Jeremiah 27:9 Cross References - Matthew

9 And therfore folowe not youre Prophetes, sothsayers, expounders of dreames, charmers and wytches whiche saye vnto you: ye shall not serue the Kynge of Babylon.

Exodus 7:11

11 Then Pharao called for the wyse men and enchaunters of Egypte: & they dyd in lyke maner with their sorcery.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12

10 Let ther not be founde among you that maketh hys sonne or daughter to go thorow the fyre, or that vseth withcrafte, or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flieng of foules, 11 or a sorcerar, or a charmar, or that counceleth with spretes, or a propheciar or that asketh the aduyse of the dead, 12 for al that do such thyngs are abhominacion vnto the Lorde: and because of these abhominacions the Lord thy God doeth cast them out before the,

Deuteronomy 18:14

14 For these nacions which thou shalt conquere, herken vnto chosers out of dayes and prophecyars. But the Lorde thy God permytteth not that to the.

Joshua 13:22

22 And Balam also the sonne of Beor the sothsayer, the chyldren of Israel slewe wyth the swerde, among other that were slaine.

Isaiah 8:19

19 And therfore yf they saye vnto you: aske councel at the sothesayers, wytches, charmers and coniurers, then make them thys answere: Is there a people any where, that asketh not councel at his God, whether it be concerning the deade, or the lyuynge?

Isaiah 47:12-14

12 Now go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches (whom thou haste bene acquainted withall from thy youthe) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthen the. 13 Thou haste hytherto had manye councels of them, so let the heauengasers & the beholders of starres come on now and delyuer the: yea & let them shewe, when these new thynges shal come vpon the. 14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whiche yf it be kindled with fyre, no man may rydde it for the vehemence of the flame: And yet it geueth no synners to warme a man by, nor cleare fyre to sit by.

Jeremiah 14:14

14 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: The prophetes preach lyes vnto them in my name. I haue not spoken wyth them, nether gaue I them eny charge, nether dyd I sende them: yet they preach vnto you false visions, charming vanite, & disceytfulnesse of their owne herte.

Jeremiah 23:16

16 And therfore the Lorde of Hostes geueth you this warnynge: Heare not the wordes of the prophetes, that preach vnto you, and disceyue you: for they speake the meanynge of their owne herte, and not out of the mouth of the Lorde.

Jeremiah 23:25

25 I haue herde well ynough, what the prophetes saye, that preache lyes in my name, sayinge: I haue dreamed, I haue dreamed.

Jeremiah 23:32

32 Beholde, here am I (sayeth the Lorde) agaynst those prophetes, that darre prophecye lyes, and dysceyue my people with their vanities, and myracles, whom I neuer sent, ner commaunded them. They shall do thys people greate harme, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 27:14-16

14 Therfore geue no eare vnto those Prophetes that tell you: Ye shall not serue the kynge of Babylon, for they preache you lyes, 15 neyther haue I sente them, sayeth the Lorde: howebeit they are bolde, falsely to prophecye in my name, that I myghte the sooner dryue you oute, and that ye myghte peryshe wyth youre preachers. 16 I spake to the Pryestes also, and to all the people: Thus sayth the Lorde: Heare not the wordes of those Prophetes, that preache vnto you, and saye: Beholde, the vessels of the Lordes house shall shortly be brought hyther agayne from Babylon: For they prophecye lyes vnto you.

Jeremiah 29:8

8 For thus sayth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israell: Let not those prophetes and sothsayers that be amonge you dysceyue you: and beleue not youre owne dreames.

Micah 3:7

7 Then shall the vysyon seers be ashamed, and the suthsayers confounded: yee they shallbe fayne, all the packe of them, to stoppe their mouthes, for they haue not Gods worde.

Zechariah 10:2

2 For vayne is the answere of Idols. The sothsayers se lyes, & tel but vayn dreames: the comforthe that they geue, is nothinge worth. Therfore go they astraye lyke a flocke of shepe, & are troubled, because they haue no sheperde.

Malachi 3:5

5 I wil come and punish you, and I my selfe will be a swyf wytnes against the witches, agaynst the aduouterers, agaynste false swearers: yea, and agaynst those, that wrongeouslye kepe backe the hyrelinges dewtye: which vexe the widdowes and the fatherlesse and oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, sayeth the Lord of Hostes.

Acts 8:11

11 And hym they set much by: because that of long tyme he had mocked them with sorcery.

Revelation 9:21

21 Also they repented not of theyr murther, and of theyr sorcery, neyther of their fornicacion, neither of their thefte.

Revelation 18:23

23 and the voice of the brydegrome and of the bryde, shalbe hard no more in the, for thy marchauntes were the greate men of the earth. And wt thyne inchauntment were deceiued al nacions,

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearful and vnbeleuing, & the abhominable, & murtherers, & whoremongers, & sorcerers, & ydolaters, & al lyars shall haue their parte in the lake which burneth wt fyre & brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Revelation 22:15

15 For without shal be dogges & inchaunters, & whoremongers, and murtherers & Idolaters and whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasynges.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.