Jeremiah 18:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 yf that people (agaynst whom I haue this deuysed) conuerte from their wickednes: Immediatly, I repente of the plage, that I deuysed to brynge vpon them.

Exodus 32:12

12 wherfore shuld the Egyptians speake & say: For a mychefe dyd he brynge them out: euen for to slee them in the mountayns, and to consume them from the face of the earth. Turne from thy fearse wrath, and haue compassion ouer the wickednesse of thy people.

Deuteronomy 32:36

36 For the Lorde wyll do iustice vnto hys people, & haue compassion on hys seruauntes For it shalbe sene that theyr power shall fayle, & at the last they shalbe prisoned & forsaken.

Judges 2:18

18 And when the Lorde raysed them vp Iudges, he was wyth the Iudge, and delyuered them out of the handes of theyr enemyes al the dayes of the Iudge: for the Lorde had compassyon ouer theyr sorowynges whiche they had by the reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them:

Judges 10:15-16

15 But the chyldren of Israel sayde vnto the Lorde we haue synned: do thou vnto vs whatsoeuer please the, & delyuer vs onelye at thys tyme. 16 And they put awaye the straunge Goddes from them, and serued the Lorde. And the myserye of Israel greued hys soule.

1 Kings 8:33-34

33 When thy people Israel be put to the worsse before theyr enemyes, because they haue synned agaynste the & afterwarde turne agayne to the, & prayse thy name, & praye, and make supplicacion vnto the in thys house: 34 then heare thou vp to heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy people Israel, and brynge them agayne vnto the lande whiche thou gauest vnto theyr fathers.

2 Chronicles 12:6

6 Wherevpon the Lordes of Israel & the kyng humbled them selues and sayde: the Lorde is ryghteous.

Psalms 90:13

13 Turne the agayn (O Lorde) at the last, & be gracious vnto thy seruauntes.

Psalms 106:45

45 He thought vpon hys couenaunt, and pytyed them, accordyng vnto the multytude of hys mercyes.

Psalms 135:14

14 For the Lorde wil auenge his people, and be gracyous vnto hys seruauntes.

Isaiah 1:16-19

16 Washe you, make you cleane, put awaye youre euill thoughtes out of my sighte, cease from doynge of euyll and vyolence. 17 Lerne to do right, applye youre selues to equite, delyuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherlesse to hys ryght, let the wyddowes complaynte come before you. 18 Nowe go to (sayth the Lorde) we will talke together. Is it not so? Thoughe youre synnes be as reade as scarlet, shal they not be whyther then snowe? And though they were lyke purple, shall they not be lyke white wolle? 19 Is it not so? If ye be louynge and obedyent, ye shall enioye the best thynge that groweth in the lande.

Jeremiah 7:3-7

3 Thus saith the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel. Amend youre wayes and youre councels, and I wyll let you dwell in thys place. 4 Truste not in false lyenge wordes, sayenge: here is the temple of the Lorde, here is the temple of the Lorde, here is the temple of the Lorde. 5 For yf ye wyll amende youre wayes & councels, yf ye wyll iudge righte betwixte a man and hys neyghboure: 6 yf ye wyl not oppresse the straunger, the fatherles & the wyddowe: yf ye wyll not shede innocent bloud in this place: yf ye wyll not cleue to straunge goddes to youre owne destruccyon: 7 then wil I let you dwell in thys place, yea in the land that I gaue afore tyme vnto youre fathers for euer.

Jeremiah 15:6

6 seynge thou goest fro me, & turnest backwarde, sayeth the Lorde? Therfore I will stretch out myne hand agaynst the, to destroy the, and I wyll not be intreated.

Jeremiah 26:3

3 yf (peraduenture) they wyll herken, and turne euery man from hys wycked waye: that I maye also repente of the plage, whiche I haue determed to brynge vpon them, because of theyr wycked inuencyons.

Jeremiah 26:13

13 Therfore amende youre wayes, and your aduysementes, and be obedyente vnto the voyce of the Lorde youre God: so shall the Lorde repent of the plage, that he had deuysed against you.

