Hosea 2:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 Moreouer, I wil take awaye all her myrthe, her holye dayes, her newmones, her Sabbothes, and all her solempne feastes?

1 Kings 12:32

32 And Ieroboam made a feast the .xv. daye of the .viij. moneth like vnto the feast that was in Iuda, and offered on the aultare. And so dyd he in Bethell, to offer vnto the calues that he had made. And he put in Bethel the pryestes of the hyll aultares whiche he had made.

Isaiah 1:13-14

13 Offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but loste laboure. I abhorre youre incense. I maye not awaye with youre new moones, youre Sabbathes and solempne dayes. Youre fastinges are also in vayne. 14 I hate youre newe holye dayes and fastynges, euen from my very hert. They make me weerye, I can not abyde them.

Isaiah 24:7-11

7 The swete wyne shal mourne, the grapes shalbe weake, and al that haue bene mery in harte, shall sighe. 8 The myrth of tabrettes shalbe layde doune, the chere of the ioyfull shall cease & the pleasure of lutes shal haue an ende 9 there shal no more wyne be droncke wyth myrth, the beere shalbe bytter to them that dryncke it, 10 the wicked cytyes shalbe broken donne, al houses shalbe shut, that no man maye come in. 11 In the stretes shall there be lyft vp a crye because of wine, al mens chere shall vanyshe awaye & al ioye of the earth shal passe.

Jeremiah 7:34

34 And as for the voyce of myrth and gladnesse of the cytyes of Iuda, and Ierusalem the voyce of the brydegrome & of the bryde: I wil make them ceasse, for the lande shall be desolate.

Jeremiah 16:9

9 For thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israell: Beholde, I shall take awaye out of this place, the voyce of myrth and gladnesse, the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde: yee & that in youre dayes, that ye maye se it.

Jeremiah 25:10

10 Moreouer, I will take from them the voyce of gladnesse and solace, the voyce of the brydegrom & the bryde, the voyce of the anoynted, wyth the cresshettes:

Ezekiel 26:13

13 Thus will I bring the melody of thy songes, and the voyce of thy minstrelsy to an ende, so that they shall no more be hearde.

Hosea 3:4

4 Thus the children of Israell shall syt a great whyle without king and Prince, withoute offeringe and aulter, without prest and reuelacion.

Hosea 9:1-5

1 Do not thou tryumphe, O Israel, make no boastinge more then the Heathen, for thou hast committed aduoutrye againste thy God: straung rewardes hast thou loued more then al the corneflores. 2 Therfore shal they no more enioy the corneflores & winepresses, & their swete wine shall fayle them. 3 They will not dwell in the Lordes lande, but Ephraim turneth agayne into Egypte, and eateth vncleane thinges amonge the Assirians. 4 They poure oute no wyne for a drinckofferinge vnto the Lord, neyther geue they him their flain offeringes: but they be vnto them as mourners meates, wherin all they that eate them, are defyled. For the breade that they haue suche luste vnto, shall not come into the house of the Lorde. 5 What wyl ye do then in the solempne daies, and in the feaste of the Lorde?

Amos 5:21

21 I hate and abhorre youre holye dayes, & where as ye cense me when ye come together I wyll not accepte it:

Amos 8:3

3 In that daye shall the songes of the temple be turned in to sorowe, sayeth the Lorde God. Many deed bodyes shall lye in euery place, and be caste forth secretelye.

Amos 8:5

5 When wil the new moneth be gone, that we maye sell vytale, & the Sabboth, that we maye haue scarcenesse of corne: to make the busshell lesse, and the Sycle greater?

Amos 8:9-10

9 At the same tyme (sayeth the Lorde God) I shall cause the Sunne to go downe at none, and the land to be darcke in the cleare daye. 10 Youre hye feastes wyll I turne to sorowe, and youre songes to mournynge: I wyll bringe sack cloth vpon al backes, and baldnes vpon euery head: yee soch a mournynge wyll I sende them, as is made vpon an only begotten sonne, and they shall haue a miserable ende.

Nahum 1:10

10 For lyke as the thornes that sticke together, and as the drye strawe, so shall the dronckardes be consumed together, euen when they be full.

Revelation 18:22-23

22 And the voice of harpers, & musicions, and of pipers, & trompeters, shalbe hearde no more in the, and no craftes man, of whatsoeuer crafte he be, shalbe founde any more in the, & the sound of a myl, shalbe hard no more in the, 23 and the voice of the brydegrome and of the bryde, shalbe hard no more in the, for thy marchauntes were the greate men of the earth. And wt thyne inchauntment were deceiued al nacions,

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