Ezra 2:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 These are the children of the land that went vp oute of the captyuite (whom Nabuchodonozor the kynge of Babylon had caryed awaye vnto Babilon) and came again vnto Ierusalem and into Iuda, euery one vnto hys cyty,

2 Kings 24:14-16

14 And he caried awaye all Ierusalem, and all the Lordes, and all the men of myghte, to the nombre of ten thousande into captyuyte, and all craftes men and Ioyners, none remaynynge saue the poore people of the lande. 15 And he caryed awaie Iehoacin to Babilon, and the kynges mother, and the kynges wyues, & hys chambrelaynes, and the mightye of the lande caryed he awaye from Ierusalem to Babilon. 16 And al the men of actiuite to the nombre of seuen thousande, & craftesmen and ioyners a thousand, all stronge & apte for warre,

2 Kings 25:11

11 And the rest of the people that were lefte in the cytie, and them that were fled to the kynge of Babilon, & the remnaunt of the comen people, Nabusaradan the chefe Marshal caryed awaye,

2 Chronicles 36:1-23

1 And the people of the land toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosiah & made hym kynge for hys father in Ierusalem. 2 And Iehoahaz was .xxiij. yeare olde, when he began to raigne, & he raygned thre monethes in Ierusalem. 3 For the kynge of Egypte put him doune at Ierusalem and merced the lande in an hundred talentes of syluer and a talent of gold. 4 And the kyng of Egypt made Eliakim his brother kyng vpon Iuda & Ierusalem, and turned hys name vnto Iehoakim, but Iehoaha; his brother Necho toke & caried hym to Egypte. 5 And Iehoakim was .xxv. yeare olde when he began to raigne, & he raigned a .xi. yeare in Ierusalem: & he dyd that displeased the Lorde his God. 6 Againste hym came Nabuchodonozor kynge of Babilon & bounde him in fetters to carye him to Babilon. 7 Therto the kynge Nabuchodonozor caried the vessels of the house of the Lord to Babilon and put them in hys temple at Babilon. 8 The rest of the actes of Iehoakim & hys Abhominacions, & that was layde to his charge are wrytten in the boke of the Kinges of Israel: and Iehoacin hys sonne raigned in hys steade. 9 Iehoacin was .viij. yeare olde when he beganne to raygne, and he raygned thre monethes and ten dayes in Ierusalem: and dyd that displeased the Lord. 10 And when the yere was out, kynge Nabuchodonozor sent & fet him to Babilon with the goodlye vessels of the house of the Lord, & made Zebekiah his brother kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem. 11 And Zedekiah was .xxi. yere olde when he beganne to raigne, & raigned a .xi. yere in Ierusalem. 12 And he dyd that displeased the Lord his God, & humbled not him selfe before Ieremiah the prophete at the mouth of the Lorde. 13 And therto he rebelled agaynst Nabuchodonozor which had receyued on othe of hym by God, & was to styfenecked & to harde herted to turne vnto the Lord God of Israel. 14 Therto all the rulers of the preastes with the people trespaced a pace after all maner of abhomynacyons of the hethen & poluted the house of the Lorde which he had halowed in Ierusalem. 15 And the Lord God of theyr fathers sent to them by his messengers, sendynge them be tymes: for he had compassyon on hys people & on his dwellynge place. 16 But they mocked the messengers of God & despised theyr wordes & mysse vsed his prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord so arose agaynst hys people that it was past remeadie. 17 And so he brought vpon them the kyng of Caldeye & slue theyr young men with the swerde in theyr holy temple, & nether spared younge man nor mayden, nether olde man, nether so moche as hym that stowped for age: But gaue all into his hande. 18 And all the vessels of the house of God bothe great and smalle, & the treasures of the house of God, & the treasures of the kynge & hys Lordes he caryed to Babilon euery with. 19 And they burnt the house of God and brake downe the walles of Ierusalem, and burnt all the palaces therof with fyre with all the goodly stoffe therof, and marred it. 20 And he caryed awaye them that had escaped the swerde, to Babilon, where they were seruauntes to him and his chyldren, vntill the kyngdome of Persia beganne to rule, 21 to fullfyll the worde of the Lorde by the mouthe of Ieremiah, vntyll the lande had her pleasure of her Sabothes: for as longe as she laye desolate, she kepte Saboth vntyll she had fullfylled .lxx. yeres. 22 And the fyrst yere of Cyrus kynge of Persia to fynishe the worde of the Lorde by the mouth of Ieremiah, the Lorde stered vp the spirite of Cyrus kyng of Persia that he made a proclamacion thorouout all his kyngdom, and therto sett it vp in wrytynge, sayinge. 23 Thus sayth Cyrus kynge of Persia, all the kyngdomes of the earthe hath the Lorde God of heauen geuen me, whiche hath charged me to buylde hym an house in Ierusalem that is in the lande of Iuda. Wherfore whosoeuer is amonge you of all his people, the Lord his God be with hym, & let hym go vp.

