Job 5:17 Cross References - Matthew

17 Beholde, happye is the man, whom God punisheth: therfore, despyse not thou the chastenynge of the Almyghty.

Psalms 94:12

12 Blessed is the man, whome thou learnest (O LORDE) and teacheste hym in thy lawe.

Proverbs 3:11-12

11 My sonne, despise not the chastening of the Lorde, neyther faynte when thou arte rebuked of hym. 12 For whome the Lord loueth hym he chasteneth: & yet deliteth in him euen as a father in his owne sonne.

Jeremiah 31:18

18 Moreouer I hearde Ephraim, that was led awaye captyue, complayne on thys maner: O Lorde, thou haste correcte me, and thy chastening haue I receyued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou arte my Lorde God:

Hebrews 12:5-11

5 And ye haue forgotten consolacyon, which speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren: my sonne despyse not the chastenynge of the Lorde, neyther faynte when thou arte rebuked of hym: 6 For whom the Lord loueth, hym he chasteneth: yea, and he scourgeth euerye sonne that he receyueth. 7 Yf ye endure chastenynge, God offereth hym selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not? 8 Yf ye be not vnder correccyon (whereof all are partakers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes. 9 Moreouer seynge we had fathers of oure fleshe whiche corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: shoulde we not muche rather be in subieccyon vnto the father of spyrytuall gyftes, that we myght lyue? 10 And they verely for a few dayes, nurtered vs after their owne pleasure, but he learneth vs vnto that whiche is profytable that we myght receyue of hys holynes. 11 No maner chastisynge for the presente tyme semeth to be ioyeous, but greuous: neuerthelesse afterwarde, it bryngeth the quyet frute of ryghtuousnes vnto them whiche are therein exercysed.

James 1:12

12 Happy is the man that endureth in temptacyon, for when he is tryed, he shal receyue the croune of lyfe, which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue hym.

James 5:11

11 Beholde we count them happye whiche endure. Ye haue hearde of the pacience of Iob, & haue knowen what ende the Lorde made. For the Lorde is verye pytyfull and mercyfull.

Revelation 3:19

19 As manye as I loue, I rebuke and chastes. Be feruent therfore and repente.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.