Jeremiah 51:28 Cross References - Matthew

28 Prepare agaynste them the people of the Meedes wyth theyr kynges prynces, and al theyr chefe rulers, yea and the whole lande that is vnder them.

Genesis 10:2

2 The sonnes of Iapheth were: Gomyr, Magog, Madai, Iauan, Tuball, Mesech, & Thyras.

1 Chronicles 1:5

5 The sonnes of Iapheth: were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Iauan, Thubal, Mosoch & Thiras.

Esther 1:3

3 in the thyrde yeare of hys raygne, he made a feaste vnto all his princes and seruauntes, namely vnto the myghty men of Persia and Media, to the captaynes and rulers of hys countrey

Esther 10:2

2 As for al the worcke of his power and auctoryte, and the great worshippe of Mardocheus, whiche the kinge gaue him, beholde it is wrytten in the Chronicles of the Kinges of Media and Persia.

Isaiah 13:17

17 For lo, I shall brynge vp the Medes agaynst them, whiche shall not regarde siluer, nor be desyrous of gould.

Isaiah 21:2

2 Who so may disceyue (said the voyce) let him disceyue. Who so may destroye, let him dystroye. Vp Elam, besege it O Madai, for I wyl styl al their groninges.

Jeremiah 25:25

25 all the kynges of Zamri, al the kinges of Elam, all the kynges of the Meedes,

Jeremiah 51:11

11 Make sharpe the arowes, and fyll the quyuers: for the Lorde shall rayse vp the sprete of the kynge of the Meedes, which hath already a desyre to destroye Babylon. This shalbe the vengeaunce of the Lordes, and the vengeaunce of hys temple.

Jeremiah 51:27

27 Set vp a token in the lande: blow the trompettes amonge the Heythen, prouoke the nacyons agaynst her, call the kyngedomes of Ararat, Memni, and Ascanes agaynste her: nombre oute Taphsar agaynst her, bryng as greate a sorte of horses against her, as yf they were greshoppers.

Daniel 5:28-30

28 Phares, thy kyngdome is delte in partes, and geuen to the Medes and Perses. 29 Then commaunded Balthazar, to clothe Daniel wyth purple, to hange a cheyne of golde aboute hys necke, and to make a proclamacyon concerning him: that he shulde be the ruler of the thyrde parte of hys kyngedome. 30 The very same nyghte was Balthazar the kynge of the Caldees slayne,

Daniel 6:8

8 Wherfore, O kynge, confirme thou this statute, and make a wryttynge, that the thynge which the Medes and Perses haue ordeyned be not altered nor broken.

Daniel 8:3-4

3 Then I loked vp, and sawe, and beholde there stode before in the riuer, a ramme, whiche had hornes: and these hornes were hye, but one was hyer then another, & the hyest came vp last. 4 I sawe that this ramme pushed with his hornes againste the west, agaynste the north, and againste the south: so that no beastes might stande before him, nor defende them from his power: but he did as him lysted, & waxed greatly.

Daniel 8:20

20 The ramme whyche thou sawest with the two hornes, is the kiuge of the Medes and Perses:

Daniel 9:1

1 In the fyrst yeare of Darius the sonne of Ahasuerus, whyche was the sede of the Medes, & was made king ouer the realm of the Caldees:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.