Ezra 5:8

8 Be it knowne vnto the kynge, that we came into Iewri to the house of the great God, whyche is buylded with rouge stone, and beames are layed in the walles, and the worcke goeth fast forth and prospered in their handes.

Ezra 6:2

2 So at Egbathanis in a castel that lieth in the lande of the Medes, there was founde a boke, and in it was there an acte wrytten after this maner:

Nehemiah 7:6-73

6 and founde wrytten therein: these are the sonnes of the lande, that wente vp from the captyuyte of the cariynge awaye (whome Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon had broughte awaye) and came agayne to Ierusalem and Iuda, euery one vnto his citi 7 which came with Zorobabel: Iesua, Nehemiah, Asariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, mardochee Belsan, Mesparath, Beguai, Nahum & Baanah. This is the nombre of the men of the people of Israel. 8 The chyldren of Pharos were two thousande, an hundred & two & seuentye: 9 the chyldren of Saphatiah, thre hundred & two & seuentye: 10 the chyldren of Arah, syxe hundred & two and fyfty: 11 the children of Pahath Moab amonge the chyldren of Iesua and Ioab, two thousande, eyght hundred, & eighten: 12 the children of Elam, a thousande, two hundred & foure & fyftye: 13 the children of Zathua, eight hundred & fyue & fortye, 14 the chyldren of Zachai seuen hundred & thre skore: 15 the children of Banu sixe hundred and eyght & fortie: 16 the chyldren of Bebai, sixe hundred and eyght & twentye: 17 the chyldren of Asgad, two thousande .iij. hundred & two and twentye: 18 the children of Adonicam, sixe hundred & seuen & thre skore: 19 the chyldren of Begoai, two thousande, & seuen & thre skore: 20 the chyldren of Adin, sixe hundred and fyue and fyftye: 21 the children of Ater of Hezekiah, eyght and nyentye. 22 The chyldren of Hasom, thre hundred and eyghte & twentye: 23 the chyldren of Bezai, thre hundred and foure & twentye: 24 the chyldren of Hariph, an hundred and twelue: 25 the chyldren of Gabaon, fyue & nyentye: 26 the men of Bethlehem & Nethophah, an hundred and eyght & foure skore: 27 the men of Anathoth, an hundred & eyght and twenty: 28 the men of Beth Asmoth two and fortye: 29 the men of Kariath Iarim, Cephirah & Beeroth, seuen hundred & thre and fortye: 30 the men of Ramah and Gaba, sixe hundred & one and twenty: 31 the men of Machmas an hundred and two and twentye: 32 the men of Bethel and Ai, an hundred and thre and twentye: 33 the men of Nebo, an hundred and two & fyftye: 34 the chyldren of the other Elam, a thousande, two hundred and foure & fyftye: 35 the chyldren of Harim, thre hundred and twenty: 36 the chyldren of Iericho: thre hundred and fyue & forty: 37 the chyldren of Lodhadid and Ono, seuen hundred and one and twentye: 38 the chyldren of Senaah, thre thousande, nyne hundred and thyrtye. 39 The priestes. The chyldren of Iadaiah of the house of Iesua, nyne hundred and thre and seuentye: 40 the chyldren of Emer, a thousande and two and fyftye: 41 the chyldren of Pashur, a thousand, two hundred and seuen and forty: 42 the chyldren of Harim, a thousande and seuentene. 43 The Leuytes. The chyldren of Iesua of Cadmiel amonge the chyldren of Hoduah, foure and seuenty. 44 The syngers. The chyldren of Asaph, an hundred and eyghte and fortye. 