Isaiah 45:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 Thus sayeth the Lorde, euen the holy one & maker of Israel: Aske me of thynges for to come, concernynge my sonnes: and put me in remembraunce, as touchyng the worckes of my handes:

Genesis 32:26

26 And he said: let me goo, for the day breaketh. And he said: I wyll not lette the go, excepte thou blesse me.

Joshua 10:12

12 Then spake Iosua vnto the Lorde, the daye when the Lorde delyuered the Amorites before the chyldren of Israel, and he sayde in the sight of al Israel: Sunne stande thou still vpon Gabaon, & thou Mone, in the valeye of Aialon.

Judges 16:23

23 Then the Lordes of the Philistines gathered them together, for to offer a solempne offringe vnto Dagon their God, and to reioice: for they sayd, our God hath deliuered Samson oure enemie into oure handes.

Isaiah 19:25

25 and the Lorde of hostes shall blesse them, saying: Blessed is my people of the Egipcians, Assur is the worcke of my handes, but Israel is mine enheritaunce.

Isaiah 29:23

23 when he seyth amonge hys children (whome my handes haue made) suche as halowe my name amonge them: that they maye sanctyfye the holye one of Iacob, and feare the God of Israell:

Isaiah 43:3

3 For I am the Lorde thy God, the holy one of Israel, thy Sauyour. I gaue Egypte for thy delyueraunce, the Moryans, and the Sabees for the:

Isaiah 43:7

7 Namelye, all those that be called after my name: For them haue I created, fasshyoned, and made for myne honoure.

Isaiah 43:15

15 Euen I the Lorde youre holy one whiche haue made Israel, and am youre Kynge.

Isaiah 43:21

21 This people haue I made for my self, & they shall shewe forth my prayse.

Isaiah 48:17

17 And thus sayeth the Lord God thyne auenger, the holye one of Israell: I am the Lorde thy God, whiche teache the profitable thynges, & leade the the waye, that thou shuldest go.

Isaiah 60:21

21 Thy people shalbe all godly, and possesse the land for euer: the floure of my plantinge, the worcke of my handes, whereof I wyll reioyce.

Isaiah 64:8

8 But now O Lorde, thou father of oures: we are al the claye, and thou art our potter & we are al the worke of thy handes.

Jeremiah 3:19

19 I haue shewed also, howe I toke the vp beynge but a chylde, & gaue the a pleasaunt lande for thyne heretage, yea & a goodly Hoste of the heathen: & how I commaunded the, that thou shouldest cal me father only, & not to shrynck from me.

Jeremiah 31:1

1 At the same tyme (sayeth the Lorde) shall I be the God of all the generacions of Israel, and they shalbe my people.

Jeremiah 31:9

9 They departed from hence in heuynes, but wyth ioye wyll I brynge them hyther agayne. I wyl lede them by the ryuers of water in a straighte waye, where they shall not stomble: For I wyll be Israels father, and Ephraim shalbe my fyrstborne.

Jeremiah 33:3

3 thou hast cryed vnto me, and I haue hearde the: I haue shewed greate and hye thinges, whiche were vnknowen vnto you.

Ezekiel 36:37

37 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll yet ones be found agayne of the house of Israel & do this for them: I shall increase them as a flocke of men.

Ezekiel 39:7

7 I wyll make also the name of my holynesse to be knowne amonge my people of Israell: and I wyll not let my holy name be euell spoken of enymore: but the very Heathen also shal knowe, that I am the Lorde, the holye one of Israell

Daniel 2:18

18 that they shulde beseche the God of heauen for grace in thys secrete, that Daniel and hys felowes wyth other soch as were wyse in Babylon, peryshed not.

Daniel 9:2-3

2 yea euen in the fyrst yeare of his raygne, I Daniel desyred to knowe the yearly nombre oute of the bokes, whereof the Lorde spake vnto Ieremye the Prophete: that Ierusalem shoulde lye waste .lxx. yeares: 3 and I turned me vnto god the Lorde, for to praye and make myne intercession, with fastinge, sackcloth & ashes,

Daniel 9:24-27

24 .Lxx. weakes are determed ouer thy people, and ouer the holy citie: that the wickednesse maye be consumed, that the sinne maye haue an ende, that the offence may be reconcyled, and to bringe in euerlastinge righteousnesse, to fulfill the visions and the Prophetes, and to annoynte the most holy one. 25 Vnderstande this then, and marcke it well, that from the tyme it shalbe concluded, to go and repayre Ierusalem againe, vnto Christ (or the annointed) prince: there shalbe seuen weakes. Then shal the stretes and walles be buylded again .lxij. weakes, but wyth harde troublous time. 26 After these .lxii. weakes shall Christ be slaine and they shall haue no pleasure in hym. Then shall there come a people with the Prince, and destroye the cytie and the Sanctuarye: & his ende shall come as the water floude. But the desolacion shall continue till the ende of the battell. 27 He shall make a stronge bonde with many, for the space of a weke: and when the weke is halfe gone, he shall put doune the slayne and meateofferinge. And in the temple there shalbe an abhominable desolacion, till it haue destroyed all. And it is concluded, that thys wasting shall continue vnto the ende.

Hosea 1:10

10 And thoughe the nombre of the chyldren of Israel be as the sand of the sea, which can neyther be measured nor tolde: yet in the place where it is sayde vnto them, ye be not my people, euen there shal it be thus reported of them: they be the chyldren of the lyuynge God.

Hosea 12:4

4 He stroue with the Aungel, and gat the victorye, so that he praid and desyred hym. He founde him at Bethel, & there he talked with vs.

Mark 11:24

24 Therfore I saye vnto you, whatsoeuer ye desyre when ye praye, beleue that ye shall haue it, and it shall be done vnto you.

Romans 9:4-8

4 whiche are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenauntes, & the lawe that was geuen, & the seruice of God, & the promises: 5 whose also are the fathers & they of whom (as concerninge the flesh) Christe came, whiche is God ouer al thynges blessed for euer. Amen. 6 I speake not these thinges as though the wordes of God had taken none effect. For they are not al Israelites whiche came of Israell, 7 neither are they al chyldren strayght way, because they are the seede of Abraham. But in Isaac shall thy seede be called: 8 that is to saye, they whiche are the chyldren of the fleshe, are not the chyldren of God. But the chyldren of promise are counted the seede.

2 Corinthians 6:18

18 and wyll be a father vnto you, and ye shall be vnto me sonnes and doughters, sayth the Lorde almyghtye.

Galatians 3:26-29

26 For ye are al the sonnes of God, by the fayth whiche is in Christe Iesus. 27 For al ye that are baptysed, haue put on Christ. 28 Nowe is there no Iewe neyther gentyle, ther is neyther bonde nor free: there is neyther man nor woman, but ye are all one thyng in christ Iesu. 29 Yf ye be Christes, then are ye Abrahams seede and heyres by promes.

Ephesians 2:10

10 For we are his worckmanshyp created in Christe Iesus to good workes, vnto the, whyche God ordeined vs before, that we should walke in them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.