Genesis 41:40 Cross References - Matthew

40 Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house, and acordyng to thy worde shall al my people obeye: only in the kynges seate wyll I be aboue the.

Genesis 39:4-6

4 Wherfore he founde grace in his masters syghte, and serued him. And hys mayster made hym ruelar of hys house, and put al that he had in hys hand. 5 And as soone as he had made him ruelar ouer his house & ouer al that he had, the Lorde blessed this Egyptians house for Ioseps sake, and the blessynge of the Lorde was vpon all that he had: both in the house & also in the feldes. 6 And therfore he left all that he had in Iosephs hande, & loked vpon nothing that was with him, saue only on the bread which he ate. And Ioseph was a goodly persone and a wel fauored.

Genesis 45:8-9

8 So nowe it was not ye that sent me hyther, but god: and he hath made me father vnto Pharao and Lorde ouer al his house, & rueler in all the lande of Egypte. 9 Hast you & goo to my father & tell hym, thys sayeth thy sonne Ioseph: God hath made me Lord ouer all Egypte. Come doune vnto me, and tarye not.

Genesis 45:26

26 Ioseph is yet a lyue and is gouerner ouer al the land of Egypte. And Iacobs hert wauered, for he beleued them not.

1 Samuel 10:1

1 And then Samuel toke a boxe of oyle, & poured it vpon his head & kissed him & sayd: the Lord hath annoynted the to be a captaine ouer his enheritaunce.

Job 31:27

27 Hath my hert medled priuely wt any disceyte? Or dyd I euer kisse mine owne hande?

Psalms 2:12

12 Kysse the sonne, lest the Lorde be angrye and so ye peryshe from the ryght way. For his wrath shalbe kindled shortly: blessed are all they that put their trust in hym.

Psalms 105:21-22

21 He made him Lorde of hys house, and ruler of all hys substaunce. 22 That he might enfourme his princes after hys wyl, & teach his Senatoures wisedom.

Proverbs 22:29

29 Seyst thou nat, that they whyche be diligent in ther busines stand before kinges and not among the simple people?

Daniel 2:46-48

46 Then the kynge Nabuchodonosor fell doune vpon hys face, and bowed hym self vnto Daniel, and commaunded that they shuld offre meate offerynges and swete odours vnto hym. 47 The kynge aunswered Daniel, and sayde: yea of a trueth your God is a GOD aboue all Goddes, a Lorde aboue all kynges and an opener of secretes: seynge thou canste dyscouer thys mysterye. 48 So the kynge made Daniel a greate man, and gaue hym many & greate gyftes. He made hym ruler of all the countrees of Babylon, and Lorde of all the nobles, that were at Babylon.

Daniel 5:29

29 Then commaunded Balthazar, to clothe Daniel wyth purple, to hange a cheyne of golde aboute hys necke, and to make a proclamacyon concerning him: that he shulde be the ruler of the thyrde parte of hys kyngedome.

Daniel 6:3

3 But Daniel exceaded al these Princes and Lordes, for the sprete of God was plenteous in him: so that the Kynge was mynded to set hym ouer the whole realme.

Acts 7:10

10 and deliuered him out of all his aduersities and gaue him fauoure and wysdome in the sight of Pharao kynge of Egypt, whiche made him gouerner ouer Egypte, and ouer al his houshold.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.