45 The porters: The chyldren of Selum, the chyldren of Ater, the chyldren of Thalmon, the chyldren of Acub, the chyldren of Hatita, the chyldren of Sobai, all together an hundred & eyght and thyrtye. 46 The Nethinims. The chyldren of Ziha, the chyldren of Hasupha, the chyldren of Tebahoth, 47 the chyldren of Ceros, the chyldren of Sia, the chyldren of Phadon, 48 the chyldren of Lebanah the chyldren of Hagaba, the chyldren of Salmai, 49 the chyldren of Hanan the children of Gidel, the children of Gaher, 50 the chyldren of Raaia, the chyldren of Razin, the chyldren of Necoda, 51 the chyldren of Gesem, the chyldren of Vsa, the chyldren of Phaseah, 52 the chyldren of Besai, the chyldren of Meunim, the chyldren of Nephusasim, 53 the chyldren of Bachuc, the chyldren of Hacupha, the chyldren of Harhur, 54 the chyldren of Bazlith, the chyldren of Mahida, the chyldren of Harsa, 55 the children of Bercos, the chyldren of Sissera, the chyldren of Thamah, 56 the chyldren of Neziah, the chyldren of Hatipha. 57 The chyldren of Salomons seruauntes: The chyldren of Sotai, the chyldren of Sophereth, the chyldren of Pherida, 58 the chyldren of Iaala, the chyldren of Darcon, the children of Gydel, 59 the chyldren of Saphatiah, the children of Hatill, the chyldren of Pochereth of Zabaim, the chyldren of Amon. 60 All the Nethinims and the chyldren of Salomons seruauntes, were thre hundred and two and nynetye. 61 And these wente vp also of Thel Mela, Thel Harsa, Cherub, Adon & Emer: but they coulde not shewe theyr fathers house nor theyr sede, whether they were of Israel. 62 The chyldren of Dalaiah, the children of Tobiah, and the chyldren of Necoda, sixe hundred and two and fortye. 63 And of the priestes the children of Habaiah: the chyldren of Hacos, the chyldren of Bersilai, which toke one of the doughters of Bersilai the Galaadite to wyfe, and was named after theyr name. 64 These soughte the regyster of theyr generacion, & when they founde it not, they were put from the priestehode. 65 And Hathirsatha sayde vnto them, that they shulde not eate of the mooste holye, tyll there came vp a Prieste with the lyghte and perfectnesse. 66 The whole congregacyon as one man was two and fortye thousande, thre hundred, and thre skore: 67 besyde theyr seruauntes and maydens, of whome there were seuen thousande, thre hundred and seuen and thyrtye. And they had two hundred and seuen and fortye syngynge men and wemen, 68 seuen hundred and syxe and thyrtye horses, two hundred & fyue and fortye Mules, foure hundred and fyue and thyrty 69 Camels: syxe thousande, seuen hundred and twentye asses. 70 And certayne of the auncyent fathers gaue vnto the worcke. Hathirsatha gaue to the treasure a thousande drammes, fyfty basens, fyue hundred and thyrtye Priestes garmentes. 71 And some of the chefe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worcke, twentye thousande drammes, two thousande and two hundred pounde of syluer. 72 And the other people gaue twentye thousande drammes, and two thousande pounde of syluer, & seuen and thre skore prestes garmentes. 73 And the prestes and Leuites, the Porters, the syngers, and the other of the people, and the Nethinims, and all Israel dwelt in theyr cytyes. Nowe when the seuen moneth drue nye, and the chyldren of Israel were in theyr cytyes,

