Malachi 1:2 Cross References - Matthew

2 I haue loued you, sayeth the Lord: and yet ye say: wherin haste thou loued vs? Was not Esau Iacobs brother, sayeth the Lord? yet haue I loued Iacob,

Genesis 25:23

23 And the Lorde sayed vnto hyr: there are two maner of people in thy wombe, & two nations shall spryng out of thy bowels, and the one nation shal be mightyer then the other, & the eldest shalbe seruant vnto the yonger.

Genesis 27:27-30

27 And he wente vnto him and kissed him. And he smelled the sauour of hys rayment, & blessed hym, and sayd: Se, the smel of my sonne is as the smell of a fyld which the Lorde hath blessed. 28 God giue the he dewe of heauen, & of the fatnes of the earth, & plenty of corne & wine. 29 People be thy seruauntes, & nations bowe vnto the. Be Lord ouer thy brethren, & thy mothers chyldren stoupe vnto the. Curssed be he that curseth the, & blessed be he that blesseth the. 30 As sone as Isaac had made an ende of blesinge, Iacob was scace gone out from the presence of Isaac his father: then came Esau his brother from his huntynge,

Genesis 27:33

33 And Isaac was greatly astonied oute of measure, & sayed. Where is he then that hath hunted venison and brought it me, & I haue eaten of all before thou camest, & haue blessed hym, & he shall be blessed styll.

Genesis 28:3-4

3 And God almyghty blesse the, encrease the, and multiply the that thou mayst be a numbre of people, 4 and giue the the blessing of Abraham: both to the, and to thy sede with the, that thou mayst possesse the Lande (wherein thou arte a straunger) whych God gaue vnto Abraham

Genesis 28:13-14

13 yea, & the Lord stod vpon it, and sayed. I am the Lorde God of Abraham thy father, & the God of Isaac. The land whiche thou sleapest vpon wyl I gyue the & thy sede. 14 And thy sede shal be as the dust of the earth: and thou shalt spreade abrode: weste, easte, north, and south. And thorowe the and thy sede shal al the kynreds of the earth be blessed.

Genesis 32:28-30

28 And he said: thou shalt be called Iacob no more, but Israel. For thou hast wresteled with God and hast preuayled. 29 And Iacob asked hym sayinge, tell me thy name. And he said, wherfore doest thou aske after my name? & he blessed hym there. 30 And Iacob called the name of that place Pheniel for I haue sene God face to face, & yet is my life reserued.

Genesis 48:4

4 and sayd vnto me: beholde, I wyl make the growe and wyl multiplye the, and wyll make a great nombre of people of the, and wyl geue this lande vnto the & vnto thy seed after the vnto an euerlastyng possession.

Deuteronomy 4:37

37 And bycause he loued thy fathers, therefore he chose theyr sede after them and broughte the out wyth hys presence and with hys mighty power of Egypte:

Deuteronomy 7:6-8

6 For thou art an holy nacion vnto the Lorde thy God, the Lorde thy God hath chosen the to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe of al nations that are vpon the erth. 7 It was not bicause of the multitude of you aboue al nations, that the Lord had lust vnto you and chose you. For ye were fewest of all nations. 8 But bycause the Lord loued you & bicause he would kepe the oth whych he hadde sworne vnto your fathers, therfore he brought you out of Egypt with a mighty hande and deliuered you out of the house of bondage: euen from the hande of Pharao, kynge of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 10:15

15 onely the Lorde had a lust vnto thy fathers to loue them, and therfore chose you their sede after them of al nacions, as it is come to passe this day.

