Joshua 3:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 And commaunde thou the priestes that beare the arcke of the testament, saying: when ye are entered a lytle into the water of Iordan then stande styll in it.

Exodus 14:13

13 And Moses sayde vnto the people: feare ye not but stonde styll and beholde howe the Lorde shall saue you thys daye: For as ye se the Egyptians thys daye, shall ye se them nomore for euer tyl the worldes ende.

Joshua 3:3

3 and commaunded the people, sayinge: when ye se the arcke of the testament of the lord youre God, and the priestes that are Leuites bearyng it: then departe ye from your places & folowe after it.

Joshua 3:17

17 And the priestes that bare the arcke of the appoyntemente of the Lorde stode styll vpon drye lande, vntyl all the people were cleane ouer Iordan.

1 Chronicles 15:11-12

11 And Dauid called to Zadock & Abiathar the preastes, and to the Leuites Vriel, Asaiah Ioel, Semeiah, Eliel & Aminadab: 12 & sayde vnto them: ye are the princypall heades of the Leuites, sanctefye therfore youre selues and youre brethren, and brynge the Arcke of the Lord God of Israel vnto the place that I haue prepared for it.

2 Chronicles 17:8-9

8 and with them, Semeiah, Nathaniah, Zabadiah, Asahel. Semiramoth, Iehonathan, Adoniah, Thobiah, and Thobodoniah Leuites: and with them Elisama & Ioram priestes. 9 And they taught in Iuda, and had the boke of the law with them, & went aboute thorowout all the cytyes of Iuda and taught the people.

2 Chronicles 29:4-11

4 And he brought in the prestes & the Leuites & geathered them together in to the easte strete: 5 & sayde vnto them. Heare me ye Leuites: purifye youre selues & halow the house of the Lorde God of your fathers, & bringe out the fylthinesse out of the holy place. 6 For oure fathers haue trespaced & done euel fauoredly in the eyes of the Lord oure God: and haue forsaken hym, and turned awaye theyre faces from the habitacion of the Lorde and turned to theyr backes. 7 And besyde that they haue shut vp the dores of the porche and quenched the lampes and haue nether burned cense nor offered burntofferinges in the holy place vnto the God of Israel. 8 Wherfore the wrath of the Lord fell on Iuda & Ierusalem: & he skatered them & made them so thynne that men hisse at yt, euen as ye se with youre eyes. 9 For se, oure fathers were ouer throwen with the swerde & oure sonnes oure daughters and oure wiues were caried awaye captiue for the same cause. 10 Now haue I in my hert to stryke a couenaunt with the Lorde God of Israel: that his wrath maye cease. 11 Now therfore my sonnes be not neclygent: for the Lorde hath chosen you to stande before hym, and for to minystre and burne offerynges to hym.

2 Chronicles 29:15

15 And they geathered theyr brethren & purifyed them selues, & then went at the commaundement of the kynge by the worde of the Lord, for to clense the house of the Lorde.

2 Chronicles 29:27

27 And Hezekiah commaunded to offer the burntofferyng vpon the aulter. And when the burntofferyng beganne, the songe of the Lorde beganne, & the trompettes with the instrumentes of Dauid kynge of Israel.

2 Chronicles 29:30

30 And Hezekiah the kynge and the lordes bade the Leuites to prayse the lorde with the wordes of Dauid & of Asaph the sear of vysions. And the Leuites praysed that they reioysed agayne, and the other stowped and bowed them selues.

2 Chronicles 30:12

12 And therto the hand of God was in Iuda, to make them of one accorde to do the commaundement of the kynge and the capitaynes, whiche was accordynge to the worde of the Lorde.

2 Chronicles 31:9-10

9 And Hezekiah questioned with the priestes and the Leuites concernynge the heapes. 10 And Azariah the chefe prieste of the house of Zadock aunswered hym and sayde: sense they beganne to bringe the heaue offeringes into the house of the Lorde, we haue eaten and had ynough, and yet lefte aboundaunce, for the Lorde hath blessed his people, and therof is thys heape lefte.

2 Chronicles 35:2-6

2 And he set the preastes in theyr offyces and ayded them in the seruyce of the house of the Lorde. 3 And he sayde to the Leuites that taught thorow out all Israell and were sanctifyed vnto the Lorde: put the holy arcke in the house which Salomon the sonne of Dauid Kynge of Israel dyd builde, ye neade not to beare it vpon youre shoulders. Wherfore now serue the Lorde youre God and his people Israel. 4 And prepare youre selues by youre auncient housholdes and companyes, accordyng to the wrytyng of Dauid Kynge of Israel, & the wrytynge of Salomon his sonne. 5 And stande in the holy place accordyng to the deuysions of the auncient houshouldes of youre brethren the chyldren of the people, and after the deuysyon of the auncient housholdes of the Leuites, 6 and kyll passouer sanctifye and prepare youre brethren that they may do accordynge to the worde of the Lord by the hand of Moses.

Nehemiah 12:24-28

24 And these were the chefe amonge the Leuytes, Hasabiah, Serebiah and Iesua the sonne of Cadmiel, and theyr brethren ouer agaynste them, to geue prayse and thankes, according as Dauid the man of God had ordeyned it, one watche ouer agaynst another 25 Mathania, Balbukiah, Obadiah, Mosolam, Talmon and Abub were porters in the watche at the thresholdes of the gates. 26 These were in the tyme of Ioiakim the sonne of Iesua the sonne of Iosedec, and in the tyme of Nehemiah the captayne and of the prieste Esdras the scrybe. 27 And in the dedycacyon of the wall at Ierusalem, were the Leuytes soughte oute of all theyr places, that they myghte be broughte to Ierusalem, to kepe the dedicacyon and gladnesse, with thankesgeuynges, wyth syngyng with Cymbales, Psalteries and harpes. 28 And the chyldren of the syngers gathered them selues together from the playne countreye aboute Ierusalem, and from the vyllages of Nethophathi,

Nehemiah 13:22

22 And I sayde vnto the Leuytes whiche were cleane, that they shulde come and kepe the gates, to halowe the Saboth daye. Thynke vpon me (O my God) concernynge this also, and spare me according to thy greate mercy.

Nehemiah 13:28

28 And one of the chyldren of Iehoiada the sonne of Eliasib the hye prieste, had made a contracte wyth Sanabalat the Horonite: but I chaced him from me.

Lamentations 3:26

26 O how good is it with stylnesse to wate & tarye, for the health of the Lorde?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.