Jeremiah 36:7 Cross References - Matthew

7 Peraduenture they will praye mekely before the face of the Lord, and turne euery one from his wicked waie. For greate is the wrath and displeasure, that the Lorde hath taken agaynst this people.

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

15 But and yf thou wilt not herken vnto the voice of the Lord thy God to kepe and to do al his commaundementes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the thys day: then all these curses shall come vpon the & ouertake the: 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the towne, & cursed in the felde, 17 cursed shall thyne aulmery be & thy store. 18 Cursed shal the frute of thy body & the frute of thy lande be & the frute of thyne oxen & the flockes of thy shepe. 19 And cursed shalt thou be when thou goest in, & when thou goest out. 20 And the Lorde shall sende vpon the cursynge, goyinge to nought & complanynge in all that thou settest thyne hande to whatsoeuer thou doest: vntyl thou be destroyed & brought to nought quyckely, because of the wickednesse of thyne inuencions in that thou hast forsaken the Lorde. 21 And the Lorde shall make the pestilence cleaue vnto the, vntyll he haue consumed the from the land whether thou goest to enioye it. 22 And the Lord shall smyte the with swellynge, with feuers, heet, bunrynge, wetherynge, with smytynge and blastynge. And they shall folowe the vntyll thou peryshe. 23 And the heauen that is ouer thy head shalbe brasse, & the erthe that is vnder the, yeron. 24 And the Lorde shall turne the rayne of the land vnto powder & dust: euen from heauen they shall come doune vpon the, vntyll thou be brought to nought. 25 And the Lorde shall plage the before thyne enmyes: Thou shalt come out one waye agaynste them, and flee seuen wayes before them, & shalt be scatered amonge al the kingdomes of the erth. 26 And thy carkesse shalbe meate vnto all maner foules of the apre and vnto the beastes of the erth, and no man shall fraye them awaye. 27 And the Lorde wyll smyte the wyth the botches of Egypt and the emoroydes, scalle & maungynesse, that thou shalt not be healed therof. 28 And the Lorde shall smyte the wyth madnesse, blyndnesse & dasyng of herte. 29 And thou shalt grope at none dayes as the blynd gropeth in darknesse, and shalt not come to the ryght waye. And thou shalt suffer wronge only & be polled euermore, and no man shall sucker the, 30 thou shalt be betrawthed vnto a wyfe, and another shal lye with her. Thou shalt buylde and house & another shal dwell therin. Thou shalt plante a vyneard, & shalt not make it comen. 31 Thyne oxe shalbe slayne before thyne eyes, and thou shalt not eate therof. Thyne asse shalbe vyolentlye taken awaye euen bofore thy face, and shall not be restored the agayne. Thy shepe shalbe geuen vnto thyne enemyes, and no man shall helpe the. 32 Thy sonnes and thy daughters shall be geuen vnto another nacion, and thyne eyes shall se and dase vpon them all daye longe, but shalt haue no myght in thyne hande. 33 The frute of thy lande and all thy laboures shall a nacion which thou knowest not, eate, and thou shalt but suffre vyolence only & be oppressed alwaye: 34 that thou shalt be cleane besyde thy selfe for the syghte of thyne eyes which thou shalt se. 35 The Lord shal smyte the wyth a myscheuous botche in the knees and legges, so that thou canst not be healed: euen from the sole of the fote vnto the toppe of the head. 36 The Lord shall brynge both the and thy kynge whych thou hast sett ouer the, vnto a nacyon whych nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne, and there thou shalt serue straunge Goddes: euen wod & stone, 37 And thou shalt go to waste & be made an ensample, & a iestynge stocke vnto all nacyons whether the Lord shall carye the. 38 Thou shalt carie moch seed out in the felde & shalt gather but lytle in: for the greshopers shall destroye it. 39 Thou shalt plante a veynearde & dresse it, but shalt nether drynke of the wyne neither gather of the grapes, for the wormes shall eate it. 40 Thou shalt haue olyuetrees in al thy coastes, but shalt not be anoynted with the oyle, for thyne olyue trees shalbe roted out. 41 Thou shalt get sonnes and daughters, but shalt not haue them: for they shalbe caryed awaye captiue. 42 All thy trees and frute of thy lande shalbe marred with blastynge. 43 The straungers that are a monge you shall clyme aboue the vp on hye, and thou shalt come doune beneth alowe. 44 He shal lende the & thou shalt not lende him, he shalbe before and thou behynde. 