Genesis 2:24 Cross References - Matthew

24 For this cause shal a man leue father & mother, & cleue vnto hys wyfe, & they shal be one flesh.

Genesis 24:58-59

58 And they called forth Rebecca, and said vnto hyr: wilte thou go wyth this man? And she sayed: yea. 59 So they let Rebecca theyr syster go wyth hir nurse & Abrahams seruaunte, & the men that were wyth him.

Genesis 31:14-15

14 Then answered Rahell & Lea, & sayed vnto him: we haue no parte nor enheritaunce in oure fathers house, 15 he counteth vs euen vs straungers, for he hath solde vs, & hath euen eaten vp the price of vs.

Leviticus 22:12-13

12 If the preastes doughter be maryed vnto a straunger, she maye not eate of the halowed heue offringes. 13 Notwithstandyng yf the preastes daughter be a widowe or deuorsed & haue no chyld but is returned vnto her fathers house agayne, she shall eate of her fathers bread as well as she dyd in her youth. But there shall no straunger eate therof.

Deuteronomy 4:4

4 But ye that claue vnto the Lorde your God are alyue euery one of you this day.

Deuteronomy 10:20

20 Thou shalt feare thy Lord thy God & serue him, and cleaue vnto him, & sweare by his name,

Joshua 23:8

8 But that ye sticke fast vnto the Lorde youre God, as ye haue done vnto thys daye.

Psalms 45:10

10 Herken (O daughter) considre, & enclyne thyne eare: forget thyne owne people, & thy fathers house.

Proverbs 12:4

4 A stedfast woman is a croune vnto her husband: but she that behaueth her selfe vnhonestly is a corrupcion in hys bones.

Proverbs 31:10

10 Aleph. Who so fyndeth an honest faythfull woman, she is much more worth then pearles.

Malachi 2:14-16

14 And yet ye say: wherfore? Euen because that where as the Lorde made a couenaunt betwixt the & the wyfe of thy youth, thou hast despysed her: Yet is she thyne owne companion and maried wife. 15 So dyd not the one, and yet had he an excellente spirite. What dyd then the one? He sought the sede promised of God. Therfore loke well to your spirit, and let no man despise the wyfe of his youth. 16 Yf thou hatest her, put her awaye, sayeth the Lord God of Israel, & geue her a clothinge for the scorne, sayeth the Lord of hostes. Loke wel then to your spirit, & despise her not.

Matthew 19:3-9

3 Then came vnto him the Pharises, tempting him, & saying to hym: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wyfe for all maner of causes? 4 He aunswered and sayde vnto them: Haue ye not reade, howe that he whiche made man at the beginnyng, made them man and woman 5 and sayd: for this thynge, shall a man leaue father and mother & cleaue vnto his wyfe, & thei twayne but one flesh. 6 Wherefore now are they not twaine, but one fleshe. Let not man therefore put a sunder, that whiche God hath couppled together. 7 Then sayd they to him: why did Moyses commaund to geue a testimoniall of diuorcement, & to put her awaye? 8 He sayde vnto them: Moyses because of the hardnes of youre hertes suffred you to put away your wyfes: But from the beginning it was not so. 9 I say therfore vnto you, whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe, (except it he for fornicacion) & marieth another, breaketh wedloke. And whosoeuer maryeth her, which is diuorced, doth commit aduoutry.

Mark 10:6-12

6 But at the first creacion God made them man and woman. 7 And for this thinges seke shall man leaue his father and mother, & byde by hys wyfe, 8 and they twayne shall be one fleshe. So then are they nowe not twayne but one fleshe. 9 Therfore what God hath coupled, let not man separate: 10 And in the house hys discyples axed hym agayne of the matter. 11 And he sayed vnto them: Whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe and maryeth an other breaketh wedlocke to her ward 12 And yf a woman forsake her husbande & be maryed to an other she commytteth aduoutrye.

Acts 11:23

23 Which when he was come, and had sene the grace of God, was gladd, and exhorted them all that wyth purpose of hert they woulde continually cleaue vnto the Lorde.

Romans 7:2

2 For the woman whiche is in subiection to a man, is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he liueth. If the man be dead, she is lowsed from the lawe of the man.

1 Corinthians 6:16-17

16 Do ye not vnderstande, that he whiche coupleth him selfe with an harlot, is become one body? For two (sayth he) shalbe one flesh. 17 But he that is ioyned vnto the Lorde, is one spyryte.

1 Corinthians 7:2-4

2 Neuerthelesse to avoide fornication, let euery man haue his wyfe: and let euerye woman haue her husbande. 3 Let the man geue vnto the wyfe due beneuolence. Lykewyse also the wyfe vnto the man. 4 The wyfe hath not power ouer her owne bodie, but the husbande. And lykewyse the man hath not power ouer his owne bodye, but the wyfe.

1 Corinthians 7:10-11

10 Vnto the maryed commaunded not I but the Lorde: that the wyfe separate not her selfe from the man. 11 Yf she separate her selfe, let her remayne vnmaryed, or be reconcilied to her husband againe. And let not the husband put away his wife from him.

Ephesians 5:28-31

28 So ought men to loue theyr wyues, as their owne bodies. He that loueth hys wyfe, loueth him selfe. 29 For no man euer yet hated hys owne fleshe, but norisheth and cherisseth it euen as the Lorde doeth the congregation. 30 For we are members of his bodie, of his fleshe, and of hys bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother, and shall continue wyth hys wyfe, and two shalbe made one fleshe.

1 Timothy 5:14

14 I wyll therfore that the yonger women marye and beare children, and guyde the house and geue none occasyon to the aduersarye to speake euyll.

1 Peter 3:1-7

1 Lykewyse let the wyues be in subiectyon to theyr husbandes, that euen they which beleue not the worde, maye wythoute the worde be wonne by the conuersation of the wiues: 2 whyle they beholde your pure conuersacion coupled wyth feare. 3 Whose apparell shall not be outewarde wyth broyeded heare, and hangynge on of golde, other in puttynge on of gorgyous apparell: 4 but let the hyd man of the harte be vncorrupte with a meke and a quyete spyryte, whiche spyryte is before God a thynge muche set by. 5 For after thys maner in the olde tyme dyd the holye women whiche trusted in God, tyer them selues, and were obedyente to theyr husbandes 6 euen as Sara obeyed Abraham, and called hym Lorde: whose doughters ye are as longe as ye do well, and be not afrayde of euerye shadowe. 7 Lykewyse ye men dwell wyth them accordynge to knoweledge, geuynge honoure vnto the wyfe, as vnto the weaker vessell, and as vnto them that are heyres also of the grace of lyfe, that youre prayers be not let.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.