Judges 3:3 Cross References - Matthew

3 he lefte the fyue Lordes of the Philistines, & all the Cananites, the Sidonites, the Heuites that dwelt in mount Lybanon: euen from mount Baal Hermon and Hemath.

Genesis 10:15-19

15 Canaan also begat Zidon hys eldest sonne & Heth, 16 Iebusi, Emori, Girgosi, 17 Him, Arki. Sini, 18 Aruadi, Zemari, & Harmati. And afterward sprange the kinreds of the Cananites. 19 And the costes of the Cananites were from Sydon tyll thou come to Gerara & to Asa, & tyl thou come to Sodoma, Gomorra, Adama, Zeboim, euen vnto Lasa.

Genesis 49:13

13 Zabulon shal dwel in the hauen of the sea and in the porte of shyppes, and shal reache vnto Sydon.

Numbers 13:29

29 The Amaleckes dwell in the south contre, & the Hethytes, Iebusites and the Amorites dwel in the mountaynes, and the Cananites dwell by the sea and a longe by the costet of Iordan.

Numbers 34:8

8 And from mount Hor, ye shal compasse and go vnto Hemath, and the ende of the coste shalbe at Zedada,

Deuteronomy 1:7

7 departe therfore & take youre iourney and go vnto the hilles of the Amorites and vnto all places nye there vnto: both feldes, hylles and dales: and vnto the south & vnto the sea syde in the lande of Canaan, and vnto Libanon: euen vnto the greate ryuer Euphrates.

Deuteronomy 3:9

9 (whyche Hermon the Sidons cal Sirion, but the Amorytes cal it Senyr)

Joshua 11:3

3 and vnto the Cananites both by Easte and weste: and vnto the Amorites, Hethites, Pheresites, and Iebusites in the mountaines, and vnto the Heuites vnder Hermon in the land of Mazphah,

Joshua 11:8-13

8 And the Lorde delyuered them into the handes of Israel, and they smote them and chased them, vnto great Sydon, and vnto the whote waters, and vnto the valey of Mazphah Eastward? and smote them vntyll they had none remaynynge of them. 9 And Iosua serued them as the Lord bad him, houghed their horsses and burnt their charettes with fyre. 10 Then Iosua at that tyme turned backe, & toke Hazor and smote her kyng wt the swerd. For Hazor before tyme was the heade of all those kyngedomes. 11 And they smote all the soules that were therin with the edge of the swerd, vtterlye destroying them, that no breath was let remayne. And burnt Hazor wyth fyre 12 and al the cyties of those Kynges, wyth al the kinges of them: Iosua toke and smote them with the edge of the swerde, and vtterlye destroied them as Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde commaunded. 13 But Israel burnt none of the cytyes, that stode vpon hylles, saue Hazor onely, that Iosua burnt,

Joshua 13:3

3 from Nilus in Egypte vnto the borders of Akaron northwarde, whiche lande was counted to pertayne vnto the Cananites, euen to the fyue Lordes of the Phylistynes, the Asathites, the Asdadytes, Ascalonytes, Gethites, Akaronites, with the Euites, from the south.

Joshua 13:5

5 And the lande of the Giblytes, and al Libanon towarde the sunne rysynge, from Baal, Gad, vnder mount Hermon, vntyll thou come to Hemath,

Joshua 19:28

28 and Hebron, Rohob, Hamon, and Kanah euen vnto greate Sidon.

Judges 4:2

2 And the Lorde solde them into the handes of Iakin Kynge of Canaan, that raygned in Hazor, whose captaynes of warre was Sisara, which dwelt in Haroseth of the gentyles.

Judges 4:23-24

23 And so God broughte Iaben the kyng of Canaan into subieccyon that daye, before the chyldren of Israel. 24 And the hande of the chyldren of Israel prospered and was sore vpon Iaben the kyng of Canaan, vntyll they had broughte hym to naught.

Judges 10:7

7 And the Lord was wroth wyth Israell, & solde them into the handes of the Philistines, and into the handes of the chyldren of Ammon:

Judges 10:12

12 the Sidonites, the Ameleckytes, & the Maonites, oppresse you? And ye cryed to me, & I delyuered you out of theyr handes.

Judges 14:4

4 But hys father and mother wist not that it was the Lordes doing, and that he sought an occasyon of the Phylystines, which at that tyme raigned ouer Israel.

Judges 18:7

7 Then the fyue men departed and came to Lais, and sawe the people that were therin, how they dwelt carelesse, and after the maner of the Sidons, stylle, and without castyng of parelles, & that no man made any trouble in the lande or vsurped any dominion, and how they were farre from the Sidons, and had no busines wyth any nacion.

1 Samuel 4:1-2

1 And Samuel spake vnto all Israel. And Israel went out agaynst the Philistines to battell, & pytched besyde the help stone. And the Philistines pytched in Aphek. 2 And put them selues in araye agaynst Israel. And in the ende of the battel Israel was put to the worsse before the Philistines. And the Philistines slue in araye a long by the feldes about a four thousand men.

1 Samuel 6:18

18 And the golden myce were according to the nombre of all the cytyes of the Philistines thorowe the fyue lordeshyppes: both of walled tounes & of tounes vnwalled, euen vnto the great stone, whereon they set doune the arcke of the Lorde: whiche stone remayneth vnto thys daye in the felde of Iehosua the Bethsamite.

1 Samuel 13:5

5 Then the Philistines gathered them selues together to fyghte wyth Israel, thyrtie thousand charettes and sixe thousande horse men with the other people lyke the sande by the sea side is in multitude and came vp & pytched in Machmas eastward from Bethauen.

1 Samuel 13:19-23

19 But there was no smyth thorowout al the lande of Israel. For the Philistines thought that then the Ebrues myght make them swerdes or speres. 20 And therfor must al Israel go doune to the Philistines, to mende euery man his share, hys mattok, his axe, or hys cyckle: 21 as ofte as the edges of the cyckles mattockes, doung forckes, & axes were blunte, and also to mende theyr goodes. 22 And so in tyme of battell there was nether swerde nor spere founde in the handes of any of the people that were wyth Saule & Ionathas: saue for Saule and Ionathas hys sonne was there som what founde. 23 And the Garison of the Philistines came oute, & stode on the other syde before Machmas.

1 Samuel 29:2

2 And the Lordes of the Philistines went forthe by the hundredes & by the thousandes. But Dauid & hys men came behynde with Achis.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.