45 Moreouer all these curses shall come vpon the & shall folowe the and ouertake the, tyll thou be destroyed: because thou herkenedest not vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to kepe his commandementes and ordynaunces whych he commaunded the, 46 and they shalbe vpon the as miracles and wonders & vpon thy seed for euer. 47 And because thou seruedest not the Lord thy God wyth ioyfulnesse and with a good herte for the abundaunce of all thinges, 48 therfore thou shalt serue thyne enemye which the Lord shall sende vpon the: in hunger and thrust, in nakednesse and in nede of all thynge: & he shall put a yocke of yeron vpon thyne necke, vntyll he haue broughte the to nought. 49 And the Lord shal brynge a nacyon vpon the from a farre, euen from the ende of the world, as swyfte as an egle flyeth: a nacyon whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstande: 50 a harde fauoured nacyon whiche shall not regarde the person of the olde nor haue compassion on the yonge. 51 And he shall eate the frute of thy lande and the frute of thy catell vntill he haue destroyed the: so that he shall leaue the nether corne, wyne, nor oyle, nether the encrease of thyne oxen nor the flockes of thy shepe: vntyll he haue brought the to nought. 52 And he shall kepe the in, in all thy cities, vntyll the hye & stronge walles be come doune wherin thou trustedest, thorow al the lande. And he shal besyege the in al thy cytyes thorow out all thy land which the Lord thy god hath geuen the. 53 And thou shalt eate the frute of thyne owne body: the flesh of thi sonnes and of thy daughters whych the Lorde thy God hath geuen the, in that straytenesse & seyge wherwith thine enemye shal besyege the, 54 so that it shal greue the man that is tender and exceadynge delycate amonge you, to loke on hys brother and vpon his wyfe that lyeth in hys bosome, & on the remnaunte of his chyldren which he hath yet lefte, 55 for feare of geuynge vnto any of them of the flesh of his children, which he eateth, because he hath noughte lefte him in that straytenes and seyge wherwyth thyne enemyes shall besyege the in all thy cyties. 56 Yea, and the woman that is so tender & delycate among you that she dare not aduenture to sett the sole of her foote vpon the grounde for softnesse and tendernesse, shalbe greued to loke on the husbande that lyeth in her bosome and on her sonne & on her daughter: 57 euen because of the after byrthe, that is come out from betwene her legges, & because of her chyldren which she hath borne, because she wolde eate them for nede of all thynges secretly, in the straytenes & seyge wherwyth thyne enemye shal besyege the in thy cyties. 58 If thou wilt not be dyligent to do all the wordes of this law that are wrytten in thys boke, for to feare this glorious and fearfull name of the Lorde thy God: 59 the Lorde wyll smyte both the and thy sead with wonderful plages and with greate plages and of longe continuaunce, 60 and with euell sekenesses and of longe duraunce. Moreouer he wyll brynge vpon the al the diseases of Egypt which thou wast afrayed of, and they shall cleaue vnto the. 61 Therto al maner sickenesses and all maner plages which are not wrytten in the boke of this lawe, wyll the Lord brynge vpon the vntyll thou be come to noughte. 62 And ye shalbe lefte fewe in nombre, where before ye were as the starres of heauen in multitude: because thou woldest not herken vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God. 63 And as the Lord reioysed ouer you to do you good & to multyplye you: euen so he wil reioyse ouer you, to destroy you and to bring you to nought. And ye shalbe wasted from of the lande whether thou goest to enioye it. 64 And the Lord shall scater the amonge all nacions from the one ende of the world vnto the other and there thou shalt serue straunge goddes, whyche nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne: euen wood and stone. 65 And amonge these nacyons thou shalt be no small ceason, and yet shalt haue no reste to the sole of thy foote. For the Lorde shall geue the there a tremblynge herte & dasynge eyes & sorowe of mynde. 66 And thy lyfe shall hange before the, & thou shalt feare both day and nyght & shalt haue no trust in thy lyfe. 67 In the mornyng thou shalt saye, wold God it were nyght. And at nyght thou shalt saye, wolde God it were mornynge: for feare of thyne herte which thou shalt feare, and for the syght of thyne eyes which thou shalt se. 68 And the Lord shal brynge the into Egypt agayne with shyppes, by the way whych I bade the that thou shouldest se it no moare. And there ye shalbe solde vnto youre enemies, for bondmen and bondwemen: and yet no man shal bye you.

