Jeremiah 9:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 I wyll make Ierusalem also an heape of stones, and a denne of venymous wormes. And I wyll make the cytyes of Iuda so wast, that no man shall dwell therein.

Nehemiah 4:2

2 and sayde before hys brethren, and the hoste of Samaria: what do the impotente Iewes? shall they be thus suffered? shall they offre? shal they perfourme it in one daye? shal they make the stones whole agayn that are broughte to dust, & brent?

Psalms 79:1

1 A Psalme of Asaph. O God, the Heathen are fallen into thyne heritage: the holy temple haue they defiled, and made Ierusalem an heape of stones.

Isaiah 13:22

22 the lytle Oules shal crye in the palaces, one after another, and Dragons shalbe in the plesaunt parlours. And as for Babilons tyme it is at hande, & her dayes maye not be longe absent.

Isaiah 25:2

2 Thou makest of townes, heapes of stone, and of head cities, broken walles: The palaces of the wicked destroyest thou out of the citie that they shal neuer be buylded again.

Isaiah 34:13

13 Thornes shall growe in their palaces, nettels and thistles in theyr stronge holdes, that the dragons maye haue their pleasure therin, and that they maye be a courte for Estriches.

Isaiah 44:26

26 But I set vp the purpose of my seruauntes, and fulfill the councell of my messaungers. I saye to Ierusalem: turne agayne: And to the cyties of Iuda, be ye buylded agayne: and I repayre their decayed places.

Jeremiah 10:22

22 Beholde, the noyse is harde at hande, and greate sedycyon out of the north: to make the cytyes of Iuda a wyldernesse, and a dwellynge place for Dragons.

Jeremiah 25:11

11 and this whole lande shall become a wyldernes, & they shall serue the sayde people & the kynge of Babylon, thre score yeares and ten.

Jeremiah 25:18

18 But fyrst the cytie of Ierusalem, and all the cytyes of Iuda, theyr kinges and princes to make them desolate, waste, despised & cursed according as it is come to passe this day.

Jeremiah 26:9

9 How darrest thou be so bolde, as to saye in the name of the Lord it shall happen to thys house as it dyd vnto Siloh? and this citie shalbe so waste, that no man shall dwell therein?

Jeremiah 26:18

18 Micheah the Morasthite, which was a Prophet vnder Ezekiah kynge of Iuda, spake to all the people of Iuda: Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: Syon shalbe plowed lyke a felde, Ierusalem shalbe an heape of stones, and the hyll of the Lordes house shalbe turned to an hye wood.

Jeremiah 34:22

22 But thorowe my commaundement (sayeth the Lord) they shall come again before this cytye, they shall fyght agaynste it, winne it, and burne it. Moreouer I wyll laye the cities of Iuda so wast, that no man shal dwell therin.

Jeremiah 51:37

37 Babilon shalt become an heape of stones a dwellinge place for dragons, a fearfulnes and wondrynge, because no man dwelleth there.

Lamentations 2:2

2 Beth. The Lorde hath cast downe all the glorye of Iacob without any fauoure: all the stronge places of the daughter Iuda hath he broken in his wrath, and thorowen them downe to the grounde: her kyngdome & her Princes hath he suspended.

Lamentations 2:7-8

7 Zain. The Lorde hath forsaken hys owne aulter, and is wroth with his owne Sanctuary, and hath geuen the walles of their towres in to the handes of the enemye. Their enemyes made a noyse in the house of the Lorde, as it had bene in a solempne feast daye. 8 Heth. The Lorde thought to breake downe the walles of the daughter Sion, he spred out his lyne, & drewe not in his hande, tyll he had destroyed them. Therfore mourne the turrettes and the broken walles together.

Lamentations 3:47

47 Feare and snare is come vpon vs, yee despyte and destruccyon.

Micah 1:6

6 Therfore I shall make Samaria an heape of stones in the felde, to laye aboute the vineyarde: her stones shall I cast in to the valley, & discouer her foundacions.

Micah 3:12

12 Therfore shall Syon (for youre sakes) be plowed lyke a felde: Ierusalem shalbe come an heape of stones, and the hyll of the temple shalbe turned to an hye wodde.

Micah 6:16

16 Ye kepe the ordynaunces of Amri, & all the customes of the house of Ahab: ye folowe their pleasures, therfore wyll I make the waste, & cause thy inhabyters to be abhorred, O my people: and thus shalt thou beare thyne owne shame.

Revelation 18:2

2 And he cryed mightely with a strong voyce, saing: Great Babylon is fallen, is fallen: and is become the habitacion of deuilles, and the holde of al foule spyrytes, and a cage of al vncleane and hateful byrdes,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.