Esther 1:1

1 In the tyme of Ahasuerus which raygned from Iudia vnto Ethiophia ouer an hundred & seuen and twentye landes,

Esther 1:3

3 in the thyrde yeare of hys raygne, he made a feaste vnto all his princes and seruauntes, namely vnto the myghty men of Persia and Media, to the captaynes and rulers of hys countrey

Esther 1:8

8 And no man was appoynted what he should drynke: for the kinge hath commaunded all the officers of his house, that euery one should do as it liked him.

Esther 1:11

11 to fetche the quene Vasthi, wt the crowne regal, that he myght shewe the people and princes her fairnesse: for she was bewtiful.

Esther 8:9

9 Then were the kinges scribes called at the same tyme in the thirde moneth, that is the moneth Siuan, on the thre and twentyeth daye. And it was wrytten, as Mardocheus commaunded vnto the Iewes and to the princes, to the debities and captaynes in the landes from India vntil Ethiopia, namely an hundred & seuen & twenty landes, vnto euery one according to the wryttyng therof, vnto euery people after their speche, and to the Iewes accordyng to their wryttynge and language.

Jeremiah 39:1-18

1 Now when the citie of Ierusalem was taken (for in the .ix. year of Zedekiah kinge of Iuda in the tenth Moneth, came Nabuchodonozor the Kinge of Babilon, and all his Hoste, and beseged Ierusalem. 2 And in the .xi. year of Zedekiah, in the fourth Moneth, the .ix. day of the Moneth, he brake into the citie). 3 Then al the Princes of the king of Babilon came in, and sat them doune vnder the porte: Neregel, Sarezer, Samegarnabo, Sarsachim, Rabsaris, Neregel, Sarezer, Rabmah, with all the other princes of the king of Babilon. 4 And when Zedekiah the king of Iuda wt his soudiars saw them, they fled, and departed out of the citie by night thorow the kinges garden, & thorow the porte that is betwene the two walles, and so they went towarde the wildernesse. 5 But the Caldees Hoste folowed faste after them, and toke Zedekiah in the felde of Iericho, and brought him presoner to Nabuchodonozor the kinge of Babilon vnto Reblath, that lyeth in the lande of Hemath, where he gaue iudgement vpon him. 6 So the king of Babilon caused the children of Zedekiah and all the nobles of Iuda be slayne, before hys face at Reblath. 7 And made Zedekiahs eyes to be put out, and bounde him with chaynes and sent him to Babilon. 8 Moreouer, the Caldees brent vp the kinges palace, with the other houses of the people, and brake doune the walles of Ierusalem. 9 As for the remnaunt of the people that were in the citie, and suche as were come to helpe them (whatsoeuer was left of the comen sort) Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne caried them to Babilon. 10 But Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne, let the rascal people (and those that had nothinge) dwel still in the lande of Iuda, and gaue them vineyardes and corne feldes at the same tym 11 Nabuchodonosor also the king of Babilon gaue Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne a charge, concernyng Ieremy, saying: 12 take & cherysh him, and make muche of him: se thou do him no harme, but intreate him after his owne desyre. 13 So Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne, Nabusasban the chefe chamberlayne, Nergalsarezer the treasurer, and all the kinge of Babilons Lordes, sent for Ieremy, 14 and caused him be set out of the fore entrye of the preson, and committed him vnto Godoliah the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Saphan: that he should carie him home, & so he dwelt among the people. 15 Nowe whyle Ieremy laye yet bounde in the fore entrie of the preson, the worde of the Lord came vnto him, sayinge: 16 Go and tell Abedmelech the Morian: Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the, God of Israel: Beholde the cruell and sharpe plage that I haue deuysed for this citie, will I brynge vpon them, that thou shalt se it: 17 but I will delyuer the, (sayeth the Lorde) and thou shalt not come in the handes of those men, whom thou fearest. 18 For doutles I wyl saue the, so that thou shalte not peryshe with the swerde, but thy lyfe shalbe saued, and that because thou haste put thy trust in me, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 52:1-34