Jeremiah 26:19

19 Dyd Ezekiah the kyng of Iuda, & the people of Iuda put him to death for this? No, verely but rather feared the Lord, & made their prayer vnto hym. For the whiche cause also the Lorde repented of the plage, that he had deuysed agaynst them. Shulde we then do suche a shamefull dede agaynst oure soules:

Jeremiah 36:3

3 That when the house of Iuda heareth of the plage whych I haue deuised for them, they may peraduenture turne, euery man from his wicked waye, that I maye forgeue their offences and synnes.

Jeremiah 42:10

10 Yf ye will dwell in this lande, I shall buylde you vp, and not breake you doune: I shall plante you, and not rote you out: for I am pacified, as concernynge the trouble that I haue done to you.

Ezekiel 18:21

21 But yf the vngodlye will turne away from all his synnes that he hath done, and kepe al my commaundementes, and do the thinge that is equall and ryght, doutles he shall lyue, and not dye.

Ezekiel 33:11

11 Tell them: As trulye as I lyue, sayeth the Lorde God, I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but moch rather that the wicked turne from his waye and lyue. Turne you, turne you from your vngodlye wayes, O ye of the house of Israell. Oh, wherfore wyll ye dye?

Ezekiel 33:13

13 If I saye vnto the ryghtuous, that he shall surelye lyue, and so he trust to his owne ryghtuousnesse, and do synne: then shall hys ryghtuousnesse be no more thought vpon, but in the wyckednesse that he hath done he shall dye.

Hosea 11:8

8 What greate thinges haue I geuen the, O Ephraim? how faythfully haue I defended the, O Israel? haue I dealt wt the as with Adama? or haue I entreated the lyke Seboim? No, my herte is otherwyse minded. Yea, my mercye is to feruent:

Joel 2:13-14

13 rente your hertes & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the Lorde youre God, for he is gracyons and mercyfull, longe sufferyng and of great compassyon, & ready to pardone wickednes. 14 Then (no doute) he also shall turne, & forgeue: and after hys chasteninge, he shall let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynckeofferinges vnto the Lorde youre God?

Amos 7:3-6

3 So the Lorde was gracyons therin, and the Lorde sayde: well, it shal not be. 4 Agayne the Lorde shewed me thys vysyon: beholde, the Lorde God called the fyre to punish withal, and it deuoured the greate depe: yea it consumed a parte already. 5 Then sayd I Lord God, holde thyne hande: for who shulde els helpe vp Iacob, that is brought so lowe? 6 So the Lorde was mercyfull therein, and the Lord God sayde: well, it shall not be.

Jonah 2:5-10

5 The waters compased me, euen to the very soule, the depe laye aboute me, and the wedes were wrapte aboute myne head. 6 I went downe to the botome af the hylles, and was barred in wyth earth for euer. But thou, O Lorde my God, haste brought vp my lyfe agayne out of corrupcyon. 7 When my soule faynted within me, I thought vpon the Lord: & my prayer came in vnto the, euen in to thy holy temple. 8 They that holde of vayue vanyties, will forsake hys mercy. 9 But I wyll do the sacryfyce wyth the voyce of thankesgeuynge, and wil paye that I haue vowed: for why? saluacion commeth of the Lorde. 10 And the Lorde spake vnto the fysh, and it cast out Ionas agayne vpon the drye lande.

Jonah 3:9-10

9 Who can tell? God maye turne, & repente & cease from his fearce wrath, that we perish not. 10 And when God sawe their workes, how they turned from their wicked wayes, he repented on the euell, whych he sayde he wolde do vnto them, and dyd it not.

Jonah 4:2

2 And he prayed vnto the Lord, & sayde: O Lord was not thys my sayinge (I praye the) when I was yet in my countre? therfore I hasted rather to fle vnto Tharsis, for I know well ynough that thou art a mercyfull God, full of compassion, long sufferyng, & of a great kyndnesse, & repentest when thou shuldest take punishment.

Luke 13:3-5

3 I tell you naye: but excepte ye repente, ye shall all lykewyse peryshe. 4 Or those .xviij. vpon whome the towre in Siloe fell, & slewe them, thinke ye that they were sinners aboue all men that dwell in Hierusalem? 5 I tell you naye: But excepte ye repente, ye shal al lykewyse peryshe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.