Deuteronomy 29:18-28

18 Lest there be among you man or woman kynred or trybe, that turneth away in hys hert thys day from the Lord our God, to go and serue the goddes of these nacions: & lest there be amonge you some roote that beareth gall and wormwod, 19 so that when he heareth the wordes of this curse, he blesse him self in his hert saying: I shall haue peace. I wyll therfore worke after the luste of myne owne hert, that the droncken may perysh with the thyrstye. 20 And so the Lorde wyll not be mercyfull vnto hym, but then the wrath of the lord & his gelousye, smoke agaynst that man, & al the curses that are written in thys boke lyght vpon hym, and the Lorde do out hys name from vnder heauen, 21 and separate hym vnto euell out of all the trybes of Israell accordyng vnto al the curses of the appoyntement that is written in the boke of this lawe. 22 So that the generacion to come of youre chyldren that shall ryse vp after you and the straunger that shal come from a ferre land, say when they se the plages of that lande, & the diseases wherwith the Lord hath smytten it 23 how all the land is burnt vp wyth bremstone & salt, & that it is nether sowne nor beareth, nor any grasse groweth therin, after the ouerthrowing of Sodome, Gomor, Adama and Zeboim: which the Lord ouerthrewe in his wrath and angre. 24 And then shal al nacions also say: wherfore hath the Lorde done of this facion vnto this lande? O how fearse is this great wrath? 25 And men shal saye: because they lefte the testament of the Lorde God of their fathers which he made with them, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt. 26 And they went & serued straunge goddes & worshipped them: goddes which they knew not and which had geuen them nought. 27 And therfore the wrath of the Lorde waxed whote vpon that lande to bryng vpon it all the curses that are written in this boke. 28 And the Lorde cast them out of their lande in angre, wrath and greate furyousnesse, and cast them in to a straunge land, as it is come to passe this day.

Deuteronomy 31:17

17 And then my wrath wyl waxe whot against them, and I wil forsake them, and wyl hide my face from them, & they shalbe consumed And when much aduersitie and tribulation is come vpon them, then they wyll saye: bycause our God is not among vs, these tribulations are come vpon vs.

1 Kings 8:33-36

33 When thy people Israel be put to the worsse before theyr enemyes, because they haue synned agaynste the & afterwarde turne agayne to the, & prayse thy name, & praye, and make supplicacion vnto the in thys house: 34 then heare thou vp to heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy people Israel, and brynge them agayne vnto the lande whiche thou gauest vnto theyr fathers. 35 Yf heauen be shut vp, that there be no rayne, because they haue synned against the: yet yf they praye in thys place, and prayse thy name, and turne from theyr synnes, thorowe thy skourgynge of them: 36 then heare thou vp to heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes & of thy people Israel, that thou shewe them a good waye to walke in, & geue raygne vpon thy lande that thou haste geuen vnto thy people to enheret.

2 Kings 22:13

13 go ye and seke of the Lorde for me & the people and for all Iuda, concernynge the wordes of this boke that is founde. For it is a great wrathe of the Lorde that is kendled vpon vs, that our fathers haue not herkened vnto the wordes of thys boke, to do in all poyntes, as it is written therin.

2 Kings 22:17

17 because they haue forsaken me, and haue burntofferynges vnto other Goddes, to angre me with all the workes of their handes. Therfore is my wrath kendled agaynst thys place, and shall not be quenched.

2 Chronicles 33:12-13

12 And when he was in trybulacyon he besonght the Lorde his God, & humbled hym selfe exceadynglye before the God of hys fathers, 13 & made intercessyon to hym: and he was entreated of hym and hearde hys prayer and brought hym agayne to Ierusalem into hys kyngdom. And then Manasseh knewe how that the Lorde was the very God.

2 Chronicles 34:21

21 go & enquire of the Lorde for me and for them that are lefte in Israel and Iuda, concernyng the wordes of the boke that is founde. For great is the wrath of the Lord that is fallen vpon vs, because oure fathers kept not the worde of the Lorde, to do after all that is written in this boke.

Jeremiah 1:3

3 and so during vnto the tyme of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosiah kynge of Iuda, and vntill .xi. yeares of Zedekiah the sonne of Iosiah kinge of Iuda were ended: when Ierusalem was taken, euen in the fyfth Moneth.

Jeremiah 4:4

4 Be circumcised in the Lorde, and cut away the foreskinne of youre hertes, all ye of Iuda and all the indwellers of Ierusalem: that my indignacion breake not oute like fyre & kindle so that no man may quenche it, because of the wickednes of youre ymaginacions.

Jeremiah 16:10

10 Now when thou shewest thys people all these wordes, and they saye vnto the: Wherfore hath the Lorde deuysed all thys greate plage for vs? Or what is the offence & synne, that we haue done agaynst the Lord oure God?