Deuteronomy 32:8-14

8 When the most hyghest gaue the nations an enheritaunce, & deuided the sonnes of Adam, he put the borders of the nations, fast by the multitude of the children of Israell. 9 For the Lordes part is hys folke, & Iacob is the portion of hys enheritaunce. 10 He found hym in a desert land, in a voide ground, and a roring wildernes. He led him about, & gaue hym vnderstandynge, & kepte hym as the aple of hys eye. 11 As an Egle that steareth vp hir nest & flotereth ouer the yonge, he streatched out hys wynges & toke him vp, & bare him on his shoulders. 12 The Lorde alone was hys guide and there was no straunge God with hym. 13 He sett hym vp vpon an hye land, and he ate the encrease of the feyldes. And he gaue hym honye to sucke oute of the rocke, & oyle out of the hard stone. 14 With butter of kyne & mylcke of the shepe, with fatt of the lambes and fat rammes and he gotes wyth fat kidneies with wheate. And of the bloud of grapes thou dronkest wyne.

Isaiah 41:8-9

8 And thou Israell my seruaunte: Iacob my electe sede of Abraham my beloued, 9 whom I led from the endes of the earth by the hande: For I called the from farre, and sayde vnto the: Thou shalt be my seruaunt: I haue chosen the, and will not cast the awaye:

Isaiah 43:4

4 because thou wast deare in my sight, and because I set by the, and loued the. I pylled all men for the, & delyuered vp al people for thy sake,

Jeremiah 2:5

5 Thus sayeth the Lorde vnto you. What vnfaythfulnesse founde youre fathers in me, that they wente so farre awaye from me, fallinge to lightnesse, and beynge so vaine?

Jeremiah 2:31

31 Yf ye be the people of the Lorde, then herken vnto this worde: Am I then become a wyldernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a lande that hath no light? Wherfore sayeth my people then: we are fallen of, and we wyl come no more vnto the?

Jeremiah 31:3

3 Euen so shall the Lorde nowe also apeare vnto me from farre, & saye: I loue the with an euerlasting loue, therfore do I sprede my mercye before the.

Malachi 1:6-7

6 Should not a sonne honoure his father, & a seruaunte hys mayster? Yf I be now a father, where is mine honoure? Yf I be the Lorde, where am I feared? sayeth the Lord of hostes. Now to you priestes, that despise my name. And yf ye saye: wherin haue we despised thy name: 7 In this, that ye offre vnclean bread vpon myne aulter. And yf ye wyl say: wherin haue we offered auye vnclene thinge vnto the? In this place ye say: the aulter of the lord is not to be regarded.

Malachi 2:17

17 Ye greue the lord with your wordes, & yet ye say: wherwt al haue we greued him? In this, that ye say: Al that do euil are good in the sight of god, and such please him. Or els where is the God that punisheth?

Malachi 3:7-8

7 ye are gone away from myne ordinaunces, and sens the time of your forefathers haue ye not kepte them. Turne you now vnto me, and I will turne me vnto you, sayeth the Lorde of hostes: ye saye: wherin shall we turne? 8 Shoulde a man vse falshede and disceyte with God as ye vse falshede and disceyte wyth me? Yet ye saye: wherin vse we disceyt wyth the? In Tithes & heaueofferinges.

Malachi 3:13-14

13 Ye speake harde wordes agaynst me, sayeth the Lorde. And yet ye saye: What haue we spoken agaynst the? 14 Ye haue sayed. Is it but lost labour, to serue God? What profyt haue we for keping his commaundementes, and for walkinge humbly before the Lorde of Hostes?

Luke 10:29

29 He wyllinge to iustifye hym self, sayde vnto Iesus. Who is then my neyghboure?

Romans 9:10-13

10 Neither was it so with her onely: but also when Rebecca was wyth childe by one, I meane by oure father Isaac, 11 yer the children were borne, when they had neither done good nor bad: that the purpose of God whiche is by election, might stand, it was sayed vnto her, not by the reason of workes, but by grace of the caller: 12 the elder shall serue the yonger. 13 As it is wrytten: Iacob loued, but Esau he hated.

Romans 11:28-29

28 As concernynge the Gospell, they are ennemyes for youre sakes: but as touchynge the eleccyon, they are beloued for the fathers sakes. 29 For verelye the giftes and callyng of god are suche, that it cannot repente hym of them,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.