Job 36:6 Cross References - Matthew

6 As for the vngodly, he preserueth them not, but helpeth the poore to their ryght.

Exodus 22:22-24

22 Ye shal trouble no widdowe nor fatherlesse chylde: 23 If ye shall trouble them: they shall crye vnto me, and I wyll surelye heare their crye 24 and then wyl my wrath waxe hote and I wyl kil you with the sweard, and your wiues shalbe widdowes and your chyldren fatherlesse.

Job 5:15

15 And so he delyuereth the poore from the swearde, from their mouth, and from the hande of the cruell,

Job 8:22

22 Thy that hate the, shalbe confounded, and the dwellynges of the vngodly shall come to naught.

Job 21:7-9

7 Wherfore do wicked men lyue in health and prosperite, come to their olde age, and increase in ryches? 8 Their childers children lyue in their syght, and their generacion before their eyes. 9 Their houses are safe from all feare, for the road of God doth not smyte them.

Job 21:30

30 that the wicked is kept vnto the daye of destruccion, and that the vngodly shalbe broughte forthe in the daye of wrath.

Job 29:12-17

12 For I delyuered the poore when he cried, and the fatherlesse that wanted helpe. 13 He that shoulde haue bene lost, gaue me a good worde, and the wyddowes herte praysed me. 14 And why? I put vpon me ryghteousnes, whyche couered me as a garment, and equyte was my croune. 15 I was an eye vnto the blinde, and a fote to the lame, 16 I was a father vnto the poore and when I knew not their cause, I sought it oute diligently. 17 I brake the chaftes of the vnrighteous, and plucte the spoyle oute of their tethe.

Psalms 9:12

12 And why? he maketh inquisicion for their bloude, and remembreth theym: he forgetteth not th complaynte of the poore.

Psalms 10:14-15

14 Thys thou seyst, for thou consyderest the mysery and sorowe. The poore geueth him selfe ouer into thy hande, and committeth hym vnto the, for thou art the helper of the frendlesse. 15 Breake thou the arme of the vngodly and malycyous, search out the wickednes which he hath done, that he maye perysh.

Psalms 55:23

23 But as for them, thou (O God) shalt cast doune into the pytte of destruccion. The bloudthrustye & disceatfull shall not lyue out half their dayes. Neuerthelesse my trust is in the.

Psalms 72:4

4 He shall kepe the symple folke by theyr ryght, defende the chyldren of the poore, and punish the wronge doer.

Psalms 72:12-14

12 For he shall delyuer the poore when he cryeth, and the neady that hath no helpe. 13 He shalbe fauorable to the simple & poore, he shall preserue the soules of suche as be in aduersitie. 14 He shall delyuer their soules from extorcyon and wrong, and deere shall their bloud be in hys sight.

Psalms 82:1-4

1 A Psalme of Asaph. God standeth in the congregacion of the Goddes, and is a iudge amonge the iudges. 2 How long will ye geue wrong iudgement, and accept the personnes of the vngodly? Selah. 3 Defende the poore and fatherlesse, se that suche as be in nede & necessitie haue right. 4 Deliuer the outcaste & poore, & saue hym from the hande of the vngodly.

Psalms 140:12

12 Sure I am, that the Lorde wyll auenge the poore, & maynteyne the cause of the helpelesse.

Proverbs 22:22-23

22 Se that thou robbe not the pore because he is weake, & oppresse not the simple in iudgment: 23 for the Lorde him selfe wyll defende their cause, and do vyolence vnto them that haue vsed vyolence.

Isaiah 11:4

4 but wyth ryghteousnesse shall he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shall smyte the worlde wyth the staffe of hys mouthe, & with the breathe of his mouth shall he slay the wicked.

Jeremiah 12:1-2

1 O Lorde, thou art more rightuous then that I shulde dyspute with the: Neuertheles, lett me talke wyth the in thynges resonable. How happeneth it, that the waye of the vngodlye is so prosperous: and that it goeth so well with them, which (without eny shame) offende and lyue in wyckednesse? 2 Thou plantest them, they take rote, they growe, and brynge forth fruite: They booste moch of the, yet doest thou not punish them.

2 Peter 2:9

9 The Lorde knoweth howe to deliuer the Godlye out of temptacion, and howe to reserue the vniuste vnto the daye of iudgement for to be punyshed,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.