Jeremiah 19:15

15 Thus sayeth the Lord of Hostes the God of Israell: Beholde, I will brynge vpon this cytie and vpon euery towne aboute it, all the plages that I haue deuysed agaynst them: for they haue bene obstinate, & wolde not obeye my warnynges.

Jeremiah 21:5

5 and I my selfe wyll fight agaynst you, with an outstretched hande, and with a mightye arme, in great displeasure and terrible wrath

Jeremiah 25:5

5 He sayde: turne agayne euery man from hys euell waye, & from your wicked ymaginacions, and so shall ye dwell for euer in the lande, that the Lorde promesed you & youre forefathers:

Jeremiah 26:3

3 yf (peraduenture) they wyll herken, and turne euery man from hys wycked waye: that I maye also repente of the plage, whiche I haue determed to brynge vpon them, because of theyr wycked inuencyons.

Jeremiah 36:3

3 That when the house of Iuda heareth of the plage whych I haue deuised for them, they may peraduenture turne, euery man from his wicked waye, that I maye forgeue their offences and synnes.

Lamentations 4:11

11 Caph. The Lorde hath perfourmed hys heuy wrath: he hath poured out the furiousnes of hys dyspleasure. He hath kyndled a fyre in Sion, which hath consumed the foundacions therof.

Ezekiel 5:13

13 Thus I wyll perfourme my indignacion & set my wrath agaynst them, and ease my selfe. So that when I haue fulfylled myne anger agaynst them, they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, whiche with a feruent glousye haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 8:18

18 Therfore wyll I also do some thynge in my wrothfull displeasure, so that myne eye shall not ouerse them, nether wyll I spare them. Yea and though they crye in myne eares with loude voyce, yet wyll I not heare them.

Ezekiel 13:13

13 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde God: I wyll breake oute in my wrothfull displeasure with a stormye wynd, so that in myne anger there shall come a myghtye shower of rayne, & hayle stones in my wrath, to destroye withall.

Ezekiel 20:33

33 As truly as I liue, sayeth the Lorde God, I my selfe wyll rule you with a myghty hand with a stretched out arme, and with indignacyon poured out ouer you:

Ezekiel 22:20

20 lyke as syluer, brasse, yron, tynne and leade are put together in the fornace, and the fyre blowen there vnder to melt them. Euen so wil I gather you, put you in together, and melt you in my wrath and indignacyon.

Ezekiel 24:8-13

8 & therfore haue I letten her poure her bloude vpon a playne drye stony rocke, because it should not be hid and that I might bringe my wrothful indignacion and vengeaunce vpon her. 9 Wherfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: O wo be vnto that bloud thursty cyty, for whom I wyll prepare a heape of wood: 10 beare thou the bones together, kindle you the fire, seeth the fleshe, let all be well soden, that the bones maye be suckte oute. 11 Moreouer, set the pot empty vpon the coales, that it may be warme & the metall hote: that the fylth & rustinesse maye be consumed. 12 But it wyl not go of, there is so muche of it: the rustinesse must be brent out. 13 Thy filthinesse is abhominable, for I woulde haue clensed the, but thou wouldest not be clensed. Thou canste not be pourged from thyne vnclennesse, tyll I haue poured my wrothfull indignacyon vpon the.

Daniel 9:13

13 Yea all this plage, as it is wrytten in the lawe of Moses, is come vpon vs. Yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turne agayne from our wickednesse, and to be learned in thy verite.

Hosea 5:15-6:1

15 I wyll go, and returne to my place, tyll they waxe faynt and seke my.

Hosea 14:1-3

1 O Israel, turne the nowe, vnto the Lorde thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorow thy wickednes. 2 Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the Lorde, & saye vnto him: O forgeue vs all our sinnes, receyue vs gracyouslye, and then wyl we offre the bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the. 3 Assur shalbe no more oure helper, nether wyl we ryde vpon horses any more. As for the worckes of our handes, we wil no more cal vpon them: For it is thou that arte oure God, thou shewest euer mercye vnto the fatherlesse.

Jonah 3:8

8 but put on sack cloth both man and beast, and crye myghtely vnto God: yee se that euery man turne from hys euell waye, and from the wyckednesse, that he hath in hande.

Zechariah 1:4

4 Be not ye lyke youre forefathers, vnto whom the Prophetes cryed afore tyme, sayinge: Thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes. Turne you from youre euyll wayes, & from your wicked ymaginacyons. But thei wolde not heare, nor regarde me, sayeth the Lorde.

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