1 Zedekiah was .xxi. yeare olde, when he was made kynge, & he raigned .xi. yeare in Ierusalem. His mothers name was Hamistal, Ieremies daughter of Lobnah. 2 He liued wickedly before the Lorde euen as Iehoakim dyd. 3 Wherfore the Lorde was angrie at Ierusalem and Iuda, so longe tyll he had cast them out of his presence. And Zedekiah fell from the kynge of Babylon. 4 But in the .ix. yeare of his raygne, In the tenth Moneth, the tenth daye of the Moneth it happened, that Nabuchodonozor the Kynge of Babylon wyth all hys Hoste came before Ierusalem, and beseged it, and made them bulworckes rounde aboute it. 5 And this beseging of the cytye endured vnto the .xi. yeare of kyng Zedekiah. 6 And in the fourth Moneth, the .ix. daye of the Moneth, there was so greate honger in the cytye, that there were no more vytayles for the people of the lande. 7 So all the soudyers brake awaye, & fled out of the cytie by myght thorow the waye of the porte betwene the two walles by the kynges garden. Now the Caldees had compassed the cytie rounde aboute, yet wente these men their waye to warde the wyldernesse. 8 And so the Caldees folowed vpon them, & toke Zedekiah the kynge in the felde of Ierycho, when his hoost was runne from him. 9 So they caryed the kynge awaye presoner to Reblath, vnto the kynge of Babylon in the lande of Hemath, where he gaue iudgement vpon hym. 10 The kynge of Babylon also caused Zedekiahs sonnes to be slayne before his face, yee & put all the princes of Iuda to death at Reblath. 11 Moreouer he put out the eyes of Zedekiah, caused hym to be bounde with chynes, to be caried vnto Babylon: and lett hym lye in preson, tyll he dyed. 12 Now the tenth daye of the fyfth Moneth in the .ix. yeare of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babylon, Nabusaradan the chefe captayne & the kynge of Babylons seruantes came vnto Ierusalem, 13 & brent vp the house of the Lorde. He brent vp also the kynges palaces, all the houses & all the gorgeous buildinges in Ierusalem. 14 And the whole Hoost of the Caldees that were with the chefe Captayne, brake downe all the walles of Ierusalem rounde aboute. 15 As for the poore people and soch folcke as yet was left in the cytie, which also were fallen to the Kynge of Babylon, yee and what people as yet remayned: Nabuzaradan the chefe Captayne caryed them awaye presoners. 16 But the poore people of the countre, dyd Nabuzaradan the chefe Captayne leaue in the lande, to occupye the vyneyardes & feldes. 17 The Caldees also brake the brasen pylers that were in the house of the Lorde, yee the seate & the brasen lauer that was in the house of the Lorde and caryed all the metall of them vnto Babylon. 18 They toke awaye also the Cauldrons, shouels, fleshe hokes, sprynklers, spones, and all the brasen vessell that was occupyed in the seruyce: 19 with the basens, colepannes, sprynklers, pottes, candelstyckes, spones and cuppes: wherof some were of golde, and some of syluer. 20 The chefe Captaynes toke also the two pylers, the lauer the .xij. brasen bullockes that stode vnder the seate, which Kyng Salomon made in the house of the Lord: & all the vessel conteyned so moch metall, that it myght not be weyed. 21 For euery piler was .xviij. cubytes hye, & the rope that wente aboute it, was .xij. cubytes, and foure fyngers thycke & rounde: 22 Now vpon the rope were brasen knoppes, & euerye knoppe was fyue cubytes hye: & vpon the knoppes weere whopes, & pomgranates rounde about of cleane brasse. 23 After thys maner were both the pylers fashyoned wyth the pomgranates, wherof there were an hundreth & .xcvi. which hanged vpon the whoopes rounde aboute. 24 The chefe Captayne also toke Sariah the hye preste, & Sophoniah that was chefe next hym, & the thre kepers of the treasury. 25 He toke out the cytie a chamberlayne whyche was a captayne of the souldyers, and seuen men that were the kynges seruauntes, whiche were founde in the cytie: and Sepher a captayne that vsed to muster the men of warre: with .lx. men of the countre that were taken in the cytie. 26 These Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne toke, and caried them to the kyng of Babylon vnto Reblath: 27 and the Kynge of Babylon caused them to be put to death at Reblath in the lande of Hemath. And thus Iuda was ledde awaye captyue, out of hys owne lande. 28 Thys is the summe of the people, whom Nabuchodonosor ledde awaye captyue. In the seuenth yeare of hys reygne, he caried awaye of the Iewes, thre thousand and thre and twenty. 29 In the .xviij. yeare. Nabuchodonosor caryed awaye from Ierusalem eight hundreth and .xxxij. personnes. 30 In the .xxiij. yeare of Nabuchodonosor Nabuzaradan the chefe Captayne, toke awaye seuen hundreth .xlv. Iewes presoners. The whole summe of all the presoners, is foure thousand and syxe hundreth. 31 In the .xxxvij. yeare after that Iehoacin the kynge of Iuda was caryed awaye in the .xxv. daye of the .xij. Moneth, Euilmerodach Kynge of Babylon (the same yeare that he reigned) gaue Iehoacin the kyng of Iuda his pardon, and let him out of preson, 32 and spake louyngly to hym. And set his trone aboue the trones of the other Kynges that were wyth hym in Babylon. 33 He chaunged also the clothes of his preson, yee and he ate with him al hys lyfe longe. 34 And he had a contynuall lyuynge geuen hym of the Kynge of Babylon, euery daye a certayne thynge alowed hym all the dayes of hys lyfe, vntyll he dyed.

Lamentations 1:3

3 Gymel. Iuda is taken presoner, because she was defiled: and for seruynge so manye straunge goddes, she dwelleth now amonge the Heythen. She fyndeth no rest, all they that persecuted her, toke her, & so she dwelleth amonge her enemyes.

Lamentations 1:5

5 He. Her enemyes are fallen vpon her head, & haue put her to shame: because the Lord hath chastened her for her greate wickednes: her children are ledde awaye captiue before their enemye.

Lamentations 4:22

22 Thau. Thy sinne is well punished (O thou daughter Sion) he shall not suffre the to be caryed awaye eny more. But thy wyckednesse (O daughter Edom) shall he vyset, and for thy synnes sake, he shall lede the in to captiuite.

Zephaniah 2:7

7 yea it shalbe a porcyon for suche as remayne of the house of Iuda, to fede there vpon. In the houses of Ascalon shall they reste towarde nyght: for the Lorde theyr God shal vpset them, & turne awaye theyr captyuyte.

Acts 23:34

34 When the debitie had redde the letter, he axed of what countreye he was: and when he vnderstode that he was of Cicill,

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