11 We are al one mans sonnes, & meane truely, and thy seruauntes are no spies.
Genesis 42:11 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 42:19
19 If ye meane no hurte, let one of youre brethren be bounde in the preyson, and go ye and brynge the necessarie foode vnto youre housholdes,
Genesis 42:33-34
33 And the Lorde of the countre sayde vnto vs: here by shal I knowe yf ye meane truely: leaue one of youre brethren here with me, and take foode necessary for youre housholdes and get you away,
34 and brynge youre yongest brother vnto me. And thereby shall I knowe that ye are no spyes, but meane truely: So wyll I delyuer you youre brother agayn, and ye shal occupye in the lande.
John 7:18
18 He that speaketh of him selfe, seketh his owne prayse. But he that seketh his prayse that sent him, the same is true and no vnrightuousnes is in him.
2 Corinthians 6:4
4 but in al thynges let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God. In muche pacience, in afflictions, in necessitie, in anguishe,