyfe and for al the euyls, which Herode had done) 20 added this aboue al, and laied Ihon in prison.

John 1:6-8

6 Ther was a man sent from God, whose name was Iohn. 7 These same came as a wytnes to beare wytnes of the lyght, that all men through him myght beleue. 8 He was not that lyght but to beare witnes of the lyght.

John 1:15-36

15 Iohn bare witnes of him & cried saiyng: This was he of whom I spake, he that cometh after me was before me, because he was yer then I. 16 And of his fulnes haue all we receyued, euen (grace) for grace. 17 For the lawe was geuen by Moyses, but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ. 18 No man hath sene God at anye tyme. The onlye begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared hym. 19 And this is the recorde of Iohn: When the Iewes sent pryestes and Leuites from Ierusalem, to axe him what arte thou? 20 And he confessed and denied not, and sayd plainlye: I am not Chryste. 21 And they axed hym: what then? Art thou Helias? And he sayed: I am not. Art thou a Prophete? And he aunswered no. 22 Then sayed they vnto him: what art thou? that we may geue an aunswere to them that sent vs? What sayest thou of thy selfe? 23 He sayde: I am the voice of a cryar in the wyldernes, make strayght the waye of the Lorde, as sayde the Prophete Esaias. 24 And they which were sent, were of the pharyseis. 25 And they axed him: and sayd vnto him: why baptysest thou then if thou be not Christ, nor Helias, neyther a Prophete? 26 Iohn aunswered them saiynge: I baptyse with water, but one is come amonge you whom ye knowe not, 27 he it is that cometh after me, which was before me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to vnlose. 28 These thinges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordaine wher Iohn did baptyse. 29 The nexte daye Iohn sawe Iesus commynge vnto him, and sayde: beholde the lambe of God, which taketh away the synne of the worlde. 30 This is he of whom I sayde. After me cometh a man which was before me, for he was yer then I, 31 and I knowe him not: but that he shoulde be declared to Israel, therfore am I come baptysynge with water. 32 And Iohn bare recorde saiynge: I saw the sprete descende from heauen, lyke vnto a doue, and abide vpon him, 33 and I knewe him not. But he that sent me: to baptyse in water, the same sayde vnto me: vpon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tarye styll on him, the same is he, whych baptyseth wyth the holye ghost. 34 And I sawe and beare recorde that this is the sonne of God. 35 The next daye after Iohn stode againe, and two of his disciples. 36 And he behelde Iesus as he walked by, & sayde: beholde the lambe of God.

John 3:25-36

25 And ther arose a question betwene Iohns disciples and the Iewes aboute purifyinge. 26 And they came vnto Iohn, and sayed vnto hym: Rabbie, he that was with the beyond Iordan, to whom thou bareste witnes, Beholde the same baptyseth, and al men come to him. 27 Iohn aunswered, and sayed: a man can receiue nothing at al except it be geuen him from heauen. 28 Ye youre selues are witnesses how that I saide: I am not Christ, but am sent before him. 29 He that hath the bryde is the brydegrome. But the frend of the brydegrom, whiche standeth by and heareth him reioyseth greatlye of the brydegromes voyce. Thys my ioye is fulfilled. 30 He muste increace: and I muste decreace. 31 He that commeth from an hye is aboue al. He that is of the earth, is of the earth, & speaketh of the earth. He that commeth from heauen, is aboue all, 32 and what he hath sene and hearde: that he testifyeth: but no man receiueth his testimony. 33 Howbeit he that hath receiueth his testimony hath set to his seale that God is true. 34 For he whom God hath sent, speaketh the wordes of God: For God geueth not the spirite by measure. 35 The father loueth the sonne and hath geuen all thinges into his hand. 36 He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlasting life, and he that beleueth not the sonne shall not se life: but the wrath of God abydeth on him.

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