Genesis 17:21 Cross References - Matthew

21 But my bond wyl I make with Isaac, whych Sara shal bere vnto the: euen this tyme twelue moneth.

Genesis 18:10

10 And he sayde: I wyll come agayne vnto the as sone as the frute can lyue. And loo: Sara thy wife shall haue a sonne. That hearde Sara, oute of the tent doore whyche was behynde hys backe.

Genesis 21:2-3

2 And Sara was with chyld and bare Abraham a sonne in hys olde age euen the same season which the Lord had appoynted. 3 And Abraham called hys sonnes name that was borne vnto hym which Sara bare hym Isaac,

Genesis 21:10-12

10 Then she sayde vnto Abraham: put away this bondemaide & her sonne: for the sonne of this bondwoman shall not be heyre with my sonne Isaac: 11 But the wordes semed verey greauous in Abrahams syghte, because of his sonne. 12 Than the Lord sayd vnto Abraham: let it not be greauous vnto the, because of the ladd and of thy bondmayde: But in all that Sara hath sayde vnto the, heare her voyce, for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

Genesis 26:2-5

2 Then the Lord appeared vnto hym and sayed: Go not downe into Egypte but hyde in the lande whych I say vnto the: 3 soiourne in thys lande, and I wyll be wyth the, and wyll blesse the: for vnto the, and vnto thy seed, I wil giue al these contryes. And I wyl perfourme the oth which I sware vnto Abraham thy father, 4 & wyl multiply thy sede as the stars of heauen, & will gyue vnto thy sede al these contries. And thorow thi sede shal all the nacions of the earth be blessed, 5 because that Abraham herkened vnto my voyce, & kepe myne ordinaunces, commaundementes, statutes and lawes.

Genesis 46:1

1 Israel toke his iourney wt all the he had, & came vnto Berseba and offred offrynges vnto the God of hys father Isaac.

Genesis 48:15

15 And he blessed Ioseph saying: God before whome my fathers Abraham and Isaac dyd walke, and the god whyche had fedde me all my lyfe longe vnto thys day,

Exodus 2:24

24 And their complaint came vp vnto God from the labour. And God remembred hys promise wyth Abraham, Isaac, & Iacob.

Exodus 3:6

6 And he sayed: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. And Moses hyd hys face for he was afrayed to loke vpon God.

Job 14:13

13 O that thou woldest kepe me, and hyde me in the hell, vntyll thy wrath were stylled: and to appoynte me a tyme, wherin thou myghtest remembre me.

Luke 1:55

55 Euen as he promysed to our fathers Abraham and to his sede for euer.

Luke 1:72

72 To fulfyll the mercy promysed to oure fathers, and to remember his holye couenaunt.

Acts 1:7

7 And he sayed vnto them: It is not for you to know the tymes or the seasons which the father hath put in hys owne power

Romans 9:5-6

5 whose also are the fathers & they of whom (as concerninge the flesh) Christe came, whiche is God ouer al thynges blessed for euer. Amen. 6 I speake not these thinges as though the wordes of God had taken none effect. For they are not al Israelites whiche came of Israell,

Romans 9:9

9 For this is a worde of promyse, aboute this tyme wyll I come, and Sara shall haue a sonne.

Galatians 3:29

29 Yf ye be Christes, then are ye Abrahams seede and heyres by promes.

Hebrews 11:9

9 By fayth he remoued into the lande that was promysed hym, as into a straunge countreye, and dwelte in tabernacles: and so dyd Isaac and Iacob, heyres wyth hym of the same promes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.