John 14:12 Cross References - Matthew

12 Verely, verely I saye vnto you, he that beleueth on me, the workes that I do, the same shal he do, and greater workes then these shal he do, because I go vnto my father.

Matthew 21:21

21 Iesus answered, and sayd vnto them: Verelye I say vnto you: if ye shal haue fayth, and shall not dout ye shall not onely do that which I haue done to the fygge tree but also yf ye shall saye vnto thys mountayne, take thy selfe awaye and cast thy selfe into the sea it shall be done.

Mark 11:13

13 and spied a fygge tree a farre of hauing leaues: and wente to se whether he myghte fynde any thynge theron. But when he came therto, he founde nothyng but leaues: for the tyme of fygges was not yet.

Mark 16:17

17 And these sygnes shall folowe them that beleue. In my name they shall caste oute deuils, & shall speake with newe tonges,

Luke 10:17-19

17 And the seuenty returned againe with ioye saiynge. Lorde euen the very deuyls are subdued to vs throughe thy name. 18 And he sayde vnto them: I sawe Sathan, as it had bene lyghtenynge, fall doune from heauen. 19 Beholde, I geue vnto you power to treade on serpentes & scorpions, & ouer all maner power of the enemye, and nothynge shall hurte you.

John 7:33

33 Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Yet am I a lytle while with you, and then go I vnto hym that sent me.

John 7:39

39 This spake he of the spirite which they that beleueth on him, shoulde receyue. For the holye ghost was not yet because that Iesus was not yet gloryfyed.

John 14:28

28 Ye haue hearde how I sayde vnto you. I go and come agayne vnto you. Yf ye loued me, ye would verely reioyce, because I sayde: I go vnto the father. For the father is greater then I.

John 16:7

7 Neuerthelesse I tell you the trueth, it is expediente for you that I go awaye. For yf I go not awaye, that comforter wil not come vnto you. But yf I departe, I wil sende hym vnto you.

Acts 2:4-11

4 and they were all filled with the holye ghoste, and began to speake wyth other tounges, euen as the spyryte gaue them vtteraunce. 5 And there were dwelling at Hierusalem Iewes, deuout men, whyche were of all nations vnder heauen. 6 When thys was noysed aboute, the multitude came together & were astonied, because that euery man hearde them speake hys owne toung. 7 They wondred all & merueyled sayinge among them selues: Behold are not al these which speake of Galile? 8 And how heare we euery man his own tounge wherin we were borne? 9 Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia, of Iewry, and of Cappadocia, and of Ponthus and Asia, 10 Phrysia, Pamphilia, and of Egypte, and of the parties of Libia, which is besyde Syren, and straungers of Rome, Iewes, and conuertes, 11 Grekes, and Arabians: we haue heard them speake: wyth our owne tounges the great workes of God.

Acts 2:33

33 Sence nowe that he by the ryght hand of God is exalted, and hath receiued of the father the promyse of the holy ghost, he hath shed forth, that whyche ye now se and heare.

Acts 2:41

41 Then they that gladlye receiued his preachinge, were baptysed, and the same daye there were added vnto them about thre thousande soules.

Acts 3:6-8

6 Then sayed Peter: Syluer and gold haue I none, suche as I haue geue I the. In the name of Iesu Christ of Nazareth, ryse vp & walke. 7 And he toke hym by the right hande, and lyft him vp. And immedyatlye hys fete and ancle bones receyued strength. 8 And he sprange, stode and also walked, and entred wyth them into the temple, walkynge and leaping and laudinge God.

Acts 4:4

4 Howe be it, manye of them which hearde the wordes, beleued: and the numbre of the men was about fyue thousande.

Acts 4:9-12

9 if we thys day are examined of the good dede done to the sicke man by what meanes he is made whole: 10 be it knowen vnto you all and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Iesus Christe of Nazareth, whom ye crucifyed, and whom God raysed agayne from deathe, euen by hym doth thys man stande here presente before you whole. 11 This is the stone cast asyde of you builders, which is set in the chiefe place of the corner. 12 Neither is ther saluacion in any other. Nor yet also is there any other name geuen to men wherin we muste be saued.

Acts 4:16

16 saiynge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifeste signe is done by them, and is openlye knowen to all them that dwell in Hierusalem, and we can not denie it.

Acts 4:33

33 And with greate power gaue the Apostles wytnes of the resurreccion of the Lorde Iesus. And greate grace was geuen wt them all.

Acts 5:15

15 in so much that they broughte the sycke into the stretes, & layed them on beddes and palettes, that at the leaste waye, the shaddowe of Peter when he came by, myght shadowe some of them.

Acts 6:7

7 And the worde of God encreased, and the numbre of the disciples multiplyed in Hierusalem greatly, and a great companye of the priestes were obedient to the faith.

Acts 8:7

7 For vncleane spyrites criynge with loude voyce, came out of manye that were possessed of them. And manye taken wyth palsyes, and manye that halted, were healed.

Acts 9:34

34 Then saied Peter vnto hym: Eneas, Iesus Christe make the whole. Aryse, and make thy bed. And he arose immediatlie.

Acts 9:40

40 And Peter put them al forth and kneled doune, and praied and turned him to the bodye, and saied: Tabitha, aryse. And she opened her eyes, and when she sawe Peter she sat vp.

Acts 10:46

46 For they heard them speake wyth tounges & magnified God. Then aunswered Peter.

Acts 16:18

18 And thys dyd she manye dayes. But Paule not content turned aboute, and sayed to the spirite: I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christe, that thou come oute of her. And he came out the same houre.

Acts 19:12

12 so that from his bodye, were brought vnto the sycke, napkyns or partletes, and the diseases departed from them, and the euill spirites went out of them.

Romans 15:19

19 in myghty sygnes and wonders, by the power of the spirite of God: so that from Hierusalem and the coastes rounde about vnto Illiricum, I haue fylled al countreys with the glad tydynges of Christe.

1 Corinthians 12:10-11

10 To another power to do miracles. To another prophecie. To another iudgement of spirites. To an other diuerse tounges. To another the interpretation of tounges. 11 And these all worketh euen the selfe same spyryte, deuydynge to euerye man seuerall gyftes, euen as he wyll.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.