18 Then shall the Lorde be gelous ouer hys lande, & spare his people:
Joel 2:18 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 32:16
16 They angred him with straunge Goddes, and with abhominations prouoked him,
Deuteronomy 32:36
36 For the Lorde wyll do iustice vnto hys people, & haue compassion on hys seruauntes For it shalbe sene that theyr power shall fayle, & at the last they shalbe prisoned & forsaken.
Deuteronomy 32:43
43 Prayse ye heathen hys people, for he wil auenge the bloude of hys seruauntes, & wyl auenge hym of his aduersaries, and wyll be merciful vnto the land of hys people.
Judges 10:16
16 And they put awaye the straunge Goddes from them, and serued the Lorde. And the myserye of Israel greued hys soule.
Psalms 103:13
13 Yea, like as a father pitieth his owne children, euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto them that feare hym.
Psalms 103:17
17 But the mercyfull goodnesse of the Lorde endureth for euer and euer, vpon them that feare him, and his righteousnesse vpon their chyldren.
Isaiah 42:13
13 The Lord shal come forth as a gyaunte, and take a stomacke to hym lyke as a freshe man of warre. He shall roare and crye, and ouercome hys enemyes.
Isaiah 60:10
10 Straungers shall buylde vp thy walles, and their kinges shall do thy seruice. For when I am angrie, I smyte the: & when it pleaseth me, I pardon the.
Isaiah 63:9
9 In their troubles he forsoke them not, but the aungel that went forthe from his presence delyuered them. Of very loue & kindnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caryed them vp euer, sence the worlde beganne.
Isaiah 63:15
15 Loke doune then from heauen, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary and thy glory: how is it, that they gelousy, thy strength the multitude of thy mercyes, & thy louynge kindnesse, will not be entreated of vs.
Jeremiah 31:20
20 Vpon this complainte, I thoughte thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the chylde, with whom I haue had all myrthe and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I fyrst commened with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my verye herte dryueth me vnto hym, gladly and louynglye will I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lorde.
Lamentations 3:22
22 Heth. Namely, that the mercyes of the Lord are not cleane gone, and that hys louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not.
Hosea 11:8-9
8 What greate thinges haue I geuen the, O Ephraim? how faythfully haue I defended the, O Israel? haue I dealt wt the as with Adama? or haue I entreated the lyke Seboim? No, my herte is otherwyse minded. Yea, my mercye is to feruent:
9 therfore haue I not turned me to destroye Ephraim in my wrothfull displeasure. For I am God and no man, I am euen that holy one in the middest of the, thoughe I came not within the cyty.
Zechariah 1:14
14 And the aungel that commoned with me, sayde vnto me: Crye thou, and speake: Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: I am exceadynge gelous ouer Ierusalem and Syon,
Zechariah 8:2
2 Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes: I was in a great gelousy ouer Syon, yea I haue bene very gelous ouer her in a great displeasure:
Luke 15:20
20 And he arose and wente to his father. And when he was yet a great way of, hys father sawe hym, and had compassyon and ran and fell on hys necke, & kyssed hym.
James 5:11
11 Beholde we count them happye whiche endure. Ye haue hearde of the pacience of Iob, & haue knowen what ende the Lorde made. For the Lorde is verye pytyfull and mercyfull.