Genesis 30:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 When Rahel sawe that she bare Iacab no chyldren, she enuied hyr sister, and sayd vnto Iacob Geue me children, or els I am but dead.

Genesis 29:31

31 When the Lord sawe that Lea was despised he made hyr fruitful: but Rahel was baren.

Genesis 35:16-19

16 And they departed from Bethell, & when he was but a feld breath from Ephrath, Rahel began to trauel. And in trauelynge she was in perell. 17 And as she was in paynes of hyr laboure the mydwyfe sayed vnto hir: feare not, for thou shalt haue thys sonne also. 18 Then as hyr soule was a departynge, that she must die, she called his name BenOni. But his father called him BenIamyn. 19 And thus died Rahel & was buried in the way to Ephrath which nowe is called Bethlehem.

Genesis 37:11

11 And his brethren hated him, but his father noted the saying.

Numbers 11:15

15 Wherfore yf thou deale thus with me, kyl me, I pray the, If I haue found fauoure in thy syght and let me not se my wrechednesse.

Numbers 11:29

29 And Moses sayed vnto hym: enuyest thou for my sake? wold God that al the Lordes people coulde prophecye, & that the lord wolde put his spyrite vpon them.

1 Samuel 1:4-8

4 And it fel on a day as Elkanah had offered that he gaue to Phenennah his wife & to al her sonnes & doughters porcions. 5 But vnto Hannah he gaue a porcion with a heuye chere, for he loued her, neuerthelesse the Lorde had made her barren. 6 And therto her enemye Phenennah vexed her a good in castinge her in the thete, howe the Lorde had made her barren. 7 And so did she yere by yere as oft as she went vp to the house of the Lord. And so chafed her, wherfore Hannah wepte and ate not. 8 Then sayde Elkanah her husband to her: Hannah why wypeste thou? And why eatest thou not? & why is thyne herte so troubled? am not I better to the, then ten sonnes?

1 Kings 19:4

4 And he went a dayes iourney into the wildernesse, and when he was come sat doune vnder a Ginaper tree, and desyred for his soule, that he myght dye, and saide, it is nowe ynough O Lorde, take my soule, for I am no better then my fathers.

Job 3:1-3

1 After thys opened Iob hys mouth, and, cursed his day 2 and sayde: 3 loste be that daye, wherin I was borne: and the nyght, in that which it was sayde: there is a man chylde conceyued.

Job 3:11

11 Alas, why dyed I not in the byrth? Why dyd not I perysh, as sone as I came oute of my mothers wombe?

Job 3:20-22

20 Wherfore is the lyght geuen to hym that is in miserye? and lyfe vnto them, that haue heuy hertes? 21 Whyche longe for death, yf it come not: and search for it more then for treasure 22 which also would be exceding glad, & reioyce yf they found their graue.

Job 5:2

2 As for the folyshe man, displeasure kylleth hym, and anger slayeth the ignoraunt.

Job 13:19

19 What is he, that wyll go to lawe with me? For yf I holde my tonge, I shall dye.

Psalms 106:16

16 They angred Moyses in the tentes, & Aaron the saynct of the Lord.

Proverbs 14:30

30 A merye hert is the life of the bodye, but rancoure consumeth awaye the bones.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Agayn, I sawe that all trauayle and diligence of labour was hated of euery man. This is also a vayn thinge, and a vexacion of mynde.

Jeremiah 20:14-18

14 Cursed be the daye, wher in I was borne: vnhappye be the daye, wherin my mother brought me forth. 15 Cursed be the man, that brought my father the tydinges, to make hym glad, saying: thou hast gotten a sonne. 16 Lett it happen vnto that man, as to the cyties whiche the Lorde turned vp syde downe (when he had hearde longe the wicked rumoure of them) 17 because he slewe me not, as sone as I came out of my mothers wombe, & because my mother was not my graue her selfe, that the byrth mighte not haue come out, but remayned styl in her. 18 Wherfore came I forth of my mother wombe? To haue experience of all laboure & sorow? & to leade my lyfe wyth shame?

John 4:3

3 he lefte Iewry, & departed agayne into Galile.

John 4:8

8 For hys disciples were gone awaye vnto the town to bye meate.

1 Corinthians 3:3

3 As longe verelye as there is amonge you enuiynge, stryfe and dissencion: are ye not carnall, and walke after the maner of men?

2 Corinthians 7:10

10 For Godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluacyon, not to be repented of: when worldlye sorowe causeth death.

Galatians 5:21

21 enuiynge, murther, drounkennes, glottonye, and suche lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tymes past, that they whiche commytte suche thynges shall not enheryte the kingdome of God.

Titus 3:3

3 For we our selues also in tymes paste, vnwyse, dysobedient, deceyued, in daunger to lustes, and to dyuers maners of voluptuousnes, lyuyng in malycyousnes and enuye, ful of hate, hatyng one another.

James 3:14

14 But, yf ye haue bitter enuyinge and strife in youre hertes, reioyce not: neyther be lyars agaynste the trueth.

James 4:5

5 Eyther do ye thynke that the scrypture sayeth in vayne. The spyryte that dwelleth in you lusteth euen contrarye